yamasushi(2013/04/15 13:29:11 UTC)interactive/info.scmをもとに、infoファイルにアクセスするライブラリを作っています。
- yamasushi(2013/04/16 10:34:39 UTC)メモ化をつかわずに、instance-poolを使うようにしました。
;;; gaucheのinfoにアクセスする。 ;;; interactive/info.scmを改造した。 ;;; もとになったblog ;;; Gaucheのinfo関数の表示を日本語にするには - 再帰の反復 ;;; ;;; interactive/info.scm - online helper ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Shiro Kawai <> ;;; ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; ;;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; ;;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;;; ;;; 3. Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors ;;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ;;; software without specific prior written permission. ;;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;;; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ;;; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;;; TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;; ; TODO gaucheマニュアル以外のinfoで使えるかどうか試す ; TODO INFOファイルの木を歩いて列挙していく処理 (define-module (use srfi-1) (use gauche.dictionary) (use gauche.collection) ;(use gauche.lazy) ;(use gauche.generator) (use util.match) (use gauche.mop.instance-pool) ;; (use ;; (use komono-combinator) ;(use pretty-print) ;(use komono-dict) (export <info-index-node> <cached-info-file> get-index-node grep-node ) ) (select-module ;---------------------------------------- ; <info-file> ; 等価判定を付加する。 (define-method object-equal? ( (obj1 <info-file> ) (obj2 <info-file>) ) (string=? (~ obj1 'path) (~ obj2 'path) ) ) ; hashを定義する (define-method object-hash ((a <info-file>)) (hash (~ a 'path) ) ) ; refを定義する ; node-name ---> node or #f (define-method ref ((obj <info-file>) (key <string>)) (info-get-node obj key)) (define-method write-object((obj <info-file>) port) (format port "<info-file :path ~a>" (~ obj 'path) ) ) ;---------------------------------------- ; <cahced-info-file> (define-class <cached-info-file> (<instance-pool-mixin>) [ (name :init-keyword :name) (file :init-keyword :file) (key-converter-table :init-value #f )] ) (define-method object-equal? ( (obj1 <cached-info-file> ) (obj2 <cached-info-file>) ) (string=? (~ obj1 'file 'path) (~ obj2 'file 'path) ) ) ; hashを定義する (define-method object-hash ((a <cached-info-file>)) (hash (~ a 'file 'path) ) ) (define-method info-get-node ((obj <cached-info-file>) nodename ) (info-get-node (~ obj 'file) nodename ) ) ; refを定義する ; node-name ---> node or #f (define-method ref ((obj <cached-info-file>) (key <string>)) ;#?=key (if-let1 kc (and-let* [ [ key-converter-table (~ obj 'key-converter-table) ] ] (dict-get key-converter-table key #f ) ) (get-index-node obj key kc ) (~ obj 'file key) ) ) (define-method write-object((obj <cached-info-file>) port) (format port "<cached-info-file :name ~a :file ~a>" (~ obj 'name) (~ obj 'file) ) ) ;---------------------------------------- ; <info-node> ; 等価判定を付加する。 (define-method object-equal? ( (obj1 <info-node> ) (obj2 <info-node>) ) (and (equal? (~ obj1 'file) (~ obj2 'file)) (equal? (~ obj1 'name) (~ obj2 'name)) ) ) ; hashを定義する (define-method object-hash ((a <info-node>)) (hash (list (~ a 'file 'path) (~ a 'name) ) ) ) (define-method write-object((obj <info-node>) port) (format port "<info-node :name ~a :file ~a>" (~ obj 'name) (~ obj 'file) ) ) ;---------------------------------------- ; <info-index-node> ; 索引ノード (define-class <info-index-node> (<dictionary> <instance-pool-mixin> ) [node index]) ; dictionary protocol (define-method dict-get ((d <info-index-node>) key :optional default) (dict-get (~ d 'index) key default ) ) (define-method dict-put! ((d <info-index-node>) key value) (dict-put! (~ d 'index) key value) ) (define-method dict-exists? ((d <info-index-node>) key) (dict-exists? (~ d 'index) key ) ) (define-method dict-delete! ((d <info-index-node>) key) (dict-delete! (~ d 'index) key ) ) (define-method dict-fold ((d <info-index-node>) proc seed) (dict-fold (~ d 'index) proc seed)) (define-method call-with-iterator ((d <info-index-node>) proc . keys) (apply call-with-iterator (~ d 'index) proc keys) ) ; (make <info-index-node> node key-converter) ; node .... <info-node> ; key-converter .... menuキーワードを索引キーに変換する (define-method initialize ((self <info-index-node>) initargs) (next-method) (match initargs [(node key-converter) (slot-set! self 'node node) (slot-set! self 'index (make-tree-map string=? string<?)) (for-each (match-lambda [ (keyword . nodename) (dict-push! (~ self 'index) (key-converter keyword) nodename) ] ) (info-parse-menu node ) ) ] ) ) (define-method object-equal? ( (obj1 <info-index-node> ) (obj2 <info-index-node>) ) (object-equal? (~ obj1 'node) (~ obj2 'node) ) ) (define-method object-hash ((a <info-index-node> )) (object-hash (~ a 'node))) ; key ---> node-name (define-method ref ((obj <info-index-node>) (key <string>)) (~ obj 'index key) ) ;索引ノードを取得する ; info ... node-nameからnodeを取得するrefが定義されているもの ; info node-name ---> <info-index-node> or #f (define (get-index-node info node-name key-converter) (and-let* [[node (info-get-node info node-name) ]] (if-let1 obj (instance-pool-find <info-index-node> ($ equal? node $ (cut ~ <> 'node) $)) (begin ;(format #t "found ~a\n" obj) obj) (make <info-index-node> node key-converter ) ) ) ) ;---------------------------------------- ; index-tableのキーをgrepして、結果を照会してリストにする ; ( node名 nodeの中身 )のリスト ; info ... ノード名からnodeを取得するrefが定義されているもの ; info-index ... keywordからノード名を引くことができるdictionary ; info -> <dictionary> -> (x -> y) -> [<string>] or <boolean> ; predは通常は正規表現をわたされるが、フィルタなので手続きでも良い (define (grep-node info info-index pred ) ($ (andfn-fn$ map ($ (~pack$ list 'name 'content) $ ~ info $) ) $ (andfn$ delete-duplicates) $ (if-listfn$ ($ concatenate $ filter identity $ (cut dict-map <> (^(k v) (and (pred k) v) ) ) $) ) info-index ) ) ;----------------------------------------
;;; gaucheのinfoにアクセスする総元締めクラス ;;; interactive/info.scmを改造した。 ;;; もとになったblog ;;; Gaucheのinfo関数の表示を日本語にするには - 再帰の反復 ;;; ;;; interactive/info.scm - online helper ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Shiro Kawai <> ;;; ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; ;;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; ;;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;;; ;;; 3. Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors ;;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ;;; software without specific prior written permission. ;;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;;; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ;;; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;;; TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;; ; TODO gaucheマニュアル以外のinfoで使えるかどうか試す ; TODO INFOファイルの木を歩いて列挙していく処理 (define-module (use srfi-1) (use util.match) (use gauche.dictionary) (use gauche.collection) (use gauche.lazy) (use gauche.generator) (use gauche.mop.instance-pool) ;; (use file.util) (use gauche.process) (use (use komono-combinator) ;(use pretty-print) (use komono-dict) (use (export <info-root> infoset get-info-paths info-node-open-file info-node-index-generator info-node-index-lseq info-content-generator info-content-lseq make-lazy-ofni-hash viewer ) ) (select-module ; texinfo/info/filesys.hより (define *default-infopath* "/usr/local/info:/usr/info:/usr/local/lib/info:/usr/lib/info:\ /usr/local/gnu/info:/usr/local/gnu/lib/info:/usr/gnu/info:/usr/gnu/lib/info:/opt/gnu/info:\ /usr/share/info:/usr/share/lib/info:/usr/local/share/info:/usr/local/share/lib/info:\ /usr/gnu/lib/emacs/info:/usr/local/gnu/lib/emacs/info:/usr/local/lib/emacs/info:/usr/local/emacs/info") ;---------------------------------------- ; <info-root> ; infoアクセスの元締め ; TODO pagerの指定をパラメータ化する。 (define-class <info-root> () [ (pager :allocation :virtual :slot-ref (^[self] (or (sys-getenv "PAGER") (find-file-in-paths "less") (find-file-in-paths "more") ) ) ) (*f->key-converter-table* :init-value (make-hash-table 'string=? ) ) (*src* :init-value #f) (src :allocation :virtual :slot-ref (^[self] (~ self '*src*) ) :slot-set! (^[self info-src] (slot-set! self '*src* info-src) ;; (let1 t (~ self '*f->key-converter-table*) (dict-for-each info-src (^(tag x) (match x [((? string? name) (? ($ (cut subtype? <> <dictionary> ) $ class-of $) index ) ) (dict-put! t name ($ (cut alist->hash-table <> 'string=?) $ dict-map index (^(type node&kc) ;#?=node&kc (apply cons node&kc) ) ) ) ] [_ (values)] ) ) ) ) ) ) ] ) (define-method initialize ((root <info-root>) initargs) (next-method) (match initargs [(info-src) (slot-set! root 'src info-src)] ) ) (define-method viewer( (root <info-root>) ) (let1 pager (~ root 'pager) (if (or (equal? (sys-getenv "TERM") "emacs") (equal? (sys-getenv "TERM") "dumb") (not (sys-isatty (current-output-port))) (not pager )) display (lambda (s) (let1 p (run-process pager :input :pipe) ;; NB: ignore SIGPIPE, for the pager may be terminated prematurely. ;; This is not MT safe. (let1 h #f (with-signal-handlers ((SIGPIPE => #f)) (lambda () (guard (e (else #f)) (display s (process-input p))) (close-output-port (process-input p)) (process-wait p)))))) ) ) ) ; info-file-name ----> info ; ※ 一般の場合、key-converterテーブル参照は失敗するかもしれない (define-method ref ((root <info-root>) (key <string>)) ;#?= "ref ((root <info-root>) " (rlet1 info (info-node-open-file root key) (if-let1 key-converter-table (and ($ not $ ~ info 'key-converter-table ) ; 既に設定されているときはスキップする (dict-get (~ root '*f->key-converter-table*) key #f) ) (begin (slot-set! info 'key-converter-table key-converter-table) ) ) ) ) ; info-file tag ----> infoのセット ; infoファイルカタログ info-srcをみて、infoのリストを取得する ; info-src : tagから (infoの名前 索引定義) or (tag ... ) を引くdictionary ; 索引定義 : type<symbol> から (索引ノード名 索引用のkey-converter)を返すdictionary (define-method infoset ((root <info-root>) (tag <symbol>)) (unless (~ root 'src) (error "srcがセットされていない")) (let1 info-src (~ root 'src) (let loop [ (v (dict-get info-src tag #f)) ] (match v [ #f #f] [ (? symbol? symbol alias) ($ loop $ dict-get info-src alias #f) ] [ ((? symbol? tags) ... ) (append-map loop tags) ] [ ( (? string? name) (? ($ (cut subtype? <> <dictionary> ) $ class-of $) index ) ) (list (cons name index) ) ] ) ) ) ) (define-method get-info-paths((root <info-root>)) ;#?=(sys-getenv "INFOPATH") (append-map (cut string-split <> #\:) (append (cond-list [(sys-getenv "INFOPATH") => identity] ) `(,*default-infopath*) ) ) ) (define-method find-info-file ( (root <info-root>) (fname <string>) ) (let ((paths (get-info-paths root))) (or (find-file-in-paths fname :paths paths :pred (lambda (p) (or (file-is-readable? p) (file-is-readable? #`",|p|.gz") (file-is-readable? #`",|p|.bz2")))) (errorf "couldn't find info file ~s in paths: ~s" fname paths)) )) ; info-file <string> ---> info <info-file> (define-method info-node-open-file ((root <info-root>) (name <string>)) (if-let1 obj (instance-pool-find <cached-info-file> ($ string=? name $ (cut ~ <> 'name) $)) (begin ;(format #t "found ~a\n" obj) obj) (and-let* [[ f ($ open-info-file $ find-info-file root name)] [ obj (make <cached-info-file> :name name :file f) ] ] obj ) ) ) ; infoファイルカタログ (~ root 'src) から、 ; [type <info-index-node> ]のジェネレータを生成 ; type は'module,'function,'classなどの索引のタイプ(索引定義から) ; ; info-src : tagから (infoの名前 索引定義) or (tag ... ) を引くdictionary ; 索引定義 : type<symbol> から (索引ノード名 索引用のkey-converter)を返すdictionary (define-method info-node-index-generator ((root <info-root>) :key (tag 'default) (type-filter (^_ #t) ) ) (unless (~ root 'src) (error "srcがセットされていない") ) ($ apply gappend $ map (match-lambda [(info-file . node-names) (and-let* [[info (~ root info-file )]] (gmap (match-lambda [(t n kc) `(,t ,(~ info n) )]) ($ x->generator $ filter ($ type-filter $ car $) $ dict->alist node-names ) )) ] ) $ infoset root tag) ) (define-method info-node-index-lseq ((root <info-root>) . arg) ($ generator->lseq $ apply info-node-index-generator root arg) ) ; contentを列挙する ; pred : x->y ; キーワードを選ぶ ; [node-name content index-type <info-index-node> ]のジェネレータ (define-method info-content-generator ((root <info-root>) pred . rest ) ($ gconcatenate $ gmap x->generator $ gfilter-map (match-lambda [(index-type index-node ) ($ (andfn$ (map$ (^x (append x `(,index-type ,index-node ))))) $ grep-node (~ index-node 'node 'file) index-node pred) ]) $ apply info-node-index-generator root rest) ) (define-method info-content-lseq ((root <info-root>) pred . rest ) ($ generator->lseq $ apply info-content-generator root pred .rest )) ;---------------------------------------- ;逆引き用辞書の(遅延)生成 (define-method make-lazy-ofni-hash ((root <info-root>) :optional (tag 'default) ) (lazy-dict (make-hash-table 'string=?) (^t (for-each (match-lambda [(_ info-index ) (dict-for-each info-index (^(k v) (for-each (cut dict-push! t <> k) v) ) ) ]) (info-node-index-lseq root :tag tag) ) ) ) )