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Gauche-gl : OpenGL binding for Gauche

This is a reference manual of Gauche-gl, an OpenGL binding for the Gauche Scheme implementation. This manual is for version 0.6.

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1. Introduction

Gauche-gl is an extension module of Gauche Scheme implementation. It provides the following modules:


This module provides bindings to OpenGL API. It covers most functions in OpenGL 1.0 through 2.0, and GLU. The functions are described in OpenGL API.


This module provides bindings to most functions in GLUT. The functions are described in GLUT API.


This module provides vector and matrix calculations optimized for 3D homogeneous coordinates. The vector and matrix objects here can be directly passed to Gauche-gl functions. The functions are descrbied in Vectors and matrices.


These modules provide simple APIs for programmers to hack up a very simple OpenGL application. They are by no means intended for general application development, but would be handy for throwaway script. See Simple utilities for the details.

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2. Installation

Installing Gauche-gl is usually straightforward on Unix variants.

You have to have the following programs installed on your machine.

The standard way to compile and install Gauche-gl is as follows:

% gzcat Gauche-gl-0.6.tgz | tar xf -
% cd Gauche-gl-0.6
% ./configure
% make
% make test
% make install

Or you can use ‘gauche-package’ command:

% gauche-package install -C=<configure-option> Gauche-gl-0.6.tgz

The confiugre script figures out the location Gauche is installed, and install Gauche-gl in the same place.

If you have GLUT installed in non-standard place, you have to tell the configure script where it is.

% ./configure --with-glut=DIR

Since version 0.4, Gauche-gl can be configured to include bindings to NVidia’s Cg Toolkit. The binding code is contributed by Issac Trotts. To enable Cg binding, give --enable-cg option to the configure script.

% ./configure --enable-cg

It is reported that Mesa in FreeBSD ports is compiled with pthreads enabled, and Gauche-gl can’t be linked unless Gauche itself is compiled with pthreads. The configure script of Gauche prints warning if you specify pthreads, but it is safe as far as you don’t call make-thread in your program.

There are various examples under ‘examples/’ directory. If you want to run the examples before installing Gauche-gl, you have to tell the location of the library to gosh command, e.g. gosh -I../src -I../lib gears.scm. Some demos under subdirectories have a shell script that invokes gosh with proper command-line options.


Brian Paul’s 3D gear wheels.


Simple calculated texture.


This subdirectory contains examples found in "OpenGL Programming Guide", a.k.a. Redbook.


This subdirectory contains examples found in "OpenGL Shading Language". Each demo is under its own subdirectories. You need to have proper driver/hardware that supports GLSL to run these demos.

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3. Getting Started

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3.1 GL calls in Scheme

I assume you have basic knowledge of OpenGL API. Gauche-gl maps OpenGL calls to Scheme procedures pretty straightforwardly. For example, the very first example of "OpenGL Programming Guide", the pseudo code of OpenGL application, can be written in Gauche-gl like this:

(use gl)

(define (main args)

  (gl-clear-color 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
  (gl-clear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
  (gl-color 1.0 1.0 1.0)
  (gl-ortho 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0)
  (gl-begin* GL_POLYGON
    (gl-vertex 0.25 0.25 0.0)
    (gl-vertex 0.75 0.25 0.0)
    (gl-vertex 0.75 0.75 0.0)
    (gl-vertex 0.25 0.75 0.0)

Note that initialize-a-window-please and update-the-window-and-check-for-events are function calls dependent on the windowing system. Gauche-gl comes with GLUT binding and you can use it to do basic stuff. In the separate package Gauche-gtk, a binding to GtkGLExt is provided, which allows you to do GL rendering inside Gtk widgets.

For the time being, let’s focus on the pure GL part.

The mapping of GL call name is straightforward. The mixed case names in OpenGL C API is expanded to hyphenated name, e.g. glClearColorgl-clear-color. OpenGL enums are mapped as is, e.g. GL_POLYGON. (Note that Gauche is case-sensitive by default. Also note the underscore, not hyphen, in constants).

A few convenience macros, such as gl-begin*, is defined. There are straight bindings of gl-begin and gl-end, so you can write the drawing part in the same way as in C:

  (gl-begin GL_POLYGON)
    (gl-vertex 0.25 0.25 0.0)
    (gl-vertex 0.75 0.25 0.0)
    (gl-vertex 0.75 0.75 0.0)
    (gl-vertex 0.25 0.75 0.0)

Actually gl-begin* macro expands into the above calls. It’s a matter of taste, but the macro version guarantees begin and end match, and the syntax-aware editor can indent internal calls accordingly.

You might have noticed that the type suffix in C API is not in Gauche binding. The Scheme function figures out the type of passed arguments and calls appropriate C API. SRFI-4 uniform numeric vectors are used to represent arrays of numbers.

  (gl-vertex 1.0 2.0 3.0)    ⇒ glVertex3d
  (gl-vertex '#f32(1.0 2.0)) ⇒ glVertex2fv
  (gl-vertex '#s32(3 2 5))   ⇒ glVertex3iv

Generally, passing uniform vectors is much more efficient than giving individual numbers, for the former can eliminate the cost of type checking and unboxing.

Some GL calls can also take gl.math3d primitive objects such as vector4f, point4f or matrix4f (See section Vectors and matrices). For example, you can pass point4f object to gl-vertex, vector4f to gl-normal, and matrix4f to gl-mult-matrix. They are efficient since calculations on those types are defined natively in gl.math3d, and passing it to GL call doesn’t cost unboxing.

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3.2 Advanced GL features

Although Gauche-gl supports up to OpenGL 2.0, all functionalities may not be available on the target machine’s driver/hardware. The application needs to check the availability of the extension and/or GL version before using the features that are only supported by the extension/version.

Gauche-gl provides a couple of utility procedures to check the feature sets at runtime. For example, you can switch behavior depending on OpenGL 1.3 feature availability:

(if (gl-version>=? "1.3")
  (code-using-features-available-in-OpenGL-1.3-and-later ...)
  (alternative-code ...))

Or you can check the availability of extensions:

(unless (gl-extension-supported? 'GL_ARB_shader_objects
   (error "OpenGL Shading Language extensions not available"))

See GL feature checking for the details.

If the client program calls a GL API that are not supported on the platform, an error is signalled.

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3.3 Using GLUT

In order to make a runnable script, you need to use some windowing system interface. GLUT binding provides a simple way for it.

Here is a complete runnable Scheme script, ported from Example 1-2 in "OpenGL Programming Guide":

(use gl)
(use gl.glut)

(define (disp)
  (gl-clear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
  (gl-color '#f32(1.0 1.0 1.0))
  (gl-begin* GL_POLYGON
    (gl-vertex '#f32(0.25 0.25 0.0))
    (gl-vertex '#f32(0.75 0.25 0.0))
    (gl-vertex '#f32(0.75 0.75 0.0))
    (gl-vertex '#f32(0.25 0.75 0.0))

(define (init)
  (gl-clear-color 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
  (gl-matrix-mode GL_PROJECTION)
  (gl-ortho 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0)

(define (keyboard key x y)
   ((= key 27) (exit 0))

(define (main args)
  (glut-init args)
  (glut-init-display-mode (logior GLUT_SINGLE GLUT_RGB))
  (glut-init-window-size 250 250)
  (glut-init-window-position 100 100)
  (glut-create-window "hello")
  (glut-display-func disp)
  (glut-keyboard-func keyboard)

The (use gl.glut) form loads GLUT binding. The name mapping is the same as GL’s: mixed case names to hyphenated names.

In order to handle various events, you can pass a closure to glut-display-func etc. In the keyboard and mouse event callback, all arguments are integers.

There are more examples under the ‘examples/’ directory which uses GLUT.

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3.4 Performance tips

If you want to display millions of polygons in 30 fps, Gauche-gl is not for you. Consider using implementations that compiles into native code. The purpose of Gauche-gl is to provide reasonable performance for interactive development and experiment.

However, if you know some tips, actually you can go quite far, especially with recent processors and graphics chips.

Avoid alocation within the inner loop.

The functional (non-destructive) operations tend to return newly-allocated objects. Use linear-update (destructive) versions instead, such as matrix-mul!, u8vector-add!, etc, whenever possible. Pre-allocating temporary vectors is also effective.

Reduce the number of calls within the inner loop.

Vertex arrays are much better than calling gl-vertex over and over. Also consider using display lists if you’re displaying rigid objects.

Keep numbers within a uniform vector.

Every time you take a number out of a uniform vector (or <vector4f> etc.), Gauche has to wrap the number by a tag (boxing). Also when you store a number into a uniform vector, Gauche has to check the type of the object, then strip a tag (unboxing). Those are all overhead you wouldn’t have if you operate directly on uniform vectors (or <vector4f> etc).

Write extensions to accelerate.

If the above strategies are not enough, consider writing computation-intensive part in C as an extension. The easier way is to make C routines operate on uniform vectors, which is essentially a pointer to an array of numbers from C, and let Scheme handle higher-level data structures. (It could be viewed like relations between a coprocessor and a processor; the former does simple, iterative calculations fast, and the latter handles complicated logic).

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4. OpenGL API

In this chapter we list a GL and GLU procedures accessible from Gauche-gl, with brief descriptions to help programmers to remind what the functions are. We don’t intend to make this an OpenGL reference, though; you should look at the OpenGL book for the details of what each API do.

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4.1 GL data types

GL doesn’t define many data structures: some scalar primitives (e.g. GLint) and arrays of them.

For scalar values, Gauche-gl has natural mappings:


Scheme booleans.

GLbyte, GLubyte, GLshort, GLushort, GLint, GLuint, GLenum, GLbitfield

Scheme exact integers.

GLfloat, GLdouble, GLclampf, GLclampd

Scheme real numbers.

For arrays, Gauche-gl uses uniform (srfi-4) vector whenever possible. For float arrays, however, Gauche-gl allows more structured types, such as points or matrices, when they are relevant. Such types are provided in gl.math3d module (see Vectors and matrices), which also provides common arithmetics between those types. Another exception is an array of GLboolean—it doesn’t have corresponding uniform vector representation. Gauche-gl defines a new type, <gl-boolean-vector>, to represent an array of GLboolean. See below for operations provided on it.













GLfloat[], GLclampf[]

<f32vector>, <point4f>, <vector-4f>, <point4f-array>, <vector4f-array>, <matrix4f>, <quatf>.

GLdouble[], GLclampd[]




GL boolean vectors

Class: <gl-boolean-vector>

A class for an array of boolean values. You can pass its instance to the GL APIs that expect an array of GLbooleans. Its internal representation is bitwise compatible to GLbooean array, so passing it is quite efficient.

This class inherits <sequence>, so you can use generic sequence operations on it.

The external representation of GL boolean vector uses srfi-10 notation, and can be read back. For example, a GL boolean vector of length 5 may be written something like this:

#,(gl-boolean-vector #t #f #t #f #t)
Function: make-gl-boolean-vector size &optional init

Returns a GL boolean vector of size elements. Elements are initialized by either #f or #t, according to init.

(make-gl-boolean-vector 3 #t) ⇒ #,(gl-boolean-vector #t #t #t)
Function: gl-boolean-vector bool …

Returns a GL boolean vector, whose elements are bool ….

(gl-boolean-vector #f #t #t) ⇒ #,(gl-boolean-vector #f #t #t)
Function: gl-boolean-vector? obj

Returns #t if obj is a GL boolean vector, #f otherwise.

Function: gl-boolean-vector-length v

Returns length of a GL boolean vector v. You can also use the sequence generic function size-of.

Function: gl-boolean-vector-fill! v bool

Fills a GL boolean vector v with a boolean value bool.

Function: list->gl-boolean-vector bools

Coerce list of boolean values to a GL boolean vector.

You can also use the coerce-to generic function to convert between GL boolean vectors and other sequences.

Function: gl-boolean-vector-ref v k &optional fallback

Returns k-th element of a GL boolean vector v. If k is out of range and fallback is provided, it is returned. If k is out of range and fallback is omitted, an error is signalled.

You can also use generic function ref to access a GL boolean vector.

Function: gl-boolean-vector-set! v k bool

Sets k-th element of a GL boolean vector v by a boolean value bool.

You can also use generic function (setter ref) to modify a GL boolean vector.

Function: gl-boolean-vector-copy v

Returns a copy of a GL boolean vector v.

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4.2 GL feature checking

If you want to use a feature that are in OpenGL 1.2 or later, or in a GL extension, you have to check its availability before actually calling the API function. You can use the following utility procedures.

Note that those functions may return #f if the connection to the display subsystem isn’t established yet. Usually you have to initialize and open an window before checking the features.

Function: gl-extension-available? extension-name …

Returns #t if GL extensions listed in extension-name … are all available. Extension-name can be a symbol or a string (e.g. GL_ARB_multisample).

Function: gl-version<? version
Function: gl-version<=? version
Function: gl-version>? version
Function: gl-version>=? version
Function: gl-version=? version

Returns #t if the runtime OpenGL version is less than, less thanor equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, and equal to, the given version, respectively.

Give version in a string, e.g. "1.3".

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4.3 Drawing functions

Macro: gl-begin* mode gl-commands …

Executes gl-commands between (gl-begin mode) and (gl-end). Mode can be one of the following constants.


Individual points.


Pairs of vertices interpreted as individual line segments.


Series of connected line segments.


Same as above, with a segment added between last and first vertices.


Triples of vertices interpreted as triangles.


Linked trip of triangles.


Linked fan of triangles.


Quadruples of vertices interpreted as four-sided polygons.


Linked strip of quadrilaterals.


Boundary of a simple, convex polygon.

Function: gl-begin mode
Function: gl-end

Corresponds to glBegin and glEnd. Use of gl-begin* macro is recommended, though.

Function: gl-flush

Flush the GL command buffer.

Function: gl-finish

Make sure all previously issued GL commands are completed.

Function: gl-rect point1 point2
Function: gl-rect x1 y1 x2 y2

Draws a rectangle. In the first form, point1 and point2 can be either <point4f>, or f32, f64, s32, or s16vector of length 2. Types of both args should match. In the second form, all args should be a real numbers (glRectd is used).

Function: gl-vertex point
Function: gl-vertex x y &optional z w

Specify vertices. In the first form, point can be either <point4f>, or f32, f64, s32 or s16vector of length 2, 3 or 4. In the second form, all args should be a real numbers.

Function: gl-normal vector
Function: gl-normal x y z

Sets vertex normal vector. In the first form, vector can be either <vector4f> (the fourth element is ignored), or f32, f64, s32 ro s16vector of length 3. In the second form, all args should be a real numbers.

Function: gl-color color
Function: gl-color r g b &optional a

Sets the current color. In the first form, color can be either f32, f64, u8, u16, u32, s8, s16, or s32vector of length 3 or 4. In the second form, all args should be a real numbers.

Function: gl-tex-coord coord
Function: gl-tex-coord u v &optional s t

Sets the current texture coordinates. In the first form, coord can be either f32, f64, s32 or s16vector of length 1, 2, 3, or 4. In the second form, all args should be a real numbers.

Function: gl-raster-pos pos
Function: gl-raster-pos x y &optional z w

Sets the current raster position. In the first form, pos can be eitehr f32, f64, s32 or s16vector. In the second form, all args should be a real numbers.

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4.4 GL state control


Function: gl-enable cap
Function: gl-disable cap

Turns on and off a capability cap. Check out OpenGL reference for the list of capabilities.

Function: gl-is-enabled cap

Returns #t of #f depending on cap is enabled or not.

Function: gl-enable-client-state array
Function: gl-disable-client-state array

Enable/disable a client-side array (e.g. vertex array) specified by array. Array can be one of the following constants.


State values

Gauche has two variations for each type of OpenGL glGetTYPE APIs; nondestructive version and destructive versions. Nondestructive versions such as gl-get-boolean allocates and returns the vector of appropriate type for the state. For destructive versions such as gl-get-boolean!, you need to pass a vector to be filled in.

The destructive version is non-allocating operation, so it is suitable if you call it within the drawing loop.

If the state has a scalar value, the non-destructive version of query function returns a scalar value, but you need to pass a (uniform) vector of length 1 for the destructive version.

Function: gl-state-vector-size state

[Gauche specific] Returns the required size of the vector to retrieve GL state state. It is useful to prepare the vector to pass to the destructive version of glGetTYPE API.

Function: gl-get-boolean state
Function: gl-get-boolean! gl-boolean-vector state

Get (a) boolean state value(s).

Function: gl-get-integer state
Function: gl-get-integer! s32vector state

Get (an) integer state value(s).

Function: gl-get-float state
Function: gl-get-float! f32vector state

Get (a) single-precision floating-point state value(s).

Function: gl-get-double state
Function: gl-get-double! f64vector state

Get (a) double-precision floating-point state value(s).

Push/pop attributes

Function: gl-push-attrib mask
Function: gl-pop-attrib

Push/pop attributes indicated by mask. Valid mask can be logior of the following bits (GLL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS is logior of all the bits).


All of the above.

Function: gl-push-client-attrib mask
Function: gl-pop-client-attrib

Push/pop client attributes. Valid mask can be logior of the following


All of the above.

Other queries

Function: gl-get-error

Returns the value of the error flag. Returned an integer value. Check out the OpenGL documentation for the possible error values.

This function resets the error flag to GL_NO_ERROR.

Function: glu-error-string error-code

Returns a descriptive string for error-code returned by gl-get-error.

Function: gl-get-string name

Returns informative string about name of the GL library. Name can be one of the following.


To check a specific version or extension, you can also use the utility procedure gl-version>? etc. See GL feature checking.

Function: glu-get-string name

Returns informative string about name of the GLU library. Name can be one of the following.



Function: gl-hint target hint

Controls quality of target by hint. Target can be one of the following:


And hint can be one of the following:


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4.5 GL states for drawing

Function: gl-point-size size

Sets the width in pixels for rendered points. The possible range of size on the running GL implementation can be obtained by passing either GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE or GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE to gl-get-float.

Function: gl-line-width width

Sets the width in pixels for rendered lines. The possible range of width on the running GL implementation can be obtained by passing either GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE or GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE to gl-get-float.

Function: gl-line-stipple factor pat

Sets the current stippling pattern for lines. pat must be an exact integer, and its lower 16 bits are used to specify the stipple pattern. Factor is an integer factor to specify how many pixels corresponds to one bit in pat.

You have to enable GL_LINE_STIPPLE to use face culling.

Function: gl-polygon-mode face mode

Specifies the drawing mode for a polygon’s front and back faces. Face can be one of the followings:


Mode can be one of the followings:

Function: gl-front-face mode

Controls how OpenGL determine front face of a polygon Mode can be one of the followings:


Front face is where ordered vertices appear in a counterclockwise orientation (default).


Front face is where ordered vertices appear in a clockwise orientation.

Function: gl-cull-face mode

Indicates which face of polygons should be culled. Mode can be one of the followings:


You have to enable GL_CULL_FACE to use face culling.

Function: gl-polygon-stipple mask

Defines the current stipple pattern for filled polygons. Mask has to be a u8vector of length 128, specifying a 32x32 bitmap pattern. You have to enable GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE to use this feature.

Function: gl-edge-flag flag

Sets the edge flag(s) of vertices. When flag is a GL boolean vector, glEdgeFlagv is called. Otherwise flag is used as a single boolean value for glEdgeFlag.

Function: gl-blend-func sfactor dfactor

Controls how color values in the fragment being processed (the source) are combined with the ones in the framebuffer (the destination).

Possible values for the sfactor and dfactor arguments are as follows.

Function: gl-blend-equation mode

[GL_ARB_imaging] By default, the source and destination colors are added after processed as specified by gl-blend-func. With this extension API you can change the function. Mode can be one of the following values:

Function: gl-blend-color red green blue alpha

[GL_ARB_imaging] Sets the constant color used in the blending function.

Function: gl-polygon-offset factor units

[GL1.1] Offset the depth value of each fragment. Useful to avoid artifacts when you draw polygon edges over its surfaces, for example.

Function: gl-clip-plane plane equation

Defines a clipping plane. Plane specifies which clipping plane you’re defining. Use GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES to gl-get-integer to obtain the number of clipping planes you can use. You have to enable the specific clipping plane (e.g. (gl-enable GL_CLIP_PLANE0)) to use the clipping plane.

Equation must be an f64vector of size 4, specifying four coefficients of the plane equation, Ax + By + Cz + D = 0.

Function: gl-get-clip-plane plane

Returns the four coefficients of the equation of clipping plane plane, in f64vector.

Function: gl-fog pname param

Sets the parameters and function for the fog effect. Possible values for pname and accepted param for each pname are shown below.


Either GL_EXP, GL_EXP2, GL_LINEAR to select the fog factors.


A real number to specify those parametes.


An f32vector of size 4 to specify the color.

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4.6 Transformation

Function: gl-matrix-mode mode

Speficies whether the modelview, projection, or texture matrix will be modified. Mode can be one of the followings:

Function: gl-load-identity

Loads an identity matrix to the current modifiable matrix.

Function: gl-load-matrix mat

Loads the matrix mat to the current modifiable matrix. Mat can be a <matrix4f> instance, or f32 or f64vector of length 16.

Function: gl-mult-matrix mat

Multiplies the matrix mat to the current modifiable matrix. Mat can be a <matrix4f> instance, or f32 or f64vector of length 16.

Function: gl-translate x y z

Multiplies the current matrix by a matrix taht translates an object by (x, y, z). Internally, glTranslated is called.

Function: gl-rotate angle x y z

Multiplies the current matrix by a matrix that rotates an object in a counterclockwise direction about the ray from the origin through the point (x, y, z) by angle degrees. Internally, glRotated is called.

Function: gl-scale x y z

Multiplies the current matrix by a matrix that scales an object by (x, y, z). Internally, glScaled is called.

Function: glu-look-at eyex eyey eyez ctrx ctry ctrz upx upy upz

Defines a viewing matrix and multiplies it to the right of the current matrix.

Function: gl-frustum left right bottom top nearv farv

Creates a matrix for a perspective-view frustum and multiplies the current matrix by it.

Function: glu-perspective fovy aspect znear zfar

Creates a matrix for a symmetrix perspective-view frustum and multiplies the current matrix by it.

Function: gl-ortho left right bottom top nearv farv

Creates a matrix for an orthographic parallel viewing volume nand multiplies the current matrix by it.

Function: glu-ortho-2d left right bottom top

Convenience procedure for 2D drawing; it is the same as gl-ortho except nearv and farv are fixed (along Z axis) to -1.0 and 1.0, respectively.

Function: gl-viewport x y width height

Defines a pixel rectangle in the window into which the final image is mapped.

Function: gl-push-matrix
Function: gl-pop-matrix

Pushes/pops the current matrix.

Macro: gl-push-matrix* expr …

A convenience macro. Pushes the current matrix, executes exprs, then pop the current matrix.

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4.7 Display lists

Function: gl-gen-lists range

Allocates range number of contiguous display list indices. Returns an integer which is the smallest display list index you can use.

Function: gl-new-list list-no mode

Starts a display list construction. Mode may be one of the constants GL_COMPILE or GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE.

Function: gl-end-list

Ends a display list construction.

Function: gl-call-list list-no

Calls a display list.

Function: gl-is-list list-no

Returns #t if list-no is an already used display list number, #f otherwise.

Function: gl-delete-lists list-no-start range

Deletes range display list, beginning from list-no-start.

Function: gl-list-base base

Specifies the offset that’s added to the display list indices in gl-call-list.

Function: gl-call-lists size type lists
Function: gl-call-lists size lists
Function: gl-call-lists lists

Executes size display list, whose indices are contained in lists. You can pass a u8, s8, u16, s16, u32, s32 or f32vector, or a string, as lists. If it is a string, each byte consists of the string is interpreted as an unsigned integer specifying a display list. It is useful for the technique to display character strings by creating display lists for each ASCII characters. But be aware that it doesn’t work for multibyte characters.

Usually you can use the simplest form (the third form) and Gauche-gl infers the size and type from the passed lists. You can explicitly specify size if you want to use just a beginning portion of lists. An error is signalled if you specify size that is larger than the size of lists.

Specifying type is useful only if lists is a u8vector, and you want to use one of three special types allowed to glCallLists, namely GL_2_BYTES, GL_3_BYTES, and GL_4_BYTES.

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4.8 Vertex arrays

Scheme version of APIs doesn’t have GLenum type argument in C API, since Gauche-gl can figure out the type by passed vectors.

Scheme API of gl-*-array has offset optional argument, by which you can pass the GL the values beginning from the offset-th element of the passed uniform vector. This isn’t in GL C API, since you can just offset the pointer in C.

NOTE: it is caller’s responsibility to guarantee the passed vector has enough length. GL doesn’t have an interface to specify the boundary, so Gauche can’t detect an invalid length vector.

Function: gl-vertex-pointer size vec &optional stride offset

Sets the vertex array. Size specifies the number of scalar values per vertex (2, 3, or 4), and vec provides the actual value in either f32, f64, s32 or s16vector. Stride and offset can be used to tell GL to access vec sparsely.

Function: gl-normal-pointer vec &optional stride offset

Sets the normal array. Vec should be either a f32, f64, s32 or s16vector, where each consecutive triplet specifies a normal vector. Stride and offset can be used to tell GL to access vec sparsely.

Function: gl-color-pointer size vec &optional stride offset

Sets the color array. Size specifies the number of scalar values per color (3 or 4), and vec provides the actual values in either f32, f64, u32, u16, u8, s32, s16, or s8vector. Stride and offset can be used to tell GL to access vec sparsely.

Function: gl-index-pointer vec &optional stride offset

Sets the index array. Vec can be either s32, s16, u8, f32, or f64vector. Stride and offset can be used to tell GL to access vec sparsely.

Function: gl-tex-coord-pointer size vec &optional stride offset

Sets the texture coordinate array. Size specifies the number of scalar values per texture coordinate (1, 2, 3 or 4), and vec provides the actual values in either f32, f64, s32 or s16vector. Stride and offset can be used to tell GL to access vec sparsely.

Function: gl-edge-flag-pointer vec &optional stride offset

Sets the edge flag array. Vec must be a GL boolean vector. Stride and offset can be used to tell GL to access vec sparsely.

Function: gl-array-element ith

Dereference ith vertex information of the currently enabled arrays.

Function: gl-draw-elements mode indices

Issues geometric primitive calls consists of the vertex information of the currently enabled arrays, each of which is specified by indices, which should be either a u8, u16 or u32vector.

Mode is the same as of gl-begin.

Function: gl-draw-range-elements mode start end indices

[GL1.2] Like gl-draw-elements, but limits the range of indices between start and end, inclusive. GL driver may take advantage of the information for better performance.

Function: gl-draw-arrays mode first count

This is more straightforward. Starting from first index, count vertices is wrtten in the drawing mode mode (same as of gl-begin), taken from the current enabled arrays.

Function: gl-interleaved-arrays format vec &optional stride offset

Vec must be a f32vector. It contains various information (e.g. vertex position, color and texture coordinate) interleaved, in the way specified by format.

In Scheme API, we only allow uniform vector as vec, so you can’t use the format that mixes float and integer, such as GL_C4UB_V2F.

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4.9 Lighting

Function: gl-shade-model mode

Sets the shading model, either GL_SMOOTH or GL_FLAT.

Function: gl-light light pname param

Creates a light specified by light, which is one of GL_LIGHT0, …, GL_LIGHT7, and sets a characteristics named by pname with the value param.

Possible values as pname and acceptable types of param are as follows.


Accepts an f32 or s32vector of size 4.


Accepts an f32 or s32vector of size 3.


Accepts a real number (glLightf is used).

Function: gl-get-light light pname

Returns the value of the property pname of the light light. Returned value can be f32vector or a real number.

Function: gl-light-model pname param

Sets the value of the property pname of the lighting model. Possible pname and its allowed param is as follows.


Accepts f32 or s32vector of size 4.


Accepts any Scheme value, which is interpreted as a boolean value. (That is, you have to pass #f to turn off these properties, and any other value to turn on.


Accepts an enum value either GL_SINGLE_COLOR or GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR.

Function: gl-material face pname param

Sets the current material property. Face may be either GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, or GL_FRONT_AND_BACK. Possible values of pname and acceptable param types are as follows.


Accepts f32 or s32vector of size 4.


Accepts a single real number (glMaterialf is called).


Accepts f32 or s32vector of size 3.

Function: gl-get-material face pname

Returns the current material property of face and pname. The type of returned value may be f32vector, s32vector (only for GL_COLOR_INDEXES), or a real number.

Function: gl-color-material face mode

Makes the material property mode (e.g. GL_AMBIENT etc.) of the face face follow the current color set by gl-color.

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4.10 Pixels, bitmaps and images

Pixel operations

Function: gl-bitmap width height xbo ybo xbi ybi bitmap

Draws a bitmap. Width and height gives the dimension of the bitmap. Xbo, ybo, xbi, and ybi specifies the origin and increment of the current raster position. Bitmap is the actual bitmap data, packed in a u8vector.

Function: gl-read-pixels x y width height format type

Reads pixel data from the framebuffer. Returns the pixel data in a uniform vector of the type determined by format and type (check out OpenGL doc to find out the actual data format).

Function: gl-draw-pixels width height format type pixels

Draws a pixel data pixels at the current raster position. Pixels must be a uniform vector compatible to the specified format and type values.

Function: gl-copy-pixels x y width height buffer

Copies pixel data in a rectangle area of the framebuffer, specified by lower-left corner (x, y) and dimensions (width, height). Buffer specifies which buffer is used, and should be one of GL_COLOR, GL_STENCIL or GL_DEPTH.

Function: gl-pixel-store pname param

Sets the pixel stroage models. Check out the OpenGL doc for the possible pname and param values.

Function: gl-pixel-transfer pname param

Sets the pixel transfer modes. Check out the OpenGL doc for the possible pname and param values.

Function: gl-pixel-map map values

Sets the pixel map table map with values, which must be either u16, u32 or f32vecotor. Check out the OpenGL doc for the possible map values.

Function: gl-pixel-zoom xfactor yfactor

Sets the magnification/reduction factors for pixel-write operations.

Function: gl-get-pixel-map map &optional type

Returns the current pixel map table as an uniform vector specified by type, which must be either a class <u32vector> (default), <u16vector>, or <f32vector>.

Function: gl-get-pixel-map! map values

Like gl-get-pixel-map, but instead of allocating a new vector, it stores the result to a uniform vector passed to values. It is a caller’s responsibility to ensure values has enough size.

Color tables

Function: gl-color-table target internal-format width format type data

[GL_ARB_imaging] Specifies one of the color table target. Data should be a uniform vector compatible to the format and type parameters.

Function: gl-color-table-parameter target pname param

[GL_ARB_imaging] Sets the color table parameter pname (either GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE or GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS), of the color table target. Param must be an f32 or s32vector of size 4.

Function: gl-copy-color-table target internal-format x y width

[GL_ARB_imaging] Creates a color table target using framebuffer data. The pixels are read from the current buffer for read (specified by glReadBuffer).

Function: gl-color-sub-table target start count format type data

[GL_ARB_imaging] Replaces a part of color table target, starting start and count entries. Values are given in data as a uniform vector compatible to the format and type arguments.

Function: gl-copy-color-sub-table target start x y width

[GL_ARB_imaging] Replaces a part of color table entries using framebuffer data.

Function: gl-get-color-table! target format type data

[GL_ARB_imaging] Reads the color table target and store it in data, in the format specified by format and type. Data must be a uniform vector compatible to the format and type arguments. The caller must ensure that data has enough size to contain the result.


Function: gl-convolution-filter-2d target internal-format width height format type data

[GL_ARB_imaging] Defines a 2D convolution filter. Target must be GL_CONVOLUTION_2D. Data must be a uniform vector compatible to the format and type arguments, and must have enough size.

Function: gl-copy-convolution-filter-2d target internal-format x y width height

[GL_ARB_imaging] Defines a 2D convolution filter, taking the convolution filter data from the current color buffer to read.

Function: gl-separable-filetr-2d target internal-format width height format type row column

[GL_ARB_imaging] Defines a 2D convolution filter by a product of a 1D row vector and 1D column vector. Target must be GL_SEPARABLE_2D. Both row and column must be a uniform vector, compatible with the format and type arguments, and must have enough size.

Function: gl-convolution-filter-1d target internal-format width format type data

[GL_ARB_imaging] Defines 1D convolution filter. Target must be GL_CONVOLUTION_1D. Data must be a uniform vector compatible to the format and type arguments, and must have enough size.

Function: gl-copy-convolution-filter-1d target internal-format x y width

[GL_ARB_imaging] Defines 1D convolution filter, taking the convolution filter data from the current color buffer to read.

Function: gl-convolution-parameter target pname param

[GL_ARB_imaging] Sets a parameter for a convolution filter target, which can be either GL_CONVOLUTION_2D, GL_SEPARABLE_2D, or GL_CONVOLUTION_1D. Possible values of pname and their acceptable param are as follows.




An s32 or f32vector of size 4, specifying color values.


Function: gl-histogram target width internal-format sink

[GL_ARB_imaging] Specifies the way the histogram data is stored. Target must be either GL_HISTOGRAM or GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM. Width is the number of entires of the histogram, and has to be a power of 2. Sink is a boolean value to indicate whether pixels should be discarded or sent down further to the pipeline.

Function: gl-reset-histogram target

[GL_ARB_imaging] Resets the histogram counters. Target must be GL_HISTOGRAM.

Function: gl-get-histogram target reset format type

[GL_ARB_imaging] Returns histogram data in a uniform vector, whose type and size are determined by format and type. A boolean value reset specifies whether the histogram should be reset or not.

Function: gl-get-histogram-parameter target pname

[GL_ARB_imaging] Returns the parameter value of the histogram. Pname can be either one of GL_HISTOGRAM_WIDTH, GL_HISTOGRAM_FORMAT, GL_HISTOGRAM_RED_SIZE, GL_HISTOGRAM_GREEN_SIZE, GL_HISTOGRAM_BLUE_SIZE, GL_HISTOGRAM_ALPHA_SIZE, GL_HISTOGRAM_LUMINANCE_SIZE, or GL_HISTOGRAM_SINK. The returned value is an integer, except the case of GL_HISTOGRAM_SINK, which returns a boolean value.


Function: gl-minmax target internal-format sink

[GL_ARB_imaging] Computes the minimum and maximum pixel values for an image. Target must be GL_MINMAX. Sink is a boolean value to indicate whether pixels should be discarded or sent down further to the pipeline.

Function: gl-get-minmax target reset format type

[GL_ARB_imaging] Returns the results of the minmax operation in a uniform vector, whose type and size are determined by the format and type arguments. A boolean value reset specifies whether the histogram should be reset or not.

Function: gl-reset-minmax target

[GL_ARB_imaging] Resets the minmax counter.

Function: gl-get-minmax-parameter target pname

[GL_ARB_imaging] Returns the parameter value of the histogram. Pname can be either GL_MINMAX_SINK (returns a boolean value) or GL_MINMAX_FORMAT (returns an integer).

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4.11 Texture mapping

Defining textures

Function: gl-tex-image-1d target level internalformat width border format type texels
Function: gl-tex-image-2d target level internalformat width height border format type texels
Function: gl-tex-image-3d target level internalformat width height depth border format type texels

Defines an 1D, 2D or 3D texture. 3D texture is available only if the GL version is 1.2 or later. The target parameter can be GL_TEXTURE_1D or GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D for gl-tex-image-1d, etc. The level parameter can be used for multiresolution textures; if this is a single resolution texture, pass 0.

Width, height, and depth specify the dimensions of the texture. Border can be 0 or 1, specifying the border.

The actual texture data is passed to the texels argument in a uniform vector, which should be compatible with the format and type parameters and match the size calculated by width, height and depth (and possibly the pixel store setting).

Function: gl-copy-tex-image-1d target level internal-format x y width border
Function: gl-copy-tex-image-2d target level internal-format x y width height border

Cerates a 1D or 2D texture from the framebuffer data.

Function: gl-tex-sub-image-1d target level xoffset width format type texels
Function: gl-tex-sub-image-2d target level xoffset yoffset width height format type texels
Function: gl-tex-sub-image-3d target level xoffset yoffset zoffset width height depth format type texels

Replaces a part of the current 1D, 2D or 3D texture image by texels. 3D texture is available only if the GL version is 1.2 or later.

Function: gl-copy-tex-sub-image-1d target level xoffset x y width
Function: gl-copy-tex-sub-image-2d target level xoffset yoffset x y width height
Function: gl-copy-tex-sub-image-3d target level xoffset yoffset zoffset x y width height

Replaces a part of the current 1D, 2D or 3D texture image by the data from the framebuffer. 3D texture is available only if the GL version is 1.2 or later.

Texture parameters

Function: gl-tex-parameter target pname param

Sets parameters for the current texture. Target can be either GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_2D or GL_TEXTURE_3D. Possible values for pname, and accepted type of param for each pname, are shown below.


Param must be an integer.


Param must be a real number.


Param must be an f32vector of size 4, representing a color.

Function: gl-get-tex-parameter target pname

Obtains the parameter of the current texture, set by gl-tex-parameter.

Function: gl-get-tex-level-parameter target level pname

Obtains the parameter of the level level of the current texture specified by target, which can be either GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D, GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, or GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D.



Function: glu-build-1d-mipmaps target internal-format width format type texels
Function: glu-build-2d-mipmaps target internal-format width height format type texels
Function: glu-build-3d-mipmaps target internal-format width height depth format type texels

Constructs a serids of mipmaps and calls gl-tex-image-*d to load the images. Returns 0 on success, or a GLU error code on failure. Texels is a uniform vector, that must be compatible with format and type arguments, and must have the enough length as specified by width, height and depth parameters.

Function: glu-build-1d-mipmap-levels target internal-format width format type level base max texels
Function: glu-build-2d-mipmap-levels target internal-format width height format type level base max texels
Function: glu-build-3d-mipmap-levels target internal-format width height depth format type level base max texels

Like glu-build-*d-mipmaps, but you can specify the level of texels, and the range of levels to be generated by the base and max parameters. It is used to generate a subset of mipmaps.

Returns 0 on success, or a GLU error code on failure. Texels is a uniform vector, that must be compatible with format and type arguments, and must have the enough length as specified by width, height and depth parameters.

Texture objects

Function: gl-gen-textures size

Returns size new names for texture objects in a u32vector.

Function: gl-is-texture name

Returns #t if an integer name is the name of a texture that has been bound and not deleted yet, #f otherwise.

Function: gl-bind-texture target name

Bind the current texture (specified by target, e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D) to the integer name. If there’s already a texture bound to name, it becomes current. Otherwise a new texture object is created and made current.

Function: gl-delete-textures names

Delets textures. Names must be a u32vector contains integer names of the texture objects to be deleted.

Function: gl-are-textures-resident! names residences

Names must be a u32vector contains integer names of the texture objects, and residences must be a GL boolean vector of the same length as names. If all textures named in names are resident, #t is returned and residences is not modified. Othewise, #f is returned and residences is modified to contain #t if the corresponding texture in names is resident, #f othewise.

Function: gl-prioritize-textures names priorities

Sets the prioridies of texture objects named by names to the corresponding entry of priorities Names must be a u32vectore and priorities must be an f32vector, and the lengths of both vectors must match.

Texture environment and coordinates

Function: gl-tex-env target pname param

Sets the current texturing function. Target must be GL_TEXTURE_ENV. Possible values of pname and accepted param for each value is as follows.




f32vector of size 4 to specify the color.

Function: gl-tex-gen coord pname param

Specifies the functions for automatic texture coordinate generation. Coord specifies the coordinates, either one of GL_S, GL_T, GL_R or GL_Q. Possible values of pname and accepted param for each value is as follows.




An s32, f32 or f64vector of size 4 to specify the plane.


Function: gl-active-texture-arb texunit

[GL_ARB_multitexture] Selects the texture unit that is currently modified by texturing routines. Texunit is a constant GL_TEXTUREi_ARB, where i is 0 to the maximum number of the supported texture units.

Function: gl-multi-tex-coord-arb texunit coords
Function: gl-multi-tex-coord-arb texunit s &optional t r q

[GL_ARB_multitexture] Specifies the texture coordinate of the texture unit texunit. In the first form, you can pass either an f32, f64, s32, or s16vector of length 1 to 4. In the second form, s, t, r and q must be real numbers.

Function: gl-client-active-texture-arb texunit

Selects the current texture unit for specifying texutre-coordinate data with vertex arrays.

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4.12 Framebuffers

Clearing buffers

Function: gl-clear-color r g b a

Sets the current clearing color. Each color value sould be a real number, and is clamped to [0.0,1.0].

Function: gl-clear-index c

Sets the current clearing color (in color index mode). c must be a real number.

Function: gl-clear-depth depth

Sets the current clearing depth value. Depth must be a real number and clamped to [0.0,1.0].

Function: gl-clear-stencil s

Sets the current clearing value of the stencil buffer.

Function: gl-clear-accum r g b a

Sets the current clearing value of accumulation buffer.

Function: gl-clear mask

Clears the specified buffer. Mask is a logical-or of the following constants.


Selecting color buffers

Function: gl-draw-buffer mode

Selects (a) buffer(s) to which the image is rendered. Possible mode values are: GL_FRONT, GL_FRONT_LEFT, GL_FRONT_RIGHT, GL_BACK, GL_BACK_LEFT, GL_BACK_RIGHT, GL_LEFT, GL_RIGHT, GL_AUXi, GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, and GL_NONE.

Function: gl-read-buffer mode

Selects a color buffer as the source for reading pixels. Possible mode values are the same as gl-draw-buffer except GL_FRONT_AND_BACK and GL_NONE.

Masking buffers

Function: gl-index-mask mask

In color index mode, sets the mask of the color-index buffer. Mask is an exact integer.

Function: gl-color-mask r g b a

R, g, b and a are boolean values to specify whether the corresponding color channel should be written to the color buffer or not.

Function: gl-depth-mask flag

Flag is a boolean value specifies whether depth buffer should be written or not.

Function: gl-stencil-mask mask

Sets the mask bit pattern for the stencil buffer. Mask is an exact integer.

Testing and operating on fragments

Function: gl-scissor x y width height

Sets the scissor rectangle. If the scissor test is enabled (use (gl-enable GL_SCISSOR_TEST)), only the pixels that lie inside the rectangle are written.

Function: gl-alpha-func func ref

Sets the reference value and comparison function for the alpha test. Func may be either one of GL_NEVER, GL_ALWAYS, GL_LESS, GL_LEQUAL, GL_EQUAL, GL_GEQUAL, GL_GREATER, or GL_NOTEQUAL. Ref sets the reference value, a real number clamped to be between 0.0 and 1.0.

Function: gl-stencil-func func ref mask

Sets the comparison function, the reference value, and a mask for stencil test. Func specifies the funciton, and its possible value is the same as gl-alpha-func’s. Ref is an integer reference value, and mask is an integer specifying bitwise mask. Before the comparison, the reference value and the fragment value are taken bitwise AND by mask.

Function: gl-stencil-op func zfail zpass

Speficies how the stencil buffer should be modified by the result of the stencil test. Each three parameter can take one of the following values independently: GL_KEEP, GL_ZERO, GL_REPLACE, GL_INCR, GL_DECR, or GL_INVERT.

Function: gl-depth-func func

Sets the comparison function for the depth test. Func may be one of the following constant value: GL_NEVER, GL_ALWAYS, GL_LESS, GL_LEQUAL, GL_EQUAL, GL_GEQUAL, GL_GREATER, or GL_NOTEQUAL.

Function: gl-depth-range nearv farv

Defines an encoding for z-coordinates. Nearv and farv define the minimum and maximum values that can be stored in the depth buffer. By default, they’re 0.0 and 1.0, respectively.

Function: gl-logic-op opcode

Selects the logical operation to be performed, given an incoming (source) fragment and the pixel currently in the color buffer (destination). Opcode may be one of the following values: GL_CLEAR, GL_COPY, GL_NOOP, GL_SET, GL_COPY_INVERTED, GL_INVERT, GL_AND_REVERSE, GL_OR_REVERSE, GL_AND, GL_OR, GL_NAND, GL_NOR, GL_XOR, GL_EQUIV, GL_AND_INVERTED or GL_OR_INVERTED.

Function: gl-accum op value

Sets the accumulation buffer operation mode. Op may be one of the following values:


Reads each pixel from the current selected buffer to read (by gl-read-buffer), multiplies its values by value, and adds the result into the accumulation buffer.


Same as GL_ACCUM but replacing the accumulation buffer by the result of multiplication, instead of adding it.


Takes the values from accumulation buffer, multiplies them with value, then write it to the current color buffer to write (by gl-draw-buffer).


Adds value to each pixel in the accumulation buffer and write it back.


Multiplies value to each pixel in the accumulation buffer and write it back. The result value is clamped to [-1.0, 1.0].

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4.13 Selection and feedback

Function: gl-feedback-buffer type buffer
Function: gl-select-buffer buffer
Function: gl-render-mode mode
Function: gl-pass-through token
Function: gl-init-names
Function: gl-load-name name
Function: gl-push-name name
Function: gl-pop-name

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4.14 Projection

Function: glu-pick-matrix x y w h vp
Function: glu-project objx objy objz model-mat proj-mat vp
Function: glu-un-project winx winy winz model-mat proj-mat vp
Function: glu-project! win obj model-mat proj-mat vp
Function: glu-un-project! obj win model-map proj-mat vp

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4.15 Quadrics

Class: <glu-quadric>
Function: glu-quadric-draw-style quad style
Constant: GLU_POINT
Constant: GLU_LINE
Constant: GLU_FILL
Function: glu-quadric-orientation quad orientation
Constant: GLU_INSIDE
Function: glu-quadric-normals quad normals
Constant: GLU_SMOOTH
Constant: GLU_FLAT
Constant: GLU_NONE
Function: glu-quadric-texture quad texcoords
Function: glu-cylinder quad base-radius top-radius height slices stacks
Function: glu-sphere quad radius slices stacks
Function: glu-disk quad inner-radius outer-radius slices loops
Function: glu-partial-disk quad inner-radius outer-radius slices loops start-angle sweep-angle

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4.16 Nurbs

Class: <glu-nurbs>
Function: glu-load-sampling-matrices nurbs model-matrix proj-matrix viewport
Function: glu-nurbs-property nurbs property value
Function: glu-get-nurbs-property nurbs property
Function: glu-begin-curve nurbs
Function: glu-end-curve nurbs
Function: glu-nurbs-curve nurbs knot stride ctlarray order type
Function: glu-begin-surface nurbs
Function: glu-end-surface nurbs

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4.17 Polygon tesselation

Class: <glu-tesselator>

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4.18 Programmable shaders

Shader objects

Function: gl-create-shader-object-arb type

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Creates a new shader object and returns its handle. Type can be either GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB or GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB.

Function: gl-shader-source-arb shader strings

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Sets the source code of the shader, whose handle is shader. You can give the source code as a list of strings to strings. All strings are concatenated internally in the OpenGL driver.

Function: gl-compile-shader-arb shader

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Compile the source code attached to the shader, whose handle is shader. You can query the result of the compilation by passing GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB to gl-get-object-parameter-arb; it returns #t if the compilation succeeded, or #f if failed. The information about the compilation can be obtained by gl-get-info-log-arb.

Function: gl-create-program-object-arb

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Creates a new program object and returns its handle.

Function: gl-attach-object-arb program shader

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Attach a shader whose handle is shader to the program whose handle is program.

Function: gl-detach-object-arb program shader

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Detach a shader from a program.

Function: gl-link-program-arb program

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Link the program object. The result of linking can be queried by passing GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB to gl-get-object-parameter-arb.

Function: gl-use-program-object-arb program

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Installs the program to the current rendering state.

Function: gl-delete-object-arb handle

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Deletes either a shader object or a program object specified by handle.

Function: gl-get-object-parameter-arb object pname


Function: gl-get-shader-source-arb shader

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Returns the shader source code of a shader object shader in a string.

Function: gl-get-info-log-arb handle

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Returns the information log of an object pointed by handle.

Function: gl-get-handle-arb pname

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Returns the handle to an object that is used in the current state. The only argument accepted currently as pname is GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB, which returns the handle to the current program object.

Function: gl-get-attached-objects-arb program

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Rethrns a vector of GL object handles that are attached to the program.

Function: gl-validate-program-arb program

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Checks whether the program can execute in the current GL state. The result is stored in program’s log.

Specifying vertex attributes

Function: gl-vertex-attrib-arb index values
Function: gl-vertex-attrib-arb index v0 &rest v1 v2 v3

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] Sets the generic vertex attribute specified by index. In the first form, you can pass f32, f64, or s16vector of size 1 to 4, or u8, s8, u16, s32, or u32vector of size 4. In the second form, you can pass 1 to 4 real numbers (they are interpreted as C doubles and glVertexAttrib4dARB is called).

Function: gl-vertex-attrib-4n-arb index values
Function: gl-vertex-attrib-4n-arb index v0 v1 v2 v3

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] These variations can be used to pass normalized values. The first form accepts s8, u8, s16, u16, s32, u32, f32 and f64vector of size 4. The second value takes four integers, whose lower 8bits are taken as unsigned byte and passed to glVertexAttrib4NubARB.

Function: gl-vertex-attrib-pointer-arb index size vec &optional normalized stride offset

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] This is the generic version of vertex arrays. Index names the attribute, size specifies the number of components (1, 2, 3 or 4), and vec is a uniform vector that contains the array of values.

The optional boolean normalized argument tells whether the passed integer values should be mapped to normalized range (#t or taken as are #f, default). The optional stride argument specifies the gap between each set of values within vec. The optional offset argument tells GL to take values beginning from the offset-th element of vec.

Function: gl-enable-vertex-attrib-array-arb index
Function: gl-disable-vertex-attrib-array-arb index

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] Enable or disable a vertex attribute array specified by index.

Function: gl-bind-attrib-location-arb program index name

[GL_ARB_vertex_shader] Associates a user-defined attribute variable in the program object program with an index-th generic vertex attribute. Name is a string of the name of user-defined attribute as appears in the shader program.

Function: gl-get-attrib-location-arb program name

[GL_ARB_vertex_shader] Returns an integer index of the user-defined attribute name in the program. Must be called after program is linked.

Function: gl-get-active-attrib-arb program index

[GL_ARB_vertex_shader] Obtains information about the index-th user-defined attribute in the program. Must be called after program is linked.

It returns three values: the size of the attribute (1, 2, 3 or 4), the type of the attribute (an integer that matches one of the following constants: GL_FLOAT, GL_FLOAT_VEC2_ARB, GL_FLOAT_VEC3_ARB, GL_FLOAT_VEC4_ARB, GL_FLOAT_MAT2_ARB, GL_FLOAT_MAT3_ARB, or GL_FLOAT_MAT4_ARB.), and the name of the attribute.

Specifying uniform variables

Function: gl-get-uniform-location-arb program name

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Returns an integer location of the uniform variable name of the program program.

Function: gl-uniform1-arb location vec
Function: gl-uniform1-arb location v0
Function: gl-uniform2-arb location vec
Function: gl-uniform2-arb location v0 v1
Function: gl-uniform3-arb location vec
Function: gl-uniform3-arb location v0 v1 v2
Function: gl-uniform4-arb location vec
Function: gl-uniform4-arb location v0 v1 v1 v3

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Sets a value of the uniform variable specified by location. gl-uniform1-arb sets a single component value (e.g. float) gl-uniform2-arb sets a double component value (e.g. vec2) etc.

The first form of each function takes either an s32vector or f32vector. It can have a size multiple of the number of components to set an array uniform variable (e.g. you can pass an f32vector of size 8 to fill vec2[2]).

The second form just sets the component(s) of a single uniform variable. The arguments v0 to v3 must be real numbers, and coerced to C float (i.e. glUniform*fARB is used).

Function: gl-uniform-matrix2-arb location transpose v
Function: gl-uniform-matrix3-arb location transpose v
Function: gl-uniform-matrix4-arb location transpose v

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Sets a matrix uniform variable (or an array of matrix uniform variables) specified by location. A boolean flag transpose specifies whether the matrix should be transposed. The v argument must be a f32vector of size multiple of 4, 9, or 16, respectively.

Function: gl-get-active-uniform-arb program index

[GL_ARB_shader_objects] Returns informaton about the index-th uniform variable of program.

Returns three values. The first one is the size, either 1, 2, 3 or 4. The second value is the type, which is an integer that matches one of the following constants: GL_FLOAT, GL_FLOAT_VEC(1|2|3|4)_ARB, GL_INT, GL_INT_VEC(1|2|3|4)_ARB, GL_BOOL, GL_BOOL_VEC(1|2|3|4)_ARB, GL_FLOAT_MAT(2|3|4)_ARB. And the third value is the name of the uniform variable.

Vertex and fragment programs

These APIs are for low-level vertex/fragment pipeline programming.

Function: gl-gen-programs-arb n

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] Generates N names (integers) for the new programs and returns them in an s32vector.

Function: gl-delete-programs-arb programs

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] Deletes programs whose names are specified by an s32vector programs.

Function: gl-is-program-arb prog-id

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] Returns #t if an integer prog-id refers to a valid program.

Function: gl-bind-program-arb target prog-id

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] Binds a program specified by prog-id to a target, which is either GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB or GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB.

Function: gl-program-string-arb target format text

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] Sets the source code of the program currently bound to the target (GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB or GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB).

Format must be GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB. Text is a string for the program source.

Function: gl-program-env-parameter-arb target param-id args
Function: gl-program-env-parameter-arb target param-id arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3
Function: gl-program-local-parameter-arb target param-id args
Function: gl-program-local-parameter-arb target param-id arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3

[GL_ARB_vertex_program] Sets the value of the environment and local parameter specified by param-id of the program currently bount to the target. In the first form of each, args must be either f32 or f64vector of size 4 or <vector4f> object.

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5.1 GLUT window manipulation

Function: glut-init args
Function: glut-init-display-mode mode
Constant: GLUT_RGB
Constant: GLUT_RGBA
Constant: GLUT_INDEX
Constant: GLUT_ACCUM
Constant: GLUT_ALPHA
Constant: GLUT_DEPTH
Function: glut-init-display-string string
Function: glut-init-window-size width height
Function: glut-init-window-position x y
Function: glut-main-loop
Function: glut-create-widnow name
Function: glut-create-sub-window win x y width height
Function: glut-destroy-window win
Function: glut-post-redisplay
Function: glut-post-window-redisplay win
Function: glut-swap-buffers
Function: glut-get-window
Function: glut-set-window win
Function: glut-set-window-title title
Function: glut-set-icon-title title
Function: glut-position-window x y
Function: glut-reshape-window width height
Function: glut-push-window
Function: glut-pop-window
Function: glut-iconify-window
Function: glut-show-window
Function: glut-hide-window
Function: glut-full-screen
Function: glut-set-cursor cursor
Function: glut-warp-pointer x y

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5.2 GLUT overlay

Function: glut-establish-overlay
Function: glut-remove-overlay
Function: glut-use-layer layer
Function: glut-post-overlay-redisplay
Function: glut-post-window-overlay-redisplay win
Function: glut-show-overlay
Function: glut-hide-overlay

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5.3 GLUT menu API

Function: glut-create-menu callback
Function: glut-destroy-menu menu
Function: glut-get-emnu
Function: glut-set-menu menu
Function: glut-add-menu-entry label value
Function: glut-add-sub-menu label submenu
Function: glut-change-to-menu-entry item label value
Function: glut-change-to-sub-menu item label submenu
Function: glut-remove-menu-item item
Function: gult-attach-menu button
Function: glut-detach-menu button

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5.4 GLUT callbacks

Function: glut-display-func fn
Function: glut-reshape-func fn
Function: glut-keyboard-func fn
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F1
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F2
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F3
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F4
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F5
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F6
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F7
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F8
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F9
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F10
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F11
Constant: GLUT_KEY_F12
Constant: GLUT_KEY_UP
Constant: GLUT_KEY_END
Function: glut-mouse-func fn
Constant: GLUT_DOWN
Constant: GLUT_UP
Function: glut-motion-func fn
Function: glut-passive-motion-func fn
Function: glut-entry-func fn
Constant: GLUT_LEFT
Function: glut-visibility-func fn
Function: glut-idle-func fn
Function: glut-timer-func millis fn value
Function: glut-menu-state-func fn
Function: glut-special-func fn
Function: glut-spaceball-motion-func fn
Function: glut-spaceball-rotate-func fn
Function: glut-spaceball-button-func fn
Function: glut-button-box-func fn
Function: glut-dials-func fn
Function: glut-tablet-motion-func fn
Function: glut-tablet-button-func fn
Function: glut-menu-status-func fn
Function: glut-overlay-dislay-func fn
Function: glut-window-status-func fn
Function: glut-keyboard-up-func fn
Function: glut-special-up-func fn
Function: glut-joystick-func fn interval

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5.5 GLUT colormap

Function: glut-set-color index r g b
Function: glut-get-color index component
Constant: GLUT_RED
Constant: GLUT_GREEN
Constant: GLUT_BLUE
Function: glut-copy-colormap win

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5.6 GLUT state retrieval

Function: glut-get type
Function: glut-device-get type
Function: glut-extension-supported name
Function: glut-get-modifiers
Function: glut-layer-get type

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5.7 GLUT font

Class: <glut-font>
Function: glut-bitmap-character font character
Function: glut-bitmap-width font character
Function: glut-stroke-character font character
Function: glut-stroke-width font character
Function: glut-bitmap-length font string
Function: glut-stroke-length font string

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5.8 GLUT pre-built models

Function: glut-wire-sphere radius slices stacks
Function: glut-solid-sphere radius slices stacks
Function: glut-wire-cone radius height slices stacks
Function: glut-solid-cone radius height slices stacks
Function: glut-wire-cube size
Function: glut-solid-cube size
Function: glut-wire-torus inner outer sides rings
Function: glut-solid-torus inner outer sides rings
Function: glut-wire-dodecahedron
Function: glut-solid-dodecahedron
Function: glut-wire-teapot size
Function: glut-soild-teapot size
Function: glut-wire-octahedron
Function: glut-solid-octahedron
Function: glut-wire-tetrahedron
Function: glut-solid-tetrahedron
Function: glut-wire-icosahedron
Function: glut-solid-icosahedron

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6. Vectors and matrices

Module: gl.math3d

The module provides vector and matrix operations useful for 3D computer graphics.

Actually this module itself doesn’t depend on GL; you can use this module alone to do matrix calculations. However, the structure of objects are designed so that they can be passed directly to Gauche-gl functions, reducing the overhead of type conversions.

The purpose of this module is to provide reasonable performance. So the operations are fixed to 3D homogeneous coordinates, i.e. a vector is 4-element column vector, and a matrix is 4x4 square matrix. If you want more flexibility, <array> class in gauche.array provides much more generic structures, trading performance.

Elements of vectors and matrices are represented in float internally. When you retrieve each element individually, it is converted to double, so you might see some precision errors. There are lots of operations directly manipulate group of elements without retrieving each element to Scheme world, avoiding overhead of conversion.

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6.1 Vectors and points

Class: <vector4f>
Class: <point4f>

4x1 column vectors. Vector4f is intended to be used to represent a vector, and point4f is to a point, but as far as OpenGL concerns, both are just an array of four floats, x, y, z and w.

These classes inherit <sequence> and <collection> classes. So if you import gauche.sequence module, you can use generic function such as ref and (setter ref) to get/set individual elements. The generic version of map and for-each can also be used on the vector4f and point4f instances.

Aside from the type, the only difference is that the default value of w component— it’s 0.0 for vectors, and 1.0 for points. So usual transformation produces expected results; for example point plus vector becomes point, vector plus vector becomes vector, and translating point changes its coordinates but translating vectors doesn’t, and so on. However, you can set w component to other value to do nontrivial operations.

Reader syntax: #,(vector4f x y z w)
Reader syntax: #,(point4f x y z w)

These SRFI-10 syntax can be used to denote literal <vector4f> and <point4f> instance, respectively.

The write methods are defined so that the instance is written out in this form, and can be read back later.

Function: vector4f? obj
Function: point4f? obj

Returns true iff obj is vector4f and point4f, respectively.

Function: vector4f x y z &optional (w 0.0)
Function: point4f x y z &optional (w 1.0)

Creates a vector4f and point4f instance with given values, respectively.

Function: make-vector4f
Function: make-point4f

Another way to create a vector4f and a point4f. The first returns #,(vector4f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0), and the latter returns #,(point4f 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0).

Function: list->vector4f l
Function: list->point4f l

Convert a list of three or four real numbers to a vector4f and a point4f, respectively. If l is not a list of three or four real numbers, an error is signalled.

(list->vector4f l)
  ≡ (apply vector4f l)
  ≡ (coerce-to <vector4f> l)
Function: vector4f->list v
Function: point4f->list p

Convert a vector4f and a point4f to a list of four real numbers, respectively.

(vector4f->list v)
  ≡ (coerce-to <list> v)
  ≡ (map (cut ref v <>) (iota 4))
Function: f32vector->vector4f v &optional start
Function: f32vector->point4f v &optional start

Creates a vector4f or a point4f, initializing by the elements of f32vector v. V must be at least 4 elements long, and the first four elements are used to initialize the created vector or point.

If optional start argument is given, it specifies an index of v from which the initial values are taken; that is, start, start+1, start+2 and start+3-th elements are used to create a vector or a point. This allows to create vectors from plain float array:

(map (lambda (off) (f32vector->vector4f vec (* off 4)))
     (iota (/ (size-of vec) 4)))

The conversion can be done using coerce-to, as well.

(f32vector->vector4f vec)
  ≡ (coerce-to <vector4f> vec)
Function: vector4f->f32vector v
Function: point4f->f32vector p

Convert a vector4f v or a point4f p to four-element f32vector.

(vector4f->f32vector v)
 ≡ (coerce-to <f32vector> v)
Function: vector4f-copy v
Function: point4f-copy p

Returns a new copy of vector4f v or point4f p, respectively.

Function: vector4f-copy! dstv srcv
Function: point4f-copy! dstp srcp

Destructively sets the content of srcv or srcp to dstv or dstp, respectively.

Function: vector4f-set! v k value
Function: point4f-set! p k value

Sets a real number value to k-th element of a vector4f v or a point4f p.

(vector4f-set! v k value)
  ≡ (set! (ref v k) value)
Function: vector4f-ref v k &optional fallback
Function: point4f-ref p k &optional fallback

Gets a value of k-th element of a vector4f v or a point4f p. If k is out of range, an error is signalled, unless fallback is provided, in such a case fallback is returned.

(vector4f-ref v k)
  ≡ (ref v k)
Function: vector4f-dot x y

Returns a dot product of two vector4fs, x and y.

Function: vector4f-cross x y

Returns a cross product of two vector4fs, x and y. (w element is ignored).

Function: vector4f-norm v

Returns the norm (length) of the vector v.

Function: vector4f-normalize x
Function: vector4f-normalize! x

Returns a normalized vector of vector4f x. Vector4f-normalize allocates a new vector, while vector4f-normalize! modifies the original vector.

As a special case, if x is a vector of length 0, a vector of length 0 is returned.

Function: vector4f-add x y
Function: vector4f-sub x y
Function: vector4f-add! x y
Function: vector4f-sub! x y

Returns a sum of two vector4fs, x and y. The destructive version modifies x.

Function: point4f-add x y
Function: point4f-add! x y

Adds a point4f x and a vector4f y, and returns a translated point. The destructive version modifies x.

Function: point4f-sub x y

Subtracts either a vector4f or a point4f y from a point4f x. If y is a vector4f, returns a translated point. If y is a point4f, returns a vector4f from point y to point x.

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6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays

Class: <vector4f-array>
Class: <point4f-array>

Represents an array of vector4fs and point4fs. This is an efficient way to keep an array of vectors or points, for the elements are packed in a simple float array. They are especially useful to work with GL’s vertex array feature. gl-vertex-pointer can take <point4f-array>, and gl-normal-pointer can take <vector4f-array>.

It is also possible to "view" a plain f32vector as <vector4f-array> or <point4f-array> without copying its content, by f32vector->vector4f-array/shared and f32vector->point4f-array/shared. Combined to read-block!, you can do efficient binary I/O of vertex arrays, for example.

Inherits <sequence> and <collection>. When viewed as a sequence or a collection, they behaves like sequence or collection of vector4f and point4f objects, respectively.

Function: make-vector4f-array len &optional init-vector
Function: make-point4f-array len &optional init-point

Creates a vector4f-array or point4f-array with len elements. Each element is initialized by a vector4f init-vector or a point4f init-point if provided.

Function: vector4f-array? obj
Function: point4f-array? obj

Returns true iff obj is a vector4f-array or a point4f-array, respectively.

Function: vector4f-array-length array
Function: point4f-array-length array

Returns length (number of vectors/points) in array array.

Reader syntax: #,(vector4f-array len elt …)
Reader syntax: #,(point4f-array len elt …)

Vector4f-array and point4f-array have external representation using this SRFI-10 syntax. Len is a length of array, and each elt is a list of four floats representing each element of the array.

(f32vector->vector4f-array #f32(1 2 3 4 6 7 4 3))
  ⇒ #,(vector4f-array 2 (1 2 3 4) (6 7 4 3) )
Function: list->vector4f-array list
Function: list->point4f-array list

From given list of vector4fs or point4fs, creates and returns a vector4f-array or point4f-array, respectively.

Function: f32vector->vector4f-array v
Function: f32vector->point4f-array v

Converts f32vector v to a vector4f-array or a point4f-array. The length of v must be multiple of four. The content of v is copied.

(f32vector->vector4f-array v)
  ≡ (coerce-to <vector4f-array> v)
Function: f32vector->vector4f-array/shared v
Function: f32vector->point4f-array/shared v

Like above, but the content of v is shared by the result array, instead of being copied. So the modification of result array will be visible from original f32vector v and vice versa. It will allow efficient handling of large vertex arrays.

Function: vector4f-array->f32vector array
Function: point4f-array->f32vector array

Converts a vector4f-array or a point4f-array array to a f32vector.

(vector4f-array->f32vector array)
  ≡ (coerce-to <f32vector> array)
Function: vector4f-array-set! array i vector
Function: point4f-array-set! array i point

Sets a vector4f vector or a point4f point to i-th element of vector4f-array or point4f-array array, respectively.

(vector4f-array-set! array i vector)
  ≡ (set! (ref array i) vector)
Function: vector4f-array-ref array i &optional fallback
Function: point4f-array-ref array i &optional fallback

Returns a vector4f or a point4f which is the i-th element of array array, respectively. If k is out of range, an error is signalled, unless fallback is provided, in such a case fallback is returned.

(vector4f-array-ref array i)
  ≡ (ref array i)

(ref #,(vector4f-array 2 (1 2 3 4) (6 7 4 3))  1)
  ⇒ #,(vector4f 6 7 4 3)
Function: vector4f-array-ref/shared array i &optional fallback
Function: point4f-array-ref/shared array i &optional fallback

Like above, but the returned vector4f or point4f shares the storage with the original array. Thus the modification of the result vector or point will be visible from array, and vice versa.

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6.3 Matrices

Class: <matrix4f>

4x4 matrix. Internally it is represented as an array of 16 floats, stored in column-major order. (It is the same order OpenGL uses, so it can be passed to OpenGL calls without overhead).

Inherits <sequence> and <collection>. When a matrix4f is treated as a sequence, it works as if it is a single sequence of floats in column-major order.

Function: make-matrix4f &optional init

Returns a new matrix4f instance. If init is omitted, the matrix is a unit matrix. Otherwise, init must be a f32vector of length 16, and the elements in the matrix is initialized by ones in f32vector.

;; Creates a matrix like this:
;;    1 2 3 4
;;    0 1 0 5
;;    0 0 1 6
;;    0 0 0 1

(make-matrix4f '#f32vector(1 0 0 0
                           2 1 0 0
                           3 0 1 0
                           4 5 6 1))
Function: matrix4f m00 m10 m20 m30 m01 m11 m21 m31 m02 m12 m22 m32 m03 m13 m23 m33

Creates a new matrix4f instance with give values.

Function: matrix4f? obj

Returns true iff obj is a matrix4f.

Reader syntax: #,(matrix4f elt …)

A matrix4f is represented extrenally using SRFI-10 syntax. The elements are listed in column-major order.

Function: list->matrix4f l
Function: matrix4f->list m

Converts between list of 16 real numbers and matrix4f.

Function: f32vector->matrix4f v &optional start

Creates a new matrix4f and initializes it with 16 elements in f32vector v. If optional start is given, it specifies the start offset in vector v to be used as initial values. The f32vector v must have enough length.

Function: f32vector->matrix4f! m v &optional (start 0)

Extract 16 flonums in the f32vector v starting from the index start, and fill the matrix4f m with them. The f32vector v must have enough length.

Function: matrix4f->f32vector m

Returns a new f32vector that has elements from matrix4f m.

Function: matrix4f-copy m

Returns a new copy of m.

Function: matrix4f-copy! dstm srcm

Copies contents of srcm to dstm.

Function: matrix4f-set! m i value

Sets a real number value to i-th element of matrix m. Since the matrix is laid out in column-major order, the one-dimensional index m{i} and two-dimensional index m(i,j) corresponds as follows:

  m(0,0) = m{0}   m(0,1) = m{4}   m(0,2) = m{8}   m(0,3) = m{12}
  m(1,0) = m{1}   m(1,1) = m{5}   m(1,2) = m{9}   m(1,3) = m{13}
  m(2,0) = m{2}   m(2,1) = m{6}   m(2,2) = m{10}  m(2,3) = m{14}
  m(3,0) = m{3}   m(3,1) = m{7}   m(3,2) = m{11}  m(3,3) = m{15}
Function: matrix4f-ref m i &optional fallback

Returns the i-th element of matrix m. If i is out of range, an error is signalled, unless fallback is provided, in such a case fallback is returned.

Function: matrix4f-set2! m i j value

Sets value to (i, j) element of matrix m.

Function: matrix4f-ref2 m i j

Returns the (i, j) element of matrix m.

Function: matrix4f-row m i
Function: matrix4f-column m i
Function: matrix4f-column/shared m i

Returns i-th row vector or i-th column vector of matrix m, as a vector4f instance.

Furthermore, the returned vector from matrix4f-column/shared shares the storage with m.

Function: matrix4f-mul m obj

Obj may be a scalar (real number), a vector4f, a point4f, or a matrix4f. Returns m x obj.

Function: matrix4f-mul! m obj

Obj may be a scalar or a matrix4f. Matrix m is multiplied by obj, and the result is set to m destructively.

Function: matrix4f-transpose m
Function: matrix4f-transpose! m

Returns a transposed matrix of m. The destructive version modifies m.

Function: matrix4f-determinant m

Returns a determinant of m.

Function: matrix4f-inverse m &optional (error-on-singular? #t)
Function: matrix4f-inverse! m &optional (error-on-singular? #t)

Returns a inverse matrix of m. The destructive version modifies m. If given m is a singular matrix, an error is signalled by default. However, if #f is given to the optional error-on-singular? argument, #f is returned in such a case.

Function: translation->matrix4f translation-vector
Function: translation->matrix4f! m translation-vector

Returns a matrix which represents a translation by translation-vector, which must be either a vector4f, a point4f, or a f32vector of length 3 or 4. Only the first three elements in translation-vector is used. The destructive version updates m.

Function: rotation->matrix4f axis angle
Function: rotation->matrix4f! m axis angle

Returns a matrix which represents a rotation around axis by angle radian. Axis must be a vector4f or a f32vector of length 3 or 4, and must be normalized. The result is undefined if anormalized vector is passed as axis. The destructive version updates m.

Function: scale->matrix4f scale-vector
Function: scale->matrix4f! m scale-vector

Returns a matrix which represents a scale by scale-vector, which must be either a vector4f, a point4f, or a f32vector of length 3 or 4. Only the first three elements in scale-vector is used. Each element of scale-vector represents the scale factor along x, y, and z axis. The destructive version updates m.

Function: trs->matrix4f translation rotation-axis rotation-angle scale
Function: trs->matrix4f! m translation rotation-axis rotation-angle scale

This combines above three procedure. Returns a matrix that represents translation, rotation and scale, specified by translation, rotation-axis, rotation-angle and scale. The destructive version updates m.

If T, R and S, are the matrices that represent translation, rotation and scale, respectively, then these procedures effectively calculates a matrix TRS.

Function: tqs->matrix4f translation rotation-quat scale
Function: tqs->matrix4f! m translation rotation-quat scale

A variation of trs->matrix4f. Instead of axis and angle, rotation is represented by a quaternion rotation-quat. See section Quaternions, for more details about quaternions.

Function: euler-angle->matrix4f xangle yangle zangle &optional order
Function: euler-angle->matrix4f! m xangle yangle zangle &optional order

Returns a matrix that represents rotation along x, y and z axis by xangle, yangle, and zangle, respectively.

The order of rotation can be specified by the optional argument order, which may be one of the symbols xyz, xzy, yzx, yxz, zxy, or zyx. For example, symbol xyz means rotation around x-axis, then y-axis, then z-axis. Thus, if we write each rotation as Rx, Ry, and Rz, the returned matrix is RzRyRx. The default value of order is xyz.

The desrtuctive version modifies m.

Function: matrix4f-decompose m

Matrix m is a composition of translation, rotation, shear and scale. Suppose transformation is applied in the reverse order. This procedure decompose m into each individual transformation.

Returns five values.

If m is singular, certain part of rotation matrix can’t be recovered. In such a case, r becomes also singular matrix.

If the original matrix has negative scale factor in any of x, y, or z scale, the decomposed scale factor will have all negative components. The signs of elements of r are adjusted accordingly.

Due to the precision errors, you will see small values appear in shear component even m is pure TRS matrix.

Function: matrix4f-decompose! m t r h s

Linear update version of matrix4f-decompose. The result vectors and matrices are stored in t, r, h and s. The return value is a boolean value indicates m is non-singular or not.

Function: matrix4f->translation m

Extract the translation component from the given TRS matrix m and returns it as a <vector4f>.

Function: matrix4f->translation! v m

Extract the translation component from the given TRS matrix m and stores the result into a <vector4f> v. Returns v.

Function: matrix4f->rotation m

From given orthogonal matrix m, extracts and returns and rotation axis and angle, as a vector4f and a real number.

Function: matrix4f->rotation! v m

Same as above, except the storage of vector4f v is reused to store the result axis.

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6.4 Quaternions

Class: <quatf>

Quaternions. Internally quaternions are represented as just an array of four floats; the first three are the vector component and the last is the scalar component.

Inherits <sequence> and <collection>. When viewed as sequence, it is just like a vector of four floats.

Function: quatf? obj

Returns true iff obj is a quaternion.

Reader syntax: #,(quatf x y z w)

External representation of quaternion xi+yj+zk+w.

Function: make-quatf &optional axis (angle 0)

Returns a new unit quaternion that represents a rotation around vector axis by angle radians. Axis can be a vector4f, a point4f or a f32vector (only first three component is used). Axis must be a unit vector; if axis is anormalized, the result is undefined.

If both axis and angle is omitted, #,(quatf 0 0 0 1) is returned.

Function: quatf x y z w

Returns a new quaternion whose elements are initialized by x, y, z, w.

Function: list->quatf l
Function: quatf->list q

Converts between a list of four real numbers and a quaternion.

Function: f32vector->quatf x &optional start

Returns a new quaternion whose elements are initialized by the first four elements of f32vector x. If start is given, the initial value is taken starting from start-th index in x.

Function: quatf->f32vector q

Returns a new f32vector whose contents is the same as a quaternion q.

Function: quatf-copy q

Returns a fresh copy of a quaternion q.

Function: quatf-copy! dstq srcq

Copies contents of a quaternion srcq to a quaternion dstq.

Function: rotation->quatf! quat axis angle

Sets a quaternion quat so that it represents a rotation around a unit vector axis by angle angle radians. Axis can be a vector4f, a point4f or a f32vector (only first three component is used).

Function: vectors->quatf v w
Function: vectors->quatf! q v w

Given two unit vectors v and w, calculates and returns a quaternion that represents a rotation from v to w. The destructive version vectors->quatf! modifies q.

Function: axes->quatf v1 v2 w1 w2
Function: axes->quatf! q v1 v2 w1 w2

The arguments must be all unit vectors, v1 and v2 must be perpendicular, and also w1 and w2 must be perpendicular.

Calculates and returns a quaternion that represents a rotation which transforms v1 to w1, and v2 to w2, respectively. The destructive version stores the result into q.

Function: quatf-add p q
Function: quatf-add! p q
Function: quatf-sub p q
Function: quatf-sub! p q

Addition and subtraction of quaternions. The destructive version modifies the first argument.

Function: quatf-scale q s
Function: quatf-scale! q s

Multiplies a quaternion q by a scalar value s. The destructive version modifies q.

Function: quatf-mul p q
Function: quatf-mul! p q

Multiply two quaternions p and q. The destructive version modifies p as well.

Function: quatf-conjugate p
Function: quatf-conjugate! q p

Returns a conjugate of a quaternion p. The destructive version modifies q as well.

Function: quatf-transform q p

Transforms a vector or a point p by quaternion q, that is, returns qpq*, where q* is a conjugate of q.

This procedure assumes q is normalized.

P can be a vector4f, a point4f or a f32vector (only first three elements are used). Returns the same type of object as p.

Function: quatf-norm q

Returns norm of q.

Function: quatf-normalize q
Function: quatf-normalize! q

Returns normalized quaternion of q. The destructive version modifies q.

Function: quatf->matrix4f q
Function: quatf->matrix4f! m q

Returns a matrix that represents a rotation specified by a unit quaternion q. The behavior is undefined if q is not normalized. The destructive version modifies m.

Function: matrix4f->quatf m
Function: matrix4f->quatf! q m

Extracts the rotation component of a matrix m and returns a quaterion that represents the rotation. Matrix4f->quatf! also uses q as the storage to store the result.

Function: quatf-slerp p q t
Function: quatf-slerp! r p q t

Returns a quaternion that interpolates between two unit quaternions p and q, by a scalar value t. The destructive version modifies r.

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7. Simple utilities

This chapter covers gl.simple.* modules. They are provided for the convenience of those who wants quick experiment with Gauche-gl alone, without a hassle to install a bunch of other modules. Their features are pretty limited, but you may find them handy when you need to hack up some throwaway script that need to show some graphics on the screen.

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7.1 Simple image handling

Module: gl.simple.image

OpenGL doesn’t provide any means of reading/writing image data, and it should be covered by other Gauche extensions. However, it is sometimes handy to have simple means to handle external image data, so that you can do some experiment with Gauche-gl alone.

This module provides a minimal support to handle external image data, so that one can do some experiment in Gauche-gl alone.

The functionality might be extended over time, but this is never intended to be a full featured image library. A separate Gauche extension should be a better place to have it.

Currently, only reading from 8bit SGI image file is supported. It is written in pure Scheme, so don’t expect the performance.

Function: read-sgi-image filename
Function: read-sgi-image-from-port port

Reads an image data in SGI format from the named file or the input port, respectively.

Only 8bit-per-channel, direct color mode is supported.

Returns four values: the image’s width in pixels, its height in pixels, number of channels (e.g. 1 for grayscale, 3 for RGB, 4 for RGBA), and the image data in u8vector. The pixel data is packed, i.e. there’s no padding between each pixel nor each scanline.

Warning: be careful to call this function interactively. The image data vector is usually huge, and you have to wait long for the REPL to display the entire result.

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7.2 Simple viewer

Module: gl.simple.viewer

This module packages common operations to allow users to view 3D objects, controlling the camera by the mouse, and have some interactions with the keyboard.

A typical way of using the viewer is like the following:

(use gl)
(use gl.glut)
(use gl.simple.viewer)

(define (main args)
  (glut-init args)
  (simple-viewer-display <your-display-thunk>)
  (simple-viewer-set-key! <key> <handler> ...)
  (simple-viewer-window <name> :title <title> ...)
  (simple-viewer-run) ; loop forever.  type ESC to exit.

The viewer handles mouse drag (to move the camera), and also draws reference grid and axes by default for your convenience. You have to provide a thunk, which must draw your 3D object.

For the keyboard events, you can use a convenient API to associate handler to the key (character for normal keys, and constants like GL_LEFT_ARROW for special keys).

The reshape event is handled implicitly, though you can override it.

If you call simple-viewer-run, it enters the event loop and never returns. If you wish to keep REPL and/or other parts of your application run concurrently, the convenient way is to run simple-viewer-run in a separate thread.

(use gauche.threads)

(define (run-viewer)
  (thread-start! (make-thread simple-viewer-run #f)))

See also the code under ‘examples/simple’ directory of the source tree for more examples.

Function: simple-viewer-window name &key title mode parent width height x y

Creates a new GL window with name, which must be a symbol to identify the window later in the simple viewer framework. The window won’t be shown until simple-viewer-run is called.

Each window

Function: simple-viewer-display &optional display-thunk

Gets/sets the display thunk, which is called every time the GL window is redrawn. You can change the display thunk any time, even while the viewer thread is running.

If no argument is given, returns the current display thunk. It can be #f if no display thunk is set.

When the display thunk is called, the matrix mode is MODELVIEW and the camera transformation is already applied. The grid and axes are also drawn, unless you’ve customized them.

In the display thunk you can just write your model in the world coordinate system. It is guaranteed that the current color is white and line width is 1.0, but the states of other GL contexts are undefined, so you have to set them explicitly.

Function: simple-viewer-reshape &optional reshape-proc

Gets/sets the reshape procedure which is called every time the GL window configuration is changed. (It is also called when the GL window is shown first time.) You can change the reshape procedure any time, even while the viewer thread is running.

If no argument is given, returns the current reshape proc.

A reshape procedure is called with two arguments, the width and the height (in pixels) of the new GL window configuration. By default, gl.simple.viewer sets a procedure that changes viewport and projection matrix apopropriately; you need to change it only if you want a different behavior.

Function: simple-viewer-grid &optional grid-proc
Function: simple-viewer-axis &optional axis-proc

Gets/sets a procedure to draw a grid and axes. You can change these procedures any time, even while the viewer thread is running.

The grid-proc and axis-proc are called with no arguments every time the GL window is redrawn, before the display thunk is invoked. The matrix mode is MODELVIEW, the camera transformation is already applied, and lighting is disabled.

The default grid proc draws 10x10 grid on X-Z plane centered at the origin. The default axis proc draws a red line from origin to +X, a green line from origin to +Y, and a blue line from origin to +Z.

You can pass #f to disable grid and/or axis display.

If no argument is given, returns the current grid/axis proc, respectively.

Function: simple-viewer-set-key! key handler …

Even number of arguments must be given; the first of every two specifies the key, and the next one specifies the action when the key is pressed.

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A. Indices

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A.1 Function and Syntax Index

Jump to:   A   E   F   G   L   M   P   Q   R   S   T   V  
Index Entry Section

axes->quatf6.4 Quaternions
axes->quatf!6.4 Quaternions

euler-angle->matrix4f6.3 Matrices
euler-angle->matrix4f!6.3 Matrices

f32vector->matrix4f6.3 Matrices
f32vector->matrix4f!6.3 Matrices
f32vector->point4f6.1 Vectors and points
f32vector->point4f-array6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
f32vector->point4f-array/shared6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
f32vector->quatf6.4 Quaternions
f32vector->vector4f6.1 Vectors and points
f32vector->vector4f-array6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
f32vector->vector4f-array/shared6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays

gl-accumTesting and operating on fragments
gl-alpha-funcTesting and operating on fragments
gl-are-textures-resident!Texture objects
gl-array-element4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-attach-object-arbShader objects
gl-begin4.3 Drawing functions
gl-begin*4.3 Drawing functions
gl-bind-attrib-location-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-bind-program-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-bind-textureTexture objects
gl-bitmapPixel operations
gl-blend-color4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-blend-equation4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-blend-func4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-boolean-vectorGL boolean vectors
gl-boolean-vector-copyGL boolean vectors
gl-boolean-vector-fill!GL boolean vectors
gl-boolean-vector-lengthGL boolean vectors
gl-boolean-vector-refGL boolean vectors
gl-boolean-vector-set!GL boolean vectors
gl-boolean-vector?GL boolean vectors
gl-call-list4.7 Display lists
gl-call-lists4.7 Display lists
gl-call-lists4.7 Display lists
gl-call-lists4.7 Display lists
gl-clearClearing buffers
gl-clear-accumClearing buffers
gl-clear-colorClearing buffers
gl-clear-depthClearing buffers
gl-clear-indexClearing buffers
gl-clear-stencilClearing buffers
gl-clip-plane4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-color4.3 Drawing functions
gl-color4.3 Drawing functions
gl-color-maskMasking buffers
gl-color-material4.9 Lighting
gl-color-pointer4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-color-sub-tableColor tables
gl-color-tableColor tables
gl-color-table-parameterColor tables
gl-compile-shader-arbShader objects
gl-copy-color-sub-tableColor tables
gl-copy-color-tableColor tables
gl-copy-pixelsPixel operations
gl-copy-tex-image-1dDefining textures
gl-copy-tex-image-2dDefining textures
gl-copy-tex-sub-image-1dDefining textures
gl-copy-tex-sub-image-2dDefining textures
gl-copy-tex-sub-image-3dDefining textures
gl-create-program-object-arbShader objects
gl-create-shader-object-arbShader objects
gl-cull-face4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-delete-lists4.7 Display lists
gl-delete-object-arbShader objects
gl-delete-programs-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-delete-texturesTexture objects
gl-depth-funcTesting and operating on fragments
gl-depth-maskMasking buffers
gl-depth-rangeTesting and operating on fragments
gl-detach-object-arbShader objects
gl-disable-vertex-attrib-array-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-draw-arrays4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-draw-bufferSelecting color buffers
gl-draw-elements4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-draw-pixelsPixel operations
gl-draw-range-elements4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-edge-flag4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-edge-flag-pointer4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-enable-vertex-attrib-array-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-end4.3 Drawing functions
gl-end-list4.7 Display lists
gl-extension-available?4.2 GL feature checking
gl-feedback-buffer4.13 Selection and feedback
gl-finish4.3 Drawing functions
gl-flush4.3 Drawing functions
gl-fog4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-front-face4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-frustum4.6 Transformation
gl-gen-lists4.7 Display lists
gl-gen-programs-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-gen-texturesTexture objects
gl-get-active-attrib-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-get-active-uniform-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-get-attached-objects-arbShader objects
gl-get-attrib-location-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-get-booleanState values
gl-get-boolean!State values
gl-get-clip-plane4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-get-color-table!Color tables
gl-get-doubleState values
gl-get-double!State values
gl-get-errorOther queries
gl-get-floatState values
gl-get-float!State values
gl-get-handle-arbShader objects
gl-get-info-log-arbShader objects
gl-get-integerState values
gl-get-integer!State values
gl-get-light4.9 Lighting
gl-get-material4.9 Lighting
gl-get-object-parameter-arbShader objects
gl-get-pixel-mapPixel operations
gl-get-pixel-map!Pixel operations
gl-get-shader-source-arbShader objects
gl-get-stringOther queries
gl-get-tex-level-parameterTexture parameters
gl-get-tex-parameterTexture parameters
gl-get-uniform-location-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-index-maskMasking buffers
gl-index-pointer4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-init-names4.13 Selection and feedback
gl-interleaved-arrays4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-is-list4.7 Display lists
gl-is-program-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-is-textureTexture objects
gl-light4.9 Lighting
gl-light-model4.9 Lighting
gl-line-stipple4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-line-width4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-link-program-arbShader objects
gl-list-base4.7 Display lists
gl-load-identity4.6 Transformation
gl-load-matrix4.6 Transformation
gl-load-name4.13 Selection and feedback
gl-logic-opTesting and operating on fragments
gl-material4.9 Lighting
gl-matrix-mode4.6 Transformation
gl-mult-matrix4.6 Transformation
gl-new-list4.7 Display lists
gl-normal4.3 Drawing functions
gl-normal4.3 Drawing functions
gl-normal-pointer4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-ortho4.6 Transformation
gl-pass-through4.13 Selection and feedback
gl-pixel-mapPixel operations
gl-pixel-storePixel operations
gl-pixel-transferPixel operations
gl-pixel-zoomPixel operations
gl-point-size4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-polygon-mode4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-polygon-offset4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-polygon-stipple4.5 GL states for drawing
gl-pop-attribPush/pop attributes
gl-pop-client-attribPush/pop attributes
gl-pop-matrix4.6 Transformation
gl-pop-name4.13 Selection and feedback
gl-prioritize-texturesTexture objects
gl-program-env-parameter-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-program-env-parameter-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-program-local-parameter-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-program-local-parameter-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-program-string-arbVertex and fragment programs
gl-push-attribPush/pop attributes
gl-push-client-attribPush/pop attributes
gl-push-matrix4.6 Transformation
gl-push-matrix*4.6 Transformation
gl-push-name4.13 Selection and feedback
gl-raster-pos4.3 Drawing functions
gl-raster-pos4.3 Drawing functions
gl-read-bufferSelecting color buffers
gl-read-pixelsPixel operations
gl-rect4.3 Drawing functions
gl-rect4.3 Drawing functions
gl-render-mode4.13 Selection and feedback
gl-rotate4.6 Transformation
gl-scale4.6 Transformation
gl-scissorTesting and operating on fragments
gl-select-buffer4.13 Selection and feedback
gl-shade-model4.9 Lighting
gl-shader-source-arbShader objects
gl-state-vector-sizeState values
gl-stencil-funcTesting and operating on fragments
gl-stencil-maskMasking buffers
gl-stencil-opTesting and operating on fragments
gl-tex-coord4.3 Drawing functions
gl-tex-coord4.3 Drawing functions
gl-tex-coord-pointer4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-tex-envTexture environment and coordinates
gl-tex-genTexture environment and coordinates
gl-tex-image-1dDefining textures
gl-tex-image-2dDefining textures
gl-tex-image-3dDefining textures
gl-tex-parameterTexture parameters
gl-tex-sub-image-1dDefining textures
gl-tex-sub-image-2dDefining textures
gl-tex-sub-image-3dDefining textures
gl-translate4.6 Transformation
gl-uniform-matrix2-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform-matrix3-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform-matrix4-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform1-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform1-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform2-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform2-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform3-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform3-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform4-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-uniform4-arbSpecifying uniform variables
gl-use-program-object-arbShader objects
gl-validate-program-arbShader objects
gl-version<=?4.2 GL feature checking
gl-version<?4.2 GL feature checking
gl-version=?4.2 GL feature checking
gl-version>=?4.2 GL feature checking
gl-version>?4.2 GL feature checking
gl-vertex4.3 Drawing functions
gl-vertex4.3 Drawing functions
gl-vertex-attrib-4n-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-vertex-attrib-4n-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-vertex-attrib-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-vertex-attrib-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-vertex-attrib-pointer-arbSpecifying vertex attributes
gl-vertex-pointer4.8 Vertex arrays
gl-viewport4.6 Transformation
glu-begin-curve4.16 Nurbs
glu-begin-surface4.16 Nurbs
glu-cylinder4.15 Quadrics
glu-disk4.15 Quadrics
glu-end-curve4.16 Nurbs
glu-end-surface4.16 Nurbs
glu-error-stringOther queries
glu-get-nurbs-property4.16 Nurbs
glu-get-stringOther queries
glu-load-sampling-matrices4.16 Nurbs
glu-look-at4.6 Transformation
glu-nurbs-curve4.16 Nurbs
glu-nurbs-property4.16 Nurbs
glu-ortho-2d4.6 Transformation
glu-partial-disk4.15 Quadrics
glu-perspective4.6 Transformation
glu-pick-matrix4.14 Projection
glu-project4.14 Projection
glu-project!4.14 Projection
glu-quadric-draw-style4.15 Quadrics
glu-quadric-normals4.15 Quadrics
glu-quadric-orientation4.15 Quadrics
glu-quadric-texture4.15 Quadrics
glu-sphere4.15 Quadrics
glu-un-project4.14 Projection
glu-un-project!4.14 Projection
glut-add-menu-entry5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-add-sub-menu5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-bitmap-character5.7 GLUT font
glut-bitmap-length5.7 GLUT font
glut-bitmap-width5.7 GLUT font
glut-button-box-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-change-to-menu-entry5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-change-to-sub-menu5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-copy-colormap5.5 GLUT colormap
glut-create-menu5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-create-sub-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-create-widnow5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-destroy-menu5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-destroy-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-detach-menu5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-device-get5.6 GLUT state retrieval
glut-dials-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-display-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-entry-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-establish-overlay5.2 GLUT overlay
glut-extension-supported5.6 GLUT state retrieval
glut-full-screen5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-get5.6 GLUT state retrieval
glut-get-color5.5 GLUT colormap
glut-get-emnu5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-get-modifiers5.6 GLUT state retrieval
glut-get-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-hide-overlay5.2 GLUT overlay
glut-hide-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-iconify-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-idle-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-init5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-init-display-mode5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-init-display-string5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-init-window-position5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-init-window-size5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-joystick-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-keyboard-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-keyboard-up-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-layer-get5.6 GLUT state retrieval
glut-main-loop5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-menu-state-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-menu-status-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-motion-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-mouse-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-overlay-dislay-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-passive-motion-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-pop-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-position-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-post-overlay-redisplay5.2 GLUT overlay
glut-post-redisplay5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-post-window-overlay-redisplay5.2 GLUT overlay
glut-post-window-redisplay5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-push-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-remove-menu-item5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-remove-overlay5.2 GLUT overlay
glut-reshape-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-reshape-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-set-color5.5 GLUT colormap
glut-set-cursor5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-set-icon-title5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-set-menu5.3 GLUT menu API
glut-set-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-set-window-title5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-show-overlay5.2 GLUT overlay
glut-show-window5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-soild-teapot5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-solid-cone5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-solid-cube5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-solid-dodecahedron5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-solid-icosahedron5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-solid-octahedron5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-solid-sphere5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-solid-tetrahedron5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-solid-torus5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-spaceball-button-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-spaceball-motion-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-spaceball-rotate-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-special-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-special-up-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-stroke-character5.7 GLUT font
glut-stroke-length5.7 GLUT font
glut-stroke-width5.7 GLUT font
glut-swap-buffers5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-tablet-button-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-tablet-motion-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-timer-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-use-layer5.2 GLUT overlay
glut-visibility-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-warp-pointer5.1 GLUT window manipulation
glut-window-status-func5.4 GLUT callbacks
glut-wire-cone5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-wire-cube5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-wire-dodecahedron5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-wire-icosahedron5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-wire-octahedron5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-wire-sphere5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-wire-teapot5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-wire-tetrahedron5.8 GLUT pre-built models
glut-wire-torus5.8 GLUT pre-built models
gult-attach-menu5.3 GLUT menu API

list->gl-boolean-vectorGL boolean vectors
list->matrix4f6.3 Matrices
list->point4f6.1 Vectors and points
list->point4f-array6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
list->quatf6.4 Quaternions
list->vector4f6.1 Vectors and points
list->vector4f-array6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays

make-gl-boolean-vectorGL boolean vectors
make-matrix4f6.3 Matrices
make-point4f6.1 Vectors and points
make-point4f-array6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
make-quatf6.4 Quaternions
make-vector4f6.1 Vectors and points
make-vector4f-array6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
matrix4f6.3 Matrices
matrix4f->f32vector6.3 Matrices
matrix4f->list6.3 Matrices
matrix4f->quatf6.4 Quaternions
matrix4f->quatf!6.4 Quaternions
matrix4f->rotation6.3 Matrices
matrix4f->rotation!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f->translation6.3 Matrices
matrix4f->translation!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-column6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-column/shared6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-copy6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-copy!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-decompose6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-decompose!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-determinant6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-inverse6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-inverse!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-mul6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-mul!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-ref6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-ref26.3 Matrices
matrix4f-row6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-set!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-set2!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-transpose6.3 Matrices
matrix4f-transpose!6.3 Matrices
matrix4f?6.3 Matrices

point4f6.1 Vectors and points
point4f->f32vector6.1 Vectors and points
point4f->list6.1 Vectors and points
point4f-add6.1 Vectors and points
point4f-add!6.1 Vectors and points
point4f-array->f32vector6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
point4f-array-length6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
point4f-array-ref6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
point4f-array-ref/shared6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
point4f-array-set!6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
point4f-array?6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
point4f-copy6.1 Vectors and points
point4f-copy!6.1 Vectors and points
point4f-ref6.1 Vectors and points
point4f-set!6.1 Vectors and points
point4f-sub6.1 Vectors and points
point4f?6.1 Vectors and points

quatf6.4 Quaternions
quatf->f32vector6.4 Quaternions
quatf->list6.4 Quaternions
quatf->matrix4f6.4 Quaternions
quatf->matrix4f!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-add6.4 Quaternions
quatf-add!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-conjugate6.4 Quaternions
quatf-conjugate!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-copy6.4 Quaternions
quatf-copy!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-mul6.4 Quaternions
quatf-mul!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-norm6.4 Quaternions
quatf-normalize6.4 Quaternions
quatf-normalize!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-scale6.4 Quaternions
quatf-scale!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-slerp6.4 Quaternions
quatf-slerp!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-sub6.4 Quaternions
quatf-sub!6.4 Quaternions
quatf-transform6.4 Quaternions
quatf?6.4 Quaternions

read-sgi-image7.1 Simple image handling
read-sgi-image-from-port7.1 Simple image handling
rotation->matrix4f6.3 Matrices
rotation->matrix4f!6.3 Matrices
rotation->quatf!6.4 Quaternions

scale->matrix4f6.3 Matrices
scale->matrix4f!6.3 Matrices
simple-viewer-axis7.2 Simple viewer
simple-viewer-display7.2 Simple viewer
simple-viewer-grid7.2 Simple viewer
simple-viewer-reshape7.2 Simple viewer
simple-viewer-set-key!7.2 Simple viewer
simple-viewer-window7.2 Simple viewer

tqs->matrix4f6.3 Matrices
tqs->matrix4f!6.3 Matrices
translation->matrix4f6.3 Matrices
translation->matrix4f!6.3 Matrices
trs->matrix4f6.3 Matrices
trs->matrix4f!6.3 Matrices

vector4f6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f->f32vector6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f->list6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-add6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-add!6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-array->f32vector6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
vector4f-array-length6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
vector4f-array-ref6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
vector4f-array-ref/shared6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
vector4f-array-set!6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
vector4f-array?6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays
vector4f-copy6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-copy!6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-cross6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-dot6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-norm6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-normalize6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-normalize!6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-ref6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-set!6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-sub6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-sub!6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f?6.1 Vectors and points
vectors->quatf6.4 Quaternions
vectors->quatf!6.4 Quaternions

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A.2 Module Index

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Index Entry Section

gl.math3d6. Vectors and matrices
gl.simple.image7.1 Simple image handling
gl.simple.viewer7.2 Simple viewer

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A.3 Class Index

For readability, the surrounding < and > are stripped off.

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Index Entry Section

glut-font5.7 GLUT font

matrix4f6.3 Matrices

point4f6.1 Vectors and points
point4f-array6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays

quatf6.4 Quaternions

vector4f6.1 Vectors and points
vector4f-array6.2 Vector arrays and point arrays

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A.4 Variable Index

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Index Entry Section

GLUT_ACCUM5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_ALPHA5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_BLUE5.5 GLUT colormap
GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_SIDE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_CYCLE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_DESTROY5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_FULL_CROSSHAIR5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_HELP5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_INFO5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_ARROW5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_RIGHT5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_SIDE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_NONE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_SIDE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_SPRAY5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_TEXT5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_LEFT_CORNER5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_SIDE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_UP_DOWN5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_CURSOR_WAIT5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_DEPTH5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_DOUBLE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_DOWN5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_ENTERED5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_GREEN5.5 GLUT colormap
GLUT_HAS_JOYSTICK5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_HAS_KEYBOARD5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_HAS_MOUSE5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_HAS_OVERLAY5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_HAS_SPACEBALL5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_HAS_TABLET5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_INDEX5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_INIT_DISPLAY_MODE5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_WIDTH5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_X5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_Y5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_JOYSTICK_AXES5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_KEY_DOWN5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_END5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F15.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F105.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F115.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F125.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F25.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F35.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F45.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F55.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F65.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F75.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F85.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_F95.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_HOME5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_LEFT5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_RIGHT5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_KEY_UP5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_LAYER_IN_USE5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_LEFT5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_LUMINANCE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_MENU_NUM_ITEMS5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_MULTISAMPLE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_NORMAL_DAMAGED5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_NUM_DIALS5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_OVERLAY_DAMAGED5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_OWNS_JOYSTICK5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_RED5.5 GLUT colormap
GLUT_RGB5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_RGBA5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT_MM5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH_MM5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_SINGLE5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_STENCIL5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_STEREO5.1 GLUT window manipulation
GLUT_UP5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_VISIBLE5.4 GLUT callbacks
GLUT_WINDOW_ALPHA_SIZE5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_BLUE_SIZE5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_CURSOR5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_DEPTH_SIZE5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_FORMAT_ID5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_GREEN_SIZE5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_PARENT5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_RED_SIZE5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_RGBA5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_STEREO5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_X5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLUT_WINDOW_Y5.6 GLUT state retrieval
GLU_FILL4.15 Quadrics
GLU_FLAT4.15 Quadrics
GLU_INSIDE4.15 Quadrics
GLU_LINE4.15 Quadrics
GLU_NONE4.15 Quadrics
GLU_OUTSIDE4.15 Quadrics
GLU_POINT4.15 Quadrics
GLU_SILHUETTE4.15 Quadrics
GLU_SMOOTH4.15 Quadrics
GL_LINES4.3 Drawing functions
GL_LINE_LOOP4.3 Drawing functions
GL_LINE_STRIP4.3 Drawing functions
GL_POINTS4.3 Drawing functions
GL_POLYGON4.3 Drawing functions
GL_QUADS4.3 Drawing functions
GL_QUAD_STRIP4.3 Drawing functions
GL_TRIANGLES4.3 Drawing functions
GL_TRIANGLE_FAN4.3 Drawing functions
GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP4.3 Drawing functions

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