:[syntax] : vars arg1 arg ...SRFI-42: First the expressions arg1 arg ... are evaluated into a[1] a[2] ... a[n] and then a global dispatch procedure is used to dispatch on the number and types of the arguments and run the resulting generator. Initially (after loading the SRFI), the following cases are recognized:
The current dispatcher can be retrieved as (:-dispatch-ref), a new dispatcher d can be installed by (:-dispatch-set! d) yielding an unspecified result, and a copy of the initial dispatcher can be obtained as (make-initial-:-dispatch). Please refer to the section below for recommendation how to add cases to the dispatcher. | About This SiteHome Alphabetical Indexa b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z other ConceptsConcept:CaseSensitivity Concept:DocumentationFormat Concept:ExtendedLambdaList Concept:FileSystem Concept:FindAndAnyInCollection Concept:ForeignInterface Concept:HashTable Concept:Module Concept:Networking Concept:ObjectSystem Concept:Process Concept:RegularExpression Concept:UserGroup Implementations
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