mail.stk - send out emails via SMTP $Id: README,v 1.1 2000/09/30 09:59:56 shiro Exp $ INSTALL % stk Makefile.stk % make install and mail.stk goes to your site_scheme directory. Alternatively, just copy mail.stk to wherever your *load-path* can see. API (require "mail") (send-mail from to message &key :host :port :subject :cc :bcc :reply-to) Send MESSAGE via email. FROM is used as a sender path, and must be a valid path specified in RFC821. TO is either a single recipient path or a list of recipient paths, each comforming RFC821. :HOST and :PORT specifies MTA's host and port. For SMTP, HOST defaults localhost and PORT defaults smtp port. :SUBJECT specifies a subject. :CC, :BCC, :REPLY-TO If given, they are used for corresponding header fields. Returns #t on successful operation Otherwise, a string describing the cause of error is returned. PORTABILITY Works with STk-4.0.1. Using the following STk-specific features: * socket (make-client-socket) * string port (with-input-from-string) * regexp (string->regexp) You should provide alternatives to port this code to other Scheme implementation.