参考文献) Philip Wadler, A prettier printer, March 1998( prettier.pdf)
宿題になったlazy化をしたので実用に耐えそうな感じです。cut-sea:2007/07/09 08:42:27 PDT
;;; ;;; ppr - pretty print library. ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2007 Katsutoshi Itoh <cut-sea@master.email.ne.jp> ;;; ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; ;;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; ;;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;;; ;;; 3. Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors ;;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ;;; software without specific prior written permission. ;;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;;; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ;;; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;;; TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;; ;;; $Id$ ;;; (define-module ppr (use srfi-13) (use util.match) (use util.stream) (use text.tree) (export ++ beside nest text line above nil group flatten layout copy best better fits pretty beside-by-space above-by-newline folddoc spread stack bracket beside/above-by-space/newline words fillwords fill ;; aliases <> <+> </> <+/> ) ) (select-module ppr) (define ++ string-append) ;; DOC (define NIL 'NIL) ;; (<>),(:<>) :: DOC -> DOC -> DOC (define (beside x y) (stream-delay (list 'BESIDE x y))) (define (nest i d) (stream-delay (list 'NEST i d))) (define (text s) (stream-delay (list 'TEXT s))) (define LINE 'LINE) (define line LINE) ;; (:<|>) :: DOC -> DOC -> DOC (define (above x y) (stream-delay (list 'ABOVE x y))) ;; Doc (define Nil 'Nil) ;; Text :: String -> Doc -> Doc (define (Text s d) (stream-delay (list 'Text s d))) ;; Line :: Int -> Doc -> Doc (define (Line i d) (stream-delay (list 'Line i d))) ;; nil :: DOC (define nil NIL) ;; group :: DOC -> DOC (define (group x) (stream-delay (above (flatten x) x))) ;; flatten ;; DOC -> DOC (define (flatten xs) (match (force xs) ('NIL 'NIL) (('BESIDE x y) (beside (flatten x) (flatten y))) (('NEST i x) (nest i (flatten x))) (('TEXT s) (text s)) ('LINE (text " ")) (('ABOVE x y) (flatten x)))) ;; layout :: Doc -> String (define (layout xs) (match (force xs) ('Nil "") (('Text s x) (++ s (layout x))) (('Line i x) (++ "\n" (copy i #\sp) (layout x))))) (define copy make-string) ;; best :: Int -> Int -> DOC -> DOC (define (best w k x) (be w k (stream-delay (list (cons 0 x))))) ;; be :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, DOC)] -> Doc (define (be w k xs) (define (force-pattern s) (cons (cons (stream-caar s) (force (stream-cdar s))) (stream-cdr s))) (match (force xs) ('() Nil) (((i . 'NIL) . z) (be w k z)) (((i . 'LINE) . z) (Line i (be w i z))) (else (match (force-pattern xs) (((i . ('BESIDE x y)) . z) (be w k `((,i . ,x) (,i . ,y) ,@z))) (((i . ('NEST j x)) . z) (be w k `((,(+ i j) . ,x) ,@z))) (((i . ('TEXT s)) . z) (Text s (stream-delay (be w (+ k (string-length s)) z)))) (((i . ('ABOVE x y)) . z) (better w k (stream-delay (be w k `((,i . ,x) ,@z))) (stream-delay (be w k `((,i . ,y) ,@z))))))))) ;; better :: Int -> Int -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc (define (better w k x y) (if (fits (- w k) x) x y)) ;; fits :: Int -> Doc -> Bool (define (fits w xs) (if (< w 0) #f (match (force xs) ('Nil #t) (('Text s x) (fits (- w (string-length s)) x)) (('Line i x) #t)))) ;; pretty :: Int -> DOC -> String (define (pretty w x) (write-tree (layout (best w 0 x))) (newline) (values)) ;; Utility function ;; (<+>) :: DOC -> DOC -> DOC (define (beside-by-space x y) (stream-delay (beside x (beside (text " ") y)))) ;; (</>) :: DOC -> DOC -> DOC (define (above-by-newline x y) (stream-delay (beside x (beside LINE y)))) ;; folddoc :: (DOC -> DOC -> DOC) -> [DOC] -> DOC (define (folddoc f xs) (match (force xs) ('() 'NIL) ((x) x) ((x . xs) (f x (folddoc f xs))))) ;; spread :: [DOC] -> DOC (define (spread xs) (folddoc beside-by-space xs)) ;; stack :: [DOC] -> DOC (define (stack xs) (folddoc above-by-newline xs)) ;; bracket :: String -> DOC -> String -> DOC (define (bracket l x r) (stream-delay (group (beside (text l) (beside (nest 2 (beside line x)) (beside line (text r))))))) ;; (<+/>) :: DOC -> DOC -> DOC (define (beside/above-by-space/newline x y) (stream-delay (beside x (beside (above (text " ") line) y)))) ;; words :: String -> [String] (define words string-tokenize) ;; fillwords :: String -> DOC (define (fillwords ws) (stream-delay (folddoc beside/above-by-space/newline (map text (words ws))))) ;; fill :: [DOC] -> DOC (define (fill xs) (match (force xs) ('() nil) ((x) x) ((x y . zs) (above (beside-by-space (flatten x) (fill (cons (flatten y) zs))) (above-by-newline x (fill (cons y zs))))))) ;; aliases (define <> beside) (define <+> beside-by-space) (define </> above-by-newline) (define <+/> beside/above-by-space/newline) (provide "ppr") ;; END ;;
あとは、(testtree 40)とか(testtree-bis 30)とか
(testXML 40)とか(testSexpr 40)とかすればプリティプリントされます。
sexpr.scmとか私が書いたのはあんまprettyじゃないってことで。cut-sea:2007/07/09 08:56:05 PDT
tree.scmは論文中で紹介されている。 これが最初に動作した時は結構うれしかった。cut-sea:2007/07/09 08:48:33 PDT
;; Tree example (use ppr) (use util.match) ;; Tree (define (Node s ts) (list 'Node s ts)) ;; showTree :: Tree -> DOC (define (showTree t) (match t (('Node s ts) (group (<> (text s) (nest (string-length s) (showBracket ts))))))) ;; showBracket :: [Tree] -> DOC (define (showBracket ts) (match ts ('() nil) (ts (<> (text "[") (<> (nest 1 (showTrees ts)) (text "]")))))) ;; showTrees :: [Tree] -> DOC (define (showTrees ts) (match ts ((t) (showTree t)) ((t . ts) (<> (showTree t) (<> (text ",") (<> line (showTrees ts))))))) ;; showTree-bis :: Tree -> DOC (define (showTree-bis t) (match t (('Node s ts) (<> (text s) (showBracket-bis ts))))) ;; showBracket-bis :: [Tree] -> DOC (define (showBracket-bis ts) (match ts ('() nil) (ts (bracket "[" (showTrees-bis ts) "]")))) ;; showTrees-bis :: [Tree] -> DOC (define (showTrees-bis ts) (match ts ((t) (showTree-bis t)) ((t . ts) (<> (showTree-bis t) (<> (text ",") (<> line (showTrees-bis ts))))))) (define tree (Node "aaa" (list (Node "bbbbb" (list (Node "ccc" []) (Node "dd" []))) (Node "eee" []) (Node "ffff" (list (Node "gg" []) (Node "hhh" []) (Node "ii" [])))))) ;; execute (define (testtree w) (pretty w (showTree tree))) (define (testtree-bis w) (pretty w (showTree-bis tree))) ;; END Exapmles ;;
xml.scmも論文のサンプルだけど、sxml形式じゃないのが残念。 まぁたいした問題じゃない。cut-sea:2007/07/09 08:48:33 PDT
;; XML example (use ppr) (use util.match) ;; XML (define (Elt tag atts xmls) (list tag atts xmls)) (define (Txt s) (list s)) (define (Att n v) (list n v)) ;; showXML :: XML -> DOC (define (showXML x) (folddoc <> (showXMLs x))) ;; showXMLs :: XML -> [DOC] (define (showXMLs ns) (match ns ((t a '()) (list (<> (text "<") (<> (showTag t a) (text "/>"))))) ((t a c) (list (<> (text "<") (<> (showTag t a) (<> (text ">") (<> (showFill showXMLs c) (<> (text "</") (<> (text t) (text ">"))))))))) ((s) (map text (words s))))) ;; showAtts :: Att -> [DOC] (define (showAtts attr) (match attr ((n v) (list (<> (text n) (<> (text "=") (text (quoted v)))))))) ;; quoted :: String -> String (define (quoted s) #`"\",s\"") ;; showTag :: String -> [Att] -> DOC (define (showTag n a) (beside (text n) (showFill showAtts a))) ;; showFill :: (a -> [DOC]) -> [a] -> DOC (define (showFill f xs) (match xs ('() nil) (xs (bracket "" (fill (apply append (map f xs))) "")))) (define xml (Elt "p" (list (Att "color" "red") (Att "font" "Times") (Att "size" "10")) (list (Txt "Here is some") (Elt "em" [] (list (Txt "emphasized"))) (Txt "text") (Txt "Here is a") (Elt "a" (list (Att "href" "http://www.eg.com/")) (list (Txt "link"))) (Txt "elsewhere.")))) ;; execute (define (testXML w) (pretty w (showXML xml))) ;; END Exapmles ;;
sexpr.scmは自分で実装してみたものだけど、まるで良くないなぁ。 インデントも個別設定してないし、色々バグってそうだしー。 まだ使い方を勉強中なんで勘弁してちょ。cut-sea:2007/07/09 08:48:33 PDT
;; S Expression example (use ppr) (use util.match) ;; Sexpr (define (nest-of sexpr) (define (obj-length obj) (cond ((string? obj) (+ 2 (string-length obj))) (else (string-length (x->string obj))))) (case sexpr ((quote quasiquote unquote) 1) ((unquote-splicing) 2) ((debug-print) 3) (else (+ 2 (obj-length sexpr))))) (define (macro-symbol? m) (memq m '(quote unquote quasiquote unquote-splicing debug-print))) ;; showSexpr :: Sexpr -> DOC (define (showSexpr sexp) (define (quoted s) #`"\",s\"") (match sexp ((? list? l) (showList l)) ((? vector? v) (showVector v)) ((? string? s) (text (quoted s))) (x (text (x->string x))))) ;; showList :: [Sexpr] -> DOC (define (showList lst) (match lst ('() (text "()")) ((x) (folddoc <> (list (text "(") (showSexpr x) (text ")")))) (((? macro-symbol? m) x) (nest (nest-of m) (<> (showMacrotext m) (showSexpr x)))) (((? symbol? x) . xs) (<> (text "(") (nest (nest-of x) (<+/> (showSexpr x) (<> (showSexprs xs) (text ")")))))) (((? list? x) . xs) (<> (text "(") (nest 1 (<+/> (showSexpr x) (<> (showSexprs xs) (text ")")))))) ((x . xs) (<> (text "(") (nest 1 (<+/> (showSexpr x) (<> (showSexprs xs) (text ")")))))) )) ;; showVector :: Vector -> DOC (define (showVector v) (<> (text "#") (nest 1 (showList (vector->list v))))) ;; showSexprs :: [Sexpr] -> DOC (define (showSexprs xs) (fill (map showSexpr xs))) (define (showMacrotext m) (case m ((quote) (text "'")) ((quasiquote) (text "`")) ((unquote) (text ",")) ((unquote-splicing) (text ",@")) ((debug-print) (text "#?=")) (else (error "illegal macro symbol found." m)))) ;; sample data (define sexpr '(define (fact n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))) (define sexpr '(define (fact/cps n cont) (if (= n 0) (cont 1) (fact/cps (- #?=n 1) (lambda (a) (cont (* n #?=a))))))) (define sexpr '(define-macro (while test . body) `(do () ((not ,test)) ,@body))) (define sexpr '(define (make-counter n) (define (plus n) (+ n 1)) (let ((c n)) (define (inc!) (set! c (+ c 1))) (define (dec!) (set! c (- c 1))) (lambda (msg) (cond ((msg 'inc) (inc!)) ((msg 'dec) (dec!)) (error "No Such command")))))) ;; execute (define (testSexpr w) (pretty w (showSexpr sexpr))) ;; END ;;
やれば出来る子なんだよ。Schemeは!って言い切ってやったけど、 Festの最後にこれでハマってHaskellに心が行きそうになったのは内緒。(w
gosh> sexpr gosh> (testSexpr 40) (define (fact n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))) gosh> sexpr gosh> (testSexpr 40) (define (fact/cps n cont) (if (= n 0) (cont 1) (fact/cps (- #?=n 1) (lambda (a) (cont (* n #?=a)))))) gosh> sexpr gosh> (testSexpr 40) (define-macro (while test . body) `(do () ((not ,test)) ,@body)) gosh> sexpr gosh> (testSexpr 80) (define (make-counter n) (define (plus n) (+ n 1)) (let ((c n)) (define (inc!) (set! c (+ c 1))) (define (dec!) (set! c (- c 1))) (lambda (msg) (cond ((msg 'inc) (inc!)) ((msg 'dec) (dec!)) (error "No Such command"))))) gosh>
Tags: PrettyPrint, util.stream