("blob-copy!" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144712052 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-copy! ''source'' ''source-start'' ''target'' ''target-start'' ''n''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: Copies the octets from ''source'' at indices [''source-start'', ''source-start'' + ''n'') to consecutive indices in ''target'' starting at ''target-index''.\n\nThe return values are unspecified.\n") (">=?" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144501914 :muser #f)[[$$include =?]]\n") ("inspect" . "(:ctime 1014896336 :cuser #f :mtime 1018344529 :muser #f)* [procedure] inspect ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: See also [[inspect/object]]\n\n[[STk]]: invokes the graphical inspector.\n\n") ("char-set->list" . "(:ctime 1018085054 :cuser #f :mtime 1018085085 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set->list ''char-set''\n* [procedure] char-set->string ''char-set''\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: see [[char-set]].\n") (":optional" . "(:ctime 1015043232 :cuser #f :mtime 1015043232 :muser #f)* [syntax] :optional ''args'' ''default''\n\n[[Chicken]]:\n\n (lambda (args default)\n (cond ((null? args) default)\n ((null? (cdr args)) (car args))\n (else (error ...))))\n\nSee also [[let-optionals]], [[let-optionals*]]\n") ("fork-and-forget" . "(:ctime 1015282315 :cuser #f :mtime 1015282315 :muser #f)* [procedure] fork-and-forget ''thunk''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: runs ''thunk'' in a different process. See also [[fork]].\n") ("char-set:letter+digit" . "(:ctime 1018082662 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082662 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set:lower-case]]\n") ("bitwise-and" . "(:ctime 1015049098 :cuser #f :mtime 1191715382 :muser #f)* [procedure] bitwise-and ''n1'' ...\n* [procedure] bitwise-ior ''n1'' ...\n* [procedure] bitwise-xor ''n1'' ...\n* [procedure] bitwise-not ''n1''\n\n[[R6RS]]: Bitwise operations that operate on 2's complement \nrepresentation of exact integers. See also [[fxand]] etc\nfor fixnum-only ops. See also [[bitwise-arithmetic-shift]].\n\nIf no arguments are given to [[bitwise-and]], -1 is returned.\nIf no arguments are given to [[bitwise-ior]] or [[bitwise-xor]], 0\nis returned.\n\n* [procedure] bitwise-and ''n1'' ''n2''\n* [procedure] bitwise-ior ''n1'' ''n2''\n* [procedure] bitwise-xor ''n1'' ''n2''\n* [procedure] bitwise-not ''n1''\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Scheme48]], [[Scsh]], [[MzScheme]]:\nSimilar, but the number of arguments for -and, -ior and -xor operations\nare fixed.\n\nSee also [[arithmetic-shift]].\n\nThese are called [[logand]] etc, or [[bit-and]] etc,\nin some other implementations.\n") ("alet*" . "(:ctime 1170065147 :cuser #f :mtime 1170065787 :muser #f)* [syntax] alet* (''binding-spec'' ...) ''body'' ...\n* [syntax] alet* ''name'' (''binding-spec'' ...) ''body'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-86]]:\n[[let*]] +\n- multiple values binding with [[mu]] and [[nu]]\n- escape function\n- [[and-let*]]\n- [[let-optionals]] in [[Scsh]]\n- [[let-keywords]] and [[let-keywords*]]\n- [[letrec]] and [[letrec*]]\n- multiple values binding with [[values]] and [[call-with-values]] (like [[SRFI-71]])\n- binding forms intervening external environment\n\nSee also [[alet]].\n") ("set-fdes-status" . "(:ctime 1018386772 :cuser #f :mtime 1018386772 :muser #f)[[$$include fdes-status]]\n") ("test-runner-on-bad-count!" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151083342 :muser #f)[[$$include test-runner-on-bad-count]]\n") ("file-open" . "(:ctime 1015184022 :cuser #f :mtime 1015184390 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-open ''filename'' ''flags'' [''mode'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: low-level interface to open(2). Returns a file\ndescrtiptor. ''flags'' is or-ed values of [[open/rdonly]] etc.\n''mode'' is or-ed values of [[perm/irusr]] etc.\nSee also [[file-close]], [[file-read]], [[file-select]], \n[[file-write]], [[port->fileno]], [[open-input-file*]],\n[[open-output-file*]].\n") ("Cyclone" . "(:ctime 1593601420 :cuser #f :mtime 1596623367 :muser #f)Cyclone is a Scheme-to-C compiler for R7RS using Cheney on the MTA and generational garbage collection. In addition, the Cheney on the MTA concept has been extended to allow execution of multiple native threads. An on-the-fly garbage collector is used to manage the second-generation heap and perform major collections without “stopping the world”.\n\n[[$$srfis 1 2 8 18 27 28 60 69 106 111 113 121 128 132 133 143 149]]\n\nHome page: https://justinethier.github.io/cyclone/index\n\nGithub page: https://github.com/justinethier/cyclone\n") ("alphabetic" . "(:ctime 1018071835 :cuser #f :mtime 1018071835 :muser #f)[[$$include lower-case]]\n") ("dequeue!" . "(:ctime 1015072095 :cuser #f :mtime 1017980782 :muser #f)* [procedure] dequeue! ''queue''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Gauche]], [[Scheme48]]: removes and returns the first item of ''queue''.\n\n[[queue-pop!]] does the same thing.\n\nThis is called [[queue-remove!]] in some implementations.\n\nSee also [[make-queue]], [[enqueue!]]\n") ("range" . "(:ctime 1018037845 :cuser #f :mtime 1018037845 :muser #f)* [procedure] range ''low-char'' ''high-char''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: character set constructor.\nSee [[set]].\n") ("pathname-strip-directory" . "(:ctime 1015101059 :cuser #f :mtime 1018337641 :muser #f)* [procedure] pathname-strip-directory ''pathname''\n\n[[Chicken]]: see also [[pathname-directory]], [[pathname-replace-directory]],\n[[pathname-strip-extension]].\n\nSome implementations call this\n[[basename]], [[sys-basename]], [[file-name-nondirectory]].\n\n") ("hashtable-contains?" . "(:ctime 1191360247 :cuser #f :mtime 1191360247 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable-contains? ''hashtable'' ''key''\n\n[[R6RS]]: Returns #t iff ''hashtable'' has an entry with ''key''.\n\nSee also [[Concept:HashTable]].\n\nOther implementations have: [[hash-table-exists?]]\n") ("time-utc->date" . "(:ctime 1099301444 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301517 :muser #f)* [procedure] time-utc->date ''time'' [''tz-offset'']\n* [procedure] time-utc->julian-day ''time''\n* [procedure] time-utc->modified-julian-day ''time''\n* [procedure] time-utc->time-monotonic ''time''\n* [procedure] time-utc->time-monotonic! ''time''\n* [procedure] time-utc->time-tai ''time''\n* [procedure] time-utc->time-tai! ''time''\n\n[[SRFI-19]]: Conversion procedures.\n\n") ("/." . "(:ctime 1191218580 :cuser #f :mtime 1191218581 :muser #f)[[$$include +.]]\n") ("make-guardian" . "(:ctime 1015030844 :cuser #f :mtime 1015030844 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-guardian\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: see [[weak-cons]]\n") ("union" . "(:ctime 1018038040 :cuser #f :mtime 1018038976 :muser #f)* [procedure] union ''char-set'' ''char-set''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: character set operation. see [[set]].\n\n\nSRFI-14 calls this [[char-set-union]].\n") ("merge" . "(:ctime 1014943601 :cuser #f :mtime 1015072450 :muser #f)Merges two sorted sequences. Like [[sort]], this comes\nwith conflicting APIs.\n\n* [procedure] merge ''sequence1'' ''sequence2'' ''predicate''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Chicken]]: both ''sequences'' are lists. Expects ''predicate''\nto behave like <. Non-destructive.\n\n* [procedure] merge ''predicate'' 'sequence1'' ''sequence2''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: both ''sequences'' are lists. Expects ''predicate''\nto behave like <. Non-destructive.\n\nSee also [[merge!]]\n") ("read-case-insensitive" . "(:ctime 1063244584 :cuser #f :mtime 1063244584 :muser #f)[[$$include read/case]]\n") ("TinyScheme" . "(:ctime 1593599898 :cuser #f :mtime 1593599898 :muser #f)Small R5RS interpreter written in C, intended to be used as embedded scripting interpreter.\n\nhttp://tinyscheme.sourceforge.net/home.html\n") ("hashtable-keys" . "(:ctime 1191360834 :cuser #f :mtime 1191360834 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable-keys ''hashtable''\n\n[[R6RS]]: Returns a ''vector'' of all keys in the hashtable.\n\nSee also [[Concept:HashTable]].\n\nOther implementations have [[hash-table-keys]] and [[hash-table/key-list]],\nbut they returns a ''list'' of all keys, not a vector.\n") ("symbol->string" . "(:ctime 1014859219 :cuser #f :mtime 1191565187 :muser #f)* [procedure] symbol->string ''symbol''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Returns the name of ''symbol'' as a string. \nReturned string is immutable.\n\nIn R5RS, if ''symbol'' is originated from a literal expression\nor from the read procedure, the implementation may fold the\ncase of alphabetic characters in the symbol name to its\npreferred standard case.\n\n{{{\n (symbol->string 'aBc) => abc or ABC ;; R5RS\n (symbol->string 'aBc) => aBc ;; R6RS\n}}}\n\nIn R6RS, case folding is off by default. (The implementation may provide\ncase folding mode. A token [[#!fold-case]] may be used in the source\nto show it should be read in case folding mode.)\n\nSee also [[string->symbol]].\n") ("seconds->utc-time" . "(:ctime 1015200327 :cuser #f :mtime 1015200327 :muser #f)[[$$include seconds->local-time]]\n") ("close-output-port" . "(:ctime 1014841024 :cuser #f :mtime 1014841024 :muser #f)* [procedure] close-output-port ''port''\n\n[[R5RS]]\n\nSee also [[close-input-port]].\n") ("user-info-id" . "(:ctime 1018125255 :cuser #f :mtime 1018125255 :muser #f)[[$$include user-info?]]\n") ("logbit?" . "(:ctime 1015772976 :cuser #f :mtime 1039750759 :muser #f)* [procedure] logbit? ''index'' ''n''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Gauche]], [[Guile]]: (logtest ''n'' (ash 1 ''index''))\n\n") ("process-id=?" . "(:ctime 1015282596 :cuser #f :mtime 1015282596 :muser #f)* [procedure] process-id=? ''pid1'' ''pid2''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: see [[process-id?]].\n") ("time-utc->time-monotonic" . "(:ctime 1099301547 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301547 :muser #f)[[$$include time-utc->date]]\n") ("append-ec" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144535574 :muser #f)* [syntax] append-ec ''qualifier'' ... ''expression''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nThe list obtained by appending all values of ''expression'', which must all\nbe lists.\nThink of it as ([[apply]] [[append]] ([[list-ec]] ''qualifier'' ... ''expression'')).\n") (">=fl" . "(:ctime 1039382049 :cuser #f :mtime 1039382049 :muser #f)[[$$include =fl]]\n") ("set-group-id!" . "(:ctime 1015139073 :cuser #f :mtime 1015198859 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-group-id! ''group-id''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: see also [[Concept:UserGroup]], [[get-group-id]].\n\nChicken has [[set-user-id!]], but seems lacking [[set-group-id!]].\n\nGauche has [[sys-setgid]].\n") ("string-incomplete->complete" . "(:ctime 1015805926 :cuser #f :mtime 1015805926 :muser #f)[[$$include string-complete->incomplete]]\n") ("string-search" . "(:ctime 1015104380 :cuser #f :mtime 1015104380 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-search ''regexp'' ''string'' [''start'' ''range'']\n* [procedure] string-search-positions ''regexp'' ''string'' [''start'' ''range'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: match regular expression ''regexp'' (string) with ''string''.\nSee also [[Concept:RegularExpression]], [[string-match]].\n") ("test-runner-factory" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151078394 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-factory\n* [syntax] test-runner-factory ''factory''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: gets or sets the current test runner factory. Default value is [[test-runner-simple]].\n\nSee also [[test-runner-create]].\n") ("vector-swap!" . "(:ctime 1099388463 :cuser #f :mtime 1099388464 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-swap! ''vec'' ''i'' ''j''\n\n[[SRFI-43]]: Swaps the ''i''-th element and ''j''-th element of ''vec''.\n") ("a:fixn16b" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144529340 :muser #f)* [procedure] a:fixn16b [''k'']\n[[SRFI-63]]: Returns an exact non-negative binary fixnum uniform-array prototype with at least 16 bits of precision.\n") ("Scsh" . "(:ctime 1015204445 :cuser #f :mtime 1553898537 :muser #f)Scsh (Scheme Shell) is a Unix shell embedded in Scheme.\nIt is built on top of [[Scheme48]].\n\nHomepage: http://www.scsh.net/\n\nGitHub: https://github.com/scheme/scsh\n\n[[$$srfis 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 16 17 19 23 25 26 27 28 30 31 37 42]]\n\n----\nThe list is taken from scsh version 0.6.1, released February 25, 2002.\n\n** Introduction\n\n[[#<]], [[#<<]]\n\n** Process notation\n\n[[run/port]], [[run/file]], [[run-string]], [[run-strings]],\n[[run/sexp]], [[run/sexps]],\n[[run/port*]], [[run/file*]], [[run-string*]], [[run-strings*]],\n[[run/sexp*]], [[run/sexps*]]\n\n[[port->string]], [[port->sexp-list]], [[port->string-list]],\n[[port->list]], [[port-fold]]\n\n[[run/port+proc]], [[run/port+proc*]], [[run/collecting]],\n[[run/collectiong*]], [[||]], [[&&]]\n\n[[char-filter]], [[string-filter]]\n\n** System calls\n[[errno-error]], [[with-errno-handler*]], [[with-errno-handler]]\n\n[[close-after]], [[error-output-port]], \n[[with-current-input-port*]], [[with-current-output-port*]],\n[[with-error-output-port*]], \n[[with-current-input-port]], [[with-current-output-port]],\n[[with-error-output-port]], \n[[set-current-input-port!]], [[set-current-output-port!]],\n[[set-error-output-port!]], [[close]],\n[[stdports->stdio]], [[stdio->stdports]],\n[[with-stdio-ports*]], [[with-stdio-ports]]\n\n[[make-string-input-port]], [[make-string-output-port]],\n[[string-output-port-output]], [[call-with-string-output-port]]\n\n[[fdes->inport]], [[fdes->outport]], [[port->fdes]],\n[[port-revealed]], [[release-port-handle]], [[call/fdes]],\n[[move->fdes]]\n\n[[dup]], [[dup->inport]], [[dup->outport]], [[dup->fdes]],\n[[seek]], [[tell]], [[open-file]], [[open-input-file]],\n[[open-output-file]], [[open-fdes]], [[fdes-flags]],\n[[set-fdes-flags]], [[fdes-status]], [[set-fdes-status]],\n[[pipe]], [[read-string]], [[read-string!]],\n[[read-string/partial]], [[read-string!/partial]],\n[[select]], [[select!]], [[write-string]], [[write-string/partial]],\n[[set-port-buffering]], [[force-output]], [[flush-all-ports]],\n[[make-lock-region]], [[lock-region]], [[lock-region/no-block]],\n[[get-lock-region]], [[unlock-region]], [[with-region-lock*]],\n[[with-region-lock]]\n\n[[create-directory]], [[create-fifo]], [[create-hard-link]],\n[[create-symlink]], [[delete-directory]],\n[[delete-file]], [[delete-filesys-object]], [[read-symlink]],\n[[rename-file]], [[set-file-mode]], [[set-file-owner]],\n[[set-file-group]], [[set-file-times]],\n[[sync-file]], [[sync-file-system]],\n[[truncate-file]], [[file-info]], [[file-directory?]],\n[[file-fifo?]], [[file-regular?]], [[file-socket?]],\n[[file-special?]], [[file-symlink?]], [[file-not-readable?]],\n[[file-not-writable?]], [[file-not-executable?]],\n[[file-readable?]], [[file-writable?]], [[file-executable?]],\n[[file-not-exists?]], [[file-exists]], [[directory-files]],\n[[glob]], [[glob-quote]], [[file-match]],\n[[create-temp-file]], [[temp-file-iterate]],\n[[*temp-file-template*]], [[temp-file-channel]]\n\n[[exec]], [[exec-path]], [[exec/env]], [[exec-path/env]],\n[[%exec]], [[exec-path-search]], [[exit]], [[%exit]],\n[[call-terminally]], [[suspend]], [[fork]], [[%fork]],\n[[fork/pipe]], [[%fork/pipe]], [[fork/pipe+]], [[%fork/pipe+]],\n[[pid->proc]], [[autoreap-policy]], [[reap-zombies]],\n[[wait]], [[wait-any]], [[wait-process-group]],\n[[status:exit-val]], [[status:stop-sig]], [[status:term-sig]]\n\n[[umask]], [[set-umask]], [[with-umask*]], [[with-umask]],\n[[chdir]], [[cwd]], [[with-cwd*]], [[with-cwd]],\n[[pid]], [[parent-pid]], [[process-group]], [[set-process-group]],\n[[set-priority]], [[priority]], [[nice]],\n[[user-login-name]], [[user-uid]], [[user-effective-uid]],\n[[user-gid]], [[user-effective-gid]], [[user-supplementary-gids]],\n[[set-uid]], [[set-gid]], [[process-times]],\n[[cpu-ticks/sec]]\n\n[[user-info]], [[->uid]], [[->username]],\n[[group-info]]\n\n[[command-line-arguments]], [[command-line]],\n[[arg]], [[arg*]], [[argv]]\n\n[[system-name]]\n\n[[signal-process]], [[signal-process-group]], [[itimer]],\n[[pause-until-interrupt]], [[process-sleep]], [[process-sleep-until]],\n\n[[signal->interrupt]], [[interrupt-set]], [[enabled-interrupts]],\n[[set-enabled-interrupts]], [[with-enabled-interrupts]],\n[[with-enabled-interrupts*]], [[set-interrupt-handler]],\n[[interrupt-handler]]\n\n[[make-date]], [[time+ticks]], [[ticks/sec]], [[date]], [[time]],\n[[date->string]], [[format-date]], [[fill-in-date!]],\n[[setenv]], [[getenv]], [[env->alist]], [[alist->env]],\n[[alist-delete]], [[alist-update]], [[alist-compress]],\n[[with-env*]], [[with-total-env*]], [[with-env]], [[with-total-env]],\n[[add-before]], [[add-after]], [[home-directory]],\n[[exec-path-list]]\n\n[[tty?]], [[tty-file-name]], [[make-tty-info]], [[copy-tty-info]],\n[[tty-info]], [[set-tty-info/now]], [[set-tty-info/drain]],\n[[set-tty-info/flush]], [[send-tty-break]], [[drain-tty]],\n[[flush-tty/input]], [[flush-tty/output]], [[flush-tty/both]],\n[[start-tty-output]], [[stop-tty-output]], [[start-tty-input]],\n[[stop-tty-input]], [[open-control-tty]], [[become-session-leader]],\n[[tty-process-group]], [[set-tty-process-group]], [[control-tty-file-name]],\n[[fork-pty-session]], [[open-pty]], [[pty-name->tty-name]],[[tty-name->pty-name]], [[make-pty-generator]], [[ttychar/delete-char]],\n[[ttychar/delete-line]], [[ttychar/eof]], [[tychar/eol]],\n[[ttychar/interrupt]], [[ttychar/quit]]\n") ("char-set:printing" . "(:ctime 1018082675 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082675 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set:lower-case]]\n") ("RRRS" . "(:ctime 1152474763 :cuser #f :mtime 1675988874 :muser #f)The Revised Revised Report on Scheme or The Uncommon Lisp. (1985)\n\nhttps://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/5600\n\n----\n\n* Special forms\n\n[[quote]], [[lambda]], [[if]], [[cond]], [[case]], [[and]], [[or]], [[let]], [[let*]], [[letrec]], [[rec]], [[named-lambda]], [[define]], [[set!]], [[begin]], [[sequence]], [[do]]\n\n* Booleans\n[[#!false]], [[#!true]], [[not]], [[nil]], [[t]]\n\n* Equivalence predicates\n[[eq?]], [[eqv?]], [[equal?]]\n\n* Pairs and lists\n[[pair?]], [[cons]], [[car]], [[cdr]], [[set-car!]], [[set-cdr!]], [[#!null]], [[null?]], [[list]], [[length]], [[append]], [[append!]], [[reverse]], [[list-ref]], [[list-tail]], [[last-pair]], [[memq]], [[memv]], [[member]], [[assq]], [[assv]], [[assoc]]\n\n* Symbols\n[[symbol?]], [[symbol->string]], [[string->symbol]]\n\n* Numbers\n[[number?]], [[complex?]], [[real?]], [[rational?]], [[integer?]], [[zero?]], [[positive?]], [[negative?]], [[odd?]], [[even?]], [[exact?]], [[inexact?]], [[=]], [[=?]], [[<]], [[]], [[>?]], [[<=]], [[<=?]], [[>=]], [[>=?]], [[max]], [[min]], [[+]], [[*]], [[-]], [[/]], [[1+]], [[-1+]], [[abs]], [[quotient]], [[remainder]], [[modulo]], [[gcd]], [[lcm]], [[floor]], [[ceiling]], [[truncate]], [[round]], [[rationalize]], [[exp]], [[log]], [[expt]], [[sin]], [[cos]], [[tan]], [[asin]], [[acos]], [[atan]], [[make-rectangular]], [[make-polar]], [[real-part]], [[imag-part]], [[magnitude]], [[angle]], [[exact->inexact]], [[inexact->exact]]\n\n[[number->string]], [[string->number]]\n\n[[int]], [[rat]], [[fix]], [[flo]], [[sci]], [[rect]], [[polar]], [[heur]], [[exactness]], [[radix]]\n\n* Character\n[[char?]], [[char=?]], [[char?]], [[char<=?]], [[char>=?]], [[char-ci=?]], [[char-ci?]], [[char-ci<=?]], [[char-ci>=?]], [[char-upper-case?]], [[char-lower-case?]], [[char-alphabetic?]], [[char-numeric?]], [[char-whitespace?]], [[char->integer]], [[integer->char]], [[char-upcase]], [[char-downcase]]\n\n* Strings\n[[string?]], [[string-null?]], [[string=?]], [[string-ci=?]], [[string=?]], [[string?]], [[string<=?]], [[string>=?]], [[string-ci?]], [[string-ci<=?]], [[string-ci>=?]], [[make-string]], [[string-length]], [[string-ref]], [[substring]], [[string-append]], [[string->list]], [[list->string]], [[string-set!]], [[string-fill!]], [[string-copy]], [[substring-fill!]], [[substring-move-right!]], [[substring-move-left!]]\n\n* Vectors\n[[vector?]], [[make-vector]], [[vector]], [[vector-length]], [[vector-ref]], [[vector-set!]], [[vector->list]], [[list->vector]], [[vector-fill!]]\n\n* The object table\n[[object-hash]], [[object-unhash]]\n\n* Procedures\n[[apply]], [[map]], [[for-each]], [[call-with-current-continuation]]\n\n* Ports\n[[call-with-input-file]], [[call-with-output-file]], [[input-port?]], [[output-port?]], [[current-input-port]], [[current-output-port]], [[with-input-from-file]], [[with-output-to-file]], [[open-input-file]], [[open-output-file]], [[close-input-port]], [[close-output-port]]\n\n* Input\n[[eof-object?]], [[read]], [[read-char]], [[char-ready?]], [[load]]\n\n* Output\n[[write]], [[display]], [[newline]], [[write-char]], [[transcript-on]], [[transcript-off]]\n") ("hashtable-set!" . "(:ctime 1191359987 :cuser #f :mtime 1191359987 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable-set! ''hashtable'' ''key'' ''obj''\n\n[[R6RS]]: Changes ''hashtable'' to associate ''key'' with ''obj''.\n\nSee also [[Concept:HashTable]].\n\nOther implementations have [[hash-table-set!]], [[hashtable-put!]],\n[[hash-table-put!]], [[hash-table/put!]], [[put!]], [[table-set!]].\n") ("case-lambda" . "(:ctime 1014883120 :cuser #f :mtime 1099722607 :muser #f)* [syntax] case-lambda (''formals'' ''body'') ...\n\n[[SRFI-16]], [[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]], [[MzScheme]], [[Gauche]], [[STklos]]\n\n{{{\n(define plus\n (case-lambda \n (() 0)\n ((x) x)\n ((x y) (+ x y))\n ((x y z) (+ (+ x y) z))\n (args (apply + args))))\n\n(plus) --> 0\n(plus 1) --> 1\n(plus 1 2 3) --> 6\n\n((case-lambda \n ((a) a)\n ((a b) (* a b)))\n 1 2 3) --> error\n}}}\n\nSee also [[lambda]].\n") ("SRFI-89" . "(:ctime 1184128266 :cuser #f :mtime 1184128266 :muser #f)SRFI 89: Optional positional and named parameters\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-89/srfi-89.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[define*]], [[lambda*]]\n") ("SRFI-136" . "(:ctime 1594682423 :cuser #f :mtime 1594682423 :muser #f)SRFI-136: Extensible record types\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-136/srfi-136.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("list-index" . "(:ctime 1014870670 :cuser #f :mtime 1014870670 :muser #f)* [procedure] list-index ''pred'' ''clist1'' ''clist2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Return the index of the leftmost element that satisfies ''pred''.\nThe iteration stops when one of the lists runs out of values; \nin this case, list-index returns #f. \n") ("char-set-complement!" . "(:ctime 1099288296 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288296 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set-complement]]\n") ("display*" . "(:ctime 1039756356 :cuser #f :mtime 1039756356 :muser #f)* [procedure] display* ''expr'' ...\n\n[[Bigloo]]: displays ''expr'' .... Does not append\nnewline. See [[print]].\n\nThis is called [[print*]] in some implementations.\n") ("user-information" . "(:ctime 1015273778 :cuser #f :mtime 1015273778 :muser #f)* [procedure] user-information ''user''\n\n[[Chicken]]: returns the user information (password entry fields) of ''user'' (user name\nor uid), in 7 values.\n\n") ("string=" . "(:ctime 1014892479 :cuser #f :mtime 1014892792 :muser #f)* [procedure] string= ''s1'' ''s2'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n* [procedure] string<> ''s1'' ''s2'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n* [procedure] string<= ''s1'' ''s2'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n* [procedure] string< ''s1'' ''s2'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n* [procedure] string>= ''s1'' ''s2'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n* [procedure] string> ''s1'' ''s2'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[string-compare]].\n\n") ("integer->digit" . "(:ctime 1015772145 :cuser #f :mtime 1015772145 :muser #f)[[$$include digit->integer]]\n") ("do-ec" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144535105 :muser #f)* [syntax] do-ec ''qualifier'' ... ''command''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nEvaluates the ''command'' exactly once for each binding in the sequence\ndefined by the ''qualifier''s. If there are no ''qualifier''s ''command'' is\nevaluated exactly once. The expression is evaluated for its side-effects\nonly. The result of the comprehension is unspecified.\n\n") ("file-unlock" . "(:ctime 1015199209 :cuser #f :mtime 1015199337 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-unlock ''lock''\n\n[[Chicken]]: ''lock'' is the object returned from [[file-lock]].\n\n") ("call/1cc" . "(:ctime 1014941492 :cuser #f :mtime 1014941492 :muser #f)* [procedure] call/1cc ''procedure''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: creates ''one-shot continuation'' and passes it to\n''procedure''.\n\nSee also [[call-with-current-continuation]], [[call/cc]].\n") ("fp>" . "(:ctime 1191226812 :cuser #f :mtime 1191226812 :muser #f)[[$$include fp=]]\n") ("a:flor32b" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144529257 :muser #f)* [procedure] a:flor32b [''z'']\n[[SRFI-63]]: Returns an inexact 32.bit flonum real uniform-array prototype.\n") ("bit-extract" . "(:ctime 1039751024 :cuser #f :mtime 1039751024 :muser #f)* [procedure] bit-extract ''n'' ''start'' ''end''\n\n[[Guile]]: returns an integer whose bits are extracted\nfrom integer ''n'' 's ''start''-th and ''end''-th bits.\n") ("sys-getegid" . "(:ctime 1038189989 :cuser #f :mtime 1038189989 :muser #f)[[$$include sys-getgid]]\n") ("get-keyword*" . "(:ctime 1038030051 :cuser #f :mtime 1038030064 :muser #f)* [macro] get-keyword* ''key'' ''kv-list'' [''default'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: like [[get-keyword]], but evaluates ''default''\nonly if ''key'' is not found in ''kv-list''. \n") ("Index:w" . "(:ctime 1014846469 :cuser #f :mtime 1015014809 :muser #f)[[$$index w]]\n\n") ("flonum-unparser-cutoff" . "(:ctime 1353896934 :cuser #f :mtime 1353896934 :muser #f) (fluid-let ((flonum-unparser-cutoff '(absolute 5)))\n (number->string (* 4 (atan 1 1))))\n") ("&i/o-file-is-read-only-error" . "(:ctime 1099273736 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273755 :muser #f)* [condition-type] &i/o-file-is-read-only-error\n\n[[SRFI-36]]\n{{{\n(define-condition-type &i/o-file-is-read-only-error &i/o-file-protection-error\n i/o-file-is-read-only-error?)\n}}}\n\nSee [[&condition]], [[&i/o-file-protection-error]].\n") ("cfl=" . "(:ctime 1014953199 :cuser #f :mtime 1014953199 :muser #f)* [procedure] cfl= ''cflonum'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[cflonum?]], [[=]], [[fl=]]\n") ("kill-thread" . "(:ctime 1020750162 :cuser #f :mtime 1020750162 :muser #f)* [procedure] kill-thread ''thread''\n\n[[MzScheme]]: kill a thread.\n\nSRFI-18 and SRFI-21 have [[thread-terminate!]].\n") ("system-information" . "(:ctime 1015273713 :cuser #f :mtime 1015273713 :muser #f)* [procedure] system-information\n\n[[Chicken]]: calls uname(), and returns the result in 5 values.\n\nGauche has [[sys-uname]], but it returns a list.\n") ("get-process-id" . "(:ctime 1015137793 :cuser #f :mtime 1015282657 :muser #f)* [procedure] get-process-id\n* [procedure] get-parent-process-id\n\n[[Scheme48]]: note: Scheme48's process-id is a structure, not just an \ninteger. See also [[process-id?]], [[process-id=?]], [[process-id->integer]],\n[[integer->process-id]], [[process-id-exit-status]], \n[[process-id-terminating-signal]], [[wait-for-child-process]].\n\nSome implementations have procedures to get an integer process id;\nsee [[current-process-id]], [[parent-process-id]],\n[[sys-getpid]], [[sys-getppid]], [[getpid]], [[getppid]].\n") ("-1+" . "(:ctime 1100163281 :cuser #f :mtime 1630174316 :muser #f)* [procedure] -1+ ''num''\n\n[[RRRS]], [[T]], [[MIT-Scheme]]:\n\nSee also [[1+]], [[1-]].\n") ("sstats-print" . "(:ctime 1015029360 :cuser #f :mtime 1015029360 :muser #f)* [procedure] sstats-print ''sstats'' [''output-port'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: see [[statistics]].\n") ("test-result-set!" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151080705 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-result-set! ''runner'' ''pname'' ''value''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: sets the values of the test result property named ''pname'' to ''value''.\n") ("write-with-shared-structure" . "(:ctime 1099277561 :cuser #f :mtime 1099277561 :muser #f)* [procedure] write-with-shared-structure ''obj'' [''port'' [''optarg'']]\n\n[[SRFI-38]]: Writes an external representation of ''obj'' to ''port'',\nusing the shared structure notation such as [[#1=]] and [[#1#]] if needed.\n\nSome implementations may have a shorter name, [[write/ss]], as well.\n\nSome implementations may extend the built-in [[write]] to handle\nthe shared structure.\n") ("tan" . "(:ctime 1014858924 :cuser #f :mtime 1191311978 :muser #f)* [procedure] tan ''z''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[sin]], [[cos]], [[atan]], [[tanh]].\n\n") ("program" . "(:ctime 1014882169 :cuser #f :mtime 1014882277 :muser #f)* [configuration language] program ''program-clause'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-7]]: meta-level configuration language. ''program-clause''\nmay be one of the followings:\n\n (requires +)\n (files *)\n (code *)\n (feature-cond +)\n (feature-cond * (else +))\n\nSee also [[requires]], [[files]], [[code]], [[feature-cond]],\n[[cond-expand]].\n\n\n") ("au32" . "(:ctime 1099398099 :cuser #f :mtime 1099398100 :muser #f)[[$$include ac64]]\n") ("get-parent-process-id" . "(:ctime 1015137817 :cuser #f :mtime 1015137817 :muser #f)[[$$include get-process-id]]\n") ("char-set-map" . "(:ctime 1039169043 :cuser #f :mtime 1039169043 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set-map ''proc'' ''char-set''\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: apply ''proc'' for each character in\n''char-set'', and creates a new character set\nthat consists of the characters returned from ''proc''.\nSee also [[char-set-fold]], [[char-set-for-each]].\n") ("begin" . "(:ctime 1014838660 :cuser #f :mtime 1191209699 :muser #f)* [syntax] begin ''expr'' ''expr2'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSome implementations allow begin with no ''exprs'': [[Chicken]], [[STk]], [[Gauche]]\n\n* [module clause] begin ''expr'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]]: this form can be used in the module clause in [[define-module]].\nSee [[Chicken:ModuleSystem]].\n\n* [configuration language] begin ''expr'' ...\n\n[[Scheme48]]: used in configuration language. See [[Scheme48:ModuleSystem]].\n") ("define-reader-ctor" . "(:ctime 1015070011 :cuser #f :mtime 1015070011 :muser #f)* [procedure] define-reader-ctor ''symbol'' ''proc''\n\n[[SRFI-10]]: makes ''proc'' as a reader of the form #,(''symbol'' ''exp'' ...).\n\nSee also [[#,]].\n") ("fxmodulo" . "(:ctime 1014950854 :cuser #f :mtime 1191225108 :muser #f)[[$$include fxquotient]]\n") ("mutex-unlock!" . "(:ctime 1015927624 :cuser #f :mtime 1015963655 :muser #f)* [procedure] mutex-unlock! ''mutex'' [''condition-variable'' ''timeout'']\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]\n") ("fxsrl" . "(:ctime 1014950996 :cuser #f :mtime 1191225451 :muser #f)[[$$include fxsll]]\n") ("open-input-file" . "(:ctime 1014857223 :cuser #f :mtime 1039755577 :muser #f)* [procedure] open-input-file ''filename''\n\n[[R5RS]]: Takes a string naming an existing file and returns an input port capable of delivering characters from the file. If the file cannot\nbe opened, an error is signalled.\n\nSee also [[open-output-file]].\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[STk]]: extends this to allow piped command\nin ''filename''.\n\n* [procedure] open-input-file ''filename'' [''mode'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: takes an optional argument which can be #:text, #:binary or #:append.\n\n* [procedure] open-input-file ''filename'' [''flags'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: ''flags'' is an integer composed by or-ing\nbit flags.\n\n* [procedure] open-input-file ''filename'' [''options'' ...]\n\n[[Gauche]] extends R5RS to take various keyword arguments to customize\nbehavior of [[open-input-file]].\n") ("boot-tail" . "(:ctime 1015883557 :cuser #f :mtime 1015883557 :muser #f)* [procedure] boot-tail ''dumped?''\n\n[[SCM]]: called just before entering the interactive top-level.\n") ("char-set:upper-case" . "(:ctime 1018082632 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082632 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set:lower-case]]\n") ("exec-file-with-environment" . "(:ctime 1015285338 :cuser #f :mtime 1015285338 :muser #f)[[$$include exec]]\n") ("queue-length" . "(:ctime 1017980638 :cuser #f :mtime 1017980650 :muser #f)* [procedure] queue-length ''queue''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: see also [[make-queue]].\n") ("SRFI-1" . "(:ctime 1014861412 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428496 :muser #f)SRFI-1: List Library \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n** Constructors\n\n[[cons]], [[list]],\n[[xcons]], [[cons*]], [[make-list]], [[list-tabulate]],\n[[list-copy]], [[circular-list]], [[iota]]\n\n** Predicates\n\n[[pair?]], [[null?]],\n[[proper-list?]], [[circular-list?]], [[dotted-list?]],\n[[not-pair?]], [[null-list?]], [[list=]]\n\n** Selectors\n\n[[car]], [[cdr]], [[list-ref]],\n[[first]], [[second]], [[third]], [[fourth]], [[fifth]],\n[[sixth]], [[seventh]], [[eighth]], [[ninth]], [[tenth]],\n[[car+cdr]],\n[[take]], [[drop]],\n[[take-right]], [[drop-right]],\n[[take!]], [[drop-right!]], [[split-at]], [[split-at!]], [[last]], [[last-pair]]\n\n** Miscellaneous: length, append, concatenate, reverse, zip & count\n\n[[length]], [[length+]],\n[[append]], [[concatenate]], [[reverse]],\n[[append!]], [[concatenate!]], [[reverse!]],\n[[append-reverse]], [[append-reverse!]],\n[[zip]], [[unzip1]], [[unzip2]], [[unzip3]], [[unzip4]], [[unzip5]],\n[[count]]\n\n** Fold, unfold & map\n\n[[map]], [[for-each]],\n[[fold]], [[unfold]], [[pair-fold]], [[reduce]], [[fold-right]],\n[[unfold-right]], [[pair-fold-right]], [[reduce-right]],\n[[append-map]], [[append-map!]],\n[[map!]], [[pair-for-each]], [[filter-map]], [[map-in-order]],\n\n** Filtering & partitioning\n\n[[filter]], [[partition]], [[remove]],\n[[filter!]], [[partition!]], [[remove!]],\n\n** Searching\n\n[[member]], [[memq]], [[memv]],\n[[find]], [[find-tail]], [[any]], [[every]],\n[[list-index]],\n[[take-while]], [[drop-while]], [[take-while!]],\n[[span]], [[break]], [[span!]], [[break!]]\n\n** Deleting\n\n[[delete]], [[delete-duplicates]], [[delete!]], [[delete-duplicates!]]\n\n** Association lists\n\n[[assoc]], [[assq]], [[assv]],\n[[alist-cons]], [[alist-copy]],\n[[alist-delete]], [[alist-delete!]]\n\n** Set operations on lists\n\n[[lset<=]], [[lset=]], [[lset-adjoin]],\n[[lset-union]], [[lset-union!]],\n[[lset-intersection]], [[lset-intersection!]],\n[[lset-difference]], [[lset-difference!]],\n[[lset-xor]], [[lset-xor!]],\n[[lset-diff+intersection]], [[lset-diff+intersection!]]\n\n** Primitive side-effects\n\n[[set-car!]], [[set-cdr!]]\n\n\n\n") ("fx1-" . "(:ctime 1014951236 :cuser #f :mtime 1014951236 :muser #f)* [procedure] fx1- ''fixnum''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]], [[1-]]\n") ("SRFI-118" . "(:ctime 1594384512 :cuser #f :mtime 1594384512 :muser #f)SRFI-118: Simple adjustable-size strings\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-118/srfi-118.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("SRFI-48" . "(:ctime 1099394850 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428862 :muser #f)SRFI-48: Intermediate Format Strings\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-48/srfi-48.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[format]]\n") ("char-upper-case?" . "(:ctime 1015063503 :cuser #f :mtime 1015063503 :muser #f)[[$$include char-lower-case?]]\n") ("copy-port" . "(:ctime 1015916140 :cuser #f :mtime 1018335008 :muser #f)* [procedure] copy-port ''src-port'' ''dst-port''\n\n[[Scsh]], [[STk]]: Read from ''src-port'' and writes it to ''dst-port''.\n\n* [procedure] copy-port ''src-port'' ''dst-port'' &keyword ''unit''\n\n[[Gauche]]: takes a keyword argument ''unit'' --- you can copy by bytes, characters,\nor blocks.\n\n") ("use-syntax" . "(:ctime 1014928760 :cuser #f :mtime 1014928768 :muser #f)* [syntax] use-syntax ''module-name''\n\n[[Guile]]: Load the module ''module-name'' and use its system transformer as\nthe system transformer for the currently defined module, as well\nas installing it as the current system transformer.\n\nSee also [[use-modules]], [[define-module]].\n") ("with-input-from-string" . "(:ctime 1015070414 :cuser #f :mtime 1099726274 :muser #f)* [procedure] with-input-from-string ''string'' ''thunk''\n* [procedure] with-output-to-string ''thunk''\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[Chicken]], [[Gauche]], [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[SISC]]\n\nSee also [[open-input-string]], [[open-output-string]],\n[[call-with-input-string]], [[call-with-output-string]]\n") ("condition-variable?" . "(:ctime 1015927646 :cuser #f :mtime 1015963669 :muser #f)* [procedure] condition-variable? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]\n") ("char-set-union!" . "(:ctime 1099288385 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288385 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set-union]]\n") ("obj->string" . "(:ctime 1063240247 :cuser #f :mtime 1063240247 :muser #f)[[$$include string->obj]]\n") ("#i" . "(:ctime 1014848100 :cuser #f :mtime 1014848100 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #i''nnn...''\n\n[[R5RS]] Denotes inexact number literal.\n\nSee also [[#e]].\n") ("rational?" . "(:ctime 1014854816 :cuser #f :mtime 1191210902 :muser #f)* [procedure] rational? ''obj''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nNote: in R6RS, (rational? +inf.0), (rational? -inf.0) and (rational? +nan.0) are all #f.\n\nSee also [[number?]], [[complex?]], [[real?]], [[integer?]].\n") ("room" . "(:ctime 1015888231 :cuser #f :mtime 1015888231 :muser #f)* [procedure] room [''flag'']\n\n[[SCM]]: prints heap information.\n") ("zip" . "(:ctime 1014864837 :cuser #f :mtime 1014864849 :muser #f)* [procedure] zip ''clist1'' ''clist2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]\n\nSee also [[unzip1]], [[unzip2]], [[unzip3]],\n[[unzip4]], [[unzip5]].\n") ("wstandend" . "(:ctime 1015883074 :cuser #f :mtime 1015883074 :muser #f)[[$$include wstandout]]\n") ("&i/o-filename-error" . "(:ctime 1099273653 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273653 :muser #f)* [condition-type] &i/o-filename-error\n\n[[SRFI-36]]\n{{{\n(define-condition-type &i/o-filename-error &i/o-error\n i/o-filename-error?\n (filename i/o-error-filename))\n}}}\n\nSee [[&condition]], [[&i/o-error]].\n") ("&i/o-malformed-filename-error" . "(:ctime 1099273686 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273686 :muser #f)* [condition-type] &i/o-malformed-filename-error\n\n[[SRFI-36]]\n{{{\n(define-condition-type &i/o-malformed-filename-error &i/o-filename-error\n i/o-malformed-filename-error?)\n}}}\n\nSee [[&condition]], [[&i/o-filename-error]].\n") ("string]], [[string->number]]\n\n** Booleans\n\n[[not]], [[boolean?]], [[boolean=?]]\n\n** Pairs and lists\n\n[[pair?]], [[cons]], [[car]], [[cdr]], [[set-car!]], [[set-cdr!]],\n[[caar]], [[cadr]], [[cdar]], [[cddr]], [[null?]], [[list?]],\n[[make-list]], [[list]], [[length]], [[append]], [[reverse]],\n[[list-tail]], [[list-ref]], [[list-set!]],\n[[memq]], [[memv]], [[member]], [[assq]], [[assv]], [[assoc]],\n[[list-copy]]\n\n** Symbols\n\n[[symbol?]], [[symbol->string]], [[string->symbol]]\n\n** Characters\n\n[[char?]], [[char=?]], [[char?]], [[char>=?]],\n[[char-ci=?]], [[char-ci?]], [[char-ci>=?]],\n[[char-alphabetic?]], [[char-numeric?]], [[char-whitespace?]],\n[[char-upper-case?]], [[char-lower-case?]], [[digit-value]],\n[[char->integer]], [[integer->char]], [[char-upcase]],\n[[char-downcase]], [[char-foldcase]]\n\n** Strings\n\n[[string?]], [[make-string]], [[string]], [[string-length]], [[string-ref]],\n[[string-set!]], [[string=?]], [[string-ci=?]], \n[[stirng?]], [[string-ci>?]], [[string>=?]], [[string-ci>=?]],\n[[string-upcase]], [[string-downcase]], [[string-foldcase]],\n[[substring]], [[string-append]], [[string->list]], [[list->string]],\n[[string-copy]], [[string-copy!]], [[string-fill!]]\n\n** Vectors\n\n[[vector?]], [[make-vector]], [[vector]], [[vector-length]], [[vector-ref]],\n[[vector-set!]], [[vector->list]], [[list->vector]], [[vector->string]],\n[[string->vector]], [[vector-copy]], [[vector-copy!]], [[vector-fill!]]\n\n** Bytevectors\n\n[[bytevector?]], [[make-bytevector]], [[bytevector]],\n[[bytevector-length]], [[bytevector-u8-ref]], [[bytevector-u8-set!]],\n[[bytevector-copy]], [[bytevector-copy!]], [[bytevector-append]],\n[[utf8->string]], [[string->utf8]]\n\n** Control features\n\n[[procedure?]], [[apply]], [[map]], [[string-map]],\n[[vector-map]], [[for-each]], [[string-for-each]], [[vector-for-each]],\n[[call-with-current-continuation]], [[call/cc]],\n[[values]], [[call-with-values]]\n\n** Exceptions\n\n[[with-exception-handler]], [[raise]], [[raise-continuable]],\n[[error]], [[error-object?]], [[error-object-irritants]],\n[[read-error?]], [[file-error?]]\n\n** Environments and evaluation\n\n[[environment]], [[scheme-report-environment]],\n[[null-environment]], [[interaction-environment]], [[eval]]\n\n** Input and output\n\n[[call-with-port]], [[call-with-input-file]], [[call-with-output-file]],\n[[input-port?]], [[output-port?]], [[textual-port?]], [[binary-port?]],\n[[port?]], [[input-port-open?]], [[output-port-open?]],\n[[current-input-port]], [[current-output-port]], [[current-error-port]],\n[[with-input-from-file]], [[with-output-to-file]],\n[[open-input-file]], [[open-binary-input-file]],\n[[open-output-file]], [[open-binary-output-file]],\n[[close-port]], [[close-input-port]], [[close-output-port]],\n[[open-input-string]], [[open-output-string]], [[get-output-string]],\n[[open-input-bytevector]], [[open-output-bytevector]],\n[[get-output-bytevector]]\n\n[[read]], [[read-char]], [[peek-char]], [[read-line]],\n[[eof-object?]], [[eof-object]], [[char-ready?]], [[read-string]],\n[[read-u8]], [[peek-u8]], [[u8-ready?]], [[read-bytevector]]\n\n[[write]], [[write-shared]], [[write-simple]], [[display]],\n[[newline]], [[write-char]], [[write-string]], \n[[write-u8]], [[write-bytevector]], [[flush-output-port]]\n\n** System interface\n\n[[load]], [[file-exists?]], [[delete-file]], [[command-line]], [[exit]],\n[[emergency-exit]], [[get-environment-variable]],\n[[get-environment-variables]], [[current-second]],\n[[current-jiffy]], [[jiffies-per-second]], [[features]]\n") ("andmap" . "(:ctime 1014941382 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407072 :muser #f)* [procedure] andmap ''procedure'' ''list1'' ''list2'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[MzScheme]]: applies ''procedure'' to corresponding elements \nof the ''lists'' in sequence until either the ''lists'' run out or\n''procedure'' returns a false value.\n\nThis is equivalent to [[SRFI-1]]'s [[every]], except that\n[[andmap]] requires all lists be the same length.\n\nSee also [[ormap]], [[every]], [[for-all]].\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info rio orange]\n") ("close" . "(:ctime 1018382187 :cuser #f :mtime 1018382204 :muser #f)* [procedure] close ''fd/port''\n\n[[Scsh]]: closes the port or file descriptor.\n\nSome implementations have [[close-port]].\n") ("and" . "(:ctime 1014837956 :cuser #f :mtime 1191209268 :muser #f)* [syntax] and ''test'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: The ''test'' expressions are evaluated from left to right,\nand the value of the first expression that evaluates to a false value\nis returned. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated. If all \nthe expressions evaluate to true values, the value of\nthe last expression is returned. If there are no expressions then \n#t is returned\n\nSee also [[or]], [[and-let*]], [[andmap]].\n") ("exact-match?" . "(:ctime 1018083528 :cuser #f :mtime 1018083528 :muser #f)* [procedure] exact-match? ''regexp'' ''string''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: regexp matcher. Returns a boolean value\nindicating whether ''string'' exactly matches ''regexp''.\nSee [[Concept:RegularExpression]], [[match]],\n[[any-match?]].\n\n") ("socket-host-address" . "(:ctime 1018343120 :cuser #f :mtime 1099738295 :muser #f)* [procedure] socket-host-address ''socket''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: returns a string of IP address of the\nremote host connected to ''socket''.\nSee also [[make-client-socket]], [[make-server-socket]],\n[[socket-host-name]], [[socket-local-address]].\n") ("try-finally" . "(:ctime 1161201462 :cuser #f :mtime 1161207568 :muser #f)* [syntax] try-finally ''body'' ''handler''\n\n[[Kawa]]: Runs ''body'' and returns its result(s).\n''handler'' is executed just before returning from this form,\neither normally or abnormally.\n") ("SRFI-131" . "(:ctime 1474476377 :cuser #f :mtime 1474476377 :muser #f)SRFI-131: ERR5RS Record Syntax (reduced)\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-131/srfi-131.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("SRFI-167" . "(:ctime 1594813549 :cuser #f :mtime 1594813549 :muser #f)SRFI-167: Ordered Key Value Store\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-167/srfi-167.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("move-file" . "(:ctime 1022544368 :cuser #f :mtime 1022544368 :muser #f)* [procedure] move-file ''src'' ''dst'' &keyword ''if-exists'' ''backup-suffix''\n\n[[Gauche]]: moves file. ''src'' and ''dst'' can be on the\ndifferent filesystems. See also [[copy-file]].\n") ("sin" . "(:ctime 1014858902 :cuser #f :mtime 1191311946 :muser #f)* [procedure] sin ''z''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[cos]], [[tan]], [[asin]], [[sinh]].\n\n") ("test-runner-aux-value" . "(:ctime 1151136447 :cuser #f :mtime 1151146521 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-aux-value ''runner''\n* [syntax] test-runner-aux-value! ''runner'' ''value''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: gets or sets the value of aux-value field of ''runner''.\n") ("SRFI-17" . "(:ctime 1014858686 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428631 :muser #f)SRFI-17: Generalized set!\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-17/srfi-17.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[set!]], [[setter]], [[getter-with-setter]]\n\n") ("group-info-id" . "(:ctime 1018125303 :cuser #f :mtime 1018125303 :muser #f)[[$$include group-info?]]\n") ("getter-with-setter" . "(:ctime 1015017227 :cuser #f :mtime 1015017227 :muser #f)* [procedure] getter-with-setter ''proc''\n\n[[SRFI-17]]\n\nSee also [[set!]], [[setter]].\n") ("eval-handler" . "(:ctime 1015047823 :cuser #f :mtime 1015047823 :muser #f)* [procedure] eval-handler [''newhandler'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: gets/sets eval handler. See [[eval]].\n") ("command-line" . "(:ctime 1038277550 :cuser #f :mtime 1418329611 :muser #f)* [procedure] command-line\n\n[[R6RS]], [[Scsh]]: returns a list of strings of command-line arguments,\n'''including the program name'''.\n\n[[Bigloo]]: returns a list of strings of command-line arguments,\n'''excluding the program name'''. See also [[executable-name]].\n\nChicken has [[command-line-arguments]]. In [[Scsh]],\n[[command-line-arguments]] is a variable.\n\n[[Guile]]: Same as [[Scsh]].\n\n[[MIT-Scheme]]: Same as [[Bigloo]]. No [[executable-name]] procedure, though.\n") ("integer-length" . "(:ctime 1014955100 :cuser #f :mtime 1039750798 :muser #f)* [procedure] integer-length ''n''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[SLIB]], [[Gauche]], [[Guile]]:\nReturns the length in bits of the smallest two's complement\nrepresentation for ''n''.\n\n") ("blob-u16-native-set!" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144717835 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-u16-native-set! ''blob'' ''k'' ''n''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: equivalent to (blob-uint-set! 2 (endianess native) ''blob'' ''k'' ''n'').\n\nSee also [[blob-uint-set!]] and [[endianness]].\n") ("read" . "(:ctime 1170794282 :cuser #f :mtime 1170798183 :muser #f)* [procedure] read [''port'']\n\n[[R4RS]], [[R5RS]]: Returns the next object parsable from the given input port. ''port'' defaults to [[current-input-port]].\n") ("string-compare-ci" . "(:ctime 1014889726 :cuser #f :mtime 1144499437 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-compare-ci ''s1'' ''s2'' ''proc<'' ''proc='' ''proc>'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]: Case-insensitive variant of [[string-compare]].\n\n* [procedure] string-compare-ci string[1] string[2]\n[[SRFI-67]]: Case-insensitive variant of [[string-compare]].\nCompare strings as string-ci<=?. The suffix -ci means ``case\ninsensitive.''\n\n") ("blob->u8-list" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144712233 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob->u8-list ''blob''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: Returns a newly allocated list of the octets of ''blob'' in the same order.\n") ("vector-map!" . "(:ctime 1099387370 :cuser #f :mtime 1191569952 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-map! ''proc'' ''vec1'' ''vec2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-43]]: Maps ''proc'' on elements of vectors. Destructively modifies\n''vec1'' to store the results, and returns an unspecified value.\n\nSee also [[vector-map]], [[vector-for-each]].\n\n") ("a:floc64b" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144529205 :muser #f)* [procedure] a:floc64b [''z'']\n[[SRFI-63]]: Returns an inexact 64.bit flonum complex uniform-array prototype.\n") ("errno/isdir" . "(:ctime 1015077240 :cuser #f :mtime 1015077240 :muser #f)[[$$include errno/perm]]\n") ("car" . "(:ctime 1014839170 :cuser #f :mtime 1191314043 :muser #f)* [procedure] car ''obj''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nIn R6RS, (car '()) raises &assertion exception.\n\n") ("unit" . "(:ctime 1015048707 :cuser #f :mtime 1015048707 :muser #f)* [module clause] unit ''unitname''\n\n[[Chicken]]: defines a library unit which should be used when this module is imported. \nSee also [[define-module]].\n") ("compare-by=/>" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144505033 :muser #f)[[$$include compare-by<]]\n") ("chain>=?" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144504151 :muser #f)[[$$include chain=?]]\n") ("break-handler" . "(:ctime 1014964203 :cuser #f :mtime 1014964203 :muser #f)* [procedure] break-handler [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]] gets/sets the handler of [[break]].\n") ("implicit-exit-handler" . "(:ctime 1015047894 :cuser #f :mtime 1015047894 :muser #f)* [procedure] implicit-exit-handler [''newhandler'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: gets/sets a handler that is executed when the last expression\nof program has executed. See also [[exit-handler]].\n") ("open/trunc" . "(:ctime 1015106392 :cuser #f :mtime 1015106392 :muser #f)[[$$include open/rdonly]]\n") ("file-test-lock" . "(:ctime 1015199314 :cuser #f :mtime 1015199314 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-test-lock ''port'' [''start'' ''len'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: see if the file referred by ''port'' is locked or not.\nSee also [[file-lock]], [[file-unlock]].\n") ("make-output-port" . "(:ctime 1014955817 :cuser #f :mtime 1015072994 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-output-port ''handler'' ''input-buffer''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: creates a generic port for output\n\nSee also [[make-input-port]], [[make-input/output-port]],\n[[port-handler]], [[port-output-buffer]], [[port-output-size]],\n[[port-output-index]], [[set-port-output-size!]], [[set-port-output-index!]].\n\n* [procedure] make-output-port ''write'' ''close''\n\n[[Chicken]]\n\nSee also [[make-input-port]]\n\n") ("scheme" . "(:ctime 1015023248 :cuser #f :mtime 1015023450 :muser #f)* [module] scheme\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: bindings built into ChezScheme.\nSee also [[r5rs]], [[r5rs-syntax]], [[ieee]], [[module]].\n\n[[Gauche]]: bindings defined in R5RS.\nIn Gauche, a module [[gauche]] contains bindings built into Gauche.\nSee also [[null]], [[gauche]], [[user]], [[define-module]]\n") ("SRFI-99" . "(:ctime 1325858863 :cuser #f :mtime 1325858863 :muser #f)SRFI 99: ERR5RS Records\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-99/srfi-99.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n----\n[[make-rtd]] [[rtd?]] [[rtd-constructor]] [[rtd-predicate]] [[rtd-accessor]] [[rtd-mutator]]\n[[record?]] [[record-rtd]] [[rtd-name]] [[rtd-parent]] [[rtd-field-names]] [[rtd-all-field-names]]\n") ("weak-cons" . "(:ctime 1015030715 :cuser #f :mtime 1015030715 :muser #f)* [procedure] weak-cons ''obj1'' ''obj2''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: creates a weak pair. See also [[#!bwp]], [[weak-pair?]],\n[[bwp-object?]], [[make-guardian]]\n") ("stream-filter" . "(:ctime 1099280541 :cuser #f :mtime 1099280541 :muser #f)* [procedure] stream-filter ''predicate'' ''stream''\n\n[[SRFI-40]]: Returns a new stream that consists of elements in ''stream''\nwhich satisfies ''predicate''.\n") ("sys-putenv" . "(:ctime 1015904773 :cuser #f :mtime 1015904773 :muser #f)[[$$include sys-getenv]]\n") ("<" . "(:ctime 1014954626 :cuser #f :mtime 1015066040 :muser #f)[[$$include =]]\n\n") ("string-parse-start+end" . "(:ctime 1014895213 :cuser #f :mtime 1014895213 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-parse-start+end ''proc'' ''s'' ''args''\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[string-parse-final-start+end]], [[let-string-start+end]]\n\n") ("error-handler" . "(:ctime 1014963660 :cuser #f :mtime 1015047746 :muser #f)* [procedure] error-handler [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]]: gets/sets current error handler.\n\nGauche has [[with-error-handler]] form that alters the current error handler.\n\nSee also [[error]].\n") ("byte-vector->s8vector" . "(:ctime 1015075777 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075777 :muser #f)[[$$include byte-vector->u8vector]]\n") ("signal-queue?" . "(:ctime 1020374786 :cuser #f :mtime 1020374786 :muser #f)* [procedure] signal-queue? ''x''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: see [[make-signal-queue]]\n") ("null-pointer" . "(:ctime 1015273927 :cuser #f :mtime 1015273927 :muser #f)* [procedure] null-pointer\n\n[[Chicken]]: (address->pointer 0). See [[address->pointer]], [[null-pointer?]].\n") ("SRFI-90" . "(:ctime 1184128455 :cuser #f :mtime 1184128455 :muser #f)SRFI 90: Extensible hash table constructor\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-90/srfi-90.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[make-table]]\n") ("drop" . "(:ctime 1014863678 :cuser #f :mtime 1014863678 :muser #f)* [procedure] drop ''x'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: returns all but the first ''k'' elements of list ''x''.\n\nSee also [[take]], [[drop-right]].\n\n") ("vector-index-right" . "(:ctime 1099388021 :cuser #f :mtime 1099388021 :muser #f)[[$$include vector-index]]\n") ("message-condition?" . "(:ctime 1099267607 :cuser #f :mtime 1099267607 :muser #f)* [procedure] message-condition? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-35]]: See [[&message]].\n") ("SRFI-113" . "(:ctime 1474475243 :cuser #f :mtime 1474475244 :muser #f)SRFI-113: Sets and bags \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-113/srfi-113.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("user-id->user-info" . "(:ctime 1018124485 :cuser #f :mtime 1018124544 :muser #f)* [procedure] user-id->user-info\n* [procedure] name->user-info\n\n[[Scheme48]]: obtain user information.\nSee [[Concept:UserGroup]], [[integer->user-id]].\n") ("#`" . "(:ctime 1015042402 :cuser #f :mtime 1191206739 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #` ''template''\n\n[[R6RS]], [[SRFI-72]]: (quasisyntax ''template''). See [[quasisyntax]].\n\n* [reader syntax] #` ''string''\n\n[[Gauche]]: short notation of (string-interpolate ''string'').\nReturns a string, with every occurence of \",''expr''\" in ''string''\nis expanded to the value of ''expr''.\n\n (let ((x 2)) #`\"The number is ,(+ x x).\") ==> \"The number is 4.\"\nSee also [[string-interpolate]].\n\n[[Chicken]] has a multiline string-interpolating syntax: see [[#<#]].\n\n* [reader syntax] #` ''code''\n\n[[MzScheme]]: denotes compiled code.\n\n") (":" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144537203 :muser #f)* [syntax] : ''vars'' ''arg1'' ''arg'' ...\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nFirst the expressions ''arg1'' ''arg'' ... are evaluated into a[1] a[2] ... a[n]\nand then a global dispatch procedure is used to dispatch on the number and\ntypes of the arguments and run the resulting generator. Initially (after\nloading the [[SRFI]]), the following cases are recognized:\n\n::list:\nif for all i in {1..n}: (list? a[i]).\n::string:\nif for all i in {1..n}: (string? a[i]).\n::vector:\nif for all i in {1..n}: (vector? a[i]).\n::range:\nif n in {1..3} and for all i in {1..n}: (integer? a[i]) and (exact? a[i]).\n::real-range:\nif n in {1..3} and for all i in {1..n}: (real? a[i]).\n::char-range:\nif n = 2 and for all i in {1, 2}: (char? a[i]).\n::port:\nif n in {1,2} and (input-port? a[1]) and (procedure? a[2]).\n\nThe current dispatcher can be retrieved as (:-dispatch-ref), a new\ndispatcher d can be installed by (:-dispatch-set! d) yielding an\nunspecified result, and a copy of the initial dispatcher can be obtained as\n(make-initial-:-dispatch). Please refer to the section below for\nrecommendation how to add cases to the dispatcher.\n") ("flatten" . "(:ctime 1015070273 :cuser #f :mtime 1015070273 :muser #f)* [procedure] flatten ''list1'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]]\n") ("denominator" . "(:ctime 1014847553 :cuser #f :mtime 1191219734 :muser #f)* [procedure] denominator ''q''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nNote:\n (denominator 0) => 1\n\n\nSee also [[numerator]], [[rationalize]]\n") ("foreign-callback-lambda" . "(:ctime 1015046846 :cuser #f :mtime 1015046846 :muser #f)* [syntax] foreign-callback-lambda ''returntype'' ''name'' ''argtype''\n* [syntax] foreign-callback-lambda* ''returntype'' ((''argtype'' ''variable'') ...) ''string'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]]: defines a binding to external routine. Similar to\n[[foreign-lambda]] and [[foreign-lambda*]], but the external routine\nmay call Scheme functions. [[foreign-callback-lambda*]] defines\nC body in-line (inside ''string'').\n\nSee also [[foreign-lambda]], [[foreign-lambda*]].\n") ("wait-for-child-process" . "(:ctime 1015282981 :cuser #f :mtime 1015282981 :muser #f)* [procedure] wait-for-child-process ''process-id''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: wait process to terminate. See also\n[[process-id-exit-status]], [[process-id-terminating-signal]],\n[[process-id?]], [[exit]], [[fork]].\n") ("pretty-print" . "(:ctime 1014959244 :cuser #f :mtime 1099776842 :muser #f)* [procedure] pretty-print ''obj'' [''output-port'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]]\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: See also [[pretty-file]], [[print-level]], [[print-length]],\n[[pretty-line-length]], [[pretty-one-line-limit]], [[pretty-initial-indent]],\n[[pretty-standard-indent]], [[pretty-maximum-lines]]\n\n[[Chicken]]: See also [[pretty-print-width]]\n\n* [procedure] pretty-print ''obj'' [:key ''port'' ''width'']\n* [procedure] pp ''obj'' [:key ''port'' ''width'']\n\n[[STklos]]: takes keyword arguments.\n") ("read-error?" . "(:ctime 1099273904 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273904 :muser #f)* [procedure] read-error? ''obj''\n* [procedure] read-error-line ''obj''\n* [procedure] read-error-column ''obj''\n* [procedure] read-error-position ''obj''\n* [procedure] read-error-span ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-36]]: See [[&read-error]].\n") ("check-substring-spec" . "(:ctime 1014884778 :cuser #f :mtime 1014884778 :muser #f)* [procedure] check-substring-spec ''proc'' ''s'' ''start'' ''end''\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[substring-spec-ok?]].\n") ("current-language" . "(:ctime 1036934828 :cuser #f :mtime 1036934828 :muser #f)* [procedure] current-language\n* [procedure] current-language ''symbol''\n\n[[SRFI-29]]: gets/sets the current ISO 639-1 language code as a symbol. See also [[current-country]], [[current-locale-details]].\n") ("define-in-module" . "(:ctime 1015724996 :cuser #f :mtime 1015724996 :muser #f)* [syntax] define-in-module ''module'' ''var'' ''expr''\n* [syntax] define-in-module ''module'' (''var'' ''formals'' ...) ''expr''\n\n[[Gauche]]: Defines binding of variable ''var'' to the value of ''expr''\nin the ''module''. Useful to insert binding into the other module.\n\nSee also [[define-module]]\n") ("hash-table-map" . "(:ctime 1015915502 :cuser #f :mtime 1020285303 :muser #f)[[$$include hash-table-for-each]]\n") ("make-hash-table" . "(:ctime 1015070839 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407264 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-hash-table [''equal?'' ''hash'' ''args'' ...]\n\n[[SRFI-69]]: Create a new hash table with no associations.\n''equal?'' is a predicate that should accept two keys and return a boolean\ntelling whether they denote the same key value; it defaults to [[equal?]].\n\n''hash'' is a hash function, and defaults to an appropriate hash function\nfor the given ''equal?'' predicate.\nHowever, an acceptable default is not guaranteed to be given\nfor any equivalence predicate coarser than [[equal?]],\nexcept for [[string-ci=?]].\n[1] The function ''hash'' must be acceptable for ''equal?'',\nso if you use coarser equivalence than [[equal?]] other than [[string-ci=?]],\nyou must always provide the function hash yourself.\n[1] An equivalence predicate ''c1'' is coarser than a equivalence predicate\n''c2'' iff there exist values ''x'' and ''y'' such that\n(and (c1 x y) (not (c2 x y))).\n\nImplementations are allowed to use the rest ''args'' for implementation-specific\nextensions. Be warned, though, that using these extensions will make your\nprogram less portable.\n\n* [procedure] make-hash-table [''equal?'' ''hash'' ''size-hint'']\n\n[[Kawa]]: Creates a new hash table. ''equal?'' and ''hash'' are\nprocedures to be used for comparison and calculating hash values.\n\n* [procedure] make-hash-table [''size'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: makes a hash table. Key comparer is fixed to [[eq?]].\nSee [[Concept:HashTable]].\nSee also [[get]], [[put!]], [[hash-table-count]],\n[[hash-table-for-each]], [[hash-table-ref]], [[hash-table-set!]]\n\n* [procedure] make-hash-table [''type'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: makes a hash table. ''Type'' may be one of the symbols\n'eq?', 'eqv?', 'equal?' or 'string=?'. See [[Concept:HashTable]].\nSee also [[hash-table-get]], [[hash-table-put!]], [[hash-table-exists?]],\n[[hash-table-push!]], [[hash-table-pop!]], \n[[hash-table-map]], [[hash-table-for-each]], [[hash-table-fold]],\n[[hash-table]]\n\n* [procedure] make-hash-table [''comparison'' ''hash'']\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: makes a hash table, with given comparison\nfunction and hash function. Comparison defaults to\n[[eq?]], and hash defaults to [[hash-table-hash]].\n\nSee also [[hash-table?]], [[hash-table-put!]],\n[[hash-table-get]], [[hash-table-remove!]], [[hash-table-update!]], \n[[hash-table-for-each]], [[hash-table-map]], [[hash-table->list]], [[hash-table-stats]].\n\n* [procedure] make-hash-table\n\n[[MzScheme]]: makes a hash table. comparison is fixed to [[eq?]].\n\nSee also [[make-hash-table-weak]], [[hash-table?]],\n[[hash-table-put!]], [[hash-table-get]], [[hash-table-remove!]], \n[[hash-table-map]], [[hash-table-for-each]]\n\n* [procedure] make-hash-table ''ms'' ''nb'' ''gk'' ''eq'' [''is'']\n\n[[Bigloo]]: ('''Deprecated''') Creates a hash table. See [[make-hashtable]]\nfor the current hashtable support.\n\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info B and You]\n") ("char-set-difference" . "(:ctime 1099288653 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288653 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set-difference ''cset0'' ''cset1'' ...\n* [procedure] char-set-difference ''cset0'' ''cset1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: Returns a character set that has all characters in ''cset0''\nexcept the characters in ''cset1'' ....\nSee also [[char-set-diff+intersection]].\n") ("pipe" . "(:ctime 1018386803 :cuser #f :mtime 1018386829 :muser #f)* [procedure] pipe\n\n[[Scsh]]: returns two ports.\n\nThis is called [[create-pipe]] or [[sys-pipe]]\nin some implementations.\n") ("util.queue" . "(:ctime 1015312764 :cuser #f :mtime 1015312764 :muser #f)* [module] util.queue\n\n[[Gauche]]: module to implement queue. See [[make-queue]].\n") ("string-ci>?" . "(:ctime 1015063624 :cuser #f :mtime 1015063624 :muser #f)[[$$include string-ci=?]]\n") ("Index:n" . "(:ctime 1014843118 :cuser #f :mtime 1015014637 :muser #f)[[$$index n]]\n\n") ("define-record-type" . "(:ctime 1014882925 :cuser #f :mtime 1110658665 :muser #f)* [syntax] define-record-type ''typename'' (''constructor'' ''tag'' ...) ''predicate'' ''field'' ...\n\nwhere:\n ''field'' : (''field-tag'' ''accessor-name'')\n | (''field-tag'' ''accessor-name'' ''modifier-name'')\n\n[[SRFI-9]], [[Scheme48]]:\n\n\n* [syntax] define-record-type ''type'' (''constructor'' ''tag'' ...) ''predicate'' ''field'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-57]]: Extends srfi-9 in the following ways:\n- Allows inheritance, using schemes (see [[define-record-scheme]]).\nThus ''type'' can be either just a symbol, or a list like (''type-name'' ''scheme-name'' ...) when ''type-name'' inherits from ''scheme-name'' ....\n- The type name becomes a macro that works as a constructor with labeled\nfield initializer arguments.\n- Most syntax arguments can be omitted or given #f if unnecessary.\n\n\n** notes\n\nChezScheme has [[define-record]], which implicitly creates constructors,\npredicates, and field accessor/mutators.\n\n[[Scheme48]] also defines a bunch of low-level procedures\nfor records and record types. See [[make-record]], \n[[record]], [[record?]], [[record-length]], [[record-type]],\n[[record-ref]], [[record-set!]], [[make-record-type]],\n[[record-type?]], [[record-type-name]], \n[[record-type-field-names]], [[record-constructor]],\n[[record-predicate]], [[record-accessor]], [[record-modifier]],\n[[define-record-discloser]], [[define-record-resumer]].\n\nSLIB provides low-level record API which is similar to\nScheme48's. See [[make-record-type]].\n") ("#<" . "(:ctime 1015920159 :cuser #f :mtime 1015920159 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #<''x'' ...''stuff''... ''x''\n\n[[Scsh]]: String literal, delimited by a single character ''x''.\n") ("delete-filesys-object" . "(:ctime 1018346036 :cuser #f :mtime 1018346036 :muser #f)* [procedure] delete-filesys-object ''fname''\n\n[[Scsh]]: deletes an object of any type from the\nfile system. See also [[Concept:FileSystem]].\n") ("signal/alrm" . "(:ctime 1015076592 :cuser #f :mtime 1015076592 :muser #f)[[$$include signal/hup]]\n") ("file-directory?" . "(:ctime 1015312321 :cuser #f :mtime 1015312321 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-directory? ''pathname''\n\n[[Scsh]]: see if ''pathname'' is a directory.\n\nThis is called [[directory?]] or [[file-is-directory?]]\nin some implementations. See also [[Concept:FileSystem]].\n") ("collect-notify" . "(:ctime 1015030470 :cuser #f :mtime 1015030470 :muser #f)* [procedure] collect-notify [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: garbage collector parameter. See [[collect]].\n") ("pair-compare" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144500326 :muser #f)* [procedure] pair-compare ''compare-car'' ''compare-cdr'' ''pair1'' ''pair2''\n* [procedure] pair-compare [''compare''] ''obj1'' ''obj2''\n[[SRFI-67]]: Compares two pairs, or (possibly improper) lists.\n\nThe 4-ary form compares two pairs ''pair1'' ''pair2'' by comparing their cars using\n''compare-car'', and if the cars are equal the cdrs are compared using ''compare-cdr''.\n\nThe 3-ary form compares two objects by type using the ordering of types null < pair < neither-null-nor-pair.\n\nTwo objects of type neither-null-nor-pair are compared using ''compare''.\nTwo pairs are compared by using ''compare'' on the cars, and if the cars are equal by\nrecursing on the cdrs.\n\nThe 2-ary form uses [[default-compare]] for ''compare''.\n") ("fl=" . "(:ctime 1014952302 :cuser #f :mtime 1014952302 :muser #f)* [procedure] fl= ''flonum'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[flonum?]], [[=]], [[fx=]]\n") ("ucs2-string->list" . "(:ctime 1039428217 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428217 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2-string->list ''ucs2str''\n* [procedure] list->ucs2-string ''list''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: see [[ucs2-string?]]\n") ("test-runner-current" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151077888 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-current\n* [syntax] test-runner-current ''test-runner''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: gets or sets the current test runner.\n") ("SRFI-2" . "(:ctime 1014875145 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428505 :muser #f)SRFI-2: AND-LET*: an AND with local bindings, a guarded LET* special\nform\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-2/srfi-2.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[and-let*]]\n\n") ("assq" . "(:ctime 1014838335 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407332 :muser #f)* [procedure] assq ''obj'' ''alist''\n\nSearch ''obj'' from an association list ''alist'' using [[eq?]]. [[R5RS]]\n\nSee also [[assoc]], [[assv]].\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info rio orange]\n") ("regcomp" . "(:ctime 1224217061 :cuser #f :mtime 1224217062 :muser #f)11 11 \n") ("fxneg" . "(:ctime 1015049737 :cuser #f :mtime 1015049737 :muser #f)* [procedure] fxneg ''fixnum1''\n\n[[Chicken]]: negates its fixnum argument.\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]]\n\n") ("unread-char" . "(:ctime 1014957529 :cuser #f :mtime 1014957529 :muser #f)* [procedure] unread-char ''char'' [''port'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: push back one character ''char'' to the input port ''port''.\nOnly one character pushback is supported.\n\n") ("pathname-file" . "(:ctime 1015100460 :cuser #f :mtime 1015100679 :muser #f)procedure] pathname-file ''pathname''\n\n[[Chicken]]: see also [[pathname-directory]], [[pathname-extension]],\n[[decompose-pathname]], [[pathname-replace-file]]\n") ("Index:e" . "(:ctime 1014842776 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407026 :muser #f)[[$$index e]]\n\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info B and You]\n") ("remove-to" . "(:ctime 1099651434 :cuser #f :mtime 1099651434 :muser #f)[[$$include filter-to]]\n") ("process-id-terminating-signal" . "(:ctime 1015282992 :cuser #f :mtime 1015282992 :muser #f)[[$$include process-id-exit-status]]\n") ("fdes-status" . "(:ctime 1018386756 :cuser #f :mtime 1018386756 :muser #f)* [procedure] fdes-status ''fd/port''\n* [procedure] set-fdes-status ''fd/port'' ''integer''\n\n[[Scsh]]: gets/sets file descriptor status.\n") ("most-positive-fixnum" . "(:ctime 1014952702 :cuser #f :mtime 1017697804 :muser #f)* [procedure] most-positive-fixnum\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[most-negative-fixnum]], [[fixnum?]]\n\n* [variable] most-positive-fixnum\n\n[[SLIB]]\n") ("atan" . "(:ctime 1014838533 :cuser #f :mtime 1191312074 :muser #f)* [procedure] atan ''z''\n* [procedure] atan ''y'' ''x''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: arctan. two argument version calculates (angle (make-rectangular ''x'' ''y'')).\n\nR6RS specifies these boundary cases:\n (atan -inf.0) => -π/2\n (atan +inf.0) => π/2\n\n[[SRFI-94]]: two arguments version signals error if ''y'' or ''x'' is not real.\n\n\n") ("SRFI-58" . "(:ctime 1122428932 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428942 :muser #f)SRFI-58: Array notation\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-58/srfi-58.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n") ("ac32" . "(:ctime 1099398037 :cuser #f :mtime 1099398037 :muser #f)[[$$include ac64]]\n") ("SRFI-185" . "(:ctime 1594320241 :cuser #f :mtime 1594320241 :muser #f)SRFI-185: Linear adjustable-length strings\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-185/srfi-185.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("assertion-violation" . "(:ctime 1191570409 :cuser #f :mtime 1191570409 :muser #f)* [procedure] assertion-violation ''who'' ''message'' ''irritant'' ...\n\n[[R6RS]]: Like [[error]], but raises [[&assertion]] type condition.\n\nSee also [[error]], [[assert]].\n") ("current-module" . "(:ctime 1014928306 :cuser #f :mtime 1014928306 :muser #f)* [procedure] current-module\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: Returns the current module.\n\nSee also [[define-module]], [[select-module]].\n\n* [syntax] current-module\n\n[[Gauche]]: Gauche interprets [[current-module]] at compilation time\ninstead of run time.\n\nSee also [[define-module]], [[select-module]].\n") ("perm/isuid" . "(:ctime 1015099888 :cuser #f :mtime 1015099888 :muser #f)[[$$include perm/irusr]]\n") ("*interactive*" . "(:ctime 1015883499 :cuser #f :mtime 1015883499 :muser #f)* [variable] *interactive*\n\n[[SCM]]: A flag to indicate interactive mode.\n") ("get-internal-info" . "(:ctime 1018344267 :cuser #f :mtime 1018344267 :muser #f)* [procedure] get-internal-info\n\n[[STk]]: returns some internal information.\n") ("blob-s16-ref" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144718119 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-s16-ref ''endianness'' ''blob'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: equivalent to (blob-sint-ref 2 ''endianness'' ''blob'' ''k'').\n\nSee also [[blob-sint-ref]].\n") ("string->0..255" . "(:ctime 1045088949 :cuser #f :mtime 1045088949 :muser #f)* [procedure] string->0..255 ''string''\n* [procedure] string->0..2^x-1 ''string'' ''power''\n* [procedure] int->0..255 ''int''\n* [procedure] int->0..2^x-1 ''int'' ''power''\n* [procedure] obj->0..255 ''obj''\n* [procedure] obj->0..2^x-1 ''obj'' ''power''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: ('''Deprecated''') procedures to compute hash values.\nSee [[object-hashnumber]] for the current hash method.\n") ("ash" . "(:ctime 1014951727 :cuser #f :mtime 1043985165 :muser #f)* [procedure] ash ''n'' ''count''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[SLIB]], [[Gauche]], [[Guile]]: arithmetic shift\n\nThis is called [[arithmetic-shift]] in some implementations.\n\nSISC have distinct left-shift and right-shift functions,\n[[ashl]] and [[ashr]].\n\nBigloo also has distinct functions, [[bit-lsh]] and [[bit-rsh]].\n\nChez also has [[fxsra]] and [[fxsll]] for shifting fixnums.\n\nSee also [[logand]], [[logior]], [[logxor]], [[lognot]].\n\n") (":real-range" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144537620 :muser #f)* [syntax] :real-range ''vars'' ''stop''\n* [syntax] :real-range ''vars'' ''start'' ''stop''\n* [syntax] :real-range ''vars'' ''start'' ''stop'' ''step''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nRuns through a range of real numbers using an explicit index variable. This\nform of range enumeration avoids accumulation of rounding errors and is the\none to use if any of the numbers defining the range is inexact, not an\ninteger, or a bignum of large magnitude.\n\nProviding default value 0 for ''start'' and 1 for ''step'', the generator first\nevaluates ''start'', ''stop'', and ''step'', which must result in reals a, b, an\nd\ns such that n = (b-a)/s is also representable as a real. Then the sequence\n0, 1, 2, ... is enumerated while the current value i is less than n, and\nthe variable in ''vars'' is bound to the value a + i s. If any of the values\na, b, or s is non-exact then all values in the sequence are non-exact.\n\n") ("ucs2-string-ci<=?" . "(:ctime 1039428113 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428113 :muser #f)[[$$include ucs2-string-ci=?]]\n") ("write-string/partial" . "(:ctime 1018387257 :cuser #f :mtime 1018387257 :muser #f)* [procedure] write-string/partial ''string'' [''fd/port'' ''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: atomic best-effort/forward-progress version\nof [[write-string]].\n") ("module-imports" . "(:ctime 1015772581 :cuser #f :mtime 1099723066 :muser #f)* [procedure] module-imports ''module''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: see also [[module-exports]].\n") ("dup" . "(:ctime 1036969992 :cuser #f :mtime 1036969996 :muser #f)* [procedure] dup ''fd/port'' [''newfd'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: dup(2) or dup2(2).\nSee also [[dup->inport]], [[dup->outport]], [[dup->fdes]].\n") ("read-case-sensitive" . "(:ctime 1063241199 :cuser #f :mtime 1063244569 :muser #f)[[$$include read/case]]\n") ("lset=" . "(:ctime 1014874469 :cuser #f :mtime 1014874469 :muser #f)* [procedure] lset= ''elt='' ''list1'' ''list2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Returns true iff every ''listi'' is set-equal to ''listi+1'', \nusing ''elt='' for the element-equality procedure. \"Set-equal\" simply means\nthat ''listi'' is a subset of ''listi+1'', and ''listi+1'' is a subset \nof ''listi''. The ''elt='' procedure's first argument is an element \nof ''listi''; its second is an element of ''listi+1''. \n\nSee also [[lset<=]].\n") ("fp/" . "(:ctime 1191226938 :cuser #f :mtime 1191226938 :muser #f)[[$$include fp+]]\n") ("let-fluids" . "(:ctime 1017989897 :cuser #f :mtime 1017989897 :muser #f)[[$$include let-fluid]]\n") ("break-thread" . "(:ctime 1020750195 :cuser #f :mtime 1020750195 :muser #f)* [procedure] break-thread ''thread''\n\n[[MzScheme]]: breaks the thread.\n\n") ("min-precision" . "(:ctime 1039510043 :cuser #f :mtime 1039510043 :muser #f)* [procedure] min-precision [''value'']\n* [procedure] max-precision [''value'']\n\n[[SISC]]: parameters to set the precision of numeric\nlibrary. (SISC has arbitrary-precision numeric library).\n") ("set-user-id!" . "(:ctime 1015138835 :cuser #f :mtime 1015198699 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-user-id! ''user-id''\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Scheme48]]: see also [[Concept:UserGroup]], [[get-user-id]]\n\nGauche has [[sys-setuid]].\n") ("file-info-mode" . "(:ctime 1040727337 :cuser #f :mtime 1040727337 :muser #f)[[$$include file-info-name]]\n") ("bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left" . "(:ctime 1191715343 :cuser #f :mtime 1191715344 :muser #f)[[$$include bitwise-arithmetic-shift]]\n") ("read-error-position" . "(:ctime 1099273949 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273949 :muser #f)[[$$include read-error?]]\n") ("SRFI-27" . "(:ctime 1038272703 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428707 :muser #f)SRFI-27: Sources of Random Bits\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-27/srfi-27.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[random-integer]], [[random-real]], [[default-random-source]]\n\n[[make-random-source]], [[random-source?]],\n[[random-source-state-ref]], [[random-source-state-set!]],\n[[random-source-randomize!]], \n[[random-source-pseudo-randomize!]]\n\n[[random-source-make-integers]],\n[[random-source-make-reals]]\n") ("perm/ixusr" . "(:ctime 1015099781 :cuser #f :mtime 1015099781 :muser #f)[[$$include perm/irusr]]\n") ("with-input-from-port" . "(:ctime 1015073781 :cuser #f :mtime 1099726310 :muser #f)* [procedure] with-input-from-port ''port'' ''thunk''\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Gauche]], [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[SCM]]\n\nSee also [[with-error-to-port]], [[with-output-to-port]].\n") ("truncate-file" . "(:ctime 1023685586 :cuser #f :mtime 1023685586 :muser #f)* [procedure] truncate-file ''fname/fd/port'' ''len''\n\n[[Scsh]]: truncates the specified file to the given length.\n") ("add-signal-queue-signal!" . "(:ctime 1020375002 :cuser #f :mtime 1020375002 :muser #f)* [procedure] add-signal-queue-signal! ''signal-queue'' ''signal''\n* [procedure] remove-signal-queue-signal! ''signal-queue'' ''signal''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: adds/removes ''signal'' to/from ''signal-queue''.\nSee [[make-signal-queue]].\n") ("subseq" . "(:ctime 1202095391 :cuser #f :mtime 1437012787 :muser #f)* [generic function] subseq ''sequence'' ''start'' [''end'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: Extract a subsequence of ''sequence'', starting from ''start''\n(inclusive) and ending at ''end'' (exclusive).\nIf ''end'' is omitted, it extracts to the end of the sequence.\nProvided in gauche.sequence module.\n\nSubseq can be used with generalized [[set!]].\n\n (set! (subseq seq 2 3) '(a b))\n\n\n") ("lset-union" . "(:ctime 1014875013 :cuser #f :mtime 1014875013 :muser #f)* [procedure] lset-union ''elt='' ''list1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Returns the union of the lists, \nusing ''elt='' for the element-equality procedure. \n") ("tanh" . "(:ctime 1014955609 :cuser #f :mtime 1015237237 :muser #f)[[$$include sinh]]\n\n") ("ucs2-string-copy" . "(:ctime 1039428266 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428266 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2-string-copy ''ucs2str''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: see [[ucs2-string?]]\n") ("block-ref" . "(:ctime 1015281326 :cuser #f :mtime 1015281326 :muser #f)* [procedure] block-ref ''block'' ''index''\n* [procedure] block-set! ''block'' ''index'' ''value''\n\n[[Chicken]]: low-level object accessor. ''block'' may be a\nvector, record structure, pair or symbol. See also [[number-of-slots]].\n") ("nil" . "(:ctime 1152518355 :cuser #f :mtime 1152526992 :muser #f)* [variable] nil\n[[RRRS]]: defined as [[#!null]].\n\n[[R3RS]], [[SLIB]]: defined as [[#f]].\n\nSee also [[t]].\n") ("values-append" . "(:ctime 1161187076 :cuser #f :mtime 1161201239 :muser #f)* [procedure] values-append ''arg'' ...\n\n[[Kawa]]: The values resulting of evaluation of each argument are appended\ntogether.\n\nNB: Kawa manual says this is a procedure, but in general you can't implement\nit as a procedure unless the implementation has first-class multiple\nvalues (a cotroversial topic in c.l.s).\n\n") (":let" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144538190 :muser #f)* [syntax] :let ''vars'' ''expression''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nRuns through the sequence consisting of the value of ''expression'', only.\nThis is the same as (:list ''vars'' (list ''expression'')). If an index\nvariable is specified, its value is 0. The :let-generator can be used to\nintroduce an intermediate variable depending on outer generators.\n") ("struct-set!" . "(:ctime 1099725858 :cuser #f :mtime 1099725858 :muser #f)* [procedure] struct-set! ''struct'' ''slot-name'' ''value''\n\n[[STklos]]: struct modifier. see [[make-struct]].\n") ("default-hash-function" . "(:ctime 1017985062 :cuser #f :mtime 1017985062 :muser #f)* [procedure] default-hash-function ''value''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: default hash function.\nSee also [[make-table]], [[Concept:HashTable]].\n") ("user-id->integer" . "(:ctime 1018124302 :cuser #f :mtime 1018124302 :muser #f)[[$$include user-id?]]\n") ("dynamic-wind" . "(:ctime 1014847684 :cuser #f :mtime 1191664142 :muser #f)* [procedure] dynamic-wind ''before'' ''thunk'' ''after''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]].\n\n\n") (">" . "(:ctime 1014954676 :cuser #f :mtime 1015063757 :muser #f)[[$$include =]]\n\n") ("input-port?" . "(:ctime 1014854514 :cuser #f :mtime 1014857565 :muser #f)* [procedure] input-port? ''obj''\n\n[[R5RS]]: Returns #t if obj is an input port, otherwise returns #f.\n\nSee also [[port?]], [[output-port?]].\n") ("#!" . "(:ctime 1015888963 :cuser #f :mtime 1219263840 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #! ''interpreter''\n\nThis line appears as the first line of executable scripts in Unix\n(sometimes called as \"shebang\").\n\n[[SRFI-22]] says that if the first line begins with '#!', the line is ignored.\n\n[[Gauche]] ignores the line beginning with '#!', up to the end of the line.\n\n[[SCM]], [[Scsh]], [[Guile]]: Allows to continuate the interpreter invocation line to\nthe second line, using '\\'. Anything up to '!#' will be ignored.\n\n[[MzScheme]]: ignores the first line beginning with '#!'.\nIf the line ends with '\\', then the next line is ignored\nas well.\n\n* [reader syntax] #! ''identifier''\n\n[[R6RS]] uses this syntax for directives to the reader. Syntactically\nit is treated as a comment.\n\n'''#!r6rs''' denotes that the stuff following this conforms r6rs syntax\nwithout extension. R6RS also mentiones '''#!fold-case''' and\n'''#!no-fold-case''' to control reader's case folding mode, although it\nis not in the spec per se, but in non-normative appendix.\n\nIn R6RS, shebang in scripts are treated as a different lexical context\n(it is not a part of toplevel scheme program, but is a part of\n. See \n[http://www.r6rs.org/final/html/r6rs-app/r6rs-app-Z-H-6.html R6RS Appendix D].\n\nNote that this specification requires a reader for Scheme scripts and\na reader for other Scheme programs be different. If a file begins with #!, there's no way to tell from the content itself that it\nis a Scheme script or a Scheme program, since Appendix D recommends that\nimplementations should ignore the first line if it begins with #!, even\nif it is not #!/ or #!. If the reader is a 'script' mode, it\nignores anything after #! until the end of line. If the reader\nis in r6rs mode, it should only ignore (or interpret) #! token.\n\n\n* Implementation issues\n\n'#!' syntax has been used in past RnRS (e.g. [[#!true]]), and\nalso by several existing implementations (e.g. [[#!bwp]]). Since those\nusages do denote a datum, they can't be used together with R6RS-compatible\nreader, which would treat those tokens as comments.\n\nThe safe bet is to switch the reader mode when it sees '''#!r6rs''' token.\n\nA questionable situation is when a reader sees #!r6rs at the beginning of\nthe file. If it is an R6RS Scheme program or library, then the token asserts\nit is so. If it is a Scheme script, however, the whole first line\nshould be ignored (even if the script ''is'' r6rs conformant). In practice\nsuch file is very likely to be an R6RS Scheme program (not script), but\nthis uncertainty is somewhat uncomfortable.\n\nAnother issue is the scope of '#!' directive.\nApparently #!r6rs, #!fold-case and #!no-fold-case affects the rest of\nthe stream, possibly until the other directive appears. It means that\nthe state is not local to a [[read]] procedure. For [[load]]ing programs,\nthe loader may keep the state. But what if we want to [[read]] the \nsame file as data?\n\n\n") ("expand-heap" . "(:ctime 1018344246 :cuser #f :mtime 1018344246 :muser #f)* [procedure] expand-heap ''n''\n\n[[STk]]: expands the heap for at least ''n'' cells.\n") ("directory-list" . "(:ctime 1020221969 :cuser #f :mtime 1023697206 :muser #f)* [procedure] directory-list [''path'']\n\n[[MzScheme]]: returns a list of entries in the directory\n''path''. If omitted, the current directory is used.\n\nThis is called [[directory]], [[directory->list]], [[directory-files]],\n[[list-directory]], [[sys-readdir]]\nin other implementations.\n\n* [procedure] directory-list ''path'' &keyword ''add-path?'' ''children?''\n\n[[Gauche]]: see also [[directory-list2]].\n") ("get-user-id" . "(:ctime 1015137894 :cuser #f :mtime 1015198525 :muser #f)* [procedure] get-user-id\n* [procedure] get-effective-user-id\n\n[[Scheme48]]: see also [[Concept:UserGroup]], [[set-user-id!]]\n\nGauche has [[sys-getuid]] and [[sys-geteuid]].\n") ("hash-table-for-each" . "(:ctime 1015071207 :cuser #f :mtime 1045089190 :muser #f)* [procedure] hash-table-for-each ''hash-table'' ''proc''\n* [procedure] hash-table-map ''hash-table'' ''proc''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]], [[MzScheme]]: \ncalls ''proc'' for each entry in \n''hash-table''. ''proc'' receives two arguments, a key and a value.\nReverses the order of argument from [[Chicken]].\n\nGauche also has [[hash-table-fold]].\n\n* [procedure] hash-table-for-each ''proc'' ''hash-table''\n\n[[Chicken]]: calls ''proc'' for each entry in ''hash-table''. ''proc''\nreceives two arguments, a key and a value.\nChicken lacks hash-table-map.\n\nSee also [[make-hash-table]].\n\n\n\n") ("vector" . "(:ctime 1014856327 :cuser #f :mtime 1191568613 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector ''obj'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[make-vector]].\n") ("let1" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144706531 :muser #f)* [syntax] let1 ''var'' ''expr'' ''body''\n[[Gauche]]: A convenient macro when you have only one variable. Expanded as follows.\n{{{\n(let ((var expr)) body ...)\n}}}\n") ("s16vector->byte-vector" . "(:ctime 1015075612 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075612 :muser #f)[[$$include u8vector->byte-vector]]\n") ("do" . "(:ctime 1014847652 :cuser #f :mtime 1014847652 :muser #f)* [syntax] do ((''variable'' ''init'' ''step'') ...) (''test'' ''expr'' ...) ''command'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]]\n\n") ("SRFI-180" . "(:ctime 1594383423 :cuser #f :mtime 1594383423 :muser #f)SRFI-180: JSON \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-180/srfi-180.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("SRFI-213" . "(:ctime 1664381681 :cuser #f :mtime 1664381681 :muser #f)SRFI 213: Identifier Properties\n\nhttps://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-213/srfi-213.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("string-search-positions" . "(:ctime 1015104405 :cuser #f :mtime 1015104405 :muser #f)[[$$include string-search]]\n") ("make-vector" . "(:ctime 1014856305 :cuser #f :mtime 1191568594 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-vector ''k'' [''fill'']\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[vector]].\n") (":while" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144538304 :muser #f)* [syntax] :while ''generator'' ''expression''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nRuns ''generator'' while ''expression'' evaluates to non-#f. The guarding\nexpression is included in the scope of the variables introduced by the\ngenerator.\n\nNote the distinction between the filter if and the modified generator\nexpressed by :while.\n") ("SRFI-149" . "(:ctime 1594681709 :cuser #f :mtime 1594681709 :muser #f)SRFI-149: Basic Syntax-rules Template Extensions\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-149/srfi-149.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("record-modifier" . "(:ctime 1014949637 :cuser #f :mtime 1017982951 :muser #f)* [procedure] record-modifier ''rtd'' ''field-name''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Scheme48]]\n\nChez Scheme has equivalent procedure as [[record-field-mutator]].\n\nSee also [[make-record-type]].\n") ("list-tabulate" . "(:ctime 1014861943 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407234 :muser #f)* [procedure] list-tabulate ''n'' ''init-proc''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Returns an ''n''-element list. Element ''i'' of the list, \nwhere 0 <= ''i'' < ''n'', is produced by (''init-proc'' ''i''). \nNo guarantee is made\nabout the dynamic order in which ''init-proc'' is applied to these indices. \n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info rio orange]\n") ("count" . "(:ctime 1014865550 :cuser #f :mtime 1014865550 :muser #f)* [procedure] count ''pred'' ''clist1'' ''clist2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: ''pred'' is a procedure taking as many arguments as there \nare lists and returning a single value. It is applied element-wise to\nthe elements of the lists, and a count is tallied of the number of \nelements that produce a true value. This count is returned.\ncount is \"iterative\" in that it is guaranteed to apply pred to the list \nelements in a left-to-right order. The counting stops\nwhen the shortest list expires. \n\nSee also [[fold]], [[reduce]].\n") ("struct-type" . "(:ctime 1099725669 :cuser #f :mtime 1099725669 :muser #f)* [procedure] struct-type ''struct''\n\n[[STklos]]: returns the type of a struct ''struct''.\nSee [[make-struct]].\n") ("assoc" . "(:ctime 1014838279 :cuser #f :mtime 1014873845 :muser #f)* [procedure] assoc ''obj'' ''alist''\n\n[[R5RS]]: finds the \nfirst pair in ''alist'' whose car field is ''obj'', and returns\nthat pair. If no pair in alist has obj as its car, then #f\nis returned. Uses [[equal?]] to compare.\n\nSee also [[assq]], [[assv]]\n\n* [procedure] assoc ''obj'' ''alist'' [''='']\n\n[[SRFI-1]] extends R5RS to allow the client to pass in an optional \nequality procedure ''='' used to compare keys. \n\n") ("user-pass" . "(:ctime 1015041241 :cuser #f :mtime 1015041241 :muser #f)* [procedure] user-option-pass [''newval'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: compiler parameter.\n\nSee also [[user-read-pass]], [[user-preprocessor-pass]], [[user-option-pass]]\n") ("Racket" . "(:ctime 1678808531 :cuser #f :mtime 1678808531 :muser #f)** In 2010, the PLT Scheme project was renamed Racket.\n\nFor more information on Racket, see\n\nhttp://www.racket-lang.org/\n\nThe remainder of this page exists for historical purposes only.\n\n* * *\n\n[[$$include MzScheme]]\n") ("fx<=" . "(:ctime 1014950627 :cuser #f :mtime 1015069126 :muser #f)[[$$include fx=]]\n\n") ("ucs2-string-upcase!" . "(:ctime 1039428374 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428374 :muser #f)[[$$include ucs2-string-downcase]]\n") ("array-set!" . "(:ctime 1017981840 :cuser #f :mtime 1144488880 :muser #f)* [procedure] array-set! ''array'' ''index0'' ... ''value''\n* [procedure] array-set! ''array'' ''index-obj'' ''value''\n\n[[SRFI-25]]: array modifier. See [[array-ref]], [[make-array]].\n\n* [procedure] array-set! ''array'' ''value'' ''index0'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-47]], [[SRFI-63]], [[Scheme48]]: array modifier. The order of the\narguments differs from srfi-25's. See [[array-ref]],\n[[make-array]].\n\n") ("file-info-size" . "(:ctime 1040727318 :cuser #f :mtime 1040727318 :muser #f)[[$$include file-info-name]]\n") ("string-null?" . "(:ctime 1014895465 :cuser #f :mtime 1039751433 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-null? ''s''\n\n[[SRFI-13]]: Is ''s'' the empty string?\n\nAlso in [[Guile]].\n") ("getyx" . "(:ctime 1015883029 :cuser #f :mtime 1015883029 :muser #f)* [procedure] getyx ''win''\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. returns a list of y and x coord. see [[initscr]].\n") ("external-pointer" . "(:ctime 1015047426 :cuser #f :mtime 1015047426 :muser #f)* [syntax] external-pointer ''name''\n\n[[Chicken]]: obtain a pointer of the external variable defined\nby [[define-external]].\n") ("lset-xor!" . "(:ctime 1014875109 :cuser #f :mtime 1014875109 :muser #f)* [procedure] lset-xor! ''elt='' ''list1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: linear-update variant of [[lset-xor]].\n") ("blank" . "(:ctime 1018071920 :cuser #f :mtime 1018071920 :muser #f)[[$$include lower-case]]\n") ("unlock-object" . "(:ctime 1015033687 :cuser #f :mtime 1015033687 :muser #f)* [procedure] unlock-object ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: see [[lock-object]].\n") ("hash-table->list" . "(:ctime 1018341374 :cuser #f :mtime 1106768043 :muser #f)* [procedure] hash-table->list ''hash''\n\n[[Chicken]], [[STk]], [[STklos]]: returns an association list for all entries in ''hash''. See [[make-hash-table]], [[Concept:HashTable]].\n") ("socket-output-port" . "(:ctime 1099738449 :cuser #f :mtime 1099738449 :muser #f)[[$$include socket-input-port]]\n") ("input-obj" . "(:ctime 1063240571 :cuser #f :mtime 1063240571 :muser #f)* [procedure] input-obj ''bport''\n* [procedure] output-obj ''bport'' ''obj''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: input-obj reads a serialized Scheme object from a binary port ''bport''.\noutput-obj serializes Scheme object ''obj'' to a binary port ''bport''.\n\nSee [[binary-port?]] about binary ports. See [[string->obj]] and [[obj->string]]\nabout serialization.\n") ("find-path" . "(:ctime 1099727661 :cuser #f :mtime 1099727661 :muser #f)* [procedure] find-path ''str'' [''paths'' ''suffixes'']\n\n[[STklos]]: search the filename with ''str'' in ''paths'',\n\nGauche has [[find-file-in-paths]].\n") ("SRFI-162" . "(:ctime 1594383327 :cuser #f :mtime 1594383327 :muser #f)SRFI-162: Comparators sublibrary\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-162/srfi-162.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("define-foreign-parameter" . "(:ctime 1015046205 :cuser #f :mtime 1015046205 :muser #f)* [syntax] define-foreign-parameter ''name'' ''type'' [''string'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: defines a global parameter (procedure)\n''name'' to access the foreign variable ''string''.\nSee also [[define-foreign-variable]].\n") ("vector-length" . "(:ctime 1014860585 :cuser #f :mtime 1191568786 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-length ''vector''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Returns the number of elements in ''vector'' as an exact integer.\n") ("vector-count" . "(:ctime 1099387562 :cuser #f :mtime 1099387562 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-count ''pred'' ''vec1'' ''vec2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-43]]: Returns a number of elements in vectors that satisfy ''pred''.\n\n{{{\n(vector-count (lambda (i elt) (even? elt)) '#(3 1 4 1 5 9 2 5 6))\n => 3\n\n(vector-count (lambda (i x y) (< x y)) '#(1 3 6 9) '#(2 4 6 8 10 12))\n => 2\n}}}\n") ("running-os" . "(:ctime 1099742405 :cuser #f :mtime 1099742405 :muser #f)* [procedure] running-os\n\n[[STklos]]: Returns the type of OS. Either 'unix or 'windows, for the time\nbeing.\n\nOther implementations have a similar feature under the name [[os-name]].\n") ("collect-trip-bytes" . "(:ctime 1015030500 :cuser #f :mtime 1015030500 :muser #f)* [procedure] collect-trip-bytes [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: garbage collector parameter. See [[collect]].\n") ("fp*" . "(:ctime 1191226933 :cuser #f :mtime 1191226933 :muser #f)[[$$include fp+]]\n") ("real-cos" . "(:ctime 1170264990 :cuser #f :mtime 1170267412 :muser #f)* real-cos ''x''\n\n[[SRFI-94]]: simular to [[R5RS]] [[cos]], but signals error if the argument is not real or the result is not real.\n") ("or" . "(:ctime 1014857419 :cuser #f :mtime 1191209286 :muser #f)* [procedure] or ''test'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: The ''test'' expressions are evaluated from left to right, \nand the value of the first expression that evaluates to a true value \nis returned. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated. If all \nexpressions evaluate to false values, the value of\nthe last expression is returned. If there are no expressions then \n#f is returned.\n\nSee also [[and]], [[when]], [[unless]].\n") ("string-join" . "(:ctime 1014895625 :cuser #f :mtime 1015806587 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-join ''string-list'' [''delimiter'' ''grammer'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nAlso in [[Gauche]].\n") ("fx>?" . "(:ctime 1191225936 :cuser #f :mtime 1191225936 :muser #f)[[$$include fx=?]]\n") ("x->number" . "(:ctime 1015725075 :cuser #f :mtime 1383097761 :muser #f)* [generic] x->number ''obj''\n\n[[Gauche]]: generic function to convert ''obj'' to a number.\nSee also [[x->integer]], [[x->string]].\n\n[[Sagittarius]] and [[T]] have [[->number]].\n") ("command:make-editable-table" . "(:ctime 1435228989 :cuser #f :mtime 1435228989 :muser #f)<>\n") ("string=?" . "(:ctime 1014859422 :cuser #f :mtime 1191568277 :muser #f)* [procedure] string=? ''string1'' ''string2''\n* [procedure] string? ''string1'' ''string2''\n* [procedure] string>=? ''string1'' ''string2''\n\n[[R5RS]]\n\nSee also [[string-ci=?]].\n\n* [procedure] string=? ''string1'' ''string2'' ''string3'' ...\n* [procedure] string? ''string1'' ''string2'' ''string3'' ...\n* [procedure] string>=? ''string1'' ''string2'' ''string3'' ...\n\n[[R6RS]], [[MzScheme]]: Allows more than two arguments.\n\nSee also [[string-ci=?]].\n\n") ("exec-list" . "(:ctime 1099773185 :cuser #f :mtime 1099773185 :muser #f)* [procedure] exec-list ''string''\n\n[[STklos]]: run command specified by ''string'' via shell, and\nreturns a list of lines of command output. See also [[exec]].\n\n{{{\n(exec-list \"echo A; echo B\") => (\"A\" \"B\")\n}}}\n\nGauche has [[process-output->string-list]].\n") ("restart" . "(:ctime 1015888129 :cuser #f :mtime 1015888129 :muser #f)* [procedure] restart\n\n[[SCM]]: restarts the SCM program.\n") ("char-set-difference!" . "(:ctime 1099288669 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288669 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set-difference]]\n") ("append-output-file" . "(:ctime 1039755744 :cuser #f :mtime 1039755744 :muser #f)* [procedure] append-output-file ''filename''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: returns an output port that appends to\nthe named file. See also [[open-output-file]].\n\nSome implementations have the same functionality\nby adding special options to [[open-output-file]].\n") ("modified-julian-day->date" . "(:ctime 1099301060 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301060 :muser #f)* [procedure] modified-julian-day->date ''number'' [''tz-offset'']\n* [procedure] modified-julian-day->time-monotonic ''number''\n* [procedure] modified-julian-day->time-tai ''number''\n* [procedure] modified-julian-day->time-utc ''number''\n\n[[SRFI-19]]: Converts modified julian day number to date or time object.\nSee also [[make-date]] and [[make-time]].\n") ("move-memory!" . "(:ctime 1015281188 :cuser #f :mtime 1015281188 :muser #f)* [procedure] move-memory! ''from'' ''to'' [''bytes'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: low-level memory handling routine. See also [[evict]].\n") ("file-info" . "(:ctime 1036979345 :cuser #f :mtime 1040727074 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-info ''fname/fd/port'' [''chase'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: returns a record of file information (stat).\n\n (define-record file-info\n type ; {block-special, char-special, directory,\n ; fifo, regular, socket, symlink}\n device ; Device file resides on.\n inode ; File's inode.\n mode ; File's mode bits: permissions, setuid, setgid\n nlinks ; Number of hard links to this file.\n uid ; Owner of file.\n gid ; File's group id.\n size ; Size of file, in bytes.\n atime ; Time of last access.\n mtime ; Time of last mod.\n ctime) ; Time of last status change. \n\nSee also [[file-type]], [[file-inode]], [[file-mode]],\n[[file-nlinks]], [[file-owner]], [[file-group]],\n[[file-size]], [[file-last-access]], [[file-last-mod]],\n[[file-last-status-change]].\n\nOther implementations have similar procedures to obtain\nstat information; [[sys-stat]], [[get-file-info]].\n") ("socket-client?" . "(:ctime 1099738570 :cuser #f :mtime 1099738570 :muser #f)* [procedure] socket-client? ''socket''\n* [procedure] socket-server? ''socket''\n\n[[STklos]]: returns #t iff the socket is a client socket and a server socket,\nrespectively. See also [[make-client-socket]], [[make-server-socket]].\n") ("set-write-length!" . "(:ctime 1063245630 :cuser #f :mtime 1063245630 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-write-length! ''len''\n* [procedure] get-write-length\n\n[[Bigloo]]: sets/gets a global write length parameter, which specifies\nmaximum number of atoms written by [[write]] and [[display]].\nCan be used to avoid infinit loop while printing circular structure.\n\nCommon Lisp has similar feature using variable *print-length*.\n") ("ucs2=?" . "(:ctime 1039428750 :cuser #f :mtime 1039429304 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2=? ''ucs2a'' ''ucs2b''\n* [procedure] ucs2? ''ucs2a'' ''ucs2b''\n* [procedure] ucs2>=? ''ucs2a'' ''ucs2b''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: UCS2 counterparts of\n[[char=?]], [[char?]] and [[char>=?]].\n\n\nSee [[ucs2?]]\n") ("promise?" . "(:ctime 1018333837 :cuser #f :mtime 1099722696 :muser #f)* [procedure] promise? ''obj''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: returns #t if ''obj'' is an object returned\nby the application of [[delay]]. \n\n[[MzScheme]]: returns #t if ''obj'' is an object returned\nby the form of [[delay]], or the procedure call of\n[[make-promise]].\n") ("uninterned-symbol?" . "(:ctime 1014946841 :cuser #f :mtime 1014946841 :muser #f)* [procedure] uninterned-symbol? ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[string->uninterned-symbol]].\n") ("match-error-control" . "(:ctime 1015101972 :cuser #f :mtime 1015101972 :muser #f)* [procedure] match-error-control [''newmode'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: gets/sets current error mode of [[match]] package.\n") (">fl" . "(:ctime 1039382036 :cuser #f :mtime 1039382036 :muser #f)[[$$include =fl]]\n") ("last-ec" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144536230 :muser #f)* [syntax] last-ec ''default'' ''qualifier'' ... ''expression''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nThe last value of ''expression'' in the sequence of bindings\nspecified by the ''qualifier''s. Before enumeration, the result is initialized\nwith the value of ''default''; so this will be the result if the sequence is\nempty.\n") ("time-second" . "(:ctime 1015209926 :cuser #f :mtime 1015210300 :muser #f)* [procedure] time-second ''time''\n* [procedure] set-time-second! ''time'' ''integer''\n\n[[SRFI-19]]: Getter and setter of ''second'' field of a time structure ''time''.\nSee also [[make-time]].\n\nSRFI-18 and SRFI-21 defines [[time->seconds]], and [[time-second]] can be\nused for it (not vice versa; SRFI-18/21 doesn't specify the ''epoch'' of\nseconds).\n\n") ("SRFI-231" . "(:ctime 1678136241 :cuser #f :mtime 1678136242 :muser #f)SRFI-231: Intervals and Generalized Arrays\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-231/srfi-231.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("char-set-unfold!" . "(:ctime 1039168942 :cuser #f :mtime 1039168942 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set-unfold]]\n") ("chop" . "(:ctime 1015070177 :cuser #f :mtime 1015070177 :muser #f)* [procedure] chop ''list'' ''n''\n\n[[Chicken]]\n\n (chop '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 2) ==> ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))\n (chop '(a b c d) 3) ==> ((a b c) (d))\n\n") ("process-exit-status" . "(:ctime 1018342500 :cuser #f :mtime 1099737975 :muser #f)* [procedure] process-exit-status ''process''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: get exit status of ''process''.\nSee [[run-process]], [[process-wait]].\n") ("sstats-difference" . "(:ctime 1015029334 :cuser #f :mtime 1015029334 :muser #f)* [procedure] sstats-difference ''sstats1'' ''sstats2''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: statistics. See [[statistics]]\n") ("endianness" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144716050 :muser #f)* [syntax] endianness big\n* [syntax] endianness little\n* [syntax] endianness native\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: (endianness big) and (endianness little) evaluate to two distinct and\nunique objects representing an endianness. The native endianness evaluates\nto the endianness of the underlying machine architecture, and must be [[eq?]]\nto either (endianness big) or (endianness little).\n") ("foreign-callback-lambda*" . "(:ctime 1015069202 :cuser #f :mtime 1015069202 :muser #f)[[$$include foreign-callback-lambda]]\n") ("stream-map" . "(:ctime 1099280440 :cuser #f :mtime 1099280440 :muser #f)* [procedure] stream-map ''proc'' ''stream_0'' ''stream_1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-40]]: Returns a new stream, whose elements are obtained by\napplying ''proc'' to the successive eleements of ''stream_i''s.\nSee also [[stream-unfoldn]], [[stream-for-each]].\n") ("hashtable-clear!" . "(:ctime 1191360631 :cuser #f :mtime 1191360631 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable-clear! ''hashtable'' [''init-size'']\n\n[[R6RS]]: Empties the hashtable.\n\nSee also [[Concept:HashTable]].\n\nOther implementations have [[hash-table-clear!]].\n") ("string-ci<" . "(:ctime 1015066206 :cuser #f :mtime 1015066206 :muser #f)[[$$include string-ci=]]\n") ("current-effective-group-id" . "(:ctime 1015198609 :cuser #f :mtime 1015198609 :muser #f)[[$$include current-group-id]]\n") ("touchline" . "(:ctime 1015882638 :cuser #f :mtime 1015882638 :muser #f)* [procedure] touchline ''win'' ''start'' ''count''\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. see [[initscr]].\n") ("SRFI-144" . "(:ctime 1594383526 :cuser #f :mtime 1594383526 :muser #f)SRFI-144: Flonums\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-144/srfi-144.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("gensym-count" . "(:ctime 1014946722 :cuser #f :mtime 1014946722 :muser #f)* [procedure] gensym-count [''newcount'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: this parameter keeps counter to be used for\n[[gensym]]ed symbols.\n") ("require" . "(:ctime 1015883380 :cuser #f :mtime 1099727697 :muser #f)* [procedure] require ''feature''\n* [procedure] provide ''feature''\n* [procedure] provided? ''feature''\n\nLoads a library specified by ''feature''.\n\n[[SCM]]: ''feature'' is a symbol. Mapping from ''feature'' to the pathname of the library\nfile is managed by global catalog.\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: ''feature'' is a string, and it is directly used as a part of the\npathname of the library file to load.\nSee also [[STklos:ModuleSystem]], [[Gauche:ModuleSystem]].\n\nSee also [[require-extension]].\n\n\n\n") ("struct-type?" . "(:ctime 1099725449 :cuser #f :mtime 1099725450 :muser #f)* [procedure] struct-type? ''obj''\n\n[[STklos]]: see [[make-struct-type]].\n") ("char-set:full" . "(:ctime 1018082728 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082728 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set:lower-case]]\n") ("print-radix" . "(:ctime 1014960372 :cuser #f :mtime 1014960372 :muser #f)* [procedure] print-radix [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: a parameter for [[write]] and [[pretty-print]]\n") ("char-set=" . "(:ctime 1015889914 :cuser #f :mtime 1015889914 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set= ''cset1'' ''cset2''\n* [procedure] char-set<= ''cset1'' ''cset2''\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: character set comparison.\n") ("copy-bit-field" . "(:ctime 1015805620 :cuser #f :mtime 1015805620 :muser #f)* [procedure] copy-bit-field ''to'' ''start'' ''end'' ''from''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Gauche]]: returns an integer which is the same as an integer ''to''\nexcept its ''start''-th bit to ''end''-th bit are replaced by ''from''.\nSee also [[copy-bit]], [[bit-field]].\n") ("full-current-time" . "(:ctime 1099743026 :cuser #f :mtime 1099743027 :muser #f)* [procedure] full-current-time\n\n[[STklos]]: returns # of seconds and milliseconds from Unix Epoch.\ngettimeofday().\n\nOther implementations have similar features under the name like\n[[sys-gettimeofday]].\n") ("set-file-creation-mask!" . "(:ctime 1020397375 :cuser #f :mtime 1020397375 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-file-creation-mask! ''file-mode''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: set umask.\n\nSome implementations call this [[set-umask]] or [[sys-umask]].\n") ("char-set:symbol" . "(:ctime 1018082698 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082698 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set:lower-case]]\n") ("blob-s16-native-ref" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144717603 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-s16-native-ref ''blob'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: equivalent to (blob-sint-ref 2 (endianess native) ''blob'' ''k'').\n\nSee also [[blob-sint-ref]] and [[endianness]].\n") ("min&max" . "(:ctime 1144591693 :cuser #f :mtime 1144597076 :muser #f)* [procedure] min&max ''x1'' ''x2'' ...\n\n[[Gauche]]: Returns a maximum and minimum number in the given real numbers.\n") ("thread" . "(:ctime 1020749740 :cuser #f :mtime 1020750076 :muser #f)* [procedure] thread ''thunk''\n\n[[MzScheme]]: creates a new thread and evaluates ''thunk'' in it. \n\nSee also [[current-thread]], [[thread?]], [[thread-running?]],\n[[thread-wait]], [[kill-thread]], [[break-thread]],\n[[call-in-nested-thread]], [[sleep]]\n\nSRFI-18 and SRFI-21 have [[make-thread]].\n") ("integer->process-id" . "(:ctime 1015282731 :cuser #f :mtime 1015282731 :muser #f)[[$$include process-id->integer]]\n") ("test-on-test-begin-simple" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151084203 :muser #f)* [procedure] test-on-test-begin-simple ''runner''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: (test-runner-on-test-begin (test-runner-simple)).\n\nSee also [[test-runner-simple]] and [[test-runner-on-test-begin]].\n") ("byte-vector->f64vector" . "(:ctime 1015075825 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075825 :muser #f)[[$$include byte-vector->u8vector]]\n") ("current-expand" . "(:ctime 1014965907 :cuser #f :mtime 1014965907 :muser #f)* [procedure] current-expand [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: gets/sets current expander.\n\nSee also [[expand]], [[sc-expand]], [[eps-expand]]\n\n") ("port-fold" . "(:ctime 1018345620 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407197 :muser #f)* [procedure] port-fold ''port'' ''reader'' ''op'' . ''seeds''\n\n[[Scsh]]: Applys ''reader'' on ''port'' repeatedly,\nuntil it returns eof. The first value ''v0'' returned\nby ''reader'' will be passed to ''op'' with ''seeds'',\nas (''op'' ''v0'' . ''seeds''). This should return\na new set of seed values, which will be passed with\nthe next value returned by ''reader'', and so on.\nSee also [[port->list]].\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info numero rio]\n") ("u16vector->byte-vector" . "(:ctime 1015075603 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075603 :muser #f)[[$$include u8vector->byte-vector]]\n") ("list*" . "(:ctime 1014942104 :cuser #f :mtime 1099724592 :muser #f)* [procedure] list* ''obj'' ... ''final-obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]], [[MzScheme]]\n\nThe same procedure is defined as [[cons*]] in [[SRFI-1]].\n\nSee also [[cons*]].\n") ("symbol=?" . "(:ctime 1191565259 :cuser #f :mtime 1191565259 :muser #f)* [procedure] symbol=? ''symbol1'' ''symbol2'' ''symbol3'' ...\n\n[[R6RS]]: Returns #t if all symbols are the same.\n\n") ("process-id?" . "(:ctime 1015282454 :cuser #f :mtime 1015282573 :muser #f)* [procedure] process-id? ''obj''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: see also [[fork]], [[get-process-id]], [[get-parent-process-id]],\n[[process-id=?]], [[process-id->integer]], [[integer->process-id]],\n[[process-id-exit-status]], \n[[process-id-terminating-signal]], [[wait-for-child-process]].\n") ("user-info-name" . "(:ctime 1018125237 :cuser #f :mtime 1018125247 :muser #f)[[$$include user-info?]]\n") ("reverse-list->string" . "(:ctime 1014884430 :cuser #f :mtime 1014884430 :muser #f)* [procedure] reverse-list->string ''char-list''\n\n[[SRFI-13]]: An efficient implementation of (compose list->string reverse)\n\nSee also [[list->string]].\n") ("integer-compare" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144499721 :muser #f)* [procedure] integer-compare ''x'' ''y''\n* [procedure] rational-compare ''x'' ''y''\n* [procedure] real-compare ''x'' ''y''\n* [procedure] complex-compare ''x'' ''y''\n* [procedure] number-compare ''x'' ''y''\n[[SRFI-67]]: Compare two numbers. It is an error if an argument is not of the type specified by the name of the procedure.\n\nComplex numbers are ordered lexicographically on pairs (re, im). For objects\nrepresenting real numbers sign(x - y) is computed. The ordering for values\nsatisfying [[real?]] or [[complex?]] but not representing a real or complex number\nshould be consistent with procedures [[=]] and [[<]] of [[R5RS]] , and apart from that it is unspecified.\n") ("identifier-syntax" . "(:ctime 1014962526 :cuser #f :mtime 1191844520 :muser #f)* [syntax] identifier-syntax ''tmpl''\n* [syntax] identifier-syntax (''id1'' ''tmpl1'') ((set! ''id2'' ''e2'') ''tmpl2'')\n\n[[R6RS]], [[ChezScheme]]\n\nFrom R6RS examples:\n{{{\ndefine p (cons 4 5))\n(define-syntax p.car (identifier-syntax (car p)))\np.car => 4\n(set! p.car 15) => &syntax exception\n}}}\n{{{\n(define p (cons 4 5))\n(define-syntax p.car\n (identifier-syntax\n (_ (car p))\n ((set! _ e) (set-car! p e))))\n(set! p.car 15)\np.car => 15\np => (15 5)\n}}}\n\nSee also [[syntax-rules]], [[syntax-case]]\n") ("port-seek" . "(:ctime 1039776924 :cuser #f :mtime 1039776924 :muser #f)* [procedure] port-seek ''port'' ''offset'' [''whence'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: lseek(2). can be applied to string ports\nas well. See also [[port-tell]].\n\nOther implementations calls this [[set-file-position!]] or\n[[seek]].\n") ("test-runner-reset" . "(:ctime 1151146683 :cuser #f :mtime 1151146695 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-reset ''runner''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: resets the state of ''runner'' to its initial state.\n") ("SRFI-5" . "(:ctime 1015066520 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428527 :muser #f)SRFI-5: A compatible let form with signatures and rest arguments\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-5/srfi-5.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n----\n\n[[let]]\n") ("process-id->integer" . "(:ctime 1015282716 :cuser #f :mtime 1015282716 :muser #f)* [procedure] process-id->integer ''process-id''\n* [procedure] integer->process-id ''integer''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: convertion between integer pid and process-id structure.\nSee [[process-id?]], [[get-process-id]], [[fork]].\n") ("flo:atan2" . "(:ctime 1480141597 :cuser #f :mtime 1480141597 :muser #f)(flo:atan2 0 0)\n") ("char=?" . "(:ctime 1014840940 :cuser #f :mtime 1191566317 :muser #f)* [procedure] char=? ''char1'' ''char2''\n* [procedure] char<=? ''char1'' ''char2''\n* [procedure] char=? ''char1'' ''char2''\n* [procedure] char>? ''char1'' ''char2''\n\n[[R5RS]]: Compare two chracters.\n\n* [procedure] char=? ''char1'' ''char2'' ''char3'' ...\n* [procedure] char<=? ''char1'' ''char2'' ''char3'' ...\n* [procedure] char=? ''char1'' ''char2'' ''char3'' ...\n* [procedure] char>? ''char1'' ''char2'' ''char3'' ...\n\n[[R6RS]], [[MzScheme]]: Compare two or more characters.\n\n") ("char-set-delete!" . "(:ctime 1099288234 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288234 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set-delete]]\n") ("define-constant" . "(:ctime 1015044565 :cuser #f :mtime 1346001812 :muser #f)* [syntax] define-constant ''var'' ''constant''\n* [syntax] define-constant (''var'' ''formals'') ''body'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Gauche]], [[Sagittarius]]: defining constant binding.\n") ("unsyntax-splicing" . "(:ctime 1191208707 :cuser #f :mtime 1191208707 :muser #f)[[$$include unsyntax]]\n") ("read-string!" . "(:ctime 1018386954 :cuser #f :mtime 1018386954 :muser #f)* [procedure] read-string! ''str'' [''fd/port'' ''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: reads characters into the given string.\nSee also [[read-string]], [[read-string!/partial]].\n") ("compile-port" . "(:ctime 1014965501 :cuser #f :mtime 1014965501 :muser #f)* [procedure] compile-port ''input-port'' ''output-port'' [''machine-type'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[compile-file]], [[compile]]\n") ("SRFI-88" . "(:ctime 1184128106 :cuser #f :mtime 1184128107 :muser #f)SRFI 88: Keyword objects\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-88/srfi-88.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n----\n\n[[keyword?]], [[keyword->string]], [[string->keyword]]\n") ("gauche-architecture" . "(:ctime 1015904874 :cuser #f :mtime 1015904874 :muser #f)* [procedure] gauche-architecture\n* [procedure] gauche-library-directory\n* [procedure] gauche-architecture-directory\n* [procedure] gauche-site-library-directory\n* [procedure] gauche-site-architecture-directory\n\n[[Gauche]]: Query the system parameters.\n") ("string<" . "(:ctime 1015063833 :cuser #f :mtime 1015063898 :muser #f)[[$$include string=]]\n\n") ("access-mode" . "(:ctime 1020397839 :cuser #f :mtime 1020397839 :muser #f)[[$$include accessible?]]\n") ("setenv!" . "(:ctime 1015199893 :cuser #f :mtime 1099742243 :muser #f)* [procedure] setenv! ''variable'' ''value''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: modifies the environemnt variable ''variable''.\nSee also [[getenv]].\n\nThis is called [[setenv]] or [[sys-putenv]] on some\nimplementations.\n") ("make-engine" . "(:ctime 1014941719 :cuser #f :mtime 1014941719 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-engine ''thunk''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: create an engine, a high-level process abstraction\nsupporting ''timed preemtption''. Can be used for multithreading.\n\nSee also [[engine-block]], [[engine-return]].\n\n") ("remq!" . "(:ctime 1014944928 :cuser #f :mtime 1039345225 :muser #f)* [procedure] remq! ''obj'' ''list''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Bigloo]]: Linear-update version of ''remq''.\nEquivalent to [[SRFI-1]]'s [[delete!]] with passing [[eq?]] for\ncomparison predicate.\n\nSee also [[remove!]], [[remq]], [[remv!]].\n") ("procedure?" . "(:ctime 1014857837 :cuser #f :mtime 1191210627 :muser #f)* [procedure] procedure? ''obj''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Returns #t if ''obj'' is a procedure, otherwise returns #f.\n\n") ("SRFI-4" . "(:ctime 1014875453 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428516 :muser #f)SRFI-4: Homogeneous numeric vector datatypes \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-4/srfi-4.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("SRFI-126" . "(:ctime 1474475551 :cuser #f :mtime 1474475551 :muser #f)SRFI-126: \nR6RS-based hashtables\n\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-126/srfi-126.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("quotient&reminder" . "(:ctime 1144591693 :cuser #f :mtime 1144597058 :muser #f)* [procedure] quotient&remainder ''n1'' ''n2''\n\n[[Gauche]]:\nCalculates the quotient and the remainder of dividing integer ''n1'' by integer\n''n2'' simultaneously, and returns them as two values.\n") ("SRFI-78" . "(:ctime 1144197855 :cuser #f :mtime 1145787719 :muser #f)SRFI 78: Lightweight testing\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-78/srfi-78.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n----\n\n[[check]], [[check-ec]], [[check-report]], [[check-set-mode!]], [[check-reset!]], [[check-passed?]]\n") ("mutex?" . "(:ctime 1015927477 :cuser #f :mtime 1015963572 :muser #f)* [procedure] mutex? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]\n") ("integer-expt" . "(:ctime 1039750942 :cuser #f :mtime 1170268192 :muser #f)* [procedure] integer-expt ''x'' ''y''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Guile]]: ''x''^''y'', for integer ''x'' and\nnon-negative integer ''y''.\n\nThis would be introduced for optimization, although\nI can imagine on most Schemes [[expt]] uses optimized\ncalculation when both args are exact integer. You can\nstill save a couple of dispatch, though.\n\n[[SRFI-94]]: returns ''x'' raised to the power ''y'' if that result is an exact integer; otherwise signals an error.\n\n(integer-expt 0 ''y'') returns 1 for ''y'' equal to 0; returns 0 for positive integer ''y''; signals an error otherwise.\n") ("hash-table-remove!" . "(:ctime 1018341338 :cuser #f :mtime 1099737646 :muser #f)* [procedure] hash-table-remove! ''hash'' ''key''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[MzScheme]]: removes the specified entry.\nSee also [[make-hash-table]], [[Concept:HashTable]].\n\nThis is called [[hash-table-delete!]] or [[hashtable-remove!]] in some\nimplementations.\n\n") ("date->time-monotonic" . "(:ctime 1099300864 :cuser #f :mtime 1099300864 :muser #f)[[$$include date->julian-day]]\n") ("blob-u16-ref" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144718105 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-u16-ref ''endianness'' ''blob'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: equivalent to (blob-uint-ref 2 ''endianness'' ''blob'' ''k'').\n\nSee also [[blob-uint-ref]].\n") ("binary-port?" . "(:ctime 1063240486 :cuser #f :mtime 1063240486 :muser #f)* [procedure] binary-port? ''port''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: returns #t iff ''port'' is a binary port.\nSee [[open-output-binary-file]], [[append-output-binary-file]],\n[[open-input-binary-file]], [[close-binary-port]].\n\nIn Bigloo, binary ports can be used to dump Scheme objects to, and \nto restore Scheme objects from. [[input-obj]] and [[output-obj]]\ncan be used to do so. Object serialization/deserialization is done by [[string->obj]]\nand [[obj->string]].\n\nUse special procedures, [[input-char]] and [[output-char]], to do normal\ncharacter I/O on a binary port.\n") ("void" . "(:ctime 1014947337 :cuser #f :mtime 1099776422 :muser #f)* [procedure] void\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]], [[MzScheme]]: returns void object.\n\nSee also [[void?]]\n\nBigloo has [[unspecified]].\n\n* [procedure] void [''arg'' ...]\n\n[[STklos]]: returns void object. If arguments are passed,\nthey are evaluated and the result is discarded.\n") ("sinh" . "(:ctime 1014955604 :cuser #f :mtime 1039750669 :muser #f)* [procedure] sinh ''z''\n* [procedure] cosh ''z''\n* [procedure] tanh ''z''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Gauche]], [[SCM]], [[Guile]]: hyperbolic sine, cosine and tangent.\n\nSee also [[asinh]], [[acosh]], [[atanh]].\n\n") ("file-info-last-info-change" . "(:ctime 1040727359 :cuser #f :mtime 1040727359 :muser #f)[[$$include file-info-name]]\n") ("number-compare" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144499883 :muser #f)[[$$include integer-compare]]\n") ("gensym" . "(:ctime 1014946519 :cuser #f :mtime 1168118142 :muser #f)* [procedure] gensym\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: returns a new uninterned symbol.\n\n[[LispMe]]: returns a new unique symbol.\n\nSee also [[string->uninterned-symbol]], [[gensym-prefix]], [[gensym-counter]].\n\n* [procedure] gensym [''prefix'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: returns an unique symbol. If string ''prefix'' is given,\nit is used as a prefix of the symbol.\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Chicken]]: returns an uninterned symbol. If string ''prefix'' is given,\nit is used as a prefix of the symbol.\n\n[[MzScheme]]: creates an uninterned symbol.\n''Prefix'' may be a symbol or a string.\n\n[[Bigloo]]: creates a new fresh symbol. ''Prefix'' may be\na symbol or a string.\n\nSome implementations have [[gentemp]].\n") ("eps-expand" . "(:ctime 1014965813 :cuser #f :mtime 1014965813 :muser #f)* [procedure] eps-expand ''obj'' [''env-spec'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[eps-expand-once]], [[sc-expand]], [[current-expand]], [[expand]]\n") ("char-set:whitespace" . "(:ctime 1018082680 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082680 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set:lower-case]]\n") ("fxlogand" . "(:ctime 1014950881 :cuser #f :mtime 1191224885 :muser #f)* [procedure] fxlogand ''fixnum'' ...\n* [procedure] fxlogor ''fixnum'' ...\n* [procedure] fxlogior ''fixnum'' ...\n* [procedure] fxlogxor ''fixnum'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: Bitwise and, ior, and xor operations.\nSee [[fixnum?]] for other fixnum-specific operations.\nSee [[logand]] for other bitwise operations.\n\nIn R6RS, these operations are [[fxand]], [[fxior]] and [[fxxor]].\n\n") ("let/cc" . "(:ctime 1060172320 :cuser #f :mtime 1080858357 :muser #f)* [syntax] let/cc ''k'' ''expr'' ...\n\n[[MzScheme]], [[Gauche]]:\na macro that expands to (call/cc (lambda (''k'') ''expr'' ...)\n\nSee also [[let/ec]].\n") ("decode-float" . "(:ctime 1014952501 :cuser #f :mtime 1138264396 :muser #f)* [procedure] decode-float ''flonum''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Gauche]]: returns a vector with tree integer elements,\n''m'', ''e'', and ''s'', such that ''flonum'' = ''s''*''m''*2^''e''.\n\nSee also [[flonum?]]\n") ("input-port-position" . "(:ctime 1039755836 :cuser #f :mtime 1039755836 :muser #f)* [procedure] input-port-position ''iport''\n* [procedure] output-port-position ''oport''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: returns the current position of the port.\n\nSome implementations have [[file-position]], [[tell]]\nor [[ftell]].\n\n") ("open-input-virtual" . "(:ctime 1018334410 :cuser #f :mtime 1018334519 :muser #f)* [procedure] open-input-virtual ''getc'' ''readyp'' ''eofp'' ''close''\n\n[[STk]]: creates a virtual (procedural) port.\nSee also [[open-output-virtual]].\n\nSome implementations have [[make-input-port]] \nto create customized input port.\n") ("lset-union!" . "(:ctime 1014875043 :cuser #f :mtime 1014875043 :muser #f)* [procedure] lset-union! ''elt='' ''list1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: linear-update variant of [[lset-union]].\n") ("get-optional" . "(:ctime 1044325252 :cuser #f :mtime 1044325257 :muser #f)* [syntax] get-optional ''args'' ''default''\n\n[[Gauche]]: shorthand notation of [[let-optionals*]] when\nthere's only one optional arguments.\n\n (define (proc arg . opts)\n (list arg (get-optional opts #f)))\n \n (proc 0) => (0 #f)\n (proc 0 1) => (0 1)\n\n") ("list-compare" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144505880 :muser #f)[[$$include vector-compare]]\n") ("make-server-socket" . "(:ctime 1018343235 :cuser #f :mtime 1099740668 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-server-socket [''port-number'']\n\n[[STk]]: opens a server socket. See also \n[[socket-accept-connection]], [[make-client-socket]].\n\n[[STklos]]: opens a server socket. See also\n[[socket-accept]], [[make-client-socket]].\n\nThis is called [[open-socket]] in some implementations.\n") ("get-host-name" . "(:ctime 1015200696 :cuser #f :mtime 1167345930 :muser #f)* [procedure] get-host-name \n\n[[Chicken]], [[Scheme48]]: gethostname. \n\nGauche has [[sys-gethostname]].\nScsh has [[system-name]].\nSTklos has [[hostname]].\n\nIn mzscheme, do this:\n (require (lib \"os.ss\" \"mzlib\"))\n (gethostname)\n\nThis works for me in sisc:\n (get-host-name-by-ip (get-local-host))\n") ("machine-name" . "(:ctime 1020375215 :cuser #f :mtime 1020375215 :muser #f)[[$$include os-name]]\n") ("#<<" . "(:ctime 1015042115 :cuser #f :mtime 1015204490 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #<< ''TAG''\n\n[[Chicken]]: starts multiline string constant. See also [[#<#]].\n\n[[Scsh]]: starts multiline string constant.\n") ("write" . "(:ctime 1014856764 :cuser #f :mtime 1014856764 :muser #f)* [procedure] write ''obj'' [''port'']\n\n[[R5RS]]\n\nSee also [[display]], [[newline]].\n") ("ucs2-ci>?" . "(:ctime 1039428836 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428836 :muser #f)[[$$include ucs2-ci=?]]\n") ("print*" . "(:ctime 1015069274 :cuser #f :mtime 1015069274 :muser #f)[[$$include print]]\n") ("bit-rsh" . "(:ctime 1043985175 :cuser #f :mtime 1043985175 :muser #f)[[$$include bit-lsh]]\n") ("test-eqv" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151074020 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-eqv [''test-name''] ''expected'' ''test-expr''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: equivalent to\n (test-assert [''test-name''] (eqv? ''expected'' ''test-expr''))\n\nSee also [[test-assert]].\n") ("define-inline" . "(:ctime 1015044733 :cuser #f :mtime 1015044733 :muser #f)* [syntax] define-inline ''name'' ''exp''\n* [syntax] define-inline (''name'' ''formals'') ''body'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]]: define inlinable procedure. See also [[define-integrable]].\n") ("alet" . "(:ctime 1170065147 :cuser #f :mtime 1170065651 :muser #f)* [syntax] alet (''binding-spec'' ...) ''body'' ...\n* [syntax] alet ''name'' (''binding-spec'' ...) ''body'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-86]]:\n[[let]] + \n- left to right evaluation of binding forms\n- multiple values binding with [[mu]] and [[nu]]\n- escape function\n- [[and-let*]]\n- [[let-optionals]] in [[Scsh]]\n- [[let-keywords]] and [[let-keywords*]]\n- [[letrec]] and [[letrec*]]\n- multiple values binding with [[values]] and [[call-with-values]] (like [[SRFI-71]])\n- binding forms intervening external environment\n\nSee also [[alet*]].\n") ("bitwise-bit-count" . "(:ctime 1191715781 :cuser #f :mtime 1191715781 :muser #f)* [procedure] bitwise-bit-count ''e1''\n\n[[R6RS]]: If ''e1'' is positive, returns the number of '1' bits in it.\nOtherwise, the result will be:\n{{{\n(bitwise-not (bitwise-bit-count (bitwise-not e1)))\n}}}\n\nThe [[logcount]] procedure in [[SLIB]] etc. also counts the number of\n'1' bits for the positive exact integer argument; but it works differently\nif the argument is negative ([[logcount]] returns the number of '0' bits\nin such case).\n") ("fluid-let-syntax" . "(:ctime 1014962017 :cuser #f :mtime 1014962017 :muser #f)* [syntax] fluid-let-syntax ((''keyword'' ''exp'') ...) ''form1'' ''form2'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n") ("blob-s8-set!" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144716339 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-s8-set! ''blob'' ''k'' ''byte''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: Stores the two's complement representation of ''byte'' in element\n''k'' of ''blob''. ''Byte'', must be an exact integer in the interval {-128, ..., 127}.\n\nThe return values are unspecified.\n") ("rxmatch-if" . "(:ctime 1015915771 :cuser #f :mtime 1015915832 :muser #f)* [syntax] rxmatch-if ''match-expr'' (''var'' ...) ''then-form'' ''else-form''\n\n[[Gauche]]: evaluates ''match-expr'' that should return a [[]] object or #f.\nIf it is a match object, binds matched substrings to ''var'' ..., and evaluates\n''then-form''. Otherwise, evaluates ''else-form''.\n\nSee also [[Concept:RegularExpression]], [[rxmatch-let]], [[rxmatch-cond]],\n[[rxmatch-case]].\n\nScsh calls this [[if-match]].\n") ("uri-parse" . "(:ctime 1099777087 :cuser #f :mtime 1099777087 :muser #f)* [procedure] uri-parse ''str''\n\n[[STklos]]: decompose uri string and returns keyed value list.\n{{{\n(uri-parse \"http://google.com\")\n ⇒ (:scheme \"http\" :host \"google.com\" :port 80 :path \"/\" \n :query \"\" :fragment \"\")\n(uri-parse \"http://stklos.net:8080/a/file?x=1;y=2#end\")\n ⇒ (:scheme \"http\" :host \"stklos.net\" :port 8080 \n :path \"/a/file\" :query \"x=1;y=2\" :fragment \"end\")\n(uri-parse \"/a/file\") \n ⇒ (:scheme \"file\" :host \"\" :port 0 :path \"/a/file\" \n :query \"\" :fragment \"\")\n(uri-parse \"\")\n ⇒ (:scheme \"file\" :host \"\" :port 0 :path \"\" \n :query \"\" :fragment \"\")\n}}}\n\n* [procedure] uri-parse ''uri''\n\n[[Gauche]]: decompose uri string and return components in multiple values,\ni.e. (values ''scheme'' ''user-info'' ''hostname'' ''port-number'' ''path'' ''query'' ''fragment'').\n\nSee also [[uri-scheme&specific]], [[uri-decompose-hierarchical]],\n[[uri-decompose-authority]], [[uri-compose]], [[uri-decode]], [[uri-decode-string]],\n[[uri-encode]], [[uri-encode-string]].\n") ("quit" . "(:ctime 1015211742 :cuser #f :mtime 1018344614 :muser #f)* [procedure] quit [''code'']\n\n[[SCM]], [[STk]]: exits program with the specified code. Same as [[exit]].\n") ("cfl-" . "(:ctime 1014953243 :cuser #f :mtime 1014953243 :muser #f)* [procedure] cfl- ''cflonum'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[cflonum?]], [[-]], [[fl-]]\n") ("SRFI-37" . "(:ctime 1099274079 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428786 :muser #f)SRFI-37: args-fold: a program argument processor\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-37/srfi-37.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[args-fold]]\n\n[[option]], [[option-names]], [[option-required-arg?]],\n[[option-optional-arg?]], [[option-processor]]\n") ("char-set-adjoin" . "(:ctime 1099288158 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288158 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set-adjoin ''cset'' ''char1'' ...\n* [procedure] char-set-adjoin! ''cset'' ''char1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: Returns a character set that contains all characters\nin ''cset'' and characters given as ''char1'' ....\n[[char-set-adjoin]] always creates a new character set.\n[[char-set-adjoin!]] may modify ''cset''.\n\nSee also [[char-set-delete]], [[char-set-delete!]].\n\n") ("object-hash" . "(:ctime 1152518355 :cuser #f :mtime 1152527909 :muser #f)* [procedure] object-hash ''obj''\n\n[[RRRS]]: associates an integer with ''obj'' in a global table and returns the integer.\n\nSee also [[object-unhash]].\n") ("directory-files" . "(:ctime 1018346505 :cuser #f :mtime 1018346505 :muser #f)* [procedure] directory-files [''dir'' ''dotfiles?'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: reads entries in ''dir''.\n\nThis functionality can be found in other implementations\nunder the name like [[directory]], [[list-directory]]\nor [[sys-readdir]].\n") ("tail?" . "(:ctime 1015070301 :cuser #f :mtime 1015070301 :muser #f)* [procedure] tail? ''x'' ''list''\n\n[[Chicken]]\n") ("SRFI" . "(:ctime 1122418010 :cuser #f :mtime 1593605184 :muser #f)Scheme Requests for Implementation: http://srfi.schemers.org/\n\n----\n\n* Final SRFIs and their support.\n\n''(The number of supporting implementations are derived from the '$$srfis'\n~ macro in each implementation's page. To see which implementations\n~ support the srfi, follow the link on the srfi number.)''\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors-map]]\n") ("debug" . "(:ctime 1014896297 :cuser #f :mtime 1014896297 :muser #f)* [procedure] debug\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n") ("generate-inspector-information" . "(:ctime 1015023853 :cuser #f :mtime 1015023853 :muser #f)* [procedure] generate-inspector-information [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: compiler parameter.\n") ("substq" . "(:ctime 1014945123 :cuser #f :mtime 1014945123 :muser #f)* [procedure] substq ''new'' ''old'' ''tree''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: traverses ''tree'', replacing all objects equivalent\n([[eq?]]) to ''obj'' with the object ''new''.\n\nSee also [[subst]], [[substv]], [[subst!]]\n") ("ucs2-string->utf8-string" . "(:ctime 1039427820 :cuser #f :mtime 1039427820 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2-string->utf8-string ''ucs2-string''\n* [procedure] utf8-string->ucs2-string ''utf8-string''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: conversion between ucs2-string and utf8-string.\nSee [[ucs2-string?]].\n") ("signal/trap" . "(:ctime 1015076577 :cuser #f :mtime 1015076577 :muser #f)[[$$include signal/hup]]\n") ("set-current-input-port" . "(:ctime 1036928032 :cuser #f :mtime 1036928042 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-current-input-port ''port''\n* [procedure] set-current-output-port ''port''\n* [procedure] set-current-error-port ''port''\n\n[[Guile]]: sets current ports.\n\nScsh has [[set-current-input-port!]], [[set-current-output-port!]] and [[set-error-output-port!]].\n\nChezScheme and Chicken's [[current-input-port]],\n[[current-output-port]] and [[current-error-port]]\nhave the ability to change the current ports.\n\nOther implementation provides [[with-input-from-port]] etc.,\nto alternate current ports temporary.\n") ("R5RS" . "(:ctime 1014837147 :cuser #f :mtime 1613932201 :muser #f)Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. (1998)\n\nhttp://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/\n\n----\n** Syntax\n\n[[lambda]], [[if]], [[set!]], [[cond]], [[and]], [[or]], [[case]], \n[[let]], [[let*]], [[letrec]], [[begin]], [[do]], [[delay]], [[quote]], [[quasiquote]],\n[[let-syntax]], [[letrec-syntax]], [[syntax-rules]], [[define-syntax]],\n[[define]]\n\n** Procedures\n\n*** Equivalence\n\n[[eqv?]], [[eq?]], [[equal?]]\n\n*** Numbers\n\n[[number?]], [[complex?]], [[real?]], [[rational?]], [[integer?]],\n[[exact?]], [[inexact?]]\n\n[[=]], [[<]], [[<=]], [[>]], [[>=]],\n[[zero?]], [[positive?]], [[negative?]], [[odd?]], [[even?]],\n[[max]], [[min]]\n\n[[+]], [[-]], [[*]], [[/]], [[abs]], [[quotient]], [[remainder]],\n[[modulo]], [[gcd]], [[lcm]]\n\n[[numerator]], [[denominator]], [[floor]], [[ceiling]], [[truncate]],\n[[round]], [[rationalize]]\n\n[[exp]], [[log]], [[sin]], [[cos]], [[tan]], [[asin]], [[acos]],\n[[atan]], [[sqrt]], [[expt]]\n\n[[make-rectangular]], [[make-polar]], [[real-part]], [[imag-part]],\n[[magnitude]], [[angle]]\n\n[[exact->inexact]], [[inexact->exact]]\n\n[[number->string]], [[string->number]]\n\n*** Other data types\n\n[[not]], [[boolean?]]\n\n[[pair?]], [[list?]], [[null?]], [[cons]], [[car]], [[cdr]], [[set-car!]], [[set-cdr!]],\n[[list]], [[length]], [[append]], [[reverse]], [[list-tail]],\n[[list-ref]], [[memq]], [[memv]], [[member]], [[assq]], [[assv]], [[assoc]]\n\n[[symbol?]], [[symbol->string]], [[string->symbol]]\n\n[[char?]], [[char=?]], [[char?]], [[char>=?]],\n[[char-ci=?]], [[char-ci?]], [[char-ci>=?]]\n[[char-alphabetic?]], [[char-numeric?]], [[char-whitespace?]],\n[[char-upper-case?]], [[char-lower-case?]], [[char->integer]],\n[[integer->char]], [[char-upcase]], [[char-downcase]]\n\n[[string?]], [[make-string]], [[string]], [[string-length]],\n[[string-ref]], [[string-set!]], [[string=?]], [[string?]], [[string>=?]], [[string-ci=?]], [[string-ci?]], [[string-ci>=?]],\n[[substring]], [[string-append]], [[string->list]], [[list->string]],\n[[string-copy]], [[string-fill!]]\n\n[[vector?]], [[make-vector]], [[vector]], [[vector-length]],\n[[vector-ref]], [[vector-set!]], [[vector->list]], [[list->vector]],\n[[vector-fill!]]\n\n[[procedure?]], [[apply]], [[map]], [[for-each]], [[force]],\n[[call-with-current-continuation]], [[values]], [[call-with-values]],\n[[dynamic-wind]]\n\n[[eval]], [[scheme-report-environment]], [[null-environment]],\n[[interaction-environment]]\n\n[[call-with-input-file]], [[call-with-output-file]],\n[[input-port?]], [[output-port?]], [[current-input-port]],\n[[current-output-port]], [[with-input-from-file]], \n[[with-output-to-file]], [[port?]], [[open-input-file]],\n[[open-output-file]], [[close-input-port]], [[close-output-port]]\n\n[[read]], [[read-char]], [[peek-char]], [[eof-object?]],\n[[char-ready?]]\n\n[[write]], [[display]], [[newline]], [[write-char]]\n\n[[load]], [[transcript-off]], [[transcript-on]]\n\n\n") ("generate-temporaries" . "(:ctime 1014963318 :cuser #f :mtime 1014963318 :muser #f)* [procedure] generate-temporaries ''list''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee [[syntax-case]].\n") ("winify-file-name" . "(:ctime 1099741760 :cuser #f :mtime 1099741760 :muser #f)* [procedure] winify-file-name ''path''\n\n[[STklos]]: returns Windows style pathname from Unix-style (Cygwin) pathname.\n") ("stream-cons" . "(:ctime 1099279842 :cuser #f :mtime 1099279842 :muser #f)* [procedure] stream-cons ''obj'' ''stream''\n\n[[SRFI-40]]: Primitive constructor of streams. See also [[stream]],\n[[stream-pair?]].\n\nExamples:\n{{{\n(stream-cons 'a stream-null) => (stream 'a)\n(stream-cons 'a (stream 'b 'c 'd)) => (stream 'a 'b 'c 'd)\n(stream-cons \"a\" (stream 'b 'c)) => (stream \"a\" 'b 'c)\n(stream-cons 'a 3) => error\n(stream-cons (stream 'a 'b) (stream 'c)) => (stream (stream 'a 'b) 'c)\n}}}\n") ("vector-ec" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144535653 :muser #f)* [syntax] vector-ec ''qualifier'' ... ''expression''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nThe vector of all values of ''expression''.\nThink of it as ([[list->vector]] ([[list-ec]] ''qualifier'' ... ''expression'')).\n") ("SRFI-121" . "(:ctime 1474475432 :cuser #f :mtime 1474475432 :muser #f)SRFI-121: Generators\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-121/srfi-121.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("sys-localtime" . "(:ctime 1099743402 :cuser #f :mtime 1099743402 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-localtime ''seconds''\n* [procedure] sys-gmtime ''seconds''\n\n[[Gauche]]: POSIX localtime() and gmtime(). Returns instance.\nSee also [[sys-mktime]].\n\n\nOther implementations provide similar features under the names\n[[posix-localtime]]/[[posix-gmtime]], [[seconds->local-time]]/[[seconds->utc-time]],\n[[seconds->date]].\n") ("class-of" . "(:ctime 1201717870 :cuser #f :mtime 1201717870 :muser #f)* [procedure] class-of ''obj''\n\n[[Gauche]]: Returns the class of ''obj''.\n\nSee also [[is-a?]], [[define-class]].\n") ("vector-set-length!" . "(:ctime 1038091512 :cuser #f :mtime 1038091568 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-set-length! ''object'' ''length''\n\n[[SCM]]: changes the length of vector-like objects\n(vector, bit-vector, array).\n\nNot all implementations have resizable vector, but\nSTk has [[vector-resize]].\n") ("output-port?" . "(:ctime 1014854535 :cuser #f :mtime 1014857537 :muser #f)* [procedure] output-port? ''obj''\n\n[[R5RS]]: Returns #t if obj is an output port, otherwise returns #f.\n\nSee also [[port?]], [[input-port?]].\n") ("process-signal" . "(:ctime 1015185555 :cuser #f :mtime 1020374493 :muser #f)* [procedure] process-signal ''pid'' [''signal'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: kill(2). See [[signal/term]] etc.\n\nOther implementations have [[process-send-signal]],\n[[signal-process]], [[sys-kill]].\n") ("bind-exit" . "(:ctime 1039430893 :cuser #f :mtime 1039430927 :muser #f)* [syntax] bind-exit (''escape'') . ''body''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: binds a variable ''escape'' to a\none-shot, upward-only continuation (a.k.a. ''escape procedure'') of this form, then evaluates ''body''.\nSee also [[unwind-protect]].\n\nSome implementations have [[call/ep]], which is\nsimilar to this.\n") ("load-srfi-7-program" . "(:ctime 1015069680 :cuser #f :mtime 1015069680 :muser #f)* [procedure] load-srfi-7-program ''filename'' [''evalproc'']\n\n[[Chicken]]\n\nSee also [[load]].\n") ("tk-command?" . "(:ctime 1018335372 :cuser #f :mtime 1018335636 :muser #f)* [procedure] tk-command? ''obj''\n\n[[STk]]: returns #t if ''obj'' is a Tk-command.\n") ("any-pred" . "(:ctime 1201783516 :cuser #f :mtime 1201783552 :muser #f)* [procedure] any-pred ''fn'' ...\n* [procedure] every-pred ''fn'' ...\n\n[[Gauche]]: Creates a predicate that returns true if the argument\nsatisfies any ''fn'' ([[any-pred]]) or every ''fn'' ([[every-pred]]),\nrespectively.\n") ("elong?" . "(:ctime 1039408976 :cuser #f :mtime 1039408976 :muser #f)* [procedure] elong? ''obj''\n* [procedure] llong? ''obj''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: checks if ''obj'' is an integer and fits\nin the hardware ''long'' and ''long long'' integers,\nrespectively.\n\nBigloo has several procedures specialized to these\n''elong'' and ''llong'' types.\nSee [[elong->string]], [[string->elong]],\n[[llong->string]], [[string->llong]],\n[[elong->flonum]], [[flonum->elong]],\n[[llong->flonum]], [[flonum->llong]]\n") ("read-block" . "(:ctime 1014958007 :cuser #f :mtime 1014958007 :muser #f)* [procedure] read-block ''nbytes'' [''input-port'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: reads octet stream from ''input-port'' up to ''nbytes''.\n\nChezScheme has similar function [[block-read]].\n\n") ("hash-table-equivalence-function" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144493765 :muser #f)* [procedure] hash-table-equivalence-function ''hash-table''\n\n[[SRFI-69]]: Returns the equivalence predicate used for keys of ''hash-table''.\n") ("external-exists?" . "(:ctime 1018343692 :cuser #f :mtime 1018343692 :muser #f)* [procedure] external-exists? ''entry'' [''library'']\n\n[[STk]]: see also [[define-external]].\n") ("set-file-position!" . "(:ctime 1015184813 :cuser #f :mtime 1039755997 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-file-position! ''port-or-fd'' ''position'' [''whence'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: interface for seek(2). See also [[file-position]].\n\nSome implementations have [[seek]] or\n[[set-input-port-position!]]/[[set-output-port-position!]].\n\n") ("Elk" . "(:ctime 1553891303 :cuser #f :mtime 1553891335 :muser #f)Extension Language Kit (ELK) is a free Scheme implementation which is embeddable in C and C++ programs, but can also be used as a stand-alone Scheme interpreter. It is available under a custom permissive license for any use, commercial or noncommercial.\n\nHomepage: http://sam.zoy.org/elk/\n\nWikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extension_Language_Kit\n") ("#!null" . "(:ctime 1152518355 :cuser #f :mtime 1161177779 :muser #f)* [constant] #!null\n\n[[RRRS]]: empty list.\n\nSee also [[nil]].\n\n[[Kawa]]: Represents Java null value. Used in low-level code.\n\n") ("alist-delete" . "(:ctime 1014874099 :cuser #f :mtime 1014874099 :muser #f)* [procedure] alist-delete ''key'' ''alist'' [''='']\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: alist-delete deletes all associations from ''alist'' \nwith the given ''key'', using key-comparison procedure ''='', which defaults\nto [[equal?[[. The dynamic order in which the various applications \nof ''='' are made is not specified. \n\nSee also [[delete]], [[alist-delete!]].\n\n") ("let-keywords" . "(:ctime 1038030549 :cuser #f :mtime 1203994435 :muser #f)* [syntax] let-keywords ''kv-list'' ''allow-other-keys?'' (''binding'' ...) ''body'' ...\n* [syntax] let-keywords* ''kv-list'' ''allow-other-keys?'' (''binding'' ...) ''body'' ...\n\n[[Guile]]: extracts value associated of keywords specified in\n''binding'', and binds them accordingly, then evaluates ''body'' ....\n\n''Binding'' can be just a variable, or (''variable'' ''default'').\n\nIf ''allow-other-keys?'' is false, an error is thrown if\nkeywords not listed in ''binding'' is found in ''kv-list''.\n\nLet-keywords and let-keywords* differ in terms of binding\ntiming of variables.\n\n* [syntax] let-keywords* ''kv-list'' (''binding'' ...) ''body'' ...\n* [syntax] let-keywords* ''kv-list'' (''binding'' ... . ''other-keys'') ''body'' ...\n\n[[Gauche]]: only has let-keywords* variant, and slightly \ndifferent from Guile's. Doesn't take ''allow-other-keys?'';\ninstead, providing ''other-keys'' argument let the form\naccept keywords that aren't listed in ''binding''s, and \nthose unmatched kv-list is bound to ''other-keys''.\n\n''Binding'' can be either (''variable'' ''default'') or \n(''variable'' ''key'' ''default'').\n") ("describe" . "(:ctime 1015279279 :cuser #f :mtime 1015312673 :muser #f)* [procedure] describe ''exp'' [''port'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: print description of ''exp'' to the ''port''.\nSee also [[dump]].\n\n* [procedure] describe ''exp''\n\n[[Gauche]]'s describe doesn't take optional argument.\n\n\n") ("fl>=" . "(:ctime 1014952372 :cuser #f :mtime 1014952372 :muser #f)* [procedure] fl>= ''flonum'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[flonum?]], [[>=]], [[fx>=]]\n") ("waiter-write" . "(:ctime 1015024397 :cuser #f :mtime 1015024397 :muser #f)* [procedure] waiter-write [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: gets/sets write method of repl.\n\nSee also [[new-cafe]]\n") ("SRFI-6" . "(:ctime 1014881007 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428543 :muser #f)SRFI-6 : Basic String Ports\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-6/srfi-6.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[open-input-string]], [[open-output-string]], [[get-output-string]]\n\n") ("delete!" . "(:ctime 1014871068 :cuser #f :mtime 1014871068 :muser #f)* [procedure] delete! ''x'' ''list'' [''='']\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: linear-update variant of [[delete]].\n") ("stream-delay" . "(:ctime 1099280166 :cuser #f :mtime 1099280166 :muser #f)* [syntax] stream-delay ''expr''\n\n[[SRFI-40]]: Returns a stream which is a delayed form of ''expr''---when\nthe value of the components of the stream is needed, ''expr'' is evaluated.\n\n{{{\n(define from0\n (let loop ((x 0))\n (stream-delay\n (stream-cons x (loop (+ x 1))))))\nfrom0 => (stream 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...)\n}}}\n") ("string-downcase!" . "(:ctime 1014894465 :cuser #f :mtime 1015074279 :muser #f)[[$$include string-upcase!]]\n\n") ("time-tai->time-utc" . "(:ctime 1099301428 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301428 :muser #f)[[$$include time-tai->date]]\n") ("SRFI-98" . "(:ctime 1307804446 :cuser #f :mtime 1307804512 :muser #f)SRFI 98: An interface to access environment variables.\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-98/srfi-98.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n----\n\n[[get-environment-variable]] [[get-environment-variables]]\n\n") ("char-ci>?" . "(:ctime 1015062777 :cuser #f :mtime 1015062793 :muser #f)[[$$include char-ci=?]]\n") ("logand" . "(:ctime 1014951458 :cuser #f :mtime 1043984875 :muser #f)* [procedure] logand ''n1'' ''n2''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Guile]]: bitwise and of two integers.\n\nThis is called [[bitwise-and]]\nor [[bit-and]] in some implementations.\n\nChez has [[fxlogand]] that works for fixnum range.\n\n* [procedure] logand ''n1'' ...\n\n[[Gauche]], [[SISC]]: allows arbitrary number of integer arguments.\n\nNote that SISC has range limitation in ''n1'' ... (as of 1.6.4).\n\nSee also [[logior]], [[logor]], [[logxor]], [[lognot]], [[ash]], [[ashl]], [[ashr]]\n") ("set-signal-mask!" . "(:ctime 1015199615 :cuser #f :mtime 1015199615 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-signal-mask! ''siglist''\n\n[[Chicken]]: see also [[set-signal-handler!]].\n") ("open/wronly" . "(:ctime 1015106284 :cuser #f :mtime 1015106284 :muser #f)[[$$include open/rdonly]]\n") ("sqrt" . "(:ctime 1014859010 :cuser #f :mtime 1191312349 :muser #f)* [procedure] sqrt ''z''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Returns a principal square root of ''z''.\n\nR6RS defines these boundary cases:\n (sqrt +inf.0) => +inf.0\n (sqrt -inf.0) => +inf.0i\n\nSee also [[expt]], [[exact-integer-sqrt]].\n") ("eq?" . "(:ctime 1014847742 :cuser #f :mtime 1191210600 :muser #f)* [procedure] eq? ''obj1'' ''obj2''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[eqv?]], [[equal?]].\n") ("record-case" . "(:ctime 1014940971 :cuser #f :mtime 1015045395 :muser #f)* [syntax] record-case ''exp'' ''clause1'' ''clause2'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: A restricted form of [[case]] that supports the destructuring \nof records, or tagged lists.\n\n (define calc\n (lambda (x)\n (record-case x\n [(add) (x y) (+ x y)]\n [(sub) (x y) (- x y)]\n [(mul) (x y) (* x y)]\n [(div) (x y) (/ x y)]\n [else (error 'calc \"invalid expression ~s\" x)]))) \n\n (calc '(add 3 4)) ==> 7\n (calc '(div 3 4)) ==> 3/4 \n\n* [syntax] record-case ''exp'' ((''head1'' ''var1'' ...) ''body'' ...) [(else ''body'' ...)\n\n[[Chicken]]: dispatches the execution depending on the record type of\n''exp'', with binding its field to ''var1'' ....\nThis is different thing from Chez's record-case.\n\nSee also [[define-record]].\n\n") ("append-reverse" . "(:ctime 1014864606 :cuser #f :mtime 1014864606 :muser #f)* [procedure] append-reverse ''rev-head'' ''tail''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: (append (reverse ''rev-head'') ''tail'').\n\nSee also [[append]], [[reverse]], [[append-reverse!]].\n") ("string-end" . "(:ctime 1018082805 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082805 :muser #f)[[$$include string-start]]\n") ("create-directory" . "(:ctime 1015101411 :cuser #f :mtime 1018345754 :muser #f)* [procedure] create-directory ''dirname''\n\n[[Chicken]]: see also [[delete-directory]]. \nSee [[Concept:FileSystem]].\n\nThis is called [[make-directory]] or [[sys-mkdir]] in\nsome implementations.\n\n* [procedure] create-directory ''name'' [''perms'' ''override?'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: ''perms'' is the integer mask for the\npermission. ''orverride?'' controls the behavior\nwhen the named directory already exists.\n") ("let-syntax" . "(:ctime 1014855290 :cuser #f :mtime 1191844156 :muser #f)* [syntax] let-syntax ((''keyword'' ''transformer-spec'') ...) ''body''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[letrec-syntax]], [[define-syntax]].\n") ("split-at" . "(:ctime 1014863909 :cuser #f :mtime 1014863909 :muser #f)* [procedure] split-at ''x'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: splits the list ''x'' at index ''k'',\nreturning a list of the first ''k'' elements, and\nthe remaining tail.\n\nSee also [[take]], [[drop]], [[split-at!]].\n") ("sstats-gc-bytes" . "(:ctime 1015029128 :cuser #f :mtime 1015029161 :muser #f)* [procedure] sstats-gc-bytes ''sstats''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: statistics. See [[statistics]], [[set-sstats-gc-bytes!]].\n") ("create-pipe" . "(:ctime 1015106040 :cuser #f :mtime 1018386847 :muser #f)* [procedure] create-pipe\n\n[[Chicken]]: calls pipe(2) and returns two pipes, one for input and the other\nfor output.\n\nThis is called [[pipe]] or [[sys-pipe]] \nin some implementations.\n") ("when-port-readable" . "(:ctime 1018334711 :cuser #f :mtime 1018334711 :muser #f)* [procedure] when-port-readable ''port'' [''handler'']\n* [procedure] when-port-writable ''port'' [''handler'']\n\n[[STk]]: sets ''handler'' to be called when ''port''\nis ready to be read/write.\n") ("in-module" . "(:ctime 1099723191 :cuser #f :mtime 1099723191 :muser #f)* [syntax] in-module ''mod'' ''symbol'' [''default'']\n\n[[STklos]]: equivalent to \n{{{\n (symbol-value* 'symbol (find-module 'mod) default)\n}}}\n\nSee [[symbol-value*]].\n") ("heur" . "(:ctime 1152518355 :cuser #f :mtime 1152526042 :muser #f)* [format descriptor] heur\n[[RRRS]], [[R3RS]]: express heuristically using the minimum number of digits required to get an expression that when coerced back to a number produces the original machine representation. Exact numbers are expressed as (int) or (rat). Inexact numbers are expressed as (flo h) or (sci h) depending on their range. Complex numbers are expressed in (rect). This is the normal default of the system printer.\n\nSee also [[int]], [[rat]], [[flo]], [[sci]], [[rect]] and [[number->string]].\n") ("sint-list->blob" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144712581 :muser #f)[[$$include blob->uint-list]]\n") ("seconds->time" . "(:ctime 1015210314 :cuser #f :mtime 1015210314 :muser #f)[[$$include time->seconds]]\n") ("putenv" . "(:ctime 1046488913 :cuser #f :mtime 1046488913 :muser #f)* [procedure] putenv ''string'' ''val''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: putenv. See also [[getenv]].\n\nThis is called [[setenv]], [[setenv!]] or [[sys-putenv]] in\nother implementations.\n") ("foreign-lambda" . "(:ctime 1015046843 :cuser #f :mtime 1015046843 :muser #f)* [syntax] foreign-lambda ''returntype'' ''name'' ''argtype''\n* [syntax] foreign-lambda* ''returntype'' ((''argtype'' ''variable'') ...) ''string'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]]: defines a binding to external routine. Similar to\n[[foreign-callback-lambda]] and [[foreign-callback-lambda*]], \nbut the external routine\nmay not call Scheme functions. [[foreign-lambda*]] defines\nC body in-line (inside ''string'').\n\nSee also [[foreign-callback-lambda]], [[foreign-callback-lambda*]].\n") ("time-monotonic->time-utc!" . "(:ctime 1099301310 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301310 :muser #f)[[$$include time-monotonic->date]]\n") ("Concept:FindAndAnyInCollection" . "(:ctime 1622278062 :cuser #f :mtime 1622281790 :muser #f)''Finding something that satisfies in a collection'' is a common operation, and many collection/container types provides such interface.\n\n* The \"\"\"find\"\"\" family\n\n- Returns an element that satisfies the predicate. If the collection is a mapping, returns key and value as two values.\n- Takes a predicate and a collection.\n- Some take a failure thunk as the third argument. If the operation doesn't take a failure thunk, \"\"\"#f\"\"\" is returned when no satisfying entry is found.\nNote: If it doesn't take failure thunk, it can't handle the case when \"\"\"#f\"\"\"\nas an element satisfies the predicate.\n-- No failure thunk: [[find]]([[SRFI-1]]), [[ifind]]([[SRFI-116]]), [[generator-find]]([[SRFI-158]]),\n[[lseq-find]]([[SRFI-127]])\n-- Mandatory failure thunk: [[bag-find]]([[SRFI-113]]),\n[[hashmap-find]]([[SRFI-146]]),\n[[imapping-find/key]]([[SRFI-224]] draft),\n[[iset-find]]([[SRFI-217]]),\n[[mapping-find]]([[SRFI-146]]),\n[[set-find]]([[SRFI-113]])\n-- Optional failure thunk: [[idequeue-find]]([[SRFI-134]])\n- A predicate receives an element, if the collection is a simple collection of values; or it receives a key and an associated value, if the collection is a mapping.\n-- Predicate receives key and value: [[hashmap-find]], [[mapping-find]].\n\n\n\n- Anomalies:\n-- [[hash-table-find]]([[SRFI-125]]) - Returns what predicate returns, rather than the actual key & value. With this regard, it belongs to \"\"\"any\"\"\" family.\n-- [[hashtable-find]]([[SRFI-126]]) - Arguments are reversed (a collection, a predicate). Returns three values ([key, value, found?])\n-- [[imaping-find]]([[SRFI-224]] draft) - predicate takes only a value.\n\n\n- If the collection is ordered, there can be a variant to find the ''last''\nentry that satisfies the predicate.\n-- No failure thunk: [[ifind-tail]]([[SRFI-116]]),\n[[lseq-find-tail]]([[SRFI-127]])\n-- Optional failure thunk: [[idequeue-find-tail]]([[SRFI-134]])\n\n\n* The \"\"\"any\"\"\" family\n\n- Returns the first true value returned by the predicate.\n- Argument variations:\n-- pred, collection -> result or \"\"\"#f\"\"\": [[char-set-any]]([[SRFI-14]]),\n[[generator-any]]([[SRFI-158]]),\n[[lseq-any]]([[SRFI-127]])\n-- pred, collection, collection2 ... -> result or \"\"\"#f\"\"\":\n[[any]]([[SRFI-1]]),\n[[array-any]]([[SRFI-179]]),\n[[flexvector-any]]([[SRFI-214]]),\n[[iany]]([[SRFI-116]]),\n[[idequeue-any]]([[SRFI-134]]),\n[[range-any]]([[SRFI-196]]),\n[[vector-any]]([[SRFI-133]]),\n[[@vector-any]]([[SRFI-160]])\n-- pred, collection, optional failure thunk:\n[[hash-table-find]] ([[SRFI-125]])\n-- pred, collection, optional start and end:\n[[string-any]]([[SRFI-13]]),\n[[textual-any]]([[SRFI-135]])\n\n\n\n- Unresolved question: If mapping collection wants the multiple-collection interface, how should the arguments passed to the predicate?\n\n\n* The \"\"\"any?\"\"\" family\n\n- Like \"\"\"any\"\"\" but act as a predicate---either return \"\"\"#t\"\"\" or \"\"\"#f\"\"\".\n- Standard ones: [[bag-any?]]([[SRFI-113]]),\n[[enum-set-any?]]([[SRFI-209]]),\n[[hashmap-any?]]([[SRFI-146]]),\n[[imapping-any?]]([[SRFI-224]] draft),\n[[iset-any?]]([[SRFI-217]]),\n[[mapping-any?]]([[SRFI-146]]),\n[[set-any?]]([[SRFI-113]])\n\n- Anomalies:\n-- [[imapping-any?]] - predicate takes only a value.\n-- In bit-set operations, the predicate is obvious so it only\ntakes a collection, plus start/end arguments:\n[[bit-field-any?]]([[SRFI-151]]),\n[[bitvector-field-any?]]([[SRFI-178]])\n\n\n\n* Maybe+find\n\n- Wrap the return value with Maybe, eliminating the failure thunk and\nallowing multiple values packed into a single one.\n- Predicate gets a key and a value: [[imapping-query/key]]([[SRFI-224]] draft)\n- Predicate gets a value: [[imapping-query]]([[SRFI-224]] draft)\n\n* Maybe+any\n\n- The predicate returns Maybe[]. If it's Just, it is returned immediately.\n- So far, we don't have an instance for this .\n") ("queue-push!" . "(:ctime 1015072222 :cuser #f :mtime 1015072222 :muser #f)* [procedure] queue-push! ''queue'' ''x''\n\n[[SLIB]]: adds ''x'' to the front of ''queue''.\n\nSee also [[make-queue]], [[queue-pop!]]\n\n* [procedure] queue-push! ''queue'' ''obj1'' ''obj2'' ...\n\n[[Gauche]] allows more than one object to be queued.\n\n\n\n") ("SRFI-193" . "(:ctime 1637880149 :cuser #f :mtime 1637880149 :muser #f)SRFI-193: Command line\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-193/srfi-193.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("absolute-pathname?" . "(:ctime 1015100104 :cuser #f :mtime 1020224814 :muser #f)* [procedure] absolute-pathname? ''pathname''\n\n[[Chicken]]\n\nMzScheme has [[absolute-path?]].\n\n") ("vector-index" . "(:ctime 1099388007 :cuser #f :mtime 1099388007 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-index ''pred'' ''vec1'' ''vec2'' ...\n* [procedure] vector-index-right ''pred'' ''vec1'' ''vec2'' ...\n* [procedure] vector-skip ''pred'' ''vec1'' ''vec2'' ...\n* [procedure] vector-skip-right ''pred'' ''vec1'' ''vec2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-43]]: [[vector-index]] applies ''pred'' to each parallel elements of\n''vec1'' ''vec2'' ..., from 0-th elements, and returns the first index\nwhere ''pred'' returns true (iteration ends at the shortest vector).\n\n[[vector-index-right]] reverses the direction of application of ''pred''.\nAll vectors have the same length.\n\n[[vector-skip]] and [[vector-skip-right]] reverses the meaning of ''pred''.\n\nThe names are parallel to [[srfi-13]]'s [[string-index]], [[string-index-right]],\n[[string-skip]] and [[string-skip-right]], but note the order of arguments\n(string version takes a string first).\n") ("Index:v" . "(:ctime 1014846437 :cuser #f :mtime 1015014797 :muser #f)[[$$index v]]\n\n") ("latin-1-integer->char" . "(:ctime 1019619702 :cuser #f :mtime 1019619702 :muser #f)[[$$include char->latin-1-integer]]\n") ("Concept:Module" . "(:ctime 1063413063 :cuser #f :mtime 1245540993 :muser #f)* Module systems\n\nMost Scheme implementations have the means to manage their libraries and subsystems.\nIt is called differently among implementations, but usually has the following features.\n\n- ability to create separate namespaces\n- mechanism to manage files that actually implement the library.\n- syntax to declare interface of the libraries.\n\n----\n** Actual systems\n\n:[[Scheme48:ModuleSystem]]: [[Scheme48]] uses a special metalanguage \n(called configuration language) to manage modules.\n:[[STklos:ModuleSystem]]: Based on simple namespace mechanism suitable for interactive use.\n:[[Gauche:ModuleSystem]]: [[Gauche]] inherits STk's module system, but\nenhances it to integrate library file layout.\n:[[Guile:ModuleSystem]]:\n:[[PLTScheme:ModuleSystem]]: \n:[[SCM:ModuleSystem]]: Very portable module management system used in [[SCM]] and [[SLIB]].\n----\n** Discussions\n") ("date" . "(:ctime 1023886764 :cuser #f :mtime 1099742940 :muser #f)* [procedure] date [''time'' ''tz'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: without args, returns current date. See [[make-date]].\n(NB: Scsh's date is like struct tm, not like SRFI-19's.)\n\nIf ''time'' is given, convert it to date.\nIf ''tz'' is given, use it as a timezone string\n(localtime default).\n\nSee also [[time]].\n\nSRFI-19 has [[current-date]], and [[time-utc->date]].\n\nGauche has [[sys-gmtime]] and [[sys-localtime]].\n\n* [procedure] date\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[STklos]]: returns the current date in string. Takes no arguments.\n") (">/>?" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144503626 :muser #f)[[$$include string" . "(:ctime 1015200458 :cuser #f :mtime 1015318114 :muser #f)* [procedure] time->string ''time''\n\n[[Chicken]]: convers a vector ''time'', which is returned by\n[[seconds->local-time]] or [[seconds->utc-time]], to a string.\nPOSIX asctime.\n\nOther implementations call this [[posix-asctime]], [[sys-asctime]].\n\n* [procedure] time->string ''time''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: takes a time record and resturs the string representation.\nTime record in Scheme48 contains # of seconds from the Unix Epoch,\nso this is like POSIX ctime.\nSee also [[make-time]], [[current-time]], [[time-seconds]].\n\nOther implementations have [[posix-ctime]], [[sys-ctime]].\n\n") ("as32" . "(:ctime 1099398071 :cuser #f :mtime 1099398071 :muser #f)[[$$include ac64]]\n") ("engine-block" . "(:ctime 1014941794 :cuser #f :mtime 1014941794 :muser #f)* [procedure] engine-block\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: stops the running engine.\n\nSee also [[make-engine]], [[engine-return]].\n") ("delete-file" . "(:ctime 1014961924 :cuser #f :mtime 1191233086 :muser #f)* [procedure] delete-file ''filename''\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]], [[Scsh]], [[MzScheme]], [[SLIB]]: See [[Concept:FileSystem]].\n\n[[R6RS]]: If ''filename'' does not exist or cannot be deleted, an exception with\ncondition type [[&i/o-filename]] is raised.\n\nThis is called [[remove-file]], [[unlink]] or [[sys-unlink]]\nin some implementations.\n\n\n\n") ("hashtable-hash-function" . "(:ctime 1191361195 :cuser #f :mtime 1191361195 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable-hash-function ''hashtable''\n\n[[R6RS]]: Returns the hash function of ''hashtable''.\nIf ''hashtable'' is created by [[make-eq-hashtable]] or [[make-eqv-hashtable]],\nthis procedure returns #f.\n\nSee also [[Concept:HashTable]]\n") ("SRFI-57" . "(:ctime 1110658035 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428893 :muser #f)SRFI 57: Records\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-57/srfi-57.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[define-record-type]], [[define-record-scheme]], \n[[record-update]], [[record-update!]], [[record-compose]]\n") ("string-take" . "(:ctime 1014889137 :cuser #f :mtime 1014889137 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-take ''s'' ''nchars''\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[string-take-right]], [[string-drop]].\n") ("duplicate-fileno" . "(:ctime 1015183808 :cuser #f :mtime 1015183808 :muser #f)* [procedure] duplicate-fileno ''old'' [''new'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: dup(2) or dup2(2). ''old'' and ''new'' should be \na file descriptor. See also [[port->fileno]].\n") ("dup->outport" . "(:ctime 1036970055 :cuser #f :mtime 1036970055 :muser #f)[[$$include dup->inport]]\n") ("procedure-data" . "(:ctime 1015274548 :cuser #f :mtime 1015274548 :muser #f)* [procedure] procedure-data ''procedure''\n* [procedure] set-procedure-data! ''procedure'' ''x''\n\n[[Chicken]]: gets/sets data from/to the optional data slot of extended procedure\n''procedure''. See also [[extend-procedure]].\n") ("exactness" . "(:ctime 1152518355 :cuser #f :mtime 1152526019 :muser #f)* [format descriptor] exactness ''s''\n[[RRRS]], [[R3RS]]: controls the expression of the exactness prefix of a number. ''s'' must be a symbol, either 'E or 'S, indicating whether the exactness is to be expressed or suppressed, respectively. If no exactness modifier is specified for a format then the exactness is by default suppressed.\n\nSee also [[number->string]].\n") ("test-group" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151075387 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-group ''suite-name'' ''decl-or-expr''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: equivalent to:\n{{{\n(dynamic-wind\n (lambda () (test-begin suite-name))\n (lambda () decl-or-expr ...)\n (lambda () (test-end suite-name))))\n}}}\n\nHowever the entire group is skipped if it matched an active [[test-skip]].\n") ("Concept:Networking" . "(:ctime 1240114907 :cuser #f :mtime 1245540978 :muser #f)Memorandom for network API of some implementations.\n\n* [[Ikarus]]\n\n- [[tcp-connect]] host service\n- [[tcp-connect-nonblocking]] host service\n- [[udp-connect]] host service\n- [[udp-connect-nonblocking]] host-name service-name\n- [[tcp-server-socket]] port-number\n- [[tcp-server-socket-nonblocking]] port-number\n- [[accept-connection]] tcp-server\n- [[accept-connection-nonblocking]] tcp-server\n- [[close-tcp-server-socket]] tcp-server\n- [[register-callback]] input-port thunk\n- [[register-callback]] output-port thunk\n- [[register-callback]] tcp-server thunk\n\n* [[Ypsilon]]\n\n(socket)\n\n- [[call-with-socket]] socket proc\n- [[make-client-socket]] node service . [ai-family ai-socktype ai-flag ai-protocol]\n- [[make-server-socket]] service . [ai-family ai-protocol]\n- [[shutdown-output-port]] port\n- [[socket?]] obj\n- [[make-socket]] node service ai-family ai-socktype ai-flag ai-protocol\n- [[socket-accept]] socket flags\n- [[socket-port]] socket => \n- [[socket-send]] socket buffer flags\n- [[socket-send]] socket flags\n- [[socket-shutdown]] socket how\n- [[socket-close]] socket\n- [[gethostname]]\n\n* [[Gauche]]\n\n*** Low-level API\n\n- [[make-socket]] domain type &optional protocol\n- [[socket-fd]] socket\n- [[socket-status]] socket\n- [[socket-bind]] socket address\n- [[socket-listen]] socket backlog\n- [[socket-accept]] socket\n- [[socket-connect]] socket address\n- [[socket-shutdown]] socket how\n- [[socket-getsockname]] socket\n- [[socket-getpeername]] socket\n- [[socket-send]] socket msg &optional flags\n- [[socket-sendto]] socket msg to-address &optional flags\n- [[socket-sendmsg]] socket msg &optional flags\n- [[socket-recv!]] socket buf &optional flags\n- [[socket-recvfrom!]] socket buf addrs &optional flags\n- [[socket-recv]] socket bytes &optional flags\n- [[socket-recvfrom]] socket bytes &optional flags\n- [[socket-setsockopt]] socket level option value\n- [[socket-getsockopt]] socket level option rsize\n- [[inet-checksum]] packet size\n- [[inet-string->address]] string\n- [[inet-string->address!]] string\n- [[inet-address->string]] address protocol\n- [[sys-gethostbyname]] name\n- [[sys-gethostbyaddr]] addr proto\n- [[sys-getservbyname]] name proto\n- [[sys-getservbyport]] port proto\n- [[sys-getaddrinfo]] nodename servname hints\n- [[sys-ntohs]] integer\n- [[sys-ntohl]] integer\n- [[sys-htons]] integer\n- [[sys-htonl]] integer\n\n*** High-level API\n\n- [[make-client-socket]] &optional address-spec …\n- [[make-server-socket]] &optional address-spec …\n- [[make-server-sockets]] host port &keyword reuse-addr? sock-init\n- [[socket-address]] socket\n- [[socket-input-port]] socket &keyword (buffering :modest)\n- [[socket-output-port]] socket &keyword (buffering :line)\n- [[socket-close]] socket\n- [[call-with-client-socket]] socket proc\n") ("vector-mutable?" . "(:ctime 1099725129 :cuser #f :mtime 1099725129 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-mutable? ''obj''\n\n[[STklos]]: returns #t iff ''obj'' is a mutable vector.\n\nSee also [[string-mutable?]], [[pair-mutable?]].\n") ("user-info?" . "(:ctime 1018125168 :cuser #f :mtime 1018125168 :muser #f)* [procedure] user-info? ''x''\n* [procedure] user-info-name ''user-info''\n* [procedure] user-info-id ''user-info''\n* [procedure] user-info-group ''user-info''\n* [procedure] user-info-home-directory ''user-info''\n* [procedure] user-info-shell ''user-info''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: accessors to user information.\nSee [[Concept:UserGroup]], [[user-id->user-info]],\n[[name->user-info]].\n") ("#\\x" . "(:ctime 1292548241 :cuser #f :mtime 1292548241 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #\\x''XXXX''\n\n[[R6RS]]: A character U+''XXXX''. It can take any number of digits,\nbut the resulting hex number should be in the Unicode code range.\n\nSee also [[#\\u]].\n") ("char-set-cursor-next" . "(:ctime 1039168736 :cuser #f :mtime 1039168736 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set-cursor-next ''char-set'' ''cursor''\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: Returns a new cursor that points to the\nnext character in ''char-set'' pointed by ''cursor''.\nIt is an error if ''cursor'' points past the end.\nSee [[char-set-cursor]], [[end-of-char-set?]].\n") ("SRFI-108" . "(:ctime 1381734878 :cuser #f :mtime 1381734879 :muser #f)SRFI-108: SRFI Libraries\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-108/srfi-108.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("set-top-level-value!" . "(:ctime 1014930048 :cuser #f :mtime 1014930048 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-top-level-value ''symbol'' ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: alter top level binding of ''symbol''.\n\nSee also [[define-top-level-value]], [[top-level-value]], [[top-level-bound?]]\n") ("SRFI-47" . "(:ctime 1099394335 :cuser #f :mtime 1328752722 :muser #f)SRFI-47: Array\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-47/srfi-47.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n[[array?]], [[make-array]], [[make-shared-array]]\n\n[[equal?]]\n\n[[ac64]], [[ac32]], [[ar64]], [[ar32]], [[as64]], [[as32]],\n[[as16]], [[as8]], [[au64]], [[au32]], [[au16]], [[au8]], [[at1]]\n\n[[array-rank]], [[array-dimensions]], [[array-in-bounds?]], \n[[array-ref]], [[array-set!]]\n\n----\n\nSRFI-47 arrays can be homogeneous arrays, in similar sense of [[SRFI-4]].\nThe API differs from [[SRFI-25]] arrays, though both can coexist.\n") ("byte-vector-set!" . "(:ctime 1015275663 :cuser #f :mtime 1015275663 :muser #f)[[$$include byte-vector-ref]]\n") ("any?-ec" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144536049 :muser #f)* [syntax] any?-ec ''qualifier'' ... ''test''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nTests whether any value of ''test'' in the sequence of bindings specified by\nthe ''qualifier''s is non-#f. If this is the case, #t is returned, otherwise #f.\nIf there are no bindings in the sequence specified by the ''qualifier''s at\nall then the result is #f. The enumeration of values stops after the first\nnon-#f encountered.\n") ("syntax-case" . "(:ctime 1014962313 :cuser #f :mtime 1015105098 :muser #f)* [syntax] syntax-case ''exp'' (''literal'' ...) ''clause'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: lower layer of hygienic macro expander.\n\nThe following syntax and procedures are also used to implement\nlower layer of hygienic macro: [[syntax]], [[identifier?]],\n[[identifier-syntax]], [[bound-identifier=?]], [[free-identifier=?]],\n[[literal-identifier=?]], [[with-syntax]], [[syntax-object->datum]],\n[[datum->syntax-object]].\n\n[[Chicken]] also has it in syntax-case unit.\n\n") ("make-pseudo-random-generator" . "(:ctime 1019619502 :cuser #f :mtime 1019619502 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-pseudo-random-generator\n\n[[MzScheme]]: returns a new pseudo random generator.\n\nSee also [[current-pseudo-random-generator]],\n[[pseudo-random-generator?]]\n") ("map!" . "(:ctime 1014868602 :cuser #f :mtime 1014868602 :muser #f)* [procedure] map! ''f'' ''list1'' ''clist2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Linear-update variant of [[map]] -- map! is allowed, \nbut not required, to alter the cons cells of ''list1'' to construct the result\nlist. \n\nThe dynamic order in which the various applications of ''f'' are made is not\nspecified. In the n-ary case, ''clist2'', ''clist3'', ... must\nhave at least as many elements as ''list1''. \n\nSee also [[map]].\n") ("record-field-accessor" . "(:ctime 1014948233 :cuser #f :mtime 1014949597 :muser #f)* [procedure] record-field-accessor ''rtd'' ''field-name''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSLIB has equivalent procedure as [[record-accessor]].\n\nSee also [[make-record-type]], [[define-record]].\n") ("integer-valued?" . "(:ctime 1191211214 :cuser #f :mtime 1191211215 :muser #f)[[$$include real-valued?]]\n") ("dotted-list?" . "(:ctime 1014862327 :cuser #f :mtime 1014862327 :muser #f)* [procedure] dotted-list? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: True if ''obj'' is a finite, non-nil-terminated list.\n\nSee also [[proper-list?]], [[circular-list?]], [[cons*]], [[list*]].\n") ("lset<=" . "(:ctime 1014874371 :cuser #f :mtime 1014874371 :muser #f)* [procedure] lset<= ''elt='' ''list1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Returns true iff every ''listi'' is a subset of ''listi+1'', \nusing ''elt='' for the element-equality procedure. List A is a subset of \nlist B if every element in A is equal to some element of B. \nWhen performing an element comparison, the ''elt='' procedure's first\nargument is an element of A; its second, an element of B. \n\nSee also [[lset=]].\n") ("real-tan" . "(:ctime 1170264990 :cuser #f :mtime 1170267446 :muser #f)* real-tan ''x''\n\n[[SRFI-94]]: simular to [[R5RS]] [[tan]], but signals error if the argument is not real or the result is not real.\n") ("merge!" . "(:ctime 1014943689 :cuser #f :mtime 1015072466 :muser #f)Merges two sequences, possibly reusing the storage of the\nfirst sequence. Like [[sort]], this comes with conflicting APIs.\nSee description of [[merge]].\n\n* [procedure] merge! ''sequence1'' ''sequence2'' ''predicate''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Chicken]]\n\n* [procedure] merge! ''predicate'' ''sequence1'' ''sequence2''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n") ("current-load-port" . "(:ctime 1015807047 :cuser #f :mtime 1015807047 :muser #f)* [procedure] current-load-port\n* [procedure] current-load-history\n* [procedure] current-load-next\n\n[[Gauche]]: queries the current context of loading. See also [[load]].\n") ("flush-output-port" . "(:ctime 1014957063 :cuser #f :mtime 1099727522 :muser #f)* [procedure] flush-output-port [''port'']\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[ChezScheme]], [[STklos]]: flush unwritten characters in the buffer of ''port''.\n\nThis is called [[flush]], [[flush-output]] or [[force-output]] in some\nScheme implementations.\n\n") ("fpmin" . "(:ctime 1191227716 :cuser #f :mtime 1191227716 :muser #f)* [procedure] fpmin ''flonum1'' ''flonum2''\n* [procedure] fpmax ''flonum1'' ''flonum2''\n\n[[Chicken]]: flonum-specific [[min]] and [[max]].\nSee [[flonum?]] for other flonum operations.\n\nR6RS has [[flmin]] and [[flmax]].\n") ("kth-largest" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144504608 :muser #f)* [procedure] kth-largest compare ''k'' ''x0'' ''x1'' ...\n[[SRFI-67]]: Returns the ''k''-th largest element of values ''x0'' ''x1'' ...(one or more values) with respect to the compare procedure ''compare''.\n\n") ("open-output-file" . "(:ctime 1014857268 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407369 :muser #f)* [procedure] open-output-file ''filename''\n\n[[R5RS]]: Takes a string naming an output file to be created and returns an output port capable of writing characters to a new file by that\nname. If the file cannot be opened, an error is signalled. If a file with the given name already exists, the effect is unspecified.\n\nSee also [[open-input-file]], [[call-with-output-file]], [[with-output-to-file]]\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[STk]]: extends this to take a piped command\nas ''filename''.\n\n* [procedure] open-output-file ''filename'' [''if-exists'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]] extends R5RS to take the optional flag ''if-exists'',\nwhich may be one of the symbol ''error'', ''replace'',\n''truncate'' or ''append''.\n\n* [procedure] open-output-file ''filename'' [''mode'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: takes an optional argument which can be #:text, #:binary or #:append.\n\n* [procedure] open-output-file ''filename'' [''flags'' ''perms'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: ''flags'' and ''perms'' are integer that\nare composed by or-ing bit flags.\n\n* [procedure] open-output-file ''filename'' [''options'' ...]\n\n[[Gauche]] extends R5RS to take various keyword arguments to customize\nbehavior of [[open-output-file]].\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info numero rio]\n") ("fxlogxor" . "(:ctime 1014950941 :cuser #f :mtime 1191224922 :muser #f)[[$$include fxlogand]]\n") ("default-random-source" . "(:ctime 1038272875 :cuser #f :mtime 1038272884 :muser #f)* [variable] default-random-source\n\n[[SRFI-27]]: holds a random source from which\n[[random-integer]] and [[random-real]] is derived,\nusing [[random-source-make-integers]] and\n[[random-source-make-reals]].\n") ("regexp-match-positions" . "(:ctime 1099777754 :cuser #f :mtime 1099777754 :muser #f)[[$$include regexp-match]]\n") ("the-environment" . "(:ctime 1018336505 :cuser #f :mtime 1018336505 :muser #f)* [procedure] the-environment\n\n[[STk]]: Returns the current environment.\nSee also [[environment?]], [[global-environment]],\n[[parent-environment]], [[environment->list]],\n[[procedure-environment]], [[module-environment]].\n") ("putprop" . "(:ctime 1014946928 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407354 :muser #f)* [procedure] putprop ''symbol'' ''key'' ''value''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: set ''key''-''value'' association to the ''symbol'' 's\nproperty list.\n\nSee also [[getprop]], [[remprop]], [[property-list]]\n\nBigloo calls this [[putprop!]].\n\n* [procedure] putprop ''symbol'' ''environment'' ''value''\n\n[[SISC]]: reversed the idea of symbol property list.\n''Environment'' can be either a symbol name of \nenvironment or a first-class environment object.\nSee [[getprop]] for details.\n\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info B and You]\n") ("select" . "(:ctime 1018387166 :cuser #f :mtime 1018387166 :muser #f)* [procedure] select ''rvec'' ''wvec'' ''evec'' [''timeout'']\n* [procedure] select! ''rvec'' ''wvec'' ''evec'' [''timeout'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: select(2) interface.\n\nOther implementaions have [[sys-select]]/[[sys-select!]].\n") ("fxsll" . "(:ctime 1014950978 :cuser #f :mtime 1191225432 :muser #f)* [procedure] fxsll ''fixnum1'' ''fixnum2''\n* [procedure] fxsrl ''fixnum1'' ''fixnum2''\n* [procedure] fxsra ''fixnum1'' ''fixnum2''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: fixnum-specific shift operations.\nSee [[fixnum?]] for other fixnum operations.\n\nIn R6RS, these are covered by [[fxarithmetic-shift-left]],\nand [[fxarithmetic-shift-right]]. ([[fxsrl]] may be realized\nby [[fxcopy-bit-field]]).\n\nChicken has [[fxshl]] and [[fxshr]].\n") ("port->sexp-list" . "(:ctime 1018335193 :cuser #f :mtime 1099727233 :muser #f)* [procedure] port->sexp-list ''port''\n\n[[Scsh]], [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: Equivalent to\n(port->list read ''port'').\nSee also [[port->list]], [[port->string]], [[port->string-list]].\n") ("string-right-trim" . "(:ctime 1015074626 :cuser #f :mtime 1015074626 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-right-trim ''s'' ''trimchars''\n\n[[Chicken]]: ''trimchars'' should be a string, and must be present.\nSee [[string-trim]].\n\nSRFI-13 has [[string-trim-right]].\n\n") ("Ypsilon" . "(:ctime 1230189821 :cuser #f :mtime 1553884762 :muser #f)Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/ypsilon/\n\nVersion control (GitHub mirror): https://github.com/imrehg/ypsilon\n\nYpsilon is the implementation of Scheme Programming Language, which conforms to the latest standard [[R6RS]]. It achieves a remarkably short GC pause time and the best performance in parallel execution as it implements \"mostly concurrent garbage collection\", which is optimized for the multi-core CPU system.\n\n[[$$srfis 1 6 8 9 13 14 19 26 27 28 38 39 41 42 48 98]]\n----\n") ("randomize" . "(:ctime 1015072696 :cuser #f :mtime 1018343926 :muser #f)* [procedure] randomize [''x'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: sets the random seed.\n\nThis is called [[random-seed]] or [[set-random-seed!]] in some implementations.\n") ("fxabs" . "(:ctime 1014951251 :cuser #f :mtime 1014951251 :muser #f)* [procedure] fxabs ''fixnum''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]], [[abs]]\n") ("process" . "(:ctime 1014896582 :cuser #f :mtime 1308103347 :muser #f)* [procedure] process ''command''\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]]: Run ''command'' in the separate \nprocess asynchronously. Return values are # (where process outputs), \n# (where process get inputs), and PID, in this order.\n\nSee also [[run-process]], [[system]]\n\nExample in Chicken:\n ([[require]] 'posix)\n ; blocks for one second\n ([[receive]] (in out pid) ('''process''' \"sleep 1\") ([[process-wait]] pid))\n\n** references\n- [http://www.scheme.com/csug8/foreign.html#./foreign:s7 process @ ChezScheme manual]\n- [http://wiki.call-cc.org/man/4/Unit%20posix#process process @ Chicken manual]\n\n") ("thread-yield!" . "(:ctime 1015927370 :cuser #f :mtime 1015928255 :muser #f)* [procedure] thread-yield!\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]\n") ("wdelch" . "(:ctime 1015882865 :cuser #f :mtime 1015882865 :muser #f)* [procedure] wdelch ''win''\n* [procedure] wdeleteln ''win''\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. see [[initscr]].\n") ("queue-first" . "(:ctime 1015072318 :cuser #f :mtime 1015072318 :muser #f)* [procedure] queue-first ''queue''\n\n[[Chicken]]: see [[make-queue]].\n\nThis is called [[queue-front]] in some implementations.\n") ("test-result-alist" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151081196 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-result-alist ''runner''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: returns the test result property of ''runner'' as an association list.\nReturned association list may be modified by future calls of [[test-result-set!]] or [[test-result-remove]].\nHowever, [[test-result-clear]] does not modify it.\n") ("string-every" . "(:ctime 1014888456 :cuser #f :mtime 1015074424 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-every ''char/char-set/pred'' ''s'' [''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]: Checks to see if the given criteria is true of every character \nin ''s'', proceeding from left (index ''start'') to right (index ''end'').\n\nSee also [[string-any]].\n\n* [procedure] string-every ''proc'' ''string1'' ''string2'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]] implements different functionality.\n\n") ("SRFI-157" . "(:ctime 1594681769 :cuser #f :mtime 1594681769 :muser #f)SRFI-157: Continuation marks\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-157/srfi-157.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("test-runner-on-final" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151083167 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-on-final ''runner''\n* [syntax] test-runner-on-final! ''runner'' ''function''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: gets or sets the callback function for on-final.\n''function'' is called after on-group-end function for outer most [[test-end]].\n\nSee also [[test-runner-on-group-end]] and [[test-on-final-simple]].\n") ("file-inode" . "(:ctime 1037014697 :cuser #f :mtime 1037014697 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-inode ''fname/fd/port'' [''chase?'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: Returns inode number. See also [[file-info]].\n\nGauche has [[file-ino]].\n") ("test-on-final-simple" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151084182 :muser #f)* [procedure] test-on-final-simple ''runner''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: (test-runner-on-final (test-runner-simple)).\n\nSee also [[test-runner-simple]] and [[test-runner-on-final]].\n") ("SRFI-16" . "(:ctime 1014883061 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428622 :muser #f)SRFI-16: Syntax for procedures of variable arity.\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-16/srfi-16.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[case-lambda]]\n") ("!" . "(:ctime 1018340049 :cuser #f :mtime 1018340049 :muser #f)* [procedure] ! ''string''\n\n[[STk]]: synonym of [[system]].\n") ("Concept:HashTable" . "(:ctime 1015104863 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407049 :muser #f)Hash tables can be seen in many implementations, with the following\nvariations.\n\n- Compare function : fixed or user-customizable\n- Hash function : fixed or user-customizable\n- External representation\n- API\n\n----\n** [[R6RS]]\n- Compare and hash: User-customizable by [[make-hashtable]].\nThe fixed ones are also provided by [[make-eq-hashtable]] and [[make-eqv-hashtable]].\n- External: no\n- API: [[make-eq-hashtable]], [[make-eqv-hashtable]], [[make-hashtable]],\n[[hashtable?]], [[hashtable-size]], [[hashtable-ref]], [[hashtable-set!]],\n[[hashtable-delete!]], [[hashtable-contains?]], [[hashtable-update!]],\n[[hashtable-copy]], [[hashtable-clear!]], [[hashtable-keys]],\n[[hashtable-entries]], [[hashtable-equivalence-function]],\n[[hashtable-hash-function]], [[hashtable-mutable?]],\n[[equal-hash]], [[string-hash]], [[string-ci-hash]], [[symbol-hash]]\n\n** [[Bigloo]]\n- Compare : (fixed?)\n- Hash : (fixed?)\n- External : no\n- API : [[make-hashtable]], [[hashtable?]], [[hashtable-size]],\n[[hashtable-get]], [[hashtable-put!]], [[hashtable-remove!]],\n[[hashtable-update!]], [[hashtable->vector]], [[hashtable->list]],\n[[hashtable-for-each]], [[object-hashnumber]]\n\n** [[Chicken]]\n- Compare : user-specified (default [[eq?]])\n- Hash : fixed (makes some comparators like string-ci=? useless)\n- External : No\n- API : [[clear-hash-table!]], [[get]], [[hash-table?]],\n[[hash-table-count]], [[hash-table-for-each]],\n[[hash-table-ref]], [[hash-table-set!]],\n[[make-hash-table]], [[put!]], [[hash-table-size]]\n\n** [[Gauche]]\n- Compare : [[eq?]], [[eqv?]], [[equal?]], [[string=?]]; user-defined object\ncan have its own equality function via [[object-equal?]] method. \n- Hash : user-defined object can have its own hash function via\n[[object-hash]] method.\n- External : No\n- API : [[make-hash-table]], [[hash-table-get]], [[hash-table-put!]],\n[[hash-table-delete!]], [[hash-table-clear!]], [[hash-table-update!]], [[hash-table-push!]], [[hash-table-pop!]],\n[[hash-table-exists?]], [[hash-table?]], [[hash-table-map]],\n[[hash-table-for-each]], [[hash-table-keys]], [[hash-table-values]]\n\n** [[MIT-Scheme]]\n- Compare : user specified\n- Hash : user specified\n- External : ?\n- API : [[make-eq-hash-table]], [[make-eqv-hash-table]],\n[[make-equal-hash-table]], [[make-string-hash-table]],\n[[strong-hash-table-constructor]], [[weak-hash-table-constructor]],\n[[hash-table?]], [[hash-table/put!]], [[hash-table/get]],\n[[hash-table/remove!]], [[hash-table/clear!]], [[hash-table/count]],\n[[hash-table->alist]], [[hash-table/key-list]], [[hash-table/datum-list]],\n[[hash-table/for-each]], [[hash-table/lookup]]\n\n** [[MzScheme]]\n- Compare : [[eq?]] or [[equal?]]\n- Hash : fixed\n- External : Yes\n- API : [[make-hash-table]], [[make-hash-table-weak]],\n[[hash-table?]], [[hash-table-put!]], [[hash-table-get]],\n[[hash-table-remove!]], [[hash-table-map]],\n[[hash-table-for-each]]\n\n** [[Scheme48]]\n- Compare : [[eq?]], [[eqv?]], [[string=?]], [[=]], or user-specified\n- Hash : system default or user specified.\n- External : No\n- API : [[make-table]], [[make-symbol-table]], [[make-string-table]],\n[[make-integer-table]], [[make-table-maker]], [[make-table-immutable!]],\n[[table?]], [[table-ref]], [[table-set!]], [[table-walk]],\n[[default-hash-function]], [[string-hash]]\n\n** [[STk]]\n- Compare : user specified (default [[eq?]])\n- Hash : user specified (default [[hash-table-hash]]).\n- API : [[make-hash-table]], [[hash-table?]], [[hash-table-put!]], [[hash-table-hash]],\n[[hash-table-get]], [[hash-table-remove!]],\n[[hash-table-for-each]], [[hash-table-map]], [[hash-table->list]], [[hash-table-stats]].\n\n** [[SRFI-69]]\n- Compare : user-specified (default [[equal?]])\n- Hash : user-specified (defaults to an appropriate hash function for the given compare function)\n- External : No\n- API : See [[SRFI-69]]\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info code rio]\n") ("call/cc" . "(:ctime 1014941548 :cuser #f :mtime 1191663441 :muser #f)* [procedure] call/cc ''procedure''\n\n[[R6RS]]: An alias of [[call-with-current-continuation]].\n\nSee also [[call/1cc]]\n") ("test-runner-group-path" . "(:ctime 1151136447 :cuser #f :mtime 1151146280 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-group-path ''runner''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: returns the list of names of active test groups with outermost first.\n") ("make-thread" . "(:ctime 1015927275 :cuser #f :mtime 1015928074 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-thread ''thunk'' [''name'']\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]\n") ("macro-body" . "(:ctime 1018336987 :cuser #f :mtime 1018336987 :muser #f)* [procedure] macro-body ''macro''\n\n[[STk]]: Returns the body of ''macro''. See also [[macro]].\n") ("SRFI-7" . "(:ctime 1014882025 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428560 :muser #f)SRFI-7: Feature-based program configuration language\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-7/srfi-7.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[program]], [[requires]], [[files]], [[code]], [[feature-cond]]\n\n") ("current-column" . "(:ctime 1017989549 :cuser #f :mtime 1017989556 :muser #f)[[$$include current-row]]\n") ("errno/again" . "(:ctime 1015077292 :cuser #f :mtime 1015077292 :muser #f)[[$$include errno/perm]]\n") ("ascii-range" . "(:ctime 1018037912 :cuser #f :mtime 1018037912 :muser #f)* [procedure] ascii-range ''low-char'' ''high-char''\n* [procedure] ascii-ranges ''low-char'' ''high-char'' ...\n\n[[Scheme48]]: character set constructor.\nSee [[set]].\n") ("list-ref" . "(:ctime 1014855712 :cuser #f :mtime 1191314738 :muser #f)* [procedure] list-ref ''list'' ''k''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\n* [procedure] list-ref ''list'' ''k'' [''default'']\n\n[[Gauche]] allows to give a default value when ''k'' is out of range.\n\n") ("test-group-with-cleanup" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151075612 :muser #f)* test-group-with-cleanup ''suite-name'' ''decl-or-expr'' ... ''cleanup-form''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: equivalent to\n{{{\n(test-group suite-name\n (dynamic-wind\n (lambda () #f)\n (lambda () decl-or-expr ...)\n (lambda () cleanup)))\n}}}\n\nSee also [[test-group]].\n") ("string-xcopy!" . "(:ctime 1014895749 :cuser #f :mtime 1014895753 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-xcopy! ''target'' ''tstart'' ''s'' ''sfrom'' [''sto'' ''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]: Exactly the same as [[xsubstring]], but the extracted text is \nwritten into the string ''target'' starting at index ''tstart''. \nThis operation is not defined if (eq? ''target'' ''s'') or these two \narguments share storage -- you cannot copy a string on top of itself.\n\nSee also [[xsubstring]].\n\n\n") ("struct-ref" . "(:ctime 1099725832 :cuser #f :mtime 1099725832 :muser #f)* [procedure] struct-ref ''struct'' ''slot-name''\n\n[[STklos]]: struct accessor. See [[make-struct]].\n") ("uint-list->blob" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144712570 :muser #f)[[$$include blob->uint-list]]\n") ("open-input-string" . "(:ctime 1014881585 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407361 :muser #f)* [procedure] open-input-string ''string''\n\n[[SRFI-6]]: Takes a string and returns an input port that delivers \ncharacters from the string. The port can be closed by [[close-input-port]], \nthough its storage will be reclaimed by the garbage collector if it becomes\ninaccessible.\n\nAlso in [[Bigloo]],\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]], [[Gauche]],\n[[LispMe]], [[STk]], [[STklos]]\n\nSee also [[open-output-string]].\n\nSome implementations call this [[make-string-input-port]].\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info B and You]\n") ("fxnonpositive?" . "(:ctime 1014951151 :cuser #f :mtime 1014951151 :muser #f)* [procedure] fxnonpositive? ''fixnum''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]]\n") ("closure?" . "(:ctime 1018333741 :cuser #f :mtime 1099722593 :muser #f)* [procedure] closure? ''obj''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: returns #t if ''obj'' is a procedure\ncreated by evaluating a lambda expression.\nSee also [[primitive?]], [[promise?]], [[continuation?]]\n") ("copy" . "(:ctime 1015281391 :cuser #f :mtime 1015281391 :muser #f)* [procedure] copy ''x''\n\n[[Chicken]]: copy ''x'' recursively. See also [[evict]].\n") ("make-tracking-output-port" . "(:ctime 1017989407 :cuser #f :mtime 1017989407 :muser #f)[[$$include make-tracking-input-port]]\n") ("read-error-span" . "(:ctime 1099273956 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273956 :muser #f)[[$$include read-error?]]\n") ("with-input-from-file" . "(:ctime 1014860828 :cuser #f :mtime 1219473598 :muser #f)* [procedure] with-input-from-file ''string'' ''thunk''\n\n[[R5RS]]\n\nSee also [[call-with-input-file]], [[with-output-to-file]].\n\n* [procedure] with-input-from-file ''string'' ''thunk'' [''mode'']\n\n[[Chicken]] extends R5RS to take mode argument: #:text, #:binary or #:append.\n\n* [procedure] with-input-from-file ''string'' ''thunk'' [''options'' ...]\n\n[[Gauche]] extends R5RS to take various keyword arguments to customize\nbehavior.\n") ("file-mode" . "(:ctime 1037014789 :cuser #f :mtime 1037014831 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-mode ''fname/fd/port'' [''chase?'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: returns mode bits. see also [[file-info]].\n\nChicken has [[file-permissions]].\n\n* [procedure] file-mode ''filename'' &keyword follow-link?\n\n[[Gauche]]: returns mode bits. see also [[sys-stat]].\n") ("make-kmp-restart-vector" . "(:ctime 1014888268 :cuser #f :mtime 1014888268 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-kmp-restart-vector ''s'' [''c='' ''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[kmp-step]], [[string-kmp-partial-search]].\n") ("record-type-field-names" . "(:ctime 1014948653 :cuser #f :mtime 1017982778 :muser #f)* [procedure] record-type-field-names ''rtd''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Scheme48]]\n\nSee also [[make-record-type]], [[define-record]],\n[[define-record-type]]\n") ("string-start" . "(:ctime 1018082790 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082790 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-start\n* [procedure] string-end\n\n[[Scheme48]]: returns anchor regexp. See [[Concept:RegularExpression]], [[match]].\n") ("open-input-c-string" . "(:ctime 1039755672 :cuser #f :mtime 1039755672 :muser #f)* [procedure] open-input-c-string ''string''\n\n[[Bigloo]]\n") ("socket-shutdown" . "(:ctime 1018343479 :cuser #f :mtime 1099738488 :muser #f)* [procedure] socket-shutdown ''socket'' [''close'']\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: shutdown the connection.\nSee also [[socket-down?]], [[make-client-socket]],\n[[make-server-socket]].\n") ("string>=" . "(:ctime 1015063983 :cuser #f :mtime 1015063983 :muser #f)[[$$include string=]]\n") ("with-output-to-pipe" . "(:ctime 1015105842 :cuser #f :mtime 1015105842 :muser #f)[[$$include with-input-from-pipe]]\n") ("module-symbols" . "(:ctime 1018336397 :cuser #f :mtime 1099723097 :muser #f)* [procedure] module-symbols ''module''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: Returns the list of symbols that are\ndefined in ''module''.\n") ("Bones" . "(:ctime 1678804581 :cuser #f :mtime 1678804582 :muser #f)A simple Scheme compiler for x86_64 systems\n\nhttp://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/bones/\n----\n") ("hostname" . "(:ctime 1099742481 :cuser #f :mtime 1099742481 :muser #f)* [procedure] hostname\n\n[[STklos]]: returns the host name of the machine.\n\nOther implementations have [[get-host-name]], [[system-name]], [[sys-gethostname]].\n") ("open-directory-stream" . "(:ctime 1018126324 :cuser #f :mtime 1018126324 :muser #f)* [procedure] open-directory-stream ''name''\n* [procedure] directory-stream? ''x''\n* [procedure] read-directory-stream ''directory-stream''\n* [procedure] close-directory-stream ''directory-stream''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: interface to POSIX opendir, readdir and\nclosedir. See also [[Concept:FileSystem]],\n[[list-directory]].\n") ("dirname" . "(:ctime 1018337520 :cuser #f :mtime 1099741784 :muser #f)* [procedure] dirname ''string''\n* [procedure] basename ''string''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Bigloo]].\n\nOther implementations call these \n[[file-name-directory]]/[[file-name-non-directory]],\n[[sys-dirname]]/[[sys-basename]], or\n[[pathname-directory]]/[[pathname-strip-directory]].\n\n") ("call-with-values" . "(:ctime 1014839125 :cuser #f :mtime 1191664080 :muser #f)* [procedure] call-with-values ''producer'' ''consumer''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Calls its ''producer'' argument with no values and a \ncontinuation that, when passed some values, calls the ''consumer'' procedure \nwith\nthose values as arguments. \nThe continuation for the call to ''consumer'' is the continuation \nof the call to [[call-with-values]].\n\nSee also [[values]], [[receive]], [[let-values]].\n") ("cfl*" . "(:ctime 1014954060 :cuser #f :mtime 1014954060 :muser #f)* [procedure] cfl* ''cflonum'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[cflonum?]], [[*]], [[fl*]]\n") ("test-runner-on-bad-end-name" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151082978 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-on-bad-end-name ''runner''\n* [syntax] test-runner-on-bad-end-name! ''runner'' ''function''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: gets or sets the callback function for on-bad-end-name.\n''function'' is called from [[test-end]] (before on-group-end function)\nif ''suite-name'' was supplied to [[test-end]] and does not match the name of corresponding [[test-begin]].\n\nSee also [[test-runner-on-group-end]] and [[test-on-bad-end-name-simple]].\n") ("test-runner-pass-count" . "(:ctime 1151136447 :cuser #f :mtime 1151145322 :muser #f)* [procedure] test-runner-pass-count ''runner''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: returns the number of tests that passed, and were expected to pass.\n") ("vector-binary-search" . "(:ctime 1099388354 :cuser #f :mtime 1099388354 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-binary-search ''vec'' ''value'' ''cmp''\n\n[[SRFI-43]]: Searches ''value'' in ''vec'' using binary search.\nReturns the index if found, or #f otherwise.\n''Cmp'' is a two-argument procedure which returns a negative integer,\nzero, or a postive integer, when the first argument is less than,\nequal to, or greater than the second argument, respectively.\n") ("force-output" . "(:ctime 1015882374 :cuser #f :mtime 1018387280 :muser #f)* [procedure] force-output ''port''\n\n[[SCM]], [[Scsh]]: flush buffered data in the output port ''port''.\n\nThis is called [[flush]], [[flush-output]], [[flush-output-port]] in some implementations.\n\nSCM's force-output can take curses window (see [[initscr]]) as well.\n") ("hash-table-put!" . "(:ctime 1015303771 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407175 :muser #f)* [procedure] hash-table-put! ''hash-table'' ''key'' ''value''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[MzScheme]], [[Gauche]]: see also [[hash-table-get]].\n\n[[Gauche]]: see also [[hash-table-get]], [[hash-table-push!]], [[hash-table-pop!]].\n\nThis is called [[hash-table-set!]] or [[hashtable-put!]] in some implementations.\n\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info B and You]\n") ("any" . "(:ctime 1014870360 :cuser #f :mtime 1014870466 :muser #f)* [procedure] any ''pred'' ''clist1'' ''clist2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Applies the predicate across the lists, \nreturning true if the predicate returns true on any application. \n\nChezScheme has the same function by the name [[ormap]],\nexcept that the length of lists must be the same in Chez's.\n\nSee also [[every]].\n\n") ("optimize-level" . "(:ctime 1015023730 :cuser #f :mtime 1015023730 :muser #f)* [procedure] optimize-level [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: gets/sets optimization level (0 to 4)\n\nSee also [[compile]].\n") ("SRFI-67" . "(:ctime 1144197855 :cuser #f :mtime 1145787517 :muser #f)SRFI 67: Compare Procedures\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-67/srfi-67.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n----\n\n[[boolean-compare]],\n[[char-compare]],\n[[char-compare-ci]],\n[[string-compare]],\n[[string-compare-ci]],\n[[symbol-compare]],\n[[integer-compare]],\n[[rational-compare]],\n[[real-compare]],\n[[complex-compare]],\n[[number-compare]]\n\n[[vector-compare]],\n[[vector-compare-as-list]],\n[[list-compare]],\n[[list-compare-as-vector]]\n\n[[pair-compare-car]],\n[[pair-compare-cdr]],\n[[pair-compare]]\n\n[[default-compare]]\n\n[[refine-compare]],\n[[select-compare]],\n[[cond-compare]]\n\n[[if3]],\n[[if=?]],\n[[if?]],\n[[if<=?]],\n[[if>=?]],\n[[if-not=?]]\n\n[[=?]],\n[[?]],\n[[<=?]],\n[[>=?]],\n[[not=?]]\n\n[[/>?]],\n[[>/>=?]],\n[[>=/>?]],\n[[>=/>=?]]\n\n[[chain=?]],\n[[chain?]],\n[[chain<=?]],\n[[chain>=?]]\n\n[[pairwise-not=?]]\n\n[[min-compare]],\n[[max-compare]],\n[[kth-largest]]\n\n[[compare-by<]],\n[[compare-by>]],\n[[compare-by<=]],\n[[compare-by>=]],\n[[compare-by=/<]],\n[[compare-by=/>]]\n\n[[debug-compare]]\n") ("#:" . "(:ctime 1014946271 :cuser #f :mtime 1292547787 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #:''symbol''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Gauche]]: uninterned symbol\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Guile]]: keyword; see [[keyword?]] for more about the syntax.\n") ("blob-s32-native-set!" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144719631 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-s32-native-set! ''blob'' ''k'' ''n''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: similar to (blob-sint-set! 4 (endianness native) ''blob'' ''k'' ''n''), but works at aligned indices: ''k'' must be a multiple of 4. It is an error to use this at non-aligned indices.\n\nSee also [[blob-sint-set!]] and [[endianness]].\n") ("errno/rofs" . "(:ctime 1015077302 :cuser #f :mtime 1015077302 :muser #f)[[$$include errno/perm]]\n") ("sstats-bytes" . "(:ctime 1015028832 :cuser #f :mtime 1015028832 :muser #f)* [procedure] sstats-bytes ''sstats''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: statistics. See [[statistics]], [[set-sstats-bytes!]].\n") ("hash-table-merge!" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144495421 :muser #f)* [procedure] hash-table-merge! ''hash-table1'' ''hash-table2''\n\n[[SRFI-69]]: Adds all mappings in ''hash-table2'' into ''hash-table1'' and returns the resulting hash table. This function may modify ''hash-table1'' destructively.\n") ("blob-u8-set!" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144716367 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-u8-set! ''blob'' ''k'' ''octet''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: Stores ''octet'' in element ''k'' of ''blob''.\n\nThe return values are unspecified.\n") ("rat" . "(:ctime 1152518355 :cuser #f :mtime 1152525559 :muser #f)* [format descriptor] rat [''n'']\n[[RRRS]], [[R3RS]]: express as a rational fraction. ''n'' specifies the largest denominator to be used in constructing a rational approximation to the number being expressed. If ''n'' is omitted it defaults to infinity.\n\nSee also [[number->string]].\n") ("Index:d" . "(:ctime 1014842703 :cuser #f :mtime 1015014457 :muser #f)[[$$index d]]\n\n") ("bit-or" . "(:ctime 1043984816 :cuser #f :mtime 1099724389 :muser #f)* [procedure] bit-or ''i1'' ''i2''\n* [procedure] bit-xor ''i1'' ''i2''\n* [procedure] bit-and ''i1'' ''i2''\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[STklos]]: bitwise operations. See also [[bit-not]],\n[[bit-lsh]], [[bit-rsh]].\n\nThis is called [[logior]] etc, or [[bitwise-ior]] etc,\nin some implementations.\n") ("file-position" . "(:ctime 1014956821 :cuser #f :mtime 1039776848 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-position ''port'' [''n'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: gets/sets the position of the port in the\nfile which the port refers.\n\nSee also [[file-length]].\n\nScsh has [[seek]] and [[tell]]. Guile has [[seek]] and [[ftell]]. \nBigloo has [[input-port-position]] and \n[[output-port-position]].\nGauche has [[port-tell]] and [[port-seek]].\n\n* [procedure] file-position ''port-or-fd''\n\n[[Chicken]]: gets the current file position.\n\nSee also [[file-size]], [[set-file-position!]].\n\nScsh and Guile have [[seek]]. \nBigloo has [[input-port-position]] and \n[[output-port-position]].\n\n\n") ("socket-port-number" . "(:ctime 1017993353 :cuser #f :mtime 1099738334 :muser #f)* [procedure] socket-port-number ''socket''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: returns port number of ''socket''.\nSee [[open-socket]].\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]] also have this. See [[make-client-socket]],\n[[make-server-socket]].\n") ("char-name" . "(:ctime 1014961540 :cuser #f :mtime 1015051861 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-name ''obj''\n* [procedure] char-name ''name'' ''char''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]]: gets/sets associated name of a character.\n") ("ucs2-string-fill!" . "(:ctime 1039428298 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428298 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2-string-fill! ''ucs2str'' ''char''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: see [[ucs2-string?]]\n") ("current-country" . "(:ctime 1036934868 :cuser #f :mtime 1036934868 :muser #f)* [procedure] current-country\n* [procedure] current-country ''symbol''\n\n[[SRFI-29]]: gets/sets the current ISO 3166-1 country code as a symbol. See also [[current-language]], [[current-locale-details]].\n") ("flush" . "(:ctime 1014957132 :cuser #f :mtime 1099727586 :muser #f)* [procedure] flush [''port'']\n\n[[STk]], [[Gauche]]: flush output port.\n\nSTklos renamed this to [[flush-output-port]].\n\nOther Scheme implementations call this procedure\n[[flush-output-port]], [[flush-output]], [[force-output]].\n\n") ("mutex-name" . "(:ctime 1015927513 :cuser #f :mtime 1015963596 :muser #f)* [procedure] mutex-name ''mutex''\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]\n") ("read-of-strings" . "(:ctime 1039756138 :cuser #f :mtime 1039756138 :muser #f)* [procedure] read-of-string [''iport'']\n\n[[Bigloo]]: reads a sequence of non-space characters\nfrom ''iport''.\n") ("string-copy" . "(:ctime 1014859466 :cuser #f :mtime 1191568476 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-copy ''string''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Returns a newly allocated copy of the given ''string''.\n\n* [procedure] string-copy ''string'' [''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]] extends R5RS to take optional arguments.\n\nSee also [[substring/shared]].\n\n\n") ("fx<" . "(:ctime 1014950608 :cuser #f :mtime 1015067635 :muser #f)[[$$include fx=]]\n\n") ("#(" . "(:ctime 1014846634 :cuser #f :mtime 1014846634 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #(''obj'' ...)\n\n[[R5RS]] Literal vector.\n") ("SRFI-175" . "(:ctime 1594682239 :cuser #f :mtime 1594682239 :muser #f)SRFI-175: ASCII character library\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-175/srfi-175.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("let-id-macro" . "(:ctime 1015044946 :cuser #f :mtime 1020284817 :muser #f)* [syntax] let-id-macro ((''name'' ''exp'') ...) ''body'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]], [[MzScheme]]: locally binds identifier macros; every occurrence of ''name''\nin ''body'' is substituted for ''exp''. See also [[define-id-macro]].\n") ("#<#" . "(:ctime 1015042211 :cuser #f :mtime 1015042211 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #<# ''TAG''\n\n[[Chicken]]: starts multiline string constant, with substituting\nembedded Scheme expression. Embedded Scheme expression is \nrepersented by #''expr'' or #{''expr''}.\n\nGauche has non-multiline string interpolation notation: [[#`]].\n") ("SRFI-208" . "(:ctime 1637862013 :cuser #f :mtime 1637862013 :muser #f)SRFI-208: NaN procedures\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-208/srfi-208.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("string (stream 'a 7 'c)\n(stream) => stream-null\n}}}\n") ("cdar" . "(:ctime 1201704117 :cuser #f :mtime 1201704117 :muser #f)[[$$include caar]]\n") ("*fx" . "(:ctime 1040351466 :cuser #f :mtime 1040351466 :muser #f)[[$$include +fx]]\n") ("write-line" . "(:ctime 1015073320 :cuser #f :mtime 1015073320 :muser #f)* [procedure] write-line ''string'' [''output-port'']\n\n[[Chicken]]\n\nSee also [[read-line]].\n") ("asin" . "(:ctime 1014838202 :cuser #f :mtime 1191312219 :muser #f)* [procedure] asin ''z''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: arcsine.\n\nSee also [[sin]], [[acos]], [[atan]].\n") ("condition-type?" . "(:ctime 1063369204 :cuser #f :mtime 1063369204 :muser #f)* [procedure] condition-type? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-35]]: returns #t iff ''obj'' is a condition type.\nSee [[make-condition-type]].\n") ("s32vector->byte-vector" . "(:ctime 1015075628 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075628 :muser #f)[[$$include u8vector->byte-vector]]\n") ("hashtable-size" . "(:ctime 1045571977 :cuser #f :mtime 1191359382 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable-size ''table''\n\n[[R6RS]], [[Bigloo]]: Returns the number of entries in ''table''.\nSee also [[make-hashtable]], [[Concept:HashTable]].\n\n") ("ref" . "(:ctime 1164526623 :cuser #f :mtime 1164526946 :muser #f)* [generic function] ref ''obj'' ''spec'' [''fallback'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: Convenient generic accessor.\n{{{\n(ref ) == slot-ref\n(ref ) == list-ref\n(ref ) == string-ref\n(ref ) == vector-ref\netc.\n}}}\n\n") ("SRFI-221" . "(:ctime 1664381826 :cuser #f :mtime 1664381827 :muser #f)SRFI 221: Generator/accumulator sub-library\n\nhttps://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-221/srfi-221.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("blob-u16-native-ref" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144717526 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-u16-native-ref ''blob'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: equivalent to (blob-uint-ref 2 (endianness native) ''blob'' ''k'').\n\nSee also [[blob-uint-ref]] and [[endianness]].\n") ("blob-sint-ref" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144716858 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-sint-ref ''size'' ''endianness'' ''blob'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: Returns the exact integer corresponding to the two's\ncomplement representation of size ''size'' and specified by ''endianness'' at\nindices {k, ..., k + size - 1}.\n\nSee also [[endianness]].\n") ("hashtable->vector" . "(:ctime 1106766164 :cuser #f :mtime 1106766164 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable->vector ''hash-table''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: returns a new vector containing all values (in order of keys)\n") ("SRFI-26" . "(:ctime 1036934392 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428694 :muser #f)SRFI-26: Notation for Specializing Parameters without Currying\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-26/srfi-26.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[cut]], [[cute]]\n") ("perm/iwusr" . "(:ctime 1015099772 :cuser #f :mtime 1015099772 :muser #f)[[$$include perm/irusr]]\n") ("fluid-set!" . "(:ctime 1014929460 :cuser #f :mtime 1014929513 :muser #f)* [procedure] fluid-set! ''fluid'' ''value''\n\n[[Guile]]: sets the value associated to ''fluid'' to ''value'' \nin the current dynamic root.\n\nSee also [[make-fluid]], [[fluid-ref]]. [[with-fluids*]]\n\n") ("make-input/output-port" . "(:ctime 1014955872 :cuser #f :mtime 1015022078 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-input-port ''handler'' ''input-buffer''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: creates a generic port for input/output\n\nSee also [[make-output-port]], [[make-input-port]],\n[[mark-port-closed!]], [[port?]], [[close-port]], [[port-closed?]]\n") ("rational-compare" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144499830 :muser #f)[[$$include integer-compare]]\n") ("match-submatches" . "(:ctime 1018083755 :cuser #f :mtime 1018083755 :muser #f)* [procedure] match-submatches ''match''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: returns an alist of submatches in\nthe match object.\nSee [[Concept:RegularExpression]], [[match]],\n[[match-start]], [[match-end]].\n\n") ("SRFI-134" . "(:ctime 1474476457 :cuser #f :mtime 1474476457 :muser #f)SRFI-134: Immutable Deques \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-134/srfi-134.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("program-name" . "(:ctime 1099742688 :cuser #f :mtime 1099742688 :muser #f)* [procedure] program-name\n\n[[STklos]]: returns the name of current running program.\n\nSee also [[*program-name*]].\n") ("list" . "(:ctime 1014855504 :cuser #f :mtime 1014855504 :muser #f)* [procedure] list ''obj'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]]\n\nSee also [[cons*]], [[list*]].\n") ("blob=?" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144711874 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob=? ''blob-1'' ''blob-2''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: Returns #t if ''blob-1'' and ''blob-2'' are equal---that is, if they have the same\nlength and equal octets at all valid indices.\n") ("make-hash-table-weak" . "(:ctime 1020285056 :cuser #f :mtime 1020285056 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-hash-table-weak\n\n[[MzScheme]]: makes weak hash table. See also [[make-hash-table]].\n") ("time-utc->time-monotonic!" . "(:ctime 1099301556 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301556 :muser #f)[[$$include time-utc->date]]\n") ("SRFI-8" . "(:ctime 1014882503 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428569 :muser #f)SRFI 8: receive: Binding to multiple values\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-8/srfi-8.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[receive]]\n\n\n") ("*syntax-rules*" . "(:ctime 1015883464 :cuser #f :mtime 1015883464 :muser #f)* [variable] *syntax-rules*\n\n[[SCM]]: a flag to indicate whether syntax-rules macro is supported or not.\n") ("file-is-directory?" . "(:ctime 1015197529 :cuser #f :mtime 1099741342 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-is-directory? ''pathname''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: see if ''pathname'' is a directory.\n\nSee also [[Concept:FileSystem]].\n\nThis is called [[directory?]] or [[file-directory?]]\nin some implementations.\n") ("Cross-Implementation Libraries" . "(:ctime 1191264760 :cuser #f :mtime 1191264761 :muser #f)To add a cross-implementation library, create a link to it as Library:Foo here.\n\n\n- [[Library:Fmt]]: Alex Shinn's combinator formatting library.\n") ("condition-has-type?" . "(:ctime 1099263851 :cuser #f :mtime 1099263851 :muser #f)* [procedure] condition-has-type? ''condition'' ''type''\n\n[[SRFI-35]]: Returns true if ''condition'' has a condition type ''type''.\nA condition may belong to multiple types (by inheritance, and/or composition).\nSee [[make-condition]], [[make-condition-type]], [[make-compound-condition]].\n") ("fx-" . "(:ctime 1014950538 :cuser #f :mtime 1191224195 :muser #f)* [procedure] fx- ''fixnum1'' ''fixnum2'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]], [[-]]\n\n* [procedure] fx- ''fixnum1'' ''fixnum2''\n\n[[Chicken]]: only binary operator is provided.\n\n* [procedure] fx- ''fixnum1''\n* [procedure] fx- ''fixnum1'' ''fixnum2''\n\n[[R6RS]]: unary and binary operators are provided.\n") ("get-groups" . "(:ctime 1015139135 :cuser #f :mtime 1015139156 :muser #f)* [procedure] get-groups\n\n[[Scheme48]]: POSIX getgroups.\n\nGauche has [[sys-getgroups]]\n") ("port->fdes" . "(:ctime 1018390890 :cuser #f :mtime 1018390890 :muser #f)* [procedure] port->fdes ''port''\n\n[[Scsh]]: returns a file descriptor underlying the ''port''.\n\nThis function can be found in other Scheme implementations\nas [[port->fileno]] or [[port-file-number]].\nHowever, Scsh keeps track of ''revealed count'' of the\nport.\n") ("subucs2-string" . "(:ctime 1039428165 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428165 :muser #f)* [procedure] subucs2-string ''s'' ''start'' ''end''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: see [[ucs2-string?]]\n") ("char-foldcase" . "(:ctime 1192066397 :cuser #f :mtime 1192066397 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-foldcase ''char''\n\n[[R6RS]]\n\nSee the note in [[char-upcase]].\n") ("ashr" . "(:ctime 1039637974 :cuser #f :mtime 1039637974 :muser #f)[[$$include ashl]]\n") ("char->ucs" . "(:ctime 1039429906 :cuser #f :mtime 1039429906 :muser #f)* [procedure] char->ucs ''char''\n* [procedure] ucs->char ''integer''\n\n[[Gauche]]: converts a character and Unicode (UCS4) codepoint\nin integer.\n(NB: in Gauche, [[char->integer]] and [[integer->char]]\ndeals with ''internal character encoding'').\n\nBigloo has [[ucs2->integer]] and [[integer->ucs2]],\nwhich work like these. Note that Bigloo has distinct\ntype for UCS2 character, and ''ucs2'' refers to that\ntype rather than UCS2 codepoint.\n") ("errno/perm" . "(:ctime 1015077065 :cuser #f :mtime 1015077065 :muser #f)* [variable] errno/perm\n* [variable] errno/noent\n* [variable] errno/srch\n* [variable] errno/intr\n* [variable] errno/io\n* [variable] errno/noexec\n* [variable] errno/badf\n* [variable] errno/child\n* [variable] errno/nomem\n* [variable] errno/acces\n* [variable] errno/fault\n* [variable] errno/busy\n* [variable] errno/notdir\n* [variable] errno/isdir\n* [variable] errno/inval\n* [variable] errno/mfile\n* [variable] errno/nospc\n* [variable] errno/spipe\n* [variable] errno/pipe\n* [variable] errno/again\n* [variable] errno/rofs\n\n[[Chicken]]: error codes.\n\n") ("amapc" . "(:ctime 1152535011 :cuser #f :mtime 1152535996 :muser #f)* [syntactic extension] amapc ''f'' ''list1'' ''list2'' ...\n[[RRS]]: the same as [[for-each]] in [[R5RS]].\n") ("byte-vector->s32vector" . "(:ctime 1015075810 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075810 :muser #f)[[$$include byte-vector->u8vector]]\n") ("sys-kill" . "(:ctime 1020374542 :cuser #f :mtime 1020374551 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-kill ''pid'' ''signal''\n\n[[Gauche]]: POSIX kill().\n\nGauche also has high-level API [[process-send-signal]].\n\nOther implementations have [[process-signal]] and\n[[signal-process]].\n") ("uric:decode" . "(:ctime 1659632488 :cuser #f :mtime 1659632488 :muser #f)%EF%BC%BC%E3%81%BC%E3%81%8F%E3%80%81%E3%81%A1%E3%82%85%E3%81%86%E3%81%8B%E3%82%8A%E3%82%87%E3%81%86%E3%82%8A%E3%81%8C%E3%81%9F%E3%81%B9%E3%81%9F%E3%81%84%E3%81%AA%E3%81%81%EF%BD%9E%EF%BC%8F\n") ("set-sstats-gc-bytes!" . "(:ctime 1015029071 :cuser #f :mtime 1015029083 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-sstats-gc-bytes! ''sstats'' ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: statistics. See [[statistics]], [[sstats-gc-bytes]].\n") ("macro-expand-1" . "(:ctime 1018336866 :cuser #f :mtime 1018336866 :muser #f)[[$$include macro-expand]]\n") ("fold3-ec" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144539174 :muser #f)[[$$include fold-ec]]\n") ("signal/tstp" . "(:ctime 1015076661 :cuser #f :mtime 1015076661 :muser #f)[[$$include signal/hup]]\n") ("fxsra" . "(:ctime 1014951017 :cuser #f :mtime 1191225471 :muser #f)[[$$include fxsll]]\n") (":parallel" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144538253 :muser #f)* [syntax] :parallel ''generator'' ...\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nRuns several generators in parallel. This means that the next binding in\nthe sequence is obtained by advancing each generator in ''generator'' ... by one\nstep. The parallel generator terminates when any of its component\ngenerators terminates. The generators share a common scope for the\nvariables they introduce. This implies that the names of the variables\nintroduced by the various generators must be distinct.\n") ("signal-name" . "(:ctime 1020374227 :cuser #f :mtime 1020374227 :muser #f)* [procedure] signal-name ''signal''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: accessor of a signal object.\nThis is a reverse function of [[name->signal]].\nSee also [[signal?]].\n") ("SRFI-170" . "(:ctime 1637834435 :cuser #f :mtime 1637834436 :muser #f)SRFI-170: POSIX API\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-170/srfi-170.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("continuation?" . "(:ctime 1018333888 :cuser #f :mtime 1018333888 :muser #f)* [procedure] continuation? ''obj''\n\n[[STk]]: returns #t if ''obj'' is a continuation\nobtained by [[call-with-current-continuation]].\nSee also [[closure?]], [[primitive?]].\n") ("vector-skip-right" . "(:ctime 1099388032 :cuser #f :mtime 1099388032 :muser #f)[[$$include vector-index]]\n") ("string->char-set!" . "(:ctime 1018084421 :cuser #f :mtime 1018084421 :muser #f)[[$$include string->char-set]]\n") ("ucs2-string" . "(:ctime 1039427752 :cuser #f :mtime 1039427752 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2-string ''k'' ...\n\n[[Bigloo]]: make ucs2 string. see [[ucs2-string?]].\n") ("&i/o-write-error" . "(:ctime 1099273380 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273380 :muser #f)* [condition-type] &i/o-write-error\n\n[[SRFI-36]]\n{{{\n(define-condition-type &i/o-write-error &i/o-port-error\n i/o-write-error?)\n}}}\n\nSee [[&condition]], [[&i/o-port-error]].\n") ("SRFI-203" . "(:ctime 1664381287 :cuser #f :mtime 1664381287 :muser #f)SRFI 203: A Simple Picture Language in the Style of SICP\n\nhttps://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-203/srfi-203.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("array-end" . "(:ctime 1036934017 :cuser #f :mtime 1036934017 :muser #f)[[$$include array-start]]\n") ("array-dimensions" . "(:ctime 1017981898 :cuser #f :mtime 1144487772 :muser #f)* [procedure] array-dimensions ''array''\n\n[[SRFI-47]], [[SRFI-63]], [[Scheme48]]: Returns list of dimensions of the array.\n\nSee also [[make-array]].\n") ("time->seconds" . "(:ctime 1015210234 :cuser #f :mtime 1015318279 :muser #f)* [procedure] time->seconds ''time''\n* [procedure] seconds->time ''integer''\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]: converts a time structure and a real number of elapsed \nseconds from the certain time point (implementation dependent).\nSee [[current-time]].\n\nSee also [[time-second]] in SRFI-19, and [[time-seconds]] of Scheme48.\n\n") ("SRFI-139" . "(:ctime 1594682096 :cuser #f :mtime 1594682096 :muser #f)SRFI-139: Syntax parameters\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-139/srfi-139.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("leaveok" . "(:ctime 1015877025 :cuser #f :mtime 1015877025 :muser #f)[[$$include clearok]]\n") ("module-exports" . "(:ctime 1015772604 :cuser #f :mtime 1099723082 :muser #f)* [procedure] module-exports ''module''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: see also [[module-imports]], [[module-name]].\n") ("source-directories" . "(:ctime 1015023127 :cuser #f :mtime 1015023127 :muser #f)* [procedure] source-directories [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: gets/sets a list of directory names searched for source\nfiles.\n\n") ("ucs2-ci>=?" . "(:ctime 1039428850 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428850 :muser #f)[[$$include ucs2-ci=?]]\n") ("<=/uint-list" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144712482 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob->uint-list ''size'' ''endianness'' ''blob''\n* [procedure] blob->sint-list ''size'' ''endianness'' ''blob''\n* [procedure] uint-list->blob ''size'' ''endianness'' ''list''\n* [procedure] sint-list->blob ''size'' ''endianness'' ''list''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: ''Size'' must be a positive exact integer. ''Endianness'' must be an endianness object (See [[endianness]]).\n\nThese convert between lists of integers and their consecutive\nrepresentations according to ''size'' and ''endianness'' in blobs in the same way\nas [[blob->u8-list]], [[blob->s8-list]], [[u8-list->blob]], and [[s8-list->blob]] do for\none-octet representations.\n") ("tenth" . "(:ctime 1014863242 :cuser #f :mtime 1014863242 :muser #f)* [procedure] tenth ''pair''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]\n") ("remove!" . "(:ctime 1014869408 :cuser #f :mtime 1014944696 :muser #f)* [procedure] remove! ''pred'' ''list''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: linear-update variant of [[remove]].\n\n* [procedure] remove! ''obj'' ''list''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: linear-update variant of [[remove]].\nThis is equivalent to [[SRFI-1]]'s [[delete!]].\n\nSee also [[remq!]], [[remv!]].\n\n") ("reset" . "(:ctime 1015024547 :cuser #f :mtime 1015052825 :muser #f)* [procedure] reset\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: calls current [[reset-handler]].\nResets to the current cafe (repl) by default.\n\n[[Chicken]]: calls current [[reset-handler]].\n\nSee also [[abort]], [[exit]].\n") ("make-directories" . "(:ctime 1039754983 :cuser #f :mtime 1039754983 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-directories ''path''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: make directory ''path'', including intermediate\ndirectories. See also [[make-directory]].\n\n\nGauche has [[make-directory*]], which does the same thing.\n") ("user-option-pass" . "(:ctime 1015041243 :cuser #f :mtime 1015041243 :muser #f)* [procedure] user-option-pass [''newval'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: compiler parameter.\n\nSee also [[user-read-pass]], [[user-preprocessor-pass]], [[user-pass]]\n") ("real-sqrt" . "(:ctime 1170264990 :cuser #f :mtime 1170267878 :muser #f)* real-sqrt ''x''\n\n[[SRFI-94]]: simular to [[R5RS]] [[sqrt]], but signals error if the argument is negative.\n") ("->string" . "(:ctime 1383068345 :cuser #f :mtime 1383068345 :muser #f)* [generic] ->string ''obj''\n\n[[Sagittarius]]: generic function to convert ''obj'' to a string.\nSee also [[->number]], [[->integer]], [[write-object]].\n") ("a:fixn32b" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144529332 :muser #f)* [procedure] a:fixn32b [''k'']\n[[SRFI-63]]: Returns an exact non-negative binary fixnum uniform-array prototype with at least 32 bits of precision.\n") ("interpret" . "(:ctime 1014965243 :cuser #f :mtime 1014965243 :muser #f)* [procedure] interpret ''obj'' [''env-spec'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[compile]]\n") ("temporary-file-name" . "(:ctime 1018338077 :cuser #f :mtime 1099741082 :muser #f)* [procedure] temporary-file-name ''string''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: generates a unique temporary file name.\n\nSimilar function is found in other implementations with\nthe name [[create-temporary-file]],\n[[create-temp-file]] or [[sys-tmpnam]].\n") ("char-set-diff+intersection!" . "(:ctime 1099288869 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288869 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set-diff+intersection]]\n") ("thread-priority-boost" . "(:ctime 1015928189 :cuser #f :mtime 1015928189 :muser #f)* [procedure] thread-priority-boost ''thread''\n* [procedure] thread-priority-boost-set! ''thread'' ''boost''\n\n[[SRFI-21]]\n") ("bit-shift" . "(:ctime 1099724497 :cuser #f :mtime 1099724526 :muser #f)* [procedure] bit-shift ''n'' ''bits''\n\n[[STklos]]: shifts ''n' left for ''bits'' bits. Bigloo's [[bit-lsh]].\nSee also [[bit-and]] etc.\n\nSome implementations have [[arithmetic-shift]] or\n[[ash]].\n") ("vector->array" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144488552 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector->array ''vect'' ''proto'' ''dim1'' ...\n[[SRFI-63]]: Returns an array of type ''proto'' consisting of all the elements, in row-major order, of ''vect''. In the case of a rank-0 array, ''vect'' has a single element.\n\n''vect'' must be a vector of length equal to the product of exact nonnegative integers ''dim1'', ....\n\n") ("a:floq32d" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144529126 :muser #f)* [procedure] a:floq32d [''z'']\n[[SRFI-63]]:\nReturns an exact 32.bit decimal flonum rational uniform-array prototype.\n") ("finite?" . "(:ctime 1191210492 :cuser #f :mtime 1191210492 :muser #f)* [procedure] finite? ''x''\n\n[[R6RS]]: ''x'' must be a number object. Returns #t if ''x'' is neither\ninfinite nor NaN.\n\nSee also [[infinite?]], [[nan?]], [[inf.0]], [[nan.0]].\n") ("SRFI-152" . "(:ctime 1594384457 :cuser #f :mtime 1594384457 :muser #f)SRFI-152: String Library (reduced)\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-152/srfi-152.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("byte-vector->s16vector" . "(:ctime 1015075795 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075795 :muser #f)[[$$include byte-vector->u8vector]]\n") ("file-options-on?" . "(:ctime 1020397300 :cuser #f :mtime 1020397300 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-options-on? ''file-options1'' ''file-options2''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: true if file option set ''file-options1'' \nincludes all options of ''file-options2''.\nSee [[file-options]].\n") ("symbol-prefix-proc" . "(:ctime 1014928853 :cuser #f :mtime 1014928853 :muser #f)* [procedure] symbol-prefix-proc ''prefix''\n\n[[Guile]]: utility procedure to create a procedure that renames\na symbol by adding ''prefix'' before its name.\n\nSee also [[use-modules]].\n") ("Concept:FileSystem" . "(:ctime 1015188700 :cuser #f :mtime 1327406926 :muser #f)File system API falls in the following categories:\n\n- File attributes, or stat. APIs to retrieve various informations\nabout files, directories, and other filesystem entries. Most\nimplementations have one or more of the following:\n-- Gets/sets attributes by pathname.\n-- Gets/sets attributes via port or opened file descriptor.\n-- Gets/sets attributes via ''stat'' object, i.e. POSIX way.\n- Directory API: read contents, create/remove directory,\nremove/rename file, get/set current directory.\n- Symbolic link API: symlink and readlink.\n\nSee also [[Concept:FileDescriptorAccess]] for low-level\nAPI dealing with file descriptors.\n\n----\n** [[ChezScheme]]\n:Attributes: [[file-length]]\n:Directory: [[current-directory]], [[delete-file]],\n[[file-exists?]]\n:Symlink:\n\n** [[Chicken]]\n:Attributes: via pathname.\n[[file-owner]], [[file-permissions]], [[file-read-access?]],\n[[file-write-access?]], [[file-execute-access?]],\n[[change-file-mode]], [[change-file-owner]], [[file-modification-time]],\n[[file-size]], [[directory?]]\n\n:Directory:[[change-directory]], [[current-directory]],\n[[create-directory]], [[delete-directory]], [[directory]],\n[[glob]], [[delete-file]], [[file-exists?]]\n:Symlink: [[create-symbolic-link]], [[read-symbolic-link]].\n:Other: [[create-fifo]], [[fifo?]]\n\n\n** [[Gauche]]\n:Attributes: via pathname.\n[[sys-stat]], [[sys-lstat]], [[sys-fstat]],\n[[file-type]], [[file-perm]], [[file-mode]],\n[[file-ino]], [[file-dev]], [[file-nlink]], [[file-uid]],\n[[file-gid]], [[file-size]], [[file-atime]], [[file-mtime]],\n[[file-ctime]], [[file-is-readable?]],\n[[file-is-writable?]], [[file-is-executable?]],\n[[sys-chmod]], [[sys-chown]], [[sys-utime]], [[sys-access]]\n:Directory: [[sys-chdir]], [[sys-getcwd]], \n[[sys-mkdir]], [[sys-rmdir]], [[sys-readdir]],\n[[current-directory]], [[home-directory]],\n[[directory-list]], [[directory-list2]], [[directory-fold]],\n[[make-directory*]], [[create-directory*]],\n[[remove-directory*]], [[delete-directory*]]\n:Symlink: [[sys-symlink]], [[sys-readlink]]\n:Other:\n\n** [[Scheme48]]\n:Attributes: \n- via pathname:\n[[accessible?]], [[get-file-info]], [[get-file/link-info]],\n- via port: [[get-port-info]]\n- accessors: [[file-info?]], [[file-info-name]],\n[[file-info-type]], [[file-type?]], [[file-type-name]],\n[[file-type]], [[file-info-device]], [[file-info-inode]],\n[[file-info-link-count]], [[file-info-size]], \n[[file-info-owner]], [[file-info-group]], [[file-info-mode]],\n[[file-info-last-access]], [[file-info-last-modification]],\n[[file-info-last-info-change]], [[file-mode]],\n[[file-mode?]], [[file-mode+]], [[file-mode-]],\n[[file-mode=?]], [[file-mode<=?]], [[file-mode>=?]],\n[[file-mode->integer]], [[integer->file-mode]]\n:Directory: \n[[open-directory-stream]], [[directory-stream?]],\n[[read-directory-stream]], [[close-directory-stream]],\n[[list-directory]], [[working-directory]],\n[[set-working-directory!]], [[link]], [[unlink]],\n[[remove-directory]], [[rename]], [[make-directory]]\n:Symlink:\n:Other:\n[[make-fifo]]\n\n\n** [[STk]]\n:Attributes: via pathname. [[file-is-readable?]], [[file-is-writable?]],\n[[file-is-executable?]], [[file-is-directory?]]\n:Directory: [[file-exists?]], [[glob]],\n[[remove-file]], [[rename-file]], [[temporary-file-name]],\n[[getcwd]], [[chdir]]\n:Symlink:\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info rio orange]\n") ("min-ec" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144535904 :muser #f)* [syntax] min-ec ''qualifier'' ... ''expression''\n[[SRFI-42]]:\nThe minimum of all values of ''expression''. The sequence of\nvalues must be non-empty. Think of it as\n([[apply]] [[min]] ([[list-ec]] ''qualifier'' ... ''expression'')).\n\n") ("directory->list" . "(:ctime 1023697244 :cuser #f :mtime 1039755167 :muser #f)* [procedure] directory->list ''dir''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: returns list of files in the directory.\nSee also [[Concept:FileSystem]].\n\nLots of variations in other implementations:\n[[directory]], [[directory-list]], [[directory-files]],\n[[list-directory]], [[sys-readdir]].\n") ("string-tokenize" . "(:ctime 1014895059 :cuser #f :mtime 1327407138 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-tokenize ''s'' [''token-set'' ''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\n* [procedure] string-tokenize ''s'' ''token-set''\n\n[[LispMe]]\n\n''token-set'' means something very different for [[LispMe]] than for [[SRFI-13]]\n\n(For [[LispMe]] ''token-set'' is string with delimiters)\n [http://www.obtenir-rio.info rio orange]\n") ("IronScheme" . "(:ctime 1230189405 :cuser #f :mtime 1556350923 :muser #f)IronScheme will aim to be a [[R6RS]] conforming Scheme implementation based on the Microsoft DLR.\n\nIronScheme will be a complete rewrite of IronLisp incorporating lessons learnt while developing IronLisp.\n\nIronScheme might support ERR5RS in the future.\n\nCurrent home at GitHub: https://github.com/leppie/IronScheme\n\nOld home at Codeplex: http://www.codeplex.com/IronScheme\n\n") ("add-duration" . "(:ctime 1681727768 :cuser #f :mtime 1681727768 :muser #f)(current-time)\n") ("current-date" . "(:ctime 1015209243 :cuser #f :mtime 1015209243 :muser #f)* [procedure] current-date [''tz-offset'']\n\n[[SRFI-19]]: date corresponding to the current UTC time.\nSee also [[current-julian-day]], [[current-modified-julian-day]],\n[[current-time]].\n") ("date-nanosecond" . "(:ctime 1023886154 :cuser #f :mtime 1023886154 :muser #f)* [procedure] date-nanosecond ''date''\n* [procedure] date-second ''date''\n* [procedure] date-minute ''date''\n* [procedure] date-hour ''date''\n* [procedure] date-day ''date''\n* [procedure] date-month ''date''\n* [procedure] date-year ''date''\n* [procedure] date-zone-offset ''date''\n* [procedure] date-year-day ''date''\n* [procedure] date-week-day ''date''\n* [procedure] date-week-number ''date''\n\n[[SRFI-19]]: accessor for date record. See [[make-date]].\n\nSRFI-19's date record differs from POSIX struct tm\nin the following points:\n- has nanosecond resolution\n- month is an integer between 1 and 12, instead of 0 and 11.\n- year is the year; no 1900 offset.\n\n") ("u32vector->byte-vector" . "(:ctime 1015075620 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075620 :muser #f)[[$$include u8vector->byte-vector]]\n") ("angle" . "(:ctime 1014838009 :cuser #f :mtime 1191312972 :muser #f)* [procedure] angle ''z''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[magnitude]], [[imag-part]], [[real-part]].\n") ("pair-for-each" . "(:ctime 1014868783 :cuser #f :mtime 1014868783 :muser #f)* [procedure] pair-for-each ''f'' ''clist1'' ''clist2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Like [[for-each]], but ''f'' is applied to successive sublists \nof the argument lists. That is, ''f'' is applied to the cons cells of the\n''lists'', rather than the ''lists''' elements. These applications occur in \nleft-to-right order. \n\nSee also [[for-each]].\n") ("ucs2-string>=?" . "(:ctime 1039428087 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428087 :muser #f)[[$$include ucs2-string=?]]\n") ("SRFI-36" . "(:ctime 1099268500 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428777 :muser #f)SRFI-36: I/O Conditions\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-36/srfi-36.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n\n----\n[[&i/o-error]], [[i/o-error?]]\n\n[[&i/o-port-error]], [[i/o-port-error?]], [[i/o-error-port]]\n\n\n[[&i/o-read-error]], [[i/o-read-error?]],\n[[&i/o-write-error]], [[i/o-write-error?]],\n[[&i/o-closed-error]], [[i/o-closed-error?]]\n\n[[&i/o-filename-error]], [[i/o-filename-error?]], [[i/o-error-filename]],\n[[&i/o-malformed-filename-error]], [[i/o-malformed-filename-error?]],\n[[&i/o-file-protection-error]], [[i/o-file-protection-error?]],\n[[&i/o-file-is-read-only-error]], [[i/o-file-is-read-only-error?]],\n[[&i/o-file-already-exists-error]], [[i/o-file-already-exists-error?]],\n[[&i/o-no-such-file-error]], [[i/o-no-such-file-error?]]\n\n[[&read-error]], [[read-error?]], [[read-error-line]], [[read-error-column]],\n[[read-error-position]], [[read-error-span]].\n") ("set-port-buffering" . "(:ctime 1018387329 :cuser #f :mtime 1018387329 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-port-buffering ''port'' ''policy'' [''size'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: Sets port buffering policy.\n") ("remove-file" . "(:ctime 1018337850 :cuser #f :mtime 1099741272 :muser #f)* [procedure] remove-file ''string''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]:\n\nThis is called [[delete-file]], [[unlink]] or [[sys-unlink]]\nin some implementations.\n") ("span!" . "(:ctime 1014870006 :cuser #f :mtime 1014870006 :muser #f)* [procedure] span! ''pred'' ''list''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: linear-update variant of [[span]].\n") ("*load-pathname*" . "(:ctime 1015889364 :cuser #f :mtime 1015889364 :muser #f)* [variable] *load-pathname*\n\n[[SCM]]: keeps the pathname of the file currently being loaded.\n\nIn Gauche, the information can be obtained by\n (port-name (current-load-port))\n\n") ("time-tai" . "(:ctime 1015208882 :cuser #f :mtime 1015208882 :muser #f)[[$$include time-duration]]\n") ("make-table-maker" . "(:ctime 1017984834 :cuser #f :mtime 1017984834 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-table-maker ''compare-proc'' ''hash-proc''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: creates a hash-table constructor with\nuser-specified comparison and hash procedures.\nSee also [[make-table]], [[Concept:HashTable]].\n") ("list->queue" . "(:ctime 1015071480 :cuser #f :mtime 1017980818 :muser #f)* [procedure] list->queue ''list''\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Scheme48]]: creates a queue from ''list''. the queue shares the\nstructure of ''list''. See also [[make-queue]].\n") ("fx>=?" . "(:ctime 1191225962 :cuser #f :mtime 1191225962 :muser #f)[[$$include fx=?]]\n") ("blob-s32-ref" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144718958 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-s32-ref ''endianness'' ''blob'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: equivalent to (blob-sint-ref 4 ''endianness'' ''blob'' ''k'').\n\nSee also [[blob-sint-ref]].\n") ("modified-julian-day->time-tai" . "(:ctime 1099301087 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301088 :muser #f)[[$$include modified-julian-day->date]]\n") ("process-error" . "(:ctime 1018342321 :cuser #f :mtime 1018342321 :muser #f)[[$$include process-pid]]\n") ("&condition" . "(:ctime 1099267327 :cuser #f :mtime 1099268029 :muser #f)* [condition-type] &condition\n\n[[SRFI-35]]: The root of the condition type.\n\nThe following chart is a condition hierarchy defined in SRFI so far\n([[SRFI-35]], [[SRFI-36]]).\n\n- [[&condition]]\n-- [[&message]]\n-- [[&serious]]\n--- [[&error]]\n---- [[&i/o-error]]\n----- [[&i/o-port-error]]\n------ [[&i/o-read-error]]\n------ [[&i/o-write-error]]\n------ [[&i/o-closed-error]]\n----- [[&i/o-filename-error]]\n------ [[&i/o-malformed-filename-error]]\n------ [[&i/o-file-protection-error]]\n------- [[&i/o-file-is-read-only-error]]\n------ [[&i/o-file-already-exists-error]]\n------ [[&i/o-no-such-file-error]]\n---- [[&read-error]]\n") ("file-separator" . "(:ctime 1099741907 :cuser #f :mtime 1099741907 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-separator\n\n[[STklos]]: returns OS path separator (e.g. #\\/ on Unix and #\\\\ on Windows).\n\nChicken has [[pathname-directory-separator]].\n") ("group-info-members" . "(:ctime 1018125311 :cuser #f :mtime 1018125311 :muser #f)[[$$include group-info?]]\n") ("reverse-list->vector" . "(:ctime 1099388985 :cuser #f :mtime 1099388986 :muser #f)* [procedure] reverse-list->vector ''list''\n\n[[SRFI-43]]: Like [[list->vector]], but puts elements in reverse order.\n") ("string->symbol" . "(:ctime 1014859118 :cuser #f :mtime 1191565354 :muser #f)* [procedure] string->symbol ''string''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Returns the symbol whose name is ''string''. \n\nIn R5RS, this is the way to create a case-senstive named symbols, for\n[[read]] folds the case of literal symbols.\n\nSee also [[symbol->string]].\n") ("SCM" . "(:ctime 1014942609 :cuser #f :mtime 1675743325 :muser #f)Aubrey Jaffer's Scheme implementation\n\nHomepage: https://people.csail.mit.edu/jaffer/SCM.html\n\nVersion control: https://savannah.gnu.org/cvs/?group=scm\n\n[[$$srfis 0 1 2 8 9 47 58 59 60 63 70]]\n----\nThe following list is based on the version 5d5 (February 20, 2002).\nSee also [[SLIB]].\n\n** Operational features\n[[*argv*]], [[*syntax-rules*]], [[*interactive*]],\n[[quit]], [[exit]], [[boot-tail]], [[program-arguments]],\n[[vms-debug]], [[ed]], [[trace]], [[untrace]], [[print]], [[print-args]],\n[[errobj]], [[errno]], [[perror]], [[warn]], [[error]], [[stack-trace]],\n[[abort]], [[restart]], [[exec-self]], [[verbose]], [[gc]], [[room]],\n[[*scm-version*]], [[execpath]], [[#!]], [[*script*]]\n\n** The Language\n[[try-load]], [[*load-pathname*]], [[line-number]], [[port-filename]],\n[[port-line]], [[port-column]], [[eval]], [[eval-string]], [[load-string]],\n[[vector-set-length!]], [[copy-tree]], [[@copy-tree]], [[acons]], [[terms]],\n[[list-file]]\n\n[[internal-time-units-per-second]], [[get-internal-run-time]], [[get-internal-real-time]],\n[[current-time]]\n\n[[ticks]], [[ticks-interrupt]], [[alarm]], [[multi-alarm]], [[virtual-alarm]],\n[[profile-alarm]], [[user-interrupt]], [[alarm-interrupt]], [[virtual-alarm-interrupt]],\n[[profile-alarm-interrupt]], [[out-of-storage]], [[could-not-open]],\n[[end-of-program]], [[hang-up]], [[arithmetic-error]], [[gc-hook]],\n[[add-finalizer]]\n\n[[make-exchanger]], [[make-arbiter]], [[try-arbiter]], [[release-arbiter]]\n\n[[open-file]], [[try-open-file]], [[open_read]], [[open_write]], [[open_both]],\n[[_ionbf]], [[_tracked]], [[_exclusive]], [[port-closed?]],\n[[port-type]], [[close-port]], [[current-error-port]], [[with-error-to-file]],\n[[with-input-from-port]], [[with-output-to-port]], [[with-error-to-port]],\n[[call-with-outputs]], [[char-ready?]], [[wait-for-input]], [[isatty?]],\n[[freshline]], [[open-ports]]\n\n[[try-load]], [[read-numbered]], [[integer->line-number]], [[line-number->integer]],\n[[line-number?]], [[*load-reader*]], [[*slib-load-reader*]]\n\n[[make-soft-port]]\n\n[[procedure-documentation]], [[comment]], [[#;]], [[#.]], [[#+]], [[#-]],\n[[#']], [[#|]], [[#\\]], [[defined?]], [[defvar]], [[defconst]], [[set!]],\n[[qase]]\n\n[[read:sharp]], [[read:sharp-char]], [[procedure->syntax]], [[procedure->macro]],\n[[procedure->memoizing-macro]], [[procedure->identifier-macro]], [[defsyntax]],\n[[@apply]]\n\n[[identifier?]], [[renamed-identifier]], [[identifier->symbol]],\n[[identifier-equal?]], [[@macroexpand1]], [[extended-environment]],\n[[syntax-quote]], [[the-macro]], [[renaming-transformer]]\n\n** Packages\n[[compile-file]], [[link-named-scm]]\n\n[[require]], [[usr:lib]], [[x:lib]], [[load]], [[dyn:link]], [[dyn:call]],\n[[dyn:main-call]], [[dyn:unlink]]\n\n[[dump]]\n\n[[most-positive-fixnum]], [[most-negative-fixnum]], [[$pi]], [[pi]],\n[[pi*]], [[pi/]], [[sinh]], [[cosh]], [[tanh]], [[asinh]], [[acosh]], [[atanh]],\n\n[[array?]], [[make-array]], [[array-ref]], [[array-in-bounds?]],\n[[array-set!]], [[make-shared-array]], [[transpose-array]], [[enclose-array]],\n[[array-shape]], [[array-dimensions]], [[array-rank]], [[array->list]],\n[[array-copy!]], [[serial-array-copy!]], [[array-fill!]], [[array-equal?]],\n[[array-contents]], [[array-map!]], [[serial-array-map!]], [[array-for-each]],\n[[array-index-map!]], [[scalar->array]], [[array-prototype]], [[list->uniform-array]],\n[[uniform-vector-fill!]], [[dimensions->uniform-array]], [[uniform-array-read!]],\n[[uniform-array-write]], [[logaref]], [[logaset!]], [[bit-count]], \n[[bit-position]], [[bit-invert!]], [[bit-set*!]], [[bit-count*]]\n\n[[record-printer-set!]]\n\n[[stat]], [[getpid]], [[file-position]], [[file-set-position]],\n[[try-create-file]], [[reopen-file]], [[duplicate-port]], [[redirect-port!]],\n[[opendir]], [[readdir]], [[rewinddir]], [[closedir]], [[directory-for-each]],\n[[mkdir]], [[rmdir]], [[chdir]], [[getcwd]], [[rename-file]], [[chmod]],\n[[utime]], [[umask]], [[fileno]], [[access]], [[execl]], [[execlp]],\n[[execv]], [[execvp]], [[putenv]]\n\n[[open-pipe]], [[open-input-pipe]], [[open-output-pipe]], [[broken-pipe]],\n[[close-port]], [[pipe]], [[fork]], [[getppid]], [[getlogin]],\n[[getuid]], [[getgid]], [[geteuid]], [[getegid]], [[setuid]], [[setgid]],\n[[seteuid]], [[setegid]], [[kill]], [[waitpid]], [[uname]],\n[[getpw]], [[setpwent]], [[getgr]], [[setgrent]], [[getgroups]],\n[[link]], [[chown]], [[ttyname]]\n\n[[symlink]], [[readlink]], [[lstat]], [[nice]], [[acct]], [[mknod]], [[sync]]\n\n[[regcomp]], [[regerror]], [[regexec]], [[regmatch?]], [[regsearch]], \n[[regsearchv]], [[regmatch]], [[regmatchv]], [[string-split]], \n[[string-edit]]\n\n[[default-input-port]], [[default-output-port]], [[make-edited-line-port]],\n[[line-editing]]\n\n[[initscr]], [[endwin]], [[clearok]], [[idlok]], [[leaveok]], [[scrollok]],\n[[nodelay]], [[cbreak]], [[nocbreak]], [[raw]], [[noraw]], [[echo]], [[noecho]],\n[[nl]], [[nonl]], [[resetty]], [[savetty]], [[newwin]], [[subwin]], [[close-port]],\n[[refresh]], [[force-output]], [[mvwin]], [[overlay]], [[overwrite]],[[touchwin]],\n[[touchline]], [[wmove]], [[display]], [[wadd]], [[werase]], [[wclear]],\n[[wclrtobot]], [[wclrtoeol]], [[wdelch]], [[wdeleteln]], \n[[winsch]], [[winsertln]], [[scroll]], [[read-char]], [[winch]],\n[[getyx]], [[wstandout]], [[wstandend]], [[box]], [[unctrl]]\n\n[[af_inet]], [[af_unix]], [[gethost]], [[sethostent]], [[getnet]],\n[[setnetent]], [[getproto]], [[setprotoent]], [[getserv]], [[setservent]],\n[[inet:address->string]], [[inet:string->address]], [[inet:network]],\n[[inet:local-network-address]], [[inet:make-address]], [[getsockname]],\n[[getpeername]], [[socket-name:family]], [[socket-name:port-number]],\n[[socket-name:address]], [[make-stream-socket]], [[make-stream-socketpair]],\n[[socket:shutdown]], [[socket:connect]], [[socket:bind]], [[socket:listen]],\n[[char-ready?]], [[socket:accept]], \n\n\n") ("make-ucs2-string" . "(:ctime 1039427722 :cuser #f :mtime 1039427722 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-ucs2-string ''len'' [''char'']\n\n[[Bigloo]]: make ucs2 string. see [[ucs2-string?]].\n") ("waiter-prompt-string" . "(:ctime 1015024296 :cuser #f :mtime 1015024296 :muser #f)* [procedure] waiter-prompt-string [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: gets/sets prompt of repl.\n\nSee also [[new-cafe]]\n") ("char-set-xor!" . "(:ctime 1099288734 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288734 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set-xor]]\n") ("make-string-output-port" . "(:ctime 1017989133 :cuser #f :mtime 1017989133 :muser #f)[[$$include make-string-input-port]]\n") ("string-prefix?" . "(:ctime 1014893089 :cuser #f :mtime 1014893089 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-prefix? ''s1'' ''s2'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[string-prefix-length]], [[string-suffix?]]\n\n") ("hash-table?" . "(:ctime 1015071037 :cuser #f :mtime 1144493486 :muser #f)* [procedure] hash-table? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-69]]: A predicate to test whether a given object ''obj'' is a hash table.\nThe hash table type should be disjoint from all other types, if possible.\n\n[[Chicken]], [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]], [[MzScheme]]: see [[make-hash-table]].\n\n[[Bigloo]]: Also has this, but deprecated it. See [[hashtable?]].\n") ("resetty" . "(:ctime 1015877324 :cuser #f :mtime 1015877324 :muser #f)* [procedure] resetty\n* [procedure] savetty\n\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. see [[initscr]].\n") ("stdio->stdports" . "(:ctime 1018382290 :cuser #f :mtime 1018382290 :muser #f)[[$$include stdports->stdio]]\n") ("f64vector->byte-vector" . "(:ctime 1015075647 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075647 :muser #f)[[$$include u8vector->byte-vector]]\n") ("display" . "(:ctime 1014847598 :cuser #f :mtime 1015882705 :muser #f)* [procedure] display ''obj'' [''port'']\n\n[[R5RS]]\n\nSee also [[write]].\n\n[[SCM]]'s display can take a curses window as a port. see [[initscr]].\n") ("wclrtobot" . "(:ctime 1015882822 :cuser #f :mtime 1015882822 :muser #f)* [procedure] wclrtobot ''win''\n* [procedure] wclrtoeol ''win''\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. see [[initscr]].\n") ("string<=?" . "(:ctime 1015063536 :cuser #f :mtime 1015063536 :muser #f)[[$$include string=?]]\n") ("define-integrable" . "(:ctime 1015044768 :cuser #f :mtime 1015044768 :muser #f)* [syntax] define-integrable ''name'' ''exp''\n* [syntax] define-integrable (''name'' ''formals'') ''body'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]]: synomym of [[define-inline]].\n") ("gcd" . "(:ctime 1014854185 :cuser #f :mtime 1191219675 :muser #f)* [procedure] gcd ''n1'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[lcm]].\n") ("flip" . "(:ctime 1015075334 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075334 :muser #f)* [procedure] flip ''proc''\n\n[[Chicken]]:\n (flip PROC) <=> (lambda (x y) (PROC y x))\n\n") ("sub1" . "(:ctime 1014954855 :cuser #f :mtime 1018692562 :muser #f)* [procedure] sub1 ''num''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]], [[MzScheme]]\n\nSee also [[1-]], [[add1]]\n\n") ("string-concatenate-reverse" . "(:ctime 1014894599 :cuser #f :mtime 1014894599 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-concatenate-reverse ''string-list'' [''final-string'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[string-concatenate]], [[string-concatenate-reverse/shared]]\n") ("terminated-thread-exception?" . "(:ctime 1015927925 :cuser #f :mtime 1015927931 :muser #f)[[$$include join-timeout-exception?]]\n") ("call-with-string-io" . "(:ctime 1018084102 :cuser #f :mtime 1018084102 :muser #f)* [procedure] call-with-string-io ''string'' ''proc''\n\n[[Gauche]]: calls ''proc'' with two ports. The first\none is an input string port from ''string'', and the\nsecond one is an output string port whose content\nat the time ''proc'' returns will be the result\nof call-with-string-io.\n\nSee also [[call-with-input-string]], [[call-with-output-string]],\n[[call-with-process-io]]\n") ("standard-input-port" . "(:ctime 1015806759 :cuser #f :mtime 1015806759 :muser #f)* [procedure] standard-input-port\n* [procedure] standard-output-port\n* [procedure] standard-error-port\n\n[[Gauche]]: returns ports associated to stdin, stdout, and stderr.\n") ("process?" . "(:ctime 1018342172 :cuser #f :mtime 1099737906 :muser #f)* [procedure] process? ''obj''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: see [[run-process]].\n") ("signal/term" . "(:ctime 1015076508 :cuser #f :mtime 1015076508 :muser #f)[[$$include signal/hup]]\n") (" in case clauses\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-87/srfi-87.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n----\n\n[[case]]\n") ("blob-u32-native-set!" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144719562 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-u32-native-set! ''blob'' ''k'' ''n''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: Similar to (blob-sint-set! 4 (endianness native) ''blob'' ''k'' ''n''), but works at aligned indices: ''k'' must be a multiple of 4. It is an error to use this at non-aligned indices.\n\nSee also [[blob-uint-set!]] and [[endianness]].\n") ("get-internal-run-time" . "(:ctime 1038091940 :cuser #f :mtime 1038091940 :muser #f)* [procedure] get-internal-run-time\n\n[[SCM]]: returns run time of the process from\nunspecified start time, in the unit of [[internal-time-units-per-second]].\nSee also [[get-internal-real-time]].\n\nSee also [[SRFI-19]].\n") ("random-seed" . "(:ctime 1014954506 :cuser #f :mtime 1019619394 :muser #f)* [procedure] random-seed [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: sets/gets seed of the random number generator.\n\nSee also [[random]].\n\n* [procedure] random-seed ''k''\n\n[[MzScheme]]: sets random seed to ''k'', which must be\nan exact integer between 0 and 2^31-1, inclusive.\n\nOther implementations have [[randomize]] or [[set-random-seed!]].\n") ("thread?" . "(:ctime 1015927255 :cuser #f :mtime 1020749768 :muser #f)* [procedure] thread? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]\n\nAlso in [[Scsh]], [[MzScheme]].\n\n") ("SRFI-116" . "(:ctime 1474475345 :cuser #f :mtime 1474475345 :muser #f)SRFI-116: Immutable List Library \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-116/srfi-116.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("share-array" . "(:ctime 1036934339 :cuser #f :mtime 1099397861 :muser #f)* [procedure] share-array ''array'' ''shape'' ''proc''\n\n[[SRFI-25]]: creates a new array that shares the\nbacking storage of ''array''. ''proc'' is an affine-mapping\nprocedure. See also [[make-array]].\n\nSRFI-47 and Scheme48 have [[make-shared-array]] which has slightly different API.\n") ("fxnegative?" . "(:ctime 1014951135 :cuser #f :mtime 1191226031 :muser #f)[[$$include fxpositive?]]\n") ("condition" . "(:ctime 1099267250 :cuser #f :mtime 1099267286 :muser #f)* [syntax] condition (''type'' (''field'' ''value'') ...) ...\n\n[[SRFI-35]]: A convenience macro to create a condition.\nSee [[make-condition]].\n\n (make-compound-condition\n (make-condition ''type'' ' ''field'' ''value'' ...)\n ...)\n\n") ("define-record-printer" . "(:ctime 1015045239 :cuser #f :mtime 1015045249 :muser #f)* [procedure] define-record-printer ''name'' ''procedure''\n* [procedure] define-record-printer (''name'' ''recordvar'' ''portvar'') ''body'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]]: defines a printer procedure of the named record. See also [[define-record]].\n") ("define-const-structure" . "(:ctime 1015101544 :cuser #f :mtime 1015101544 :muser #f)* [syntax] define-const-structure (''id0'' ''id1'' ... ''idN'')\n\n[[Chicken]]: used in the Andrew Wright's pattern matching package.\nSee [[match]]. See also [[define-structure]].\n") ("visit" . "(:ctime 1014965400 :cuser #f :mtime 1014965400 :muser #f)* [procedure] visit ''filename''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: loads ''filename'' but not execute; just recognizes\ncompile-time constructs.\n\nSee also [[load]]\n") ("fl>" . "(:ctime 1014952354 :cuser #f :mtime 1014952354 :muser #f)* [procedure] fl> ''flonum'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[flonum?]], [[>]], [[fx>]]\n") ("split-string" . "(:ctime 1018333534 :cuser #f :mtime 1099724847 :muser #f)* [procedure] split-string ''string'' ''delimiters''\n\n[[STk]]: ''delimiters'' is a string. Splits ''string''\nby the charcters that appears in ''delimiters''.\n\nThis is renamed to [[string-split]] in STklos.\n\nSRFI-13 defines [[string-tokenize]] which is similar to\nthis.\n") ("Index:u" . "(:ctime 1014864880 :cuser #f :mtime 1015014778 :muser #f)[[$$index u]]\n\n") ("file-info-device" . "(:ctime 1040727298 :cuser #f :mtime 1040727298 :muser #f)[[$$include file-info-name]]\n") ("fluidset'" . "(:ctime 1152518355 :cuser #f :mtime 1152533952 :muser #f)* [magic form] fluidset' ''identifier'' ''form''\n[[RRS]]: assigns the value of ''form'' to the ''identifier'' in the current dynamic environment.\n\nSee also [[fluidbind]].\n") ("key-set!" . "(:ctime 1038030879 :cuser #f :mtime 1038030879 :muser #f)* [procedure] key-set! ''kv-list'' ''key'' ''value''\n\n[[STklos]]: returns a key-value list in which ''key''-''value'' association is added to the original ''kv-list''.\nThe original list may be modified.\nSee also [[key-get]], [[key-delete]], [[key-delete!]].\n") ("real-expt" . "(:ctime 1170264990 :cuser #f :mtime 1170268286 :muser #f)* real-expt ''x1'' ''x2''\n\n[[SRFI-94]]: returns ''x1'' raised to the power ''x2'' if that result is a real number; otherwise signals an error.\n\n(real-expt 0.0 ''x2'') returns 1.0 for ''x2'' equal to 0.0; returns 0.0 for positive real ''x2''; signals an error otherwise.\n") ("char-set-unfold" . "(:ctime 1039168926 :cuser #f :mtime 1039168926 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set-unfold ''f'' ''p'' ''g'' ''seed'' [''base-cs'']\n* [procedure] char-set-unfold! ''f'' ''p'' ''g'' ''seed'' ''base-cs''\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: A fundamental character set generator.\nBetter explained by the following definitions.\n\n{{{\n(define (char-set-unfold p f g seed base-cs) \n (char-set-unfold! p f g seed (char-set-copy base-cs)))\n\n(define (char-set-unfold! p f g seed base-cs)\n (let lp ((seed seed) (cs base-cs))\n (if (p seed) cs ; P says we are done.\n (lp (g seed) ; Loop on (G SEED).\n (char-set-adjoin! cs (f seed)))))) ; Add (F SEED) to set.\n}}}\n\nSee also [[char-set-fold]].\n") ("while" . "(:ctime 1018333046 :cuser #f :mtime 1308106929 :muser #f)* [syntax] while ''test'' ''expr1'' ''expr2'' ...\n* [syntax] until ''test'' ''expr1'' ''expr2'' ...\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: evaluates the expression(s) while/until ''test''\nevaluates true.\n\n* [syntax] while ''test'' => ''var'' ''expr1'' ''expr2'' ...\n* [syntax] while ''test'' ''guard'' => ''var'' ''expr1'' ''expr2'' ...\n* [syntax] until ''test'' ''guard'' => ''var'' ''expr1'' ''expr2'' ...\n\n[[Gauche]] supports some variations besides the basic syntax as [[STklos]].\n\n:while ''test'' => ''var'':\nBinds the result of ''test'' to ''var'' for each iteration\nand evaluates expressions as far as ''test'' evaluates to a true value.\n:while ''test'' ''guard'' => ''var'':\nEvaluates ''test'' and applies ''guard'' to the result, and repeat\nonly if ''guard'' returns a true value. ''var'' is bound to the\nresult of ''test'.\n:until ''test'' ''guard'' => ''var'':\nEvaluates ''test'' and applies ''guard'' to the result, and repeat\nonly if ''guard'' returns #f. ''var'' is bound to the\nresult of ''test'.\n\n* [syntax] while* ''test'' ''expr1'' ''expr2'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]]: Third-party library '''[http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/miscmacros eggs:miscmacros]''' supports the basic syntax as STklos, and anaphoric variation while*.\n:while* ''test'' ''expr'' ...:\nEvaluates ''expr'' ... with variable '''it''' bound to the evaluation of ''test''.\n") ("Mosh" . "(:ctime 1230189504 :cuser #f :mtime 1553887458 :muser #f)A Fast [[R6RS]] Scheme interpreter.\n\nHomepage: http://mosh.monaos.org/\n\nVersion control (GitHub): https://github.com/higepon/mosh\n\nOld Google Code page: http://code.google.com/p/mosh-scheme/\n\n----\n[[$$srfis 0 1 2 6 8 9 11 13 14 16 19 23 26 27 31 37 38 39 41 42 43 48 61 67 78 97 98]]\n\n") ("if ( ) ...)\n ( ( ) ...) ...)\n}}}\nThe two versions can't be distinguished from the source. Too bad.\n") ("letrec" . "(:ctime 1014855390 :cuser #f :mtime 1191209340 :muser #f)* [syntax] letrec ((''variable'' ''expression'') ...) ''body''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[let]], [[let*]], [[letrec*]].\n\n") ("substv" . "(:ctime 1014945139 :cuser #f :mtime 1014945139 :muser #f)* [procedure] substv ''new'' ''old'' ''tree''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: traverses ''tree'', replacing all objects equivalent\n([[eqv?]]) to ''obj'' with the object ''new''.\n\nSee also [[substq]], [[subst]], [[substv!]]\n") ("find" . "(:ctime 1014869526 :cuser #f :mtime 1018072316 :muser #f)* [procedure] find ''pred'' ''clist''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Return the first element of ''clist'' \nthat satisfies predicate ''pred''; false if no element does. \n\nSee also [[find-tail]], [[any]].\n\n* [generic] find ''pred'' ''coll''\n\n[[Gauche]] extends this to take arbitrary collection\n(with gauche.collection module).\n") ("regexp-match" . "(:ctime 1099777743 :cuser #f :mtime 1099777743 :muser #f)* [procedure] regexp-match ''pattern'' ''str''\n* [procedure] regexp-match-positions ''pattern'' ''str''\n\n[[STklos]]: match regexp ''pattern'' to string ''str''.\n[[regexp-match]] returns a list of matched (sub)strings,\nand [[regexp-match-positions]] returns a list of lists of start and\nend positions. See [[string->regexp]], [[Concept:RegularExpression]].\n\nThis feature is called [[rxmatch]], [[string-match]], etc. in other\nimplementations.\n") ("guard" . "(:ctime 1063320955 :cuser #f :mtime 1063320955 :muser #f)* [syntax] guard (''var'' ''clause1'' ''clause2'' ...) ''body'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-34]]: \nEach ''clause'' should have the same form as a [[cond]] clause.\n\nEvaluating a guard form evaluates ''body'' with an exception handler that binds\nthe raised object to ''var'' and within the scope of that binding evaluates the clauses as \nif they were the clauses of a cond expression. That implicit cond expression is evaluated \nwith the continuation and dynamic environment of the guard expression. \nIf every ''clause'''s test evaluates to false and there is no else clause, \nthen raise is re-invoked on the raised object within the dynamic environment of the \noriginal call to raise except that the current exception handler is that of the guard expression.\n\n (guard (condition\n ((assq 'a condition) => cdr)\n ((assq 'b condition)))\n (raise (list (cons 'a 42))))\n\nSee also [[with-exception-handler]], [[raise]].\n") ("string->number" . "(:ctime 1014857004 :cuser #f :mtime 1191313673 :muser #f)* [procedure] string->number ''string'' [''radix'']\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]].\n\nSee also [[number->string]].\n") ("sys-getgid" . "(:ctime 1038189964 :cuser #f :mtime 1038189964 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-getgid\n* [procedure] sys-getegid\n\n[[Gauche]]: POSIX getgid() and getegid() interface.\nSee also [[sys-setgid]], [[Concept:UserGroup]]\n\n") ("make-shared-array" . "(:ctime 1017982016 :cuser #f :mtime 1099397885 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-shared-array ''array'' ''linear-map'' ''dimension0'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-47]], [[Scheme48]]: create a new array that shares the same storage\nof ''array''. ''linear-map'' is a procedure that maps\nnew array's indices into a list of indices of ''array''.\nSee also [[make-array]].\n\nSRFI-25 has [[share-array]], which has slightly different API.\n\n") ("test-runner-xfail-count" . "(:ctime 1151136447 :cuser #f :mtime 1151145603 :muser #f)* [procedure] test-runner-xfail-count ''runner''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: returns the number of tests that failed, and were expected to fail.\n") (">=/>=?" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144503660 :muser #f)[[$$include \t-> *\n \t-> (define-structure *)\n\t-> (define-structures (( )*) *)\n\t-> (define-interface )\n\t-> (define-syntax )\n \t-> (open *)\n\t-> (access *)\n\t-> (begin )\n\t-> (files *)\n\t-> (optimize *)\n\t-> (for-syntax *)\n \t-> (export *)\n\t-> \n\t-> (compound-interface *)\n \t-> \n\t-> ( )\n\t-> ((*) )\n \t-> \n\t-> (modify *)\n\t-> (subset (*))\n\t-> (with-prefix )\n \t-> (expose *)\n\t-> (hide *)\n\t-> (rename (0 1)*)\n\t-> (alias (0 1)*)\n\t-> (prefix )\n}}}\n\n* See also\n\n[[Concept:Module]]\n\n[[define-structure]], [[define-structures]], [[define-interface]], [[define-syntax]],\n[[open]], [[access]], [[begin]], [[files]], [[optimize]], [[for-syntax]],\n[[export]], [[compound-interface]], [[modify]], [[subset]], [[with-prefix]],\n[[expose]], [[hide]], [[rename]], [[alias]], [[prefix]].\n") ("char-set:graphic" . "(:ctime 1018082669 :cuser #f :mtime 1018082669 :muser #f)[[$$include char-set:lower-case]]\n") ("au64" . "(:ctime 1099398093 :cuser #f :mtime 1099398093 :muser #f)[[$$include ac64]]\n") ("SRFI-188" . "(:ctime 1594682189 :cuser #f :mtime 1594682189 :muser #f)SRFI-188: Splicing binding constructs for syntactic keywords\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-188/srfi-188.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("output-port-position" . "(:ctime 1039755886 :cuser #f :mtime 1039755886 :muser #f)[[$$include input-port-position]]\n") ("ascii->char" . "(:ctime 1017981352 :cuser #f :mtime 1017981352 :muser #f)[[$$include char->ascii]]\n") ("rxmatch-substring" . "(:ctime 1015899725 :cuser #f :mtime 1015899725 :muser #f)[[$$include rxmatch-start]]\n") ("pathname-replace-extension" . "(:ctime 1015100645 :cuser #f :mtime 1015100832 :muser #f)* [procedure] pathname-replace-extension ''pathname'' ''extension''\n\n[[Chicken]]: see also [[pathname-extension]], [[pathname-replace-file]],\n[[pathname-replace-directory]], [[pathname-strip-extension]]\n \n") ("regexp-replace-all" . "(:ctime 1015905291 :cuser #f :mtime 1015905291 :muser #f)[[$$include regexp-replace]]\n") ("real-asin" . "(:ctime 1170264990 :cuser #f :mtime 1170267490 :muser #f)* real-asin ''x''\n\n[[SRFI-94]]: simular to [[R5RS]] [[asin]], but signals error if the argument is not real or the result is not real.\n") ("read-string!/partial" . "(:ctime 1018387096 :cuser #f :mtime 1018387096 :muser #f)* [procedure] read-string!/partial ''str'' [[''fd/port'' ''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: atomic best-effort/forward-progress version of\n[[read-string!]]. See also [[read-string/partial]].\n") ("open-output-virtual" . "(:ctime 1018334570 :cuser #f :mtime 1018334570 :muser #f)* [procedure] open-output-virtual ''wrtc'' ''wrts'' ''flush'' ''close''\n\n[[STk]]: creates a virtual (procedural) port.\nSee also [[open-input-virtual]].\n\nSome implementations have [[make-output-port]] \nto create customized output port.\n") ("ac64" . "(:ctime 1099398022 :cuser #f :mtime 1099398022 :muser #f)* [procedure] ac64 [''z'']\n* [procedure] ac32 [''z'']\n* [procedure] ar64 [''x'']\n* [procedure] ar32 [''x'']\n* [procedure] au64 [''n'']\n* [procedure] au32 [''n'']\n* [procedure] au16 [''n'']\n* [procedure] au8 [''n'']\n* [procedure] as64 [''n'']\n* [procedure] as32 [''n'']\n* [procedure] as16 [''n'']\n* [procedure] as8 [''n'']\n* [procedure] at1 [''bool'']\n\n[[SRFI-47]]: Returns an uniform array of designated type, to be used\nas a prototype of [[make-array]].\n") ("blob-uint-ref" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144716894 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-uint-ref ''size'' ''endianness'' ''blob'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: Returns the exact integer corresponding to the unsigned\nrepresentation of size ''size'' and specified by ''endianness'' at indices {k, ...,\nk + size - 1}.\n\nSee also [[endianness]].\n") ("write-to-string" . "(:ctime 1099727181 :cuser #f :mtime 1143091096 :muser #f)* [procedure] write-to-string ''obj'' [''writer'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: equivalent to\n{{{\n(with-output-to-string (lambda () (writer obj)))\n}}}\n\n* [procedure] write-to-string ''obj'' [''maxchars'']\n\n[[MIT-Scheme]]: when ''maxchars'' is given, the length of output\nis limited up to ''maxchars'' characters.\n") ("ucs2-alphabetic?" . "(:ctime 1039429451 :cuser #f :mtime 1039429451 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2-alphabetic? ''ucs2''\n* [procedure] ucs2-numeric? ''ucs2''\n* [procedure] ucs2-whitespace? ''ucs2''\n* [procedure] ucs2-upper-case? ''ucs2''\n* [procedure] ucs2-lower-case? ''ucs2''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: UCS2 counterparts of\n[[char-alphabetic?]], [[char-numeric?]],\n[[char-whitespace?]], [[char-upper-case?]], and\n[[char-lower-case?]].\n\nSee [[ucs2?]].\n") ("eval-syntax-expanders-when" . "(:ctime 1014966043 :cuser #f :mtime 1014966043 :muser #f)* [syntax] eval-syntax-expanders-when\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n") ("SRFI-46" . "(:ctime 1122429162 :cuser #f :mtime 1145787239 :muser #f)SRFI-46: Basic Syntax-rules Extensions\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-46/srfi-46.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("subset-mode" . "(:ctime 1015030154 :cuser #f :mtime 1015030154 :muser #f)* [procedure] subset-mode [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n") ("length+" . "(:ctime 1014864164 :cuser #f :mtime 1014864164 :muser #f)* [procedure] length+ ''clist''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: returns the length of list ''clist''.\nIf ''clist'' is circular, returns #f (while R5RS [[length]]\nmay diverge in such a case).\n") ("set-port-output-size!" . "(:ctime 1014956625 :cuser #f :mtime 1014956625 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-port-output-size! ''port'' ''n''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[port-output-size]]\n") ("check" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144491404 :muser #f)* [syntax] check ''expr'' (=> ''equal'') ''expected'')\n* [syntax] check ''expr'' => ''expected'')\n\n[[SRFI-78]]: evaluates ''expr'' and compares the value to the value of\n''expected'' using the predicate ''equal'', which is [[equal?]] when omitted.\nThen a report is printed according to the current mode setting\n(see [[check-set-mode!]])\nand the outcome is recorded in a global state to be used in [[check-report]].\nThe precise order of evaluation is that first ''equal''\nand ''expected'' are evaluated (in unspecified order) and then ''expr''\nis evaluated.\n") ("make-record-type" . "(:ctime 1014947730 :cuser #f :mtime 1017982460 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-record-type ''type-name'' ''fields'' [''print-method'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: procedural interface for record. Creates a\nrecord type descriptor.\nSee [[define-record]].\n\nSee also \n[[record-type-descriptor?]],\n[[record-constructor]], [[record-predicate]], [[record-field-accessor]],\n[[record-field-accessible?]], [[record-field-mutator]],\n[[record-field-mutable?]], [[record-type-name]],\n[[record-type-field-names]], [[record?]], [[record-type-descriptor]],\n[[record-reader]]\n\n* [procedure] make-record-type ''type-name'' ''field-names''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Scheme48]]: creates a record type descriptor. Provides similar\ninterface to Chez's.\n\nSee also [[record-constructor]], [[record-predicate]], \n[[record-accessor]], [[record-modifier]], and [[record-printer-set!]].\n\n") ("echo" . "(:ctime 1015877260 :cuser #f :mtime 1015877260 :muser #f)* [procedure] echo\n* [procedure] noecho\n\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. see [[initscr]].\n") ("pathname-extension-separator" . "(:ctime 1015051173 :cuser #f :mtime 1015051173 :muser #f)* [variable] pathname-extension-separator\n\n[[Chicken]]\n") ("port-filename" . "(:ctime 1015889447 :cuser #f :mtime 1099726909 :muser #f)* [procedure] port-filename ''port''\n\n[[SCM]]: returns the filename associated with ''port''. If ''port'' is not a\nfile port, the result is unspecified.\n\nSome implementations have [[port-name]] which does the similar thing.\nSTklos has [[port-file-name]].\nBigloo has [[input-port-name]].\n") ("take-while" . "(:ctime 1014869749 :cuser #f :mtime 1014869749 :muser #f)* [procedure] take-while ''pred'' ''clist''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Returns the longest initial prefix of ''clist'' \nwhose elements all satisfy the predicate ''pred''. \n\nSee also [[take-while!]], [[drop-while]], [[span]].\n") ("test-on-group-begin-simple" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151083735 :muser #f)* [procedure] test-on-group-begin-simple ''runner'' ''suite-name'' ''count''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: (test-runner-on-group-begin (test-runner-simple)).\n\nSee also [[test-runner-simple]] and [[test-runner-on-group-begin]].\n") ("group-id->group-info" . "(:ctime 1018125053 :cuser #f :mtime 1018125053 :muser #f)* [procedure] group-id->group-info\n* [procedure] name->group-info\n\n[[Scheme48]]: obtain group information.\nSee [[Concept:UserGroup]], [[integer->group-id]].\n") ("mutex-specific" . "(:ctime 1015927539 :cuser #f :mtime 1015963610 :muser #f)* [procedure] mutex-specific ''mutex''\n* [procedure] mutex-specific-set! ''mutex'' ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-21]]\n") ("real-sin" . "(:ctime 1170264990 :cuser #f :mtime 1170267391 :muser #f)* real-sin ''x''\n\n[[SRFI-94]]: simular to [[R5RS]] [[sin]], but signals error if the argument is not real or the result is not real.\n") ("sys-getcwd" . "(:ctime 1018339633 :cuser #f :mtime 1018339633 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-getcwd\n\n[[Gauche]]: getcwd. To change cwd, use [[sys-chdir]].\n\nThis is called [[getcwd]] or [[current-directory]]\nin some implementations.\n") ("unwrap-syntax" . "(:ctime 1015805116 :cuser #f :mtime 1015805116 :muser #f)* [procedure] unwrap-syntax ''obj''\n\n[[Gauche]]: remove syntactic structures in ''obj''; used to print macro expanded\nform.\n") ("char-set-delete" . "(:ctime 1099288220 :cuser #f :mtime 1099288220 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set-delete ''cset'' ''char1'' ...\n* [procedure] char-set-delete! ''cset'' ''char1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: Returns a character set that contains all characters\nin ''cset'' except the characters given as ''char1'' ....\n[[char-set-delete]] always creates a new character set.\n[[char-set-delete!]] may modify ''cset''.\n\nSee also [[char-set-adjoin]], [[char-set-adjoin!]].\n") ("i/o-read-error?" . "(:ctime 1099273432 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273432 :muser #f)* [procedure] i/o-read-error? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-36]]: See [[&i/o-read-error]].\n") ("random-source-state-ref" . "(:ctime 1038273262 :cuser #f :mtime 1038273262 :muser #f)* [procedure] random-source-state-ref ''source''\n\n[[SRFI-27]]: returns a opaque state object that\nrepresents the current state of the random source ''source''.\nThe state can be reinstalled by [[random-source-state-set!]].\n") ("is-a?" . "(:ctime 1201752467 :cuser #f :mtime 1201752467 :muser #f)* [procedure] is-a? ''obj'' ''class''\n\n[[Gauche]]: Test if ''obj'' is an instance of ''class''.\n\nSee also: [[class-of]].\n") ("char-ci>=?" . "(:ctime 1015063427 :cuser #f :mtime 1015063427 :muser #f)[[$$include char-ci=?]]\n") ("ucs2-string?" . "(:ctime 1039427611 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428081 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2-string? ''obj''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: true if ''obj'' is a ucs2 string.\n\nBigloo has distinct types for ucs2 and ascii (byte) strings.\nUcs2 string can't be read. But utf8 string can be read\nwith syntax #u\"...\" (see [[#u]]),\nand can be converted to ucs2 string or vice versa\n(see [[ucs2-string->utf8-string]], [[utf8-string->ucs2-string]]).\n\nUCS2 string has specialized operations reflecting standard\nstring operations: [[make-ucs2-string]], [[ucs2-string]],\n[[ucs2-string-length]], [[ucs2-string-ref]],\n[[ucs2-string-set!]], [[ucs2-string=?]], [[ucs2-string-ci=?]],\n[[ucs2-string?]], \n[[ucs2-string-ci>?]], [[ucs2-string>=?]],\n[[ucs2-string-ci>=?]],\n[[subucs2-string]], [[ucs2-string-append]],\n[[ucs2-string->list]], [[list->ucs2-string]],\n[[ucs2-string-copy]], [[ucs2-string-fill!]],\n[[ucs2-string-downcase]], [[ucs2-string-downcase!]],\n[[ucs2-string-upcase]], [[ucs2-string-upcase!]].\n\nSee also [[ucs2?]] for ucs2 character routines.\n\n\n\n") ("macro-expand" . "(:ctime 1018336924 :cuser #f :mtime 1099722751 :muser #f)* [procedure] macro-expand ''form''\n* [procedure] macro-expand-1 ''form''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: expands a macro in ''form''. See also [[macro]].\n\nThese are called [[macroexpand]] and [[macroexpand-1]]\nin some implementations.\n") ("date->time-utc" . "(:ctime 1099300880 :cuser #f :mtime 1099300880 :muser #f)[[$$include date->julian-day]]\n") ("SRFI-9" . "(:ctime 1014882852 :cuser #f :mtime 1122428577 :muser #f)SRFI-9: Defining Record Types\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-9/srfi-9.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\n[[define-record-type]]\n\n") ("map-file-to-memory" . "(:ctime 1015200060 :cuser #f :mtime 1015200060 :muser #f)* [procedure] map-file-to-memory ''address'' ''len'' ''protection'' ''flag'' ''fileno'' [''offset'']\n* [procedure] unmap-file-from-memory ''mmap'' [''len'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: mmap and munmap interface.\n") ("SRFI-111" . "(:ctime 1381734976 :cuser #f :mtime 1594384091 :muser #f)SRFI-111: Boxes\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-111/srfi-111.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("basename" . "(:ctime 1018337613 :cuser #f :mtime 1018337613 :muser #f)[[$$include dirname]]\n") ("implementation-vicinity" . "(:ctime 1145047216 :cuser #f :mtime 1145074714 :muser #f)* [procedure] implementation-vicinity\n\n[[SRFI-59]]: Returns the vicinity of the underlying Scheme implementation.\n") ("symbol-value*" . "(:ctime 1099723034 :cuser #f :mtime 1099723034 :muser #f)[[$$include symbol-value]]\n") ("process-wait" . "(:ctime 1015185358 :cuser #f :mtime 1099737957 :muser #f)* [procedure] process-wait [''pid'' ''nohang'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: wait() or waitpid(). See [[process-fork]], [[process-run]].\n\n* [procedure] process-wait ''process''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: wait termination of the\nchild process returned form [[run-process]].\n\n[[Gauche]] also has the direct interface of\nwait() and waitpid() by [[sys-wait]] and [[sys-waitpid]].\n") ("process-alive?" . "(:ctime 1018342194 :cuser #f :mtime 1099737919 :muser #f)* [procedure] process-alive? ''obj''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: see [[run-process]]\n") ("i/o-filename-error?" . "(:ctime 1099273476 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273476 :muser #f)* [procedure] i/o-filename-error? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-36]]: See [[&i/o-filename-error]].\n") ("make-string" . "(:ctime 1014856229 :cuser #f :mtime 1191566612 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-string ''k'' [''char'']\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Make a string of length ''k'', initialized by ''char''.\n\nSee also [[string]].\n") ("getpid" . "(:ctime 1018339922 :cuser #f :mtime 1099743481 :muser #f)* [procedure] getpid\n\n[[SCM]], [[STk]], [[STklos]]: getpid.\nSee [[Concept:Process]].\n\nOther implementations call this\n[[current-process-id]], [[sys-getpid]], [[get-process-id]].\n") ("test-runner-on-test-begin!" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151083207 :muser #f)[[$$include test-runner-on-test-begin]]\n") ("hashtable-ref" . "(:ctime 1191359782 :cuser #f :mtime 1191359782 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable-ref ''hashtable'' ''key'' ''default''\n\n[[R6RS]]: Returns the value associated to the ''key'' in ''hashtable''.\nIf there's no entry for ''key'', ''default'' is returned.\n\nSee also [[Concept:HashTable]].\n\nCuriously, R6RS makes ''default'' argument mandatory, while many other existing\nimplementations make it optional or lack it.\nSee [[hash-table-ref]], [[hash-table-get]], [[hashtable-get]], [[table-ref]] for these variations. (IMHO, it is wise for R6RS to choose the name that doesn't\nconflict those existing names --shiro).\n") ("export" . "(:ctime 1014928045 :cuser #f :mtime 1063413445 :muser #f)* [syntax] export ''variable'' ...\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Guile]], [[Gauche]]:\nExports bindings of ''variables'' in the current module\nto be visible from other modules that import the current module.\n\n[[Chicken]]: the same semantics, but can only be used inside clauses of\n[[define-module]].\n\nSee also [[define-module]], [[import]], [[export-all]].\n\n[[Scheme48]] uses ''export'' in its configuration language. See [[Scheme48:ModuleSystem]].\n") ("file-modification-time" . "(:ctime 1015184857 :cuser #f :mtime 1023696807 :muser #f)* [procedure] file-modification-time ''filename''\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[Chicken]]: returns the last modification time of ''filename''.\nSee [[Concept:FileSystem]].\n\n") ("ucs2->integer" . "(:ctime 1039429760 :cuser #f :mtime 1039429760 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2->integer ''ucs2''\n* [procedure] integer->ucs2 ''integer''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: UCS2 counterparts of [[char->integer]] and\n[[integer->char]]. See [[ucs2?]].\n\nNote: Gauche has [[char->ucs]] and [[ucs->char]],\nwhich corresponds to Bigloo's [[ucs2->integer]] and\n[[integer->ucs2]]. (Bigloo uses ''ucs2'' as ''UCS2 character'', while Gauche uses ''ucs'' as\n''UCS2 codepoint'', hence these confusing names.\nIn Gauche there's no distinction\nbetween ascii characters and wide (multibyte) characters.).\n") ("current-process-id" . "(:ctime 1015184942 :cuser #f :mtime 1015284759 :muser #f)* [procedure] current-process-id\n* [procedure] parent-process-id\n\n[[Chicken]]: POSIX getpid() and getppid().\n\nScheme48 has [[get-process-id]] and [[get-parent-process-id]],\nwhich return ''process-id'' object rather than an integer process id.\n\nGauche calls them [[sys-getpid]] and [[sys-getppid]].\n") ("exec" . "(:ctime 1015285291 :cuser #f :mtime 1099773098 :muser #f)* [procedure] exec ''program-name'' ''arg1'' ... \n* [procedure] exec-with-environment ''program-name'' ''env'' ''arg1'' ...\n* [procedure] exec-file ''filename'' ''arg1'' ...\n* [procedure] exec-file-with-environment ''filename'' ''env'' ''arg1'' ...\n* [procedure] exec-with-alias ''name'' ''lookup?'' ''maybe-env'' ''arguments''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: Exec family. Exec and exec-with-environment use\nsearch path (so they're like POSIX execlp()), while exec-file and\nexec-file-with-envionment use absolute path to the executable\n(so they're like POSIX execl()). ''program-name'' or ''filename''\nis used as argv[0], except ''exec-with-alias''.\n\nSee also [[fork]], [[Concept:Process]].\n\nNames in other implementations: [[process-execute]], [[sys-exec]],\n[[posix-exec]], etc.\n\n* [procedure] exec ''string''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: STk's exec is not the same as exec(2).\nIt executes the specified command, redirecting its\noutput to a string, and returns it.\n\nTo get exec(2) behavior in STk, use [[posix-exec]].\n\nFor STklos, see also [[exec-list]].\n\nGauche has similar function with the name\n[[process-output->string]].\n") ("write-byte" . "(:ctime 1038882528 :cuser #f :mtime 1038882528 :muser #f)* [procedure] write-byte ''byte'' [''port'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: write one byte ''byte'' to ''port''.\nSee also [[write-block]].\n\n") ("errno-error" . "(:ctime 1036969741 :cuser #f :mtime 1036969741 :muser #f)* [procedure] errno-error ''errno'' ''syscall'' . ''data''\n\n[[Scsh]]: raises an error with unix error number ''errno''.\nOther arguments are put in the exception packet.\nSee also [[with-errno-handler]], [[with-errno-handler*]],\n[[error]].\n") ("take!" . "(:ctime 1014863539 :cuser #f :mtime 1014863539 :muser #f)* [procedure] take! ''list'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: linear update variant of [[take]].\n\nSee also [[take]].\n") ("real?" . "(:ctime 1014854780 :cuser #f :mtime 1191210873 :muser #f)* [procedure] real? ''obj''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nNote: in R6RS, (real? +inf.0), (real? -inf.0) and (real? +nan.0) are all #t.\n\nSee also [[number?]], [[complex?]], [[rational?]], [[integer?]].\n") ("flonum?" . "(:ctime 1014952069 :cuser #f :mtime 1191227864 :muser #f)* [procedure] flonum? ''obj''\n\n[[R6RS]], [[ChezScheme]], [[Chicken]], [[Bigloo]], [[Gauche]]:\nReturns #t iff ''obj'' is a flonum.\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]], [[bignum?]], [[ratnum?]], [[cflonum?]].\n\nDifferent implementaions provide different set of flonum-specific\noperations:\n\n:[[R6RS]]:\n[[real->flonum]], \n[[fl=?]], [[fl?]], [[fl<=?]], [[fl>=?]],\n[[flinteger?]], [[flzero?]], [[flpositive?]], [[flnegative?]], [[flodd?]],\n[[fleven?]], [[flfinite?]], [[flinfinite?]], [[flnan?]],\n[[flmax]], [[flmin]], [[fl+]], [[fl*]], [[fl-]], [[fl/]], [[flabs]],\n[[fldiv-and-mod]], [[fldiv]], [[flmod]], [[fldiv0-and-mod0]],\n[[fldiv0]], [[flmod0]], [[flnumerator]], [[fldenominator]],\n[[flfloor]], [[flceiling]], [[fltruncate]], [[flround]],\n[[flexp]], [[fllog]], [[flsin]], [[flcos]], [[fltan]], [[flasin]],\n[[flacos]], [[flatan]], [[flsqrt]], [[flexpt]], \n[[&no-infinities]], [[make-no-infinities-violation]],\n[[no-infinities-violation?]], [[&no-nans]], [[make-no-nans-violation]],\n[[no-nans-violation?]], [[fixnum->flonum]]\n:[[ChezScheme]]:\n[[fl=]], [[fl<]], [[fl<=]], [[fl>]], \n[[fl>=]], [[fl+]], [[fl-]], [[fl*]], [[fl/]],\n[[flabs]], [[decode-float]], [[fllp]], \n[[flonum->fixnum]].\n:[[Chicken]]:\n[[fp=]], [[fp<]], [[fp<=]], [[fp>]], \n[[fp>=]], [[fp+]], [[fp-]], [[fp*]], [[fp/]],\n[[fpneg]], [[fpmin]], [[fpmax]]\n:[[Bigloo]]:\n[[=fl]], [[>fl]], [[=fl]], [[<=fl]], [[+fl]], [[*fl]], [[-fl]], [[/fl]],\n[[negfl]].\n:[[Gauche]]:\n\n") ("output-obj" . "(:ctime 1063240586 :cuser #f :mtime 1063240586 :muser #f)[[$$include input-obj]]\n") ("char-alphabetic?" . "(:ctime 1014839255 :cuser #f :mtime 1014839255 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-alphabetic? ''char''\n\n[[R5RS]]\n") (">?" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144501849 :muser #f)[[$$include =?]]\n") ("current-load-next" . "(:ctime 1015807085 :cuser #f :mtime 1015807100 :muser #f)[[$$include current-load-port]]\n") ("SRFI-97" . "(:ctime 1327513290 :cuser #f :mtime 1327513290 :muser #f)SRFI-97: SRFI Libraries\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-97/srfi-97.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n\n----\n\nThis SRFI only specifies a naming convention. \n") ("record-type-name" . "(:ctime 1014948622 :cuser #f :mtime 1014948622 :muser #f)* [procedure] record-type-name ''rtd''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[make-record-type]], [[define-record]]\n") ("datum->syntax-object" . "(:ctime 1014963092 :cuser #f :mtime 1014963092 :muser #f)* [procedure] datum->syntax-object ''template-identifier'' ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee [[syntax-case]], [[syntax-object->datum]]\n") ("test-runner-on-group-begin!" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151083234 :muser #f)[[$$include test-runner-on-group-begin]]\n") ("SRFI-216" . "(:ctime 1637861833 :cuser #f :mtime 1637861833 :muser #f)SRFI-216: SICP Prerequisites (Portable)\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-216/srfi-216.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("read-error-line" . "(:ctime 1099273921 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273933 :muser #f)[[$$include read-error?]]\n") ("sort" . "(:ctime 1014942447 :cuser #f :mtime 1099725200 :muser #f)Sorting feature comes with various APIs.\nSee ''sorting'' entry of [[SLIB]] manual for discussion.\n\n* [procedure] sort ''sequence'' ''predicate''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Chicken]]: ''sequence'' may be a list or a vector. Expects ''predicate'' \nto behave like <. Stable.\n\n[[Bigloo]]: ''sequence'' may be a list or a vector.\nExpects ''predicate'' to behave like <.\nThe document doesn't mention about stability.\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: ''sequence'' may be a list or a vector. Expects ''predicate'' \nto behave like <. Stable. Doesn't have sort!, merge, merge!.\n\n* [procedure] sort ''sequence'' [''predicate'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: ''sequence'' may be a list or a vector.\nExpects ''predicate'' to behave like <. Predicate\ncan be omitted. Unstable.\n\n\n* [procedure] sort ''predicate'' ''sequence''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: ''sequence'' must be a list. Expects ''predicate''\nto behaves like <.\n\nSee also [[sort!]], [[merge]]\n") ("sync-file-system" . "(:ctime 1023685510 :cuser #f :mtime 1023685510 :muser #f)[[$$include sync-file]]\n") ("get-keyword" . "(:ctime 1015051668 :cuser #f :mtime 1038030717 :muser #f)* [procedure] get-keyword ''keyword'' ''arglist'' [''thunk'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: searches ''arglist'' for ''keyword'' and returns\nthe corresponding value. If ''keyword'' is not found, \ncall ''thunk'' and uses its return value, or #f if ''thunk''\nis not provided.\n\n* [procedure] get-keyword ''keyword'' ''arglist'' [''default'']\n\n[[STk]], [[Gauche]]: searches ''arglist'' for ''keyword'' and returns\nthe corresponding value. If ''keyword'' is not found, ''default''\nis returned if provided, otherwise signals an error.\n\nGauche's [[get-keyword*]] allows not to evaluate ''default''\nunless necessary.\n\nSTklos has [[key-get]], with different argument order.\n\nSee also [[let-keywords]], [[let-keywords*]].\n\n") ("thread-specific-set!" . "(:ctime 1015927336 :cuser #f :mtime 1015927336 :muser #f)[[$$include thread-specific]]\n") ("byte-vector->f32vector" . "(:ctime 1015075817 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075817 :muser #f)[[$$include byte-vector->u8vector]]\n") ("byte-vector-length" . "(:ctime 1015275602 :cuser #f :mtime 1017981592 :muser #f)* [procedure] byte-vector-length ''byte-vector''\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Scheme48]]: length of the byte vector. See [[byte-vector]].\n") ("last-pair" . "(:ctime 1014864047 :cuser #f :mtime 1152528764 :muser #f)* [procedure] last-pair ''pair''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: returns the last pair in the non-empty, finite\nlist ''pair''. \n\nAlso in [[RRRS]], [[R3RS]], [[ChezScheme]], [[Gauche]], [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Bigloo]], [[SLIB]]\n\nSee also [[last]].\n") (":vector" . "(:ctime 1144527545 :cuser #f :mtime 1144537422 :muser #f)[[$$include :list]]\n") ("pair-compare-cdr" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144500114 :muser #f)* [procedure] pair-compare-cdr ''compare''\n[[SRFI-67]]: Construct a compare procedure on pairs which only uses the cdr, and ignores the other.\n") ("time-tai->time-utc!" . "(:ctime 1099301435 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301436 :muser #f)[[$$include time-tai->date]]\n") ("circular-list" . "(:ctime 1014862010 :cuser #f :mtime 1014862010 :muser #f)* [procedure] circular-list ''elt1'' ''elt2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Constructs a circular list of the elements. \n") ("cflonum?" . "(:ctime 1014952970 :cuser #f :mtime 1014952970 :muser #f)* [procedure] cflonum? ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: Chez provides predicate to inspect internal\nrepresentation of numbers, and procedures that work specifically\nfor one type of representation.\n\nFor cflonums (inexact complexnums), such operations are:\n[[fl-make-rectangular]], [[cfl-real-part]], [[cfl-imag-part]],\n[[cfl=]], [[cfl+]], [[cfl-]], [[cfl*]], [[cfl/]], \n[[cfl-conjugate]], [[cfl-magnitude-squared]].\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]], [[bignum?]], [[ratnum?]], [[flonum?]].\n") ("unfold-right" . "(:ctime 1014867936 :cuser #f :mtime 1014867936 :muser #f)* [procedure] unfold-right ''p'' ''f'' ''g'' ''seed'' [''tail'']\n\n[[SRFI-1]]:\n\n (let lp ((seed seed) (lis tail))\n (if (p seed) lis\n (lp (g seed)\n (cons (f seed) lis))))\n\nSee also [[unfold]], [[fold]].\n") ("atom?" . "(:ctime 1014941921 :cuser #f :mtime 1014941921 :muser #f)* [procedure] atom? ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: == (lambda (x) (not (pair? x)))\n\nSee also [[pair?]].\n") ("warn" . "(:ctime 1015883846 :cuser #f :mtime 1015883846 :muser #f)* [procedure] warn ''arg1'' ''arg2'' ''arg3'' ...\n\n[[SCM]]: see also [[error]].\n") ("pattern->regexp" . "(:ctime 1015102234 :cuser #f :mtime 1015102258 :muser #f)* [procedure] pattern->regexp ''pattern''\n\n[[Chicken]]: converts glob-like ''pattern'' into regular expression string.\n\nSee [[Concept:RegularExpression]]\n\n") ("call-with-current-continuation" . "(:ctime 1014839006 :cuser #f :mtime 1191663421 :muser #f)* [procedure] call-with-current-continuation ''proc''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: Calls ''proc'' with the current continuation.\n\nR6RS formally adopts the abbreviated name [[call/cc]] as well.\n\n") ("call-with-input-string" . "(:ctime 1015070361 :cuser #f :mtime 1099726035 :muser #f)* [procedure] call-with-input-string ''string'' ''proc''\n* [procedure] call-with-output-string ''proc''\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Gauche]], [[STk]]. [[STklos]]\n\nSee also [[open-input-string]], [[open-output-string]],\n[[with-input-from-string]], [[with-output-to-string]].\n\nCall-with-output-string is called\n[[call-with-string-output-port]] in some implementations.\n") ("fp+" . "(:ctime 1191226905 :cuser #f :mtime 1191226906 :muser #f)* [procedure] fp+ ''flonum1'' ''flonum2''\n* [procedure] fp- ''flonum1'' ''flonum2''\n* [procedure] fp* ''flonum1'' ''flonum2''\n* [procedure] fp/ ''flonum1'' ''flonum2''\n\n[[Chicken]]: flonum-specific arithmetics. See [[flonum?]] for\nother flonum operations.\n\nR6RS has [[fl+]] etc.\n\n") ("cxr" . "(:ctime 1170794282 :cuser #f :mtime 1170797626 :muser #f)* [notation] cxr refers to combinations of [[car]] and [[cdr]]\n\n[[R4RS]] and [[R5RS]] stipulate that implementations should support combinations of up to four a's and d's\n\ne.g.: (caddr obj) => (car (cdr (cdr obj)))\n\nSee also: [[car]], [[cdr]].\n") ("Index:l" . "(:ctime 1014842974 :cuser #f :mtime 1015014600 :muser #f)[[$$index l]]\n\n") ("hashtable-put!" . "(:ctime 1046487928 :cuser #f :mtime 1046488009 :muser #f)* [procedure] hashtable-put! ''table'' ''key'' ''obj''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: puts ''obj'' in a hash table ''table'' with ''key''.\nSee [[make-hashtable]], [[Concept:HashTable]].\n\nOther implementaions call this [[hash-table-put!]], \n[[hash-table-set!]] etc.\n\n\n\n") ("copy-vector" . "(:ctime 1039430348 :cuser #f :mtime 1039430348 :muser #f)* [procedure] copy-vector ''vector'' ''len''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: creates a new vector of length ''len'' and\nfills the first ''len'' elements with the content\nof ''vector''. See also [[vector-copy]].\n") ("list-tail" . "(:ctime 1014855757 :cuser #f :mtime 1191314703 :muser #f)* [procedure] list-tail ''list'' ''k''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\n") ("get" . "(:ctime 1015070911 :cuser #f :mtime 1015070911 :muser #f)* [procedure] get ''hash-table'' ''key'' ''prop''\n\n[[Chicken]]: returns the value of property ''prop'' of the item ''key''\nin the hash table ''hash-table''. See also [[put!]], [[make-hash-table]].\n\n") ("&i/o-file-protection-error" . "(:ctime 1099273712 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273712 :muser #f)* [condition-type] &i/o-file-protection-error\n\n[[SRFI-36]]\n{{{\n(define-condition-type &i/o-file-protection-error &i/o-filename-error\n i/o-file-protection-error?)\n}}}\n\nSee [[&condition]], [[&i/o-filename-error]].\n") ("substring=?" . "(:ctime 1039430154 :cuser #f :mtime 1039430154 :muser #f)* [procedure] substring=? ''str1'' ''str2'' ''len''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: compares first ''len'' chars of two strings.\n\nThis can be represented by\nSRFI-13's [[string-prefix?]] as:\n\n (string-prefix? ''str1'' ''str2'' 0 ''len'')\n") ("rxmatch-end" . "(:ctime 1015899739 :cuser #f :mtime 1015899747 :muser #f)[[$$include rxmatch-start]]\n") ("Index:c" . "(:ctime 1014838955 :cuser #f :mtime 1015014425 :muser #f)[[$$index c]]\n\n") ("address->pointer" . "(:ctime 1015273898 :cuser #f :mtime 1015273898 :muser #f)* [procedure] address->pointer ''address''\n* [procedure] pointer->address ''pointer''\n\n[[Chicken]]: creates a foreign pointer object from integer ''address'',\nor convertes a ''pointer'' back to integer address.\nSee also [[null-pointer]], [[pointer?]].\n\n") ("localized-template" . "(:ctime 1099300416 :cuser #f :mtime 1099300432 :muser #f)* [procedure] localized-template ''package'' ''message-template-key''\n\n[[SRFI-29]]: Returns a message template string associated to the\npackage ''package'' and key ''message-template-key'', in the\ncurrent locale settings (e.g. [[current-language]], [[current-country]],\nand [[current-locale-details]]).\nSee [[declare-bundle!]] for the details.\n") ("time-duration" . "(:ctime 1015208846 :cuser #f :mtime 1015208846 :muser #f)* [constant] time-duration\n* [constant] time-monotonic\n* [constant] time-process\n* [constant] time-tai\n* [constant] time-thread\n* [constant] time-utc\n\n[[SRFI-19]]: these variables are bound to the symbol itself.\n") ("SRFI-165" . "(:ctime 1594765400 :cuser #f :mtime 1594765400 :muser #f)SRFI-165: The Environment Monad\n\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-165/srfi-165.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("let-optionals*" . "(:ctime 1015044003 :cuser #f :mtime 1459596785 :muser #f)* [syntax] let-optionals* ''args'' ((''var'' ''default'') ... [''restarg'']) ''body'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]], [[Gauche]], [[SigScheme]], [[Sagittarius]]: binds optional arguments. See also [[let-optionals]].\n\nNote: [[Gauche]] lacks [[let-optionals]].\n\nSee also [[get-optional]]\n\n") ("ucs2 may be an ''else clause'', which has the form (else ''c1'' ...).\n\nCond-compare is another conditional for defining hierarchical\nextensions and refinements of compare procedures.\n\nCond-compare evaluates each expression at most once.\n\nSee also [[select-compare]].\n") ("gensym-prefix" . "(:ctime 1014946782 :cuser #f :mtime 1014946782 :muser #f)* [procedure] gensym-prefix [''newvalue'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: this parameter used to detemine prefix of\nthe name of symbols generated by [[gensym]].\n") ("#e" . "(:ctime 1014848131 :cuser #f :mtime 1014848131 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #e''nnn...''\n\n[[R5RS]] denotes exact number literal.\n\nSee also [[#i]].\n") ("string-pad-right" . "(:ctime 1014889286 :cuser #f :mtime 1014889286 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-pad-right ''s'' ''len'' [''char'' ''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[string-pad]]\n") ("args-fold" . "(:ctime 1099274720 :cuser #f :mtime 1099274720 :muser #f)* [procedure] args-fold ''args'' ''options'' ''unrecognized-option-proc'' ''operand-proc'' ''seeds'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-37]]: Process command-line arguments (''args'', a list of strings)\naccording to the list of ''options'' (a list of option structures, see\n[[option]]). \n\n''Unrecognized-option-proc'' is a procedure called when unrecognized option\nis found in ''args''.\n\n''Operand-proc'' is called for non-option arguments in ''args''.\n\n''Seeds'' are the initial value of states that are folded during\nexecution of [[args-fold]] (like the ''knil'' value of [[fold]]).\n") ("fl/" . "(:ctime 1014952286 :cuser #f :mtime 1191227228 :muser #f)[[$$include fl+]]\n") ("exit" . "(:ctime 1015024588 :cuser #f :mtime 1191232986 :muser #f)* [procedure] exit [''obj'']\n\n[[R6RS]]: Exits the running program and passes ''obj'' to the operating system.\nIf ''obj'' is #f, it indicates abnormal exit. If ''obj'' is omitted,\nit indicates normal exit.\n\n* [procedure] exit ''obj'' ...\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: calls current [[exit-handler]].\nExits from the current cafe (repl) by default.\n\nSee also [[reset]], [[abort]].\n\n* [procedure] exit [''code'']\n\n[[Chicken]], [[SCM]], [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]: ''code'' is an integer, which defaults to 0.\n\nSee also [[abort]], [[restart]], [[quit]], [[_exit]], [[sys-exit]].\n\n* [procedure] exit ''code''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: exits the current process.\n\n* [procedure] exit ''code''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: exits the current process. An exit function registered by\n[[register-exit-function!]] is called before termination.\n\n* [procedure] exit [''v'']\n\n[[MzScheme]]: calls current exit handler. The default exit handler terminates\nthe process. ''v'' may be an aribtrary value. The default handler uses ''v'' as\nthe exit status if its an integer within the range between 1 to 255, or exits with 0\nstatus otherwise. User-defined exit handler may return, in which case ''exit'' returns.\n") ("set-finalizer!" . "(:ctime 1015069346 :cuser #f :mtime 1015069346 :muser #f)* [procedure] set-finalizer! ''x'' ''proc''\n\n[[Chicken]]: arranges ''proc'' to be called when ''x'' is about to\nbe garbage collected.\n\n") ("append-reverse!" . "(:ctime 1014864633 :cuser #f :mtime 1014864633 :muser #f)* [procedure] append-reverse! ''rev-head'' ''tail''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: linear update variant of [[append-reverse]].\n") ("signal=?" . "(:ctime 1020374308 :cuser #f :mtime 1020374308 :muser #f)* [procedure] signal=? ''signal0'' ''signal1''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: compares two signal objects.\nSee also [[integer->signal]], [[name->signal]], [[signal?]], \n[[signal-name]], [[signal-os-number]],\n[[signal-process]], [[make-signal-queue]].\n") ("kmp-step" . "(:ctime 1014895413 :cuser #f :mtime 1014895413 :muser #f)* [procedure] kmp-step ''pat'' ''rv'' ''c'' ''i'' ''c='' ''p-start''\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[make-kmp-restart-vector]], [[string-kmp-partial-search]]\n") ("string->list" . "(:ctime 1014855561 :cuser #f :mtime 1191568434 :muser #f)* [procedure] string->list ''string''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: \n\nSee also [[list->string]].\n\n* [procedure] string->list ''string'' [''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]] extends R5RS to take optional arguments.\n\n") ("perm/ixoth" . "(:ctime 1015099836 :cuser #f :mtime 1015099836 :muser #f)[[$$include perm/irusr]]\n") ("string-any" . "(:ctime 1014888398 :cuser #f :mtime 1015073872 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-any ''char/char-set/pred'' ''s'' [''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]: Checks to see if the given criteria is true of any character in\n''s'', proceeding from left (index ''start'') to right (index ''end'').\n\nSee also [[string-every]].\n\n* [procedure] string-any ''proc'' ''string1'' ''string2'' ...\n\n[[Chicken]] implements different functionality.\n\n") ("test-runner-get" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151077973 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-get\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: returns the current test runner. An error is signaled if there is no current test runner.\n\nSee also [[test-runner-current]].\n") ("R3RS" . "(:ctime 1152474763 :cuser #f :mtime 1346013485 :muser #f)Revised^3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme. (1986)\n\nhttp://www.swiss.csail.mit.edu/~jaffer/r3rs_toc.html\n\n----\n\n* Expressions\n\n[[quote]], [[lambda]], [[if]], [[set!]], [[cond]], [[case]], [[and]], [[or]], [[let]], [[let*]], [[letrec]], [[begin]], [[do]], [[delay]], [[quasiquote]]\n\n* Program structure\n[[define]]\n\n* Standard Procedures\n** Booleans\n[[not]], [[boolean?]], [[nil]], [[t]]\n\n** Equivalence predicates\n[[eqv?]], [[eq?]], [[equal?]]\n\n** Pairs and Lists\n[[pair?]], [[cons]], [[car]], [[cdr]], [[set-car!]], [[set-cdr!]], [[null?]], [[list]], [[length]], [[append]], [[reverse]], [[list-tail]], [[list-ref]], [[last-pair]], [[memq]], [[memv]], [[member]], [[assq]], [[assv]], [[assoc]]\n\n** Symbols\n[[symbol?]], [[string->symbol]], [[symbol->string]]\n\n** Numbers\n[[number?]], [[complex?]], [[real?]], [[rational?]], [[integer?]], [[zero?]], [[positive?]], [[negative?]], [[odd?]], [[even?]], [[exact?]], [[inexact?]], [[=]], [[<]], [[>]], [[<=]], [[>=]], [[max]], [[min]], [[+]], [[*]], [[-]], [[/]], [[abs]], [[quotient]], [[remainder]], [[modulo]], [[numerator]], [[denominator]], [[gcd]], [[lcm]], [[floor]], [[ceiling]], [[truncate]], [[round]], [[rationalize]], [[exp]], [[log]], [[sin]], [[cos]], [[tan]], [[asin]], [[acos]], [[atan]], [[sqrt]], [[expt]], [[make-rectangular]], [[make-polar]], [[real-part]], [[imag-part]], [[magnitude]], [[angle]], [[exact->inexact]], [[inexact->exact]], [[number->string]], [[string->number]]\n[[int]], [[rat]], [[fix]], [[flo]], [[sci]], [[rect]], [[polar]], [[heur]], [[exactness]], [[radix]]\n\n** Characters\n[[char?]], [[char=?]], [[char?]], [[char<=?]], [[char>=?]], [[char-ci=?]], [[char-ci?]], [[char-ci<=?]], [[char-ci>=?]], [[char-alphabetic?]], [[char-numeric?]], [[char-whitespace?]], [[char-upper-case?]], [[char-lower-case?]], [[char->integer]], [[integer->char]], [[char-upcase]], [[char-downcase]]\n\n** Strings\n[[string?]], [[make-string]], [[string-length]], [[string-ref]], [[string-set!]], [[string=?]], [[string-ci=?]], [[string?]], [[string<=?]], [[string>=?]], [[string-ci?]], [[string-ci<=?]], [[string-ci>=?]], [[substring]], [[string-append]], [[string->list]], [[list->string]], [[string-copy]], [[string-fill!]]\n\n** Vectors\n[[vector?]], [[make-vector]], [[vector]], [[vector-length]], [[vector-ref]], [[vector-set!]], [[vector->list]], [[list->vector]], [[vector-fill!]]\n\n** Control features\n[[procedure?]], [[apply]], [[map]], [[for-each]], [[force]], [[call-with-current-continuation]]\n\n[[call-with-input-file]], [[call-with-output-file]], [[input-port?]], [[output-port?]], [[current-input-port]], [[current-output-port]], [[with-input-from-file]], [[with-output-to-file]], [[open-input-file]], [[open-output-file]], [[close-input-port]], [[close-output-port]], [[read]], [[read-char]], [[char-ready?]], [[eof-object?]], [[write]], [[display]], [[newline]], [[write-char]], [[load]], [[transcript-on]], [[transcript-off]]\n") ("compare-by<" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144504928 :muser #f)* [procedure] compare-by< ''lt-pred'' [''x'' ''y'']\n* [procedure] compare-by> ''gt-pred'' [''x'' ''y'']\n* [procedure] compare-by<= ''le-pred'' [''x'' ''y'']\n* [procedure] compare-by>= ''ge-pred'' [''x'' ''y'']\n* [procedure] compare-by=/< ''eq-pred'' ''lt-pred'' [''x'' ''y'']\n* [procedure] compare-by=/> ''eq-pred'' ''gt-pred'' [''x'' ''y'']\n[[SRFI-67]]: If optional arguments ''x'' and ''y'' are present then these are compared with respect\nto the total order defined by the predicate(s) given; the result is in\n{-1, 0, 1}. If ''x'' and ''y'' are not present then a procedure comparing its two arguments using the predicate(s) given is constructed and returned.\n\nThe predicate procedures mean the following: (''lt-pred'' ''x'' ''y'') tests if ''x'' < ''y'',\n''le-pred'' tests for <, ''gt-pred'' for >, ''ge-pred'' for >, and ''eq-pred'' tests if ''x'' and ''y''\nare equivalent. The result returned by a predicate procedure is interpreted as\na Scheme truth value (i.e. #f is false and non-#f is true).\n") ("fxeven?" . "(:ctime 1014951186 :cuser #f :mtime 1191226070 :muser #f)* [procedure] fxeven? ''fixnum''\n\n[[R6RS]], [[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]], [[even?]]\n") ("div-and-mod" . "(:ctime 1191219596 :cuser #f :mtime 1191219596 :muser #f)* [procedure] div-and-mod ''x1'' ''x2''\n\n[[R6RS]]: Calculates and returns ''x1'' [[div]] ''x2'' and ''x1'' [[mod]] ''x2''.\n") ("SRFI-147" . "(:ctime 1594681543 :cuser #f :mtime 1594681543 :muser #f)SRFI-147: Custom macro transformers \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-147/srfi-147.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("socket-accept" . "(:ctime 1017993497 :cuser #f :mtime 1099740565 :muser #f)* [procedure] socket-accept ''socket''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: Accept connection to the server socket\n''socket'', and returns input port and output port\nconnected to the socket.\nSee also [[open-socket]].\n\n* [procedure] socket-accept ''socket'' [''line-buffered'']\n\n[[STklos]]: takes optional argument. See [[make-server-socket]].\n") ("signal/ill" . "(:ctime 1015076553 :cuser #f :mtime 1015076553 :muser #f)[[$$include signal/hup]]\n") ("string->obj" . "(:ctime 1063240230 :cuser #f :mtime 1063240230 :muser #f)* [procedure] string->obj ''string''\n* [procedure] obj->string ''obj''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: converts Bigloo object (except procedure) to a string representation\nand vice versa.\n\n (equal? ''obj'' (string->obj (obj->string ''obj''))) => #t\n") ("sys-gethostname" . "(:ctime 1038278085 :cuser #f :mtime 1099742506 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-gethostname\n\n[[Gauche]]: gethostname.\n\nOther implementations have [[get-host-name]], [[hostname]], [[system-name]].\n") ("a:fixn8b" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144529348 :muser #f)* [procedure] a:fixn8b [''k'']\n[[SRFI-63]]: Returns an exact non-negative binary fixnum uniform-array prototype with at least 8 bits of precision.\n") ("expand" . "(:ctime 1014965736 :cuser #f :mtime 1014965736 :muser #f)* [procedure] expand ''obj'' [''env-spec'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]\n\nSee also [[current-expand]].\n\n") ("find-tail" . "(:ctime 1014869575 :cuser #f :mtime 1014869575 :muser #f)* [procedure] find-tail ''pred'' ''clist''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Return the first pair of ''clist'' whose car satisfies ''pred''. \nIf no pair does, return false. \n\nSee also [[find]], [[take-while]].\n") ("string-skip" . "(:ctime 1014894068 :cuser #f :mtime 1014894068 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-skip ''s'' ''char/char-set/pred'' [''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[string-skip-right]].\n") ("bitwise-ior" . "(:ctime 1015049118 :cuser #f :mtime 1015318775 :muser #f)[[$$include bitwise-and]]\n\n") ("#/" . "(:ctime 1015202463 :cuser #f :mtime 1015202471 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #/''regexp''/\n\n[[Gauche]]: literal regular expression. See [[Concept:RegularExpression]].\n") ("every" . "(:ctime 1014870578 :cuser #f :mtime 1195815123 :muser #f)* [procedure] every ''pred'' ''clist1'' ''clist2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Applies the predicate across the lists, \nreturning true if the predicate returns true on every application. \n\nChezScheme has the same function by the name [[andmap]],\nexcept that the lists must have the same length in Chez's.\n\nSee also [[any]], [[for-all]].\n") ("sys-dirname" . "(:ctime 1099395273 :cuser #f :mtime 1099395273 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-dirname ''string''\n* [procedure] sys-basename ''string''\n\n[[Gauche]]: dirname(3) and basename(3) interface.\n\nOther implementations have [[dirname]]/[[basename]],\n[[file-name-directory]]/[[file-name-non-directory]],\n[[pathname-directory]]/[[pathname-strip-directory]].\n") ("peek-char" . "(:ctime 1014857721 :cuser #f :mtime 1014857782 :muser #f)* [procedure] peek-char [''port'']\n\n[[R5RS]]: Returns the next character available from the input port,\nwithout updating the port to point to the following character. If no\nmore characters are available, an end of file object is returned. \nPort may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the value\nreturned by current-input-port.\n\nSee also [[read-char]], [[eof-object?]], [[current-input-port]].\n") ("resolve-path" . "(:ctime 1020225244 :cuser #f :mtime 1020581407 :muser #f)* [procedure] resolve-path ''path''\n* [procedure] expand-path ''path''\n\n[[MzScheme]], [[Gauche]]: expands pathname (including tilde expansion).\nresolve-path also resolves symlinks.\nSee also [[simplify-path]].\n\nSTk has similar functions, [[canonical-path]] and\n[[expand-file-name]].\n") ("string-compare" . "(:ctime 1014889682 :cuser #f :mtime 1144499338 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-compare ''s1'' ''s2'' ''proc<'' ''proc='' ''proc>'' [''start1'' ''end1'' ''start2'' ''end2'']\n\n[[SRFI-13]]: Apply ''proc<'', ''proc='', or ''proc>'' to the mismatch index, \ndepending upon whether ''s1'' is less than, equal to, or greater than ''s2''. \nThe \"mismatch index\" is the largest index ''i'' such that for every\n0 <= ''j'' < ''i'', ''s1''[''j''] = ''s2''[''j''] -- that is, ''i'' is the first \nposition that doesn't match.\n\nSee also [[string-compare-ci]].\n\n* [procedure] string-compare string1 string2\n[[SRFI-67]]: Compare strings as [[string<=?]].\n\nNote: compare-string could be defined as\n{{{\n(define (string-compare string1 string2)\n (vector-compare-as-list char-compare\n string1 string2\n string-length string-ref))\n}}}\n") ("charlist" . "(:ctime 1144485145 :cuser #f :mtime 1144488383 :muser #f)* [procedure] array->list array\n\n[[SRFI-63]]: Returns a rank-nested list consisting of all the elements, in row-major order, of ''array''. In the case of a rank-0 array, array->list returns the single element.\n") ("SRFI-160" . "(:ctime 1594384608 :cuser #f :mtime 1594384608 :muser #f)SRFI-160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-160/srfi-160.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("print-level" . "(:ctime 1014960344 :cuser #f :mtime 1014960359 :muser #f)* [procedure] print-level [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: a parameter for [[write]] and [[pretty-print]]\n") ("i/o-port-error?" . "(:ctime 1099273258 :cuser #f :mtime 1099273258 :muser #f)* [procedure] i/o-port-error? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-36]]: See [[&i/o-port-error]].\n") ("file-is-writable?" . "(:ctime 1015197299 :cuser #f :mtime 1015197299 :muser #f)[[$$include file-is-readable?]]\n") ("char-" . "(:ctime 1014945630 :cuser #f :mtime 1014945630 :muser #f)* [procedure] char- ''char1'' ''char2''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: (lambda (c1 c2) (- (char->integer c1) (char->integer c2)))\n\n") ("pretty-one-line-limit" . "(:ctime 1014960051 :cuser #f :mtime 1014960051 :muser #f)* [procedure] pretty-one-line-limit [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: a parameter for [[pretty-print]]\n") ("blob-s32-native-ref" . "(:ctime 1144700986 :cuser #f :mtime 1144719277 :muser #f)* [procedure] blob-s32-native-ref ''blob'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-74]]: similar to (blob-sint-ref 4 (endianness native) ''blob'' ''k''), but works at aligned indices: ''k'' must be a multiple of 4. It is an error to use this at non-aligned indices.\n\nSee also [[blob-sint-ref]] and [[endianness]].\n") ("file-info-owner" . "(:ctime 1040727325 :cuser #f :mtime 1040727325 :muser #f)[[$$include file-info-name]]\n") ("SRFI-129" . "(:ctime 1474475642 :cuser #f :mtime 1474475642 :muser #f)SRFI-129: Titlecase procedures \n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-129/srfi-129.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("bitwise-if" . "(:ctime 1191715556 :cuser #f :mtime 1191715557 :muser #f)* [procedure] bitwise-if ''e1'' ''e2'' ''e3''\n\n[[R6RS]]:\n{{{\n(bitwise-ior (bitwise-and e1 e2)\n (bitwise-and (bitwise-not e1) e3))\n}}}\n\nSee also [[bitwise-and]] etc.\n") ("property-list" . "(:ctime 1014947162 :cuser #f :mtime 1039345497 :muser #f)* [procedure] property-list ''symbol''\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: returns a copy of internal property list of ''symbol''.\n\nSee also [[putprop]], [[getprop]], [[remprop]].\n\nBigloo calls this [[symbol-plist]].\n\n") ("use-modules" . "(:ctime 1014928700 :cuser #f :mtime 1099655596 :muser #f)* [syntax] use-modules ''spec'' ...\n\n[[Guile]]: Resolve each interface specification ''spec'' into an interface and\narrange for these to be accessible by the current module.\n\nYou can selectively import symbols, and rename imported symbols.\n\nSee also [[symbol-prefix-proc]], [[use-syntax]], [[define-module]].\n\nSee also [[require-extension]] (SRFI-55).\n\n") ("close-output-pipe" . "(:ctime 1015105939 :cuser #f :mtime 1015105939 :muser #f)[[$$include close-input-pipe]]\n") ("time-tai->modified-julian-day" . "(:ctime 1099301392 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301402 :muser #f)[[$$include time-tai->date]]\n") ("vector-set!" . "(:ctime 1014860722 :cuser #f :mtime 1191570147 :muser #f)* [procedure] vector-set! ''vector'' ''k'' ''obj''\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]: ''k'' must be a valid index of ''vector''. \nVector-set! stores ''obj'' in element ''k'' of ''vector''. \nThe value returned by vector-set! is\nunspecified. \n\nSee also [[vector-ref]].\n") ("filter-map" . "(:ctime 1014868882 :cuser #f :mtime 1014868882 :muser #f)* [procedure] filter-map ''f'' ''clist1'' ''clist2'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Like [[map]], but only true values are saved. \n") ("winch" . "(:ctime 1015883001 :cuser #f :mtime 1015883001 :muser #f)* [procedure] winch ''win''\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. see [[initscr]].\n") ("sys-exit" . "(:ctime 1015904626 :cuser #f :mtime 1015904626 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-exit [''code'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: calls POSIX _exit(). See also [[exit]].\n\nSome implementations have [[_exit]].\n") ("feature-cond" . "(:ctime 1014882464 :cuser #f :mtime 1014882464 :muser #f)* [configuration language] feature-cond ''feature-cond-clause'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-7]]\n\nSee also [[program]], [[requires]], [[files]], [[code]].\n") ("winsch" . "(:ctime 1015882908 :cuser #f :mtime 1015882908 :muser #f)* [procedure] winsch ''win'' ''ch''\n* [procedure] winsertln ''win''\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. see [[initscr]].\n") ("signal/abrt" . "(:ctime 1015076569 :cuser #f :mtime 1015076569 :muser #f)[[$$include signal/hup]]\n") ("substring-index-ci" . "(:ctime 1015075099 :cuser #f :mtime 1015075099 :muser #f)[[$$include substring-index]]\n") ("string-drop" . "(:ctime 1014889221 :cuser #f :mtime 1014889221 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-drop ''s'' ''nchars''\n\n[[SRFI-13]]\n\nSee also [[string-take]], [[string-drop-right]].\n") ("unmap-file-from-memory" . "(:ctime 1015200076 :cuser #f :mtime 1015200076 :muser #f)[[$$include map-file-to-memory]]\n") ("take-while!" . "(:ctime 1014869784 :cuser #f :mtime 1014869818 :muser #f)* [procedure] take-while! ''pred'' ''clist''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: linear update variant of [[take-while]].\n") ("string->widget" . "(:ctime 1018335754 :cuser #f :mtime 1018335754 :muser #f)[[$$include widget->string]]\n") ("inc!" . "(:ctime 1015311732 :cuser #f :mtime 1015311732 :muser #f)* [syntax] inc! ''place'' [''num'']\n* [syntax] dec! ''place'' [''num'']\n\n[[Gauche]]: a macro like CL's incf and decf. Expanded to\nthe form using generalized set! ([[SRFI-17]]). See also [[set!]],\n[[push!]], [[pop!]].\n") ("test-runner-create" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151078293 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-create\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: equivalent to\n{{{\n((test-runner-factory))\n}}}\n\nSee also [[test-runner-factory]].\n") ("open-fdes" . "(:ctime 1018386583 :cuser #f :mtime 1018386583 :muser #f)* [procedure] open-fdes ''fname'' ''flags'' [''perms'']\n\n[[Scsh]]: returns a file descriptor.\nSee also [[fdes->inport]], [[fdes->outport]],\n[[fdes-flags]], [[fdes-status]].\n") ("SRFI-66" . "(:ctime 1144170496 :cuser #f :mtime 1145787487 :muser #f)SRFI 66: Octet Vectors\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-66/srfi-66.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n----\n\n[[make-u8vector]], [[u8vector?]], [[u8vector]],\n[[u8vector->list]],\n[[list->u8vector]],\n[[u8vector-length]],\n[[u8vector-ref]],\n[[u8vector-set!]],\n[[u8vector=?]],\n[[u8vector-compare]],\n[[u8vector-copy!]],\n[[u8vector-copy]]\n") ("test-runner-on-group-end" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151081828 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-runner-on-group-end ''runner''\n* [syntax] test-runner-on-group-end! ''runner'' ''function''\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: gets or sets the callback function for on-group-end.\n''function'' is called by a [[test-end]].\n\nSee also [[test-on-group-end-simple]].\n") ("drop-right" . "(:ctime 1014863720 :cuser #f :mtime 1014863738 :muser #f)* [procedure] drop-right ''flist'' ''k''\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: returns all but the last ''k'' elements of ''flist''.\n\nSee also [[drop]], [[take-right]], [[drop-right!]].\n") ("char->integer" . "(:ctime 1014842449 :cuser #f :mtime 1191565964 :muser #f)* [procedure] char->integer ''char''\n\n[[R5RS]]: Returns an exact integer representation of a character ''char''.\nImplementation can choose their preferred mappings between chars and\nintegers as far as the round-trip conversion is guaranteed and\nthe order of chars by char<=? and the order of resulting integer are\nconsistent.\n\n[[R6RS]]: Returns a Unicode scalar value corresponds to a character ''char''.\nParticularly, this means the returned value falls in a range between\n[0, #xd7ff] or [#xe000, #x10ffff].\n\nSee also [[integer->char]].\n") ("gc" . "(:ctime 1015052520 :cuser #f :mtime 1015212061 :muser #f)* [procedure] gc [''flag'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: invokes GC. ''flag'' specifies if the GC is minor or major one.\n\nChezScheme has [[collect]].\n\n* [procedure] gc\n\nIn [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]], [[SCM]] it takes no arguments.\n") ("#&" . "(:ctime 1014945953 :cuser #f :mtime 1018692653 :muser #f)* [reader syntax] #&''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[SISC]], [[MzScheme]]: a box containing ''obj''. See [[box]].\n") ("time?" . "(:ctime 1015209700 :cuser #f :mtime 1015318352 :muser #f)* [procedure] time? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-18]], [[SRFI-19]], [[SRFI-21]], [[Scheme48]]:\nsee also [[make-time]], [[current-time]].\n") ("fileno/stdout" . "(:ctime 1015106203 :cuser #f :mtime 1015106212 :muser #f)[[$$include fileno/stdin]]\n") ("sys-stat" . "(:ctime 1020404125 :cuser #f :mtime 1036979389 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-stat ''path''\n* [procedure] sys-lstat ''path''\n\n[[Gauche]]: gets file attribute information.\nsys-stat follows symlinks, while sys-lstat not.\nReturns [[]] object. See also [[sys-fstat]].\n\nScheme48 has [[get-file-info]] and [[get-file/link-info]],\nwhich are conceptually equivalent to these procedures.\n\nScsh has [[file-info]].\n") ("fl*" . "(:ctime 1014952383 :cuser #f :mtime 1191227217 :muser #f)[[$$include fl+]]\n") ("ucs2->char" . "(:ctime 1039428683 :cuser #f :mtime 1039428683 :muser #f)* [procedure] ucs2->char ''ucs2''\n* [procedure] char->ucs2 ''char''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: conversion between UCS2 character and\nstandard character. See [[ucs2?]]\n") ("sys-gmtime" . "(:ctime 1099743420 :cuser #f :mtime 1099743420 :muser #f)[[$$include sys-localtime]]\n") ("string-upper" . "(:ctime 1018333631 :cuser #f :mtime 1018333631 :muser #f)[[$$include string-lower]]\n") ("string-find" . "(:ctime 1099724956 :cuser #f :mtime 1099724956 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-find ''s1'' ''s2''\n\n[[STklos]]: Returns #t iff ''s1'' appears somewhere in ''s2''.\nSee also [[string-index]].\n") ("max-compare" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144504514 :muser #f)* [procedure] max-compare ''compare'' ''x1'' ''x2'' ...\n[[SRFI-67]]: returns a maximum of the values ''x1'' ''x2'' ...(one or more values) with respect to the compare procedure ''compare''.\n") ("waiter-prompt-and-read" . "(:ctime 1015024368 :cuser #f :mtime 1015024368 :muser #f)* [procedure] waiter-prompt-and-read [''newval'']\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: gets/sets a procedure to print a prompt then to read\nan expression in repl.\n\nSee also [[new-cafe]]\n") ("Scheme48" . "(:ctime 1015107339 :cuser #f :mtime 1596624189 :muser #f)Byte-code interpreter. The VM is written in a subset of Scheme, which is compiled to C.\n\nhttp://www.s48.org/\n\nRelated: [[Scheme48:ModuleSystem]]\n\n[[$$srfis 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 16 17 19 22 23 25 26 27 28 31 34 35 36 37 39 40 42 43 45 60 61 62 63 66 67 71 74 78 95]]\n\n----\nThe following list is based on version 0.57 (July 15, 2001)\n\n** Command Processor\n[[##]]\n\n** Module system\n[[define-structure]], [[define-structures]], [[define-interface]],\n[[define-syntax]], [[open]], [[access]], [[begin]], [[files]],\n[[optimize]], [[for-syntax]], [[export]], [[compound-interface]],\n[[modify]], [[subset]], [[with-prefix]], [[expose]], [[hide]],\n[[rename]], [[alias]], [[prefix]]\n\n** Libraries\n[[char->ascii]], [[ascii->char]], [[ascii-limit]], [[ascii-whitespaces]]\n\n[[bitwise-and]], [[bitwise-ior]], [[bitwise-xor]], [[bitwise-not]],\n[[arithmetic-shift]], [[bit-count]]\n\n[[byte-vector?]], [[make-byte-vector]], [[byte-vector]],\n[[byte-vector-length]], [[byte-vector-ref]], [[byte-vector-set!]]\n\n[[cell?]], [[make-cell]], [[cell-ref]], [[cell-set!]]\n\n[[make-queue]], [[queue?]], [[queue-empty?]], [[enqueue!]], [[dequeue!]],\n[[queue-length]], [[queue->list]], [[list->queue]], [[delete-from-queue!]]\n\n[[make-array]], [[array]], [[copy-array]], [[array?]], [[array-ref]],\n[[array-set!]], [[array->vector]], [[array-dimensions]],\n[[make-shared-array]]\n\n[[define-record-type]], [[define-record-discloser]],\n[[make-record]], [[record]], [[record?]], [[record-length]],\n[[record-type]], [[record-ref]], [[record-set!]],\n[[make-record-type]], [[record-type?]], [[record-type-name]],\n[[record-type-field-names]], [[record-constructor]],\n[[record-predicate]], [[record-accessor]], [[record-modifier]],\n[[define-record-resumer]]\n\n[[define-enumerated-type]], [[define-finite-type]]\n\n[[make-table]], [[make-symbol-table]], [[make-string-table]],\n[[make-integer-table]], [[make-table-maker]], [[make-table-immutable!]],\n[[table?]], [[table-ref]], [[table-set!]], [[table-walk]],\n[[default-hash-function]], [[string-hash]]\n\n[[make-string-input-port]], [[make-string-output-port]],\n[[string-output-port-output]], [[limit-output]],\n[[make-tracking-input-port]],\n[[make-tracking-output-port]], [[current-row]], [[current-column]],\n[[fresh-line]]\n\n[[make-fluid]], [[fluid]], [[let-fluid]], [[let-fluids]]\n\n[[have-system?]], [[system]]\n\n[[open-socket]], [[socket-port-number]], [[close-socket]], [[socket-accept]],\n[[get-host-name]], [[socket-client]]\n\n[[iterate]], [[reduce]]\n\n[[set]], [[range]], [[ranges]], [[ascii-range]], [[ascii-ranges]],\n[[negate]], [[intersection]], [[union]], [[subtract]], [[lower-case]],\n[[upper-case]], [[alphabetic]], [[numeric]], [[alphanumeric]],\n[[punctuation]], [[graphic]], [[printing]], [[control]], [[blank]],\n[[whitespace]], [[hexdigit]], [[string-start]], [[string-end]],\n[[sequence]], [[one-of]], [[text]], [[repeat]], [[ignore-case]],\n[[use-case]], [[submatch]], [[no-submatches]], [[any-match?]],\n[[exact-match?]], [[match]], [[match-start]], [[match-end]],\n[[match-submatches]]\n\n** Mixing Scheme 48 and C\n[[define-exported-binding]], [[lookup-imported-binding]],\n[[shared-binding-ref]], [[import-definition]], [[shared-binding?]],\n[[shared-binding-name]], [[shared-binding-is-import?]],\n[[shared-binding-set!]], [[define-imported-binding]],\n[[lookup-exported-binding]], [[undefine-imported-binding]],\n[[undefine-exported-binding]]\n\n[[call-imported-binding]], [[call-external]], [[call-external-value]],\n[[import-lambda-definition]]\n\n[[dynamic-load]], [[get-external]], [[external?]], [[external-name]],\n[[external-value]], [[lookup-external]], [[lookup-all-externals]],\n[[call-external]]\n\n** Access to POSIX\n[[fork]], [[fork-and-forget]], [[process-id?]], [[process-id=?]],\n[[process-id->integer]], [[integer->process-id]],\n[[process-id-exit-status]], [[process-id-terminating-signal]],\n[[wait-for-child-process]], [[exit]], [[exec]],\n[[exec-with-environment]], [[exec-file]], [[exec-file-with-environment]],\n[[exec-with-alias]]\n\n[[name->signal]], [[integer->signal]], [[signal?]],\n[[signal-name]], [[signal-os-number]], [[signal=?]],\n[[signal-process]], [[make-signal-queue]], [[signal-queue?]],\n[[signal-queue-monitored-signals]], [[dequeue-signal!]],\n[[maybe-dequeue-signal!]],\n[[add-signal-queue-signal!]], [[remove-signal-queue-signal!]]\n\n[[get-process-id]], [[get-parent-process-id]],\n[[get-user-id]], [[get-effective-user-id]],\n[[set-user-id!]], [[get-group-id]], [[get-effective-group-id]],\n[[set-group-id!]], [[get-groups]], [[get-login-name]],\n[[lookup-environment-variable]], [[environment-alist]]\n\n[[user-id?]], [[user-id=?]], [[user-id->integer]], [[integer->user-id]],\n[[group-id?]], [[group-id=?]], [[group-id->integer]], [[integer->group-id]],\n[[user-id->user-info]], [[name->user-info]], [[user-info?]],\n[[user-info-name]], [[user-info-id]], [[user-info-group]],\n[[user-info-home-directory]], [[user-info-shell]],\n[[group-id->group-info]], [[name->group-info]], [[group-info?]],\n[[group-info-name]], [[group-info-id]], [[group-info-members]],\n\n[[os-name]], [[os-node-name]], [[os-release-name]],\n[[os-version-name]], [[machine-name]]\n\n[[open-directory-stream]], [[directory-stream?]],\n[[read-directory-stream]], [[close-directory-stream]],\n[[list-directory]], [[working-directory]], [[set-working-directory!]]\n\n[[open-file]], [[file-options]],\n[[file-options-on?]], [[set-file-creation-mask!]], [[link]], \n[[make-directory]], [[make-fifo]], [[unlink]], [[remove-directory]], \n[[rename]], [[accessible?]], [[access-mode]],\n[[get-file-info]], [[get-file/link-info]], [[get-port-info]],\n[[file-info?]], [[file-info-name]], [[file-info-type]],\n[[file-type?]], [[file-type-name]], [[file-type]],\n[[file-info-device]], [[file-info-inode]], [[file-info-link-count]],\n[[file-info-size]], [[file-info-owner]], [[file-info-group]],\n[[file-info-mode]], [[file-info-last-access]],\n[[file-info-last-access]]\n[[file-info-last-modification]], [[file-info-last-info-change]],\n[[file-mode]], [[file-mode?]], [[file-mode+]], [[file-mode-]],\n[[file-mode=?]], [[file-mode<=?]], [[file-mode>=?]],\n[[file-mode->integer]], [[integer->file-mode]],\n\n[[make-time]], [[current-time]], [[time?]], [[time-seconds]],\n\n[[time=?]], [[time?]], [[time>=?]],\n[[time->string]],\n\n[[open-pipe]], [[fd-port?]], [[port->fd]],\n[[remap-file-descriptors]], [[dup]], [[dup-switching-mode]],\n[[dup2]], [[close-all-but]], [[close-on-exec?]],\n[[set-close-on-exec?!]], [[i/o-flags]],\n[[set-i/o-flags!]], [[port-is-a-terminal?]],\n[[port-terminal-name]],\n\n[[make-regexp]], [[regexp-option]], [[regexp?]], [[regexp-match]],\n[[match?]], [[match-start]], [[match-end]],\n") (">/>=?" . "(:ctime 1144494246 :cuser #f :mtime 1144503638 :muser #f)[[$$include user-info]], [[name->user-info]],\n[[group-id->group-info]], [[name->group-info]]\n:user/group db entry: [[user-info?]], [[user-info-name]],\n[[user-info-id]], [[user-info-group]], [[user-info-home-directory]], [[user-info-shell]],\n[[group-info?]], [[group-info-name]], [[group-info-id]],\n[[group-info-members]]\n\nUser-ids and group-ids are \"boxed\" in Scheme48.\nSee [[user-id->integer]], [[integer->user-id]],\n[[group-id->integer]], [[integer->group-id]].\n\n** [[STk]]\n\n") ("time-monotonic" . "(:ctime 1015208861 :cuser #f :mtime 1015208861 :muser #f)[[$$include time-duration]]\n") ("cond" . "(:ctime 1014841953 :cuser #f :mtime 1191209056 :muser #f)* [syntax] cond ''clause1'' ''clause2'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]:\n\n[[SRFI-61]]: extends cond to allow user-defined guards and multiple [[values]].\n\nSee also [[if]].\n") ("get-effective-group-id" . "(:ctime 1015138939 :cuser #f :mtime 1015138939 :muser #f)[[$$include get-group-id]]\n") ("read-string" . "(:ctime 1015073616 :cuser #f :mtime 1039756225 :muser #f)* [procedure] read-string ''num'' [''port'']\n\n[[Chicken]]: reads up to ''num'' characters or to encounter EOF from ''port''.\n\n[[Gauche]] has the same function in module text.parse.\n\n[[Scsh]] allows a file descriptor in place of a port.\nSee also [[read-string!]], [[read-string/partial]]\n\n* [procedure] read-string [''port'']\n\n[[Bigloo]]: lacks ''num'' argument. Reads everything upto EOF.\nThis version has similar functionality as [[port->string]]\nwhich can be found in several implementations.\n") ("current-error-port" . "(:ctime 1015050860 :cuser #f :mtime 1039755417 :muser #f)* [procedure] current-error-port\n\n[[Bigloo]], [[Chicken]], [[STk]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]], [[SCM]]\n\nSee also [[current-input-port]], [[current-output-port]]\n\nThis is called [[error-output-port]] in some implementations.\n\n* [procedure] current-error-port ''port''\n\n[[Chicken]]: if optional ''port'' argument is given,\nit is set to the current error port.\n\nSome implementations have [[set-error-output-port!]],\n[[set-current-error-port]].\n") ("char-set?" . "(:ctime 1015198981 :cuser #f :mtime 1015773238 :muser #f)* [procedure] char-set? ''obj''\n\n[[SRFI-14]]: see also [[char-set]] etc.\n\nAlso in [[Gauche]]. See [[#[]] as well.\n\n") ("import-excluding" . "(:ctime 1015048456 :cuser #f :mtime 1015048647 :muser #f)* [module clause] import-excluding (''module'' ''exclude'') ...\n\n[[Chicken]]: can only appear in module clauses of [[define-module]].\nImports exported symbols from ''module'' except the ones listed in ''exclude''.\nSee also [[import]].\n") ("time-monotonic->date" . "(:ctime 1099301203 :cuser #f :mtime 1099301239 :muser #f)* [procedure] time-monotonic->date ''time'' [''tz-offset'']\n* [procedure] time-monotonic->julian-day ''time''\n* [procedure] time-monotonic->modified-julian-day ''time''\n* [procedure] time-monotonic->time-tai ''time''\n* [procedure] time-monotonic->time-tai! ''time''\n* [procedure] time-monotonic->time-utc ''time''\n* [procedure] time-monotonic->time-utc! ''time''\n\n[[SRFI-19]]: Conversion procedures.\n") ("Guile" . "(:ctime 1014837531 :cuser #f :mtime 1707031077 :muser #f)GNU's extension scripting language.\n\nHomepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html\n\nGitHub mirror: https://github.com/cky/guile\n\n[[$$srfis 0 1 2 4 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 23 26 27 28 30 31 34 35 37 38 39 41 42 43 45 46 55 60 61 62 64 67 69 71 87 88 98 105 111 139 171]]\n----\n\nThis list is from the manual of Guile 3.0.\n\n* API Overview\n** Simple Generic Data Types\n\n[[log10]], [[sinh]], [[cosh]], [[tanh]],\n[[asinh]], [[acosh]], [[atanh]],\n[[logand]], [[logior]], [[logxor]], [[lognot]],\n[[logtest]], [[logbit?]], [[ash]], [[logcount]],\n[[integer-length]], [[integer-expt]], [[bit-extract]],\n[[copy-random-state]],\n[[random]], [[random:exp]], [[random:hollow-sphere!]],\n[[random:normal]], [[random:normal-vector!]],\n[[random:solid-sphere]], [[random:uniform]],\n[[seed->random-state]]\n\n[[char-is-both?]], \n\n[[string-null?]], [[string-split]], [[substring]],\n[[substring-fill!]], [[substring-move!]],\n[[string-index]], [[string-rindex]],\n[[string-upcase]], [[string-upcase!]],\n[[string-downcase]], [[string-downcase!]],\n[[string-capitalize]], [[string-capitalize!]],\n") ("abort" . "(:ctime 1015024439 :cuser #f :mtime 1015212034 :muser #f)* [procedure] abort\n\n[[ChezScheme]]: calls current [[abort-handler]]. Exits from Scheme by default.\n\n[[SCM]]: resumes the toplevel repl.\n\nSee also [[reset]], [[restart]], [[exit]].\n") ("build-path" . "(:ctime 1020222581 :cuser #f :mtime 1099741997 :muser #f)* [procedure] build-path ''base-path'' ''sub-path'' ...\n\n[[MzScheme]], [[Gauche]]: build a pathname with given components.\n\nSome implementations have [[make-path]].\n") ("lambda" . "(:ctime 1014848196 :cuser #f :mtime 1191208839 :muser #f)* [syntax] lambda ''formals'' ''body'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]:\n\nSee also [[case-lambda]], [[lambda*]].\n\n* [syntax] lambda ''formals'' ''body'' ...\n\n[[STklos]]: extends [[lambda]] to allow optional, keyword and\nrest arguments (a la CL).\n\n{{{\n(define f \n (lambda (a :optional b :rest c :key d e) \n (list a b c d e)))\n}}}\n\n[[MIT-Scheme]]: extends [[lambda]] to allow optional and rest arguments,\nusing named constant [[#!optional]] and [[#!rest]].\n\n{{{\n(define f\n (lambda (a b #!optional c d #!rest e)\n (list a b c d e)))\n}}}\n") ("make-cell" . "(:ctime 1017981068 :cuser #f :mtime 1017981068 :muser #f)* [procedure] make-cell ''value''\n\n[[Scheme48]]: ''Cell'' is an object that holds a value,\nand is useful for indirection.\n\nSee also [[cell?]], [[cell-ref]], [[cell-set!]].\n\nChezScheme has an object ''box'' which is similar to\n''cell''. See [[box]].\n") ("+fl" . "(:ctime 1040351554 :cuser #f :mtime 1040351554 :muser #f)* [procedure] +fl ''i1'' ''i2''\n* [procedure] -fl ''i1'' ''i2''\n* [procedure] *fl ''i1'' ''i2''\n* [procedure] /fl ''i1'' ''i2''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: flonum-specialized numeric ops.\nSee also [[=fl]] etc. Fixnum versions are [[+fx]] etc.\n\nChezScheme has [[fl+]] etc.\n") ("test-match-all" . "(:ctime 1151049296 :cuser #f :mtime 1151076941 :muser #f)* [syntax] test-match-all ''specifier'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-64]]: returns the specifier matches the test case which all ''specifier'' match.\nEach ''specifier'' is always applied even if former ''specifier'' results false.\n\nSee also [[test-skip]] and [[test-expect-fail]].\n") ("bignum?" . "(:ctime 1014954368 :cuser #f :mtime 1138264379 :muser #f)* [procedure] bignum? ''obj''\n\n[[ChezScheme]], [[STklos]], [[Gauche]]\n\nSee also [[fixnum?]], [[flonum?]], [[ratnum?]], [[cflonum?]]\n") ("SRFI-196" . "(:ctime 1637880297 :cuser #f :mtime 1641323420 :muser #f)SRFI-196: Range Objects\n\nhttp://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-196/srfi-196.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("string->elong" . "(:ctime 1039409380 :cuser #f :mtime 1039409380 :muser #f)* [procedure] string->elong ''string'' ''radix''\n* [procedure] string->llong ''string'' ''radix''\n\n[[Bigloo]]: convert string to integer. the result must\nfit in elong or llong, respectively.\nSee [[elong?]] and [[llong?]].\n") ("SRFI-229" . "(:ctime 1652375418 :cuser #f :mtime 1652375418 :muser #f)SRFI-229: Tagged Procedures\n\nhttps://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-229/srfi-229.html\n\n[[$$srfi-implementors]]\n") ("string-rindex" . "(:ctime 1039752689 :cuser #f :mtime 1039752689 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-rindex ''str'' ''char'' [''start'' ''end'']\n\n[[Guile]]: search for ''char'' in ''str'' from right,\nand returns the index if found, #f otherwise.\n\nSRFI-13 has a generalized version, [[string-index-right]].\n") ("string-find?" . "(:ctime 1018333290 :cuser #f :mtime 1018333454 :muser #f)* [procedure] string-find? ''string1'' ''string2''\n\n[[STk]]: returns #t if ''string1'' appears in ''string2''.\nSee also [[string-index]].\n") ("transcript-off" . "(:ctime 1014860189 :cuser #f :mtime 1680889588 :muser #f)* [procedure] transcript-off\n\n[[R5RS]]: Turn off the transcript.\n\nSee also [[transcript-on]].\n") ("logtest" . "(:ctime 1015772928 :cuser #f :mtime 1039750745 :muser #f)* [procedure] logtest ''n1'' ''n2''\n\n[[SLIB]], [[Guile]]: (not (zero? (logand ''n1'' ''n2'')))\n\nSee also [[logand]]\n\n* [procedure] logtest ''n1'' ''n2'' ...\n\n[[Gauche]] allows more than two arguments.\n") ("condition-ref" . "(:ctime 1099263973 :cuser #f :mtime 1099263973 :muser #f)* [procedure] condition-ref ''condition'' ''field-name''\n\n[[SRFI-35]]: Returns the value of ''field-name'' of ''condition''.\nSee [[make-condition]], [[make-condition-type]].\n") ("ucs2-cistring]].\n") ("perror" . "(:ctime 1015883812 :cuser #f :mtime 1015883812 :muser #f)* [procedure] perror ''string''\n\n[[SCM]]: perror().\n") ("string-ci>" . "(:ctime 1015066218 :cuser #f :mtime 1015066218 :muser #f)[[$$include string-ci=]]\n") ("touchwin" . "(:ctime 1015882615 :cuser #f :mtime 1015882615 :muser #f)* [procedure] touchwin ''win''\n\n[[SCM]]: curses interface. see [[initscr]].\n") ("signal/fpe" . "(:ctime 1015076546 :cuser #f :mtime 1015076546 :muser #f)[[$$include signal/hup]]\n") ("lset-adjoin" . "(:ctime 1014874583 :cuser #f :mtime 1014874583 :muser #f)* [procedure] lset-adjoin ''elt='' ''list'' ''elt1'' ...\n\n[[SRFI-1]]: Adds the ''elti'' elements not already in the ''list'' parameter to \nthe result list. \n\n") ("expand-file-name" . "(:ctime 1018337319 :cuser #f :mtime 1099741494 :muser #f)* [procedure] expand-file-name ''string''\n\n[[STk]], [[STklos]]: Makes given string to absolute path.\nThis function understands the tilde convention.\nSee also [[canonical-path]].\n\nSimilar functionality is provided under different names\nin other implementations. See [[sys-normalize-pathname]], [[expand-path]].\n\nSee also [[canonical-file-name]].\n") ("+" . "(:ctime 1014847075 :cuser #f :mtime 1191218597 :muser #f)* + ''z'' ...\n\n[[R5RS]], [[R6RS]]\n\nSee also [[+.]], [[*]], [[-]], [[/]].\n\n") ("sys-nanosleep" . "(:ctime 1038486440 :cuser #f :mtime 1038486440 :muser #f)* [procedure] sys-nanosleep ''nanoseconds''\n\n[[Gauche]]: POSIX nanosleep().\n''nanoseconds'' can be either a real number or\n[[