;;; Retrieve Gauche Releases
;;;   VERSION can be a version string (e.g. 0.9.5), or a word `latest'
;;;   or `snapshot'.
;;;   https://practical-scheme.net/gauche/releases
;;;   https://practical-scheme.net/gauche/releases/.json
;;;   https://practical-scheme.net/gauche/releases/.txt
;;;      Returns available versions in html, json and text (one version per line)
;;;   https://practical-scheme.net/gauche/releases/VERSION{.suffix}
;;;      Returns information of VERSION, depending on the suffix.
;;;      suffix can be:
;;;       .html  - returns metainfo in html
;;;       .json  - returns metainfo in json
;;;       .tgz   - returns tarball (via redirect)
;;;       .txt   - returns version string in text.  useful for `latest' and
;;;                `snapshot'.
;;;       .32bit.msi, .64bit.msi - returns Windows installer (via redirect)
;;;      If VERSION isn't available, 404 is returned.

Available versions: