ねるWiki:ねる2004/05/21 11:03:24 PDT
下のコードのように<generic>のサブクラス<wrapper-generic>を作り,<wrapper-generic>のインスタンスの総称関数に対する適用を特定化したapply-generic methodを定義することにより実現しています.これを読んでいてすこし疑問がわきました.
(define-class <test-generic> (<generic>) ()) (define-generic x->string :class <test-generic>)
;;---------------------------------------------------------------- (test-section "method application customization") ;; The original example of <wrapper-generic> is presented by Alex Shinn. (define-class <wrapper-generic> (<generic>) ()) (define-method write-object ((obj <wrapper-generic>) port) (format port "#<wrapper-generic ~a>" (ref obj 'name))) (define-method object-unwrap (obj pass fail) (fail)) (define-method apply-generic ((gf <wrapper-generic>) args) (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods gf args))) (if (pair? methods) (apply-methods gf (sort-applicable-methods gf methods args) args) (let loop ((ls args) (rev '())) (if (null? ls) (errorf "no applicable method for ~S with arguments ~S" gf args) (object-unwrap (car ls) (lambda (obj) (apply-generic gf (append (reverse rev) (list obj) (cdr ls)))) (lambda () (loop (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) rev))))))))) (define-class <ci-string> () ((value :init-keyword :value))) (define (ci-string str) (make <ci-string> :value str)) (define-method object-unwrap ((obj <ci-string>) pass fail) (pass (ref obj 'value))) (define-generic concat :class <wrapper-generic>) (define-method concat () "") (define-method concat ((a <string>)) a) (define-method concat ((a <string>) (b <string>)) (string-append a b)) (define-method concat ((a <string>) (b <string>) c . rest) (string-append a b (apply concat c rest))) (test* "<wrapper-generic>" "aBciIiXyZ" (concat (ci-string "aBc") "iIi" (ci-string "XyZ")))