非決定性計算を行うための「曖昧な(ambiguous)」特殊形式。 初出は John McCarthy. A Basis for a Mathematical Theory of Computation. In P Braffort and D Hirschberg, editors, Computer Programming and Formal Systems. North-Holland, 1967。
;; stack of cc. (define fail '()) ;;; nondeterminsm macro operator (define-syntax amb (syntax-rules () ((_) ((pop! fail))) ((_ a) a) ((_ a b ...) (call/cc (lambda (cc) (push! fail (lambda () (cc (amb b ...)))) a))))) (define (solve) (let ((i (amb 4 6 7)) (j (amb 5 8 11))) (if (prime? (+ i j)) (list i j) (amb)))) (print (call/cc (lambda (cc) ;; initial value for fail (push! fail (lambda () (cc 'no-choise))) (solve))))