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11.59 srfi.228 - Composing comparators

Module: srfi.228

This module provides a few utility procedures to compose comparators for typical aggregates. For the details of comparators, see Basic comparators, and see srfi.114 - Comparators.

Function: make-wrapper-comparator type-test unwrap contents-comparator

[SRFI-228]{srfi.228} Creates a comparator for objects that wraps other entities.

First it tests the given object with type-test; then, it calls unwrap on it to extract contents, and use contents-comparator on the exracted contents.

For example, suppose you want to deal with a string inside a box. You can create a comparator for such structs (strbox-comparator) as follows:

(define (strbox? obj)
  (and (box? obj) (string? (unbox obj))))

(define strbox-comparator
  (make-wrapper-comparator strbox? unbox string-comparator))

Then you can compare to strboxes with <? etc., or make a hashtable or treemap by passing strbox-comparator as a comparator.

Function: make-product-comparator comparator …

[SRFI-228]{srfi.228} Creates a comparator for objects of a common type of the types dealt with given comparators. Combined with make-wrapper-comparator, this can also be used to create a comparator for the product types.

The type predicate of the resulting comparator is satisfied iff the object satisfies every type predicates of comparators.

The equality predicate is satisfied iff two objects are equal to each other according to all comparators.

The ordering predicate is defined only if all the comparators have ordering predicate. Two objects can be ordered by applying ordering predicate of comparators left to right. If an ordering predicate returns true, the ordering predicate of the product comparator immediately returns true. Otherwise, two objects are checked with the equality predicate of the current comparator. If two objects are not equal, or no more comparators are left, then the ordering predicate of the product comparator returns #f. Otherwise, the next comparator is tried.

The hash function is defined only if all the comparators have hash functions. Each hash function is called, and the results are combined to produce the final hash value.

The following example defines a comparator of a record type based on the comparators of the fields.

(define-record-type <member> make-member member?
  (name member-name)  ; string
  (age member-age))   ; integer

(define member-comparator
   (make-wrapper-comparator member? member-name string-comparator)
   (make-wrapper-comparator member? member-age integer-comparator)))
Function: make-sum-comparator comparator …

[SRFI-228]{srfi.228} Creates a comparator for objects of a union type of the types dealt with the given comparators.

The type predicate of the created comparator is satisfied if the given object satisfies a type predicate of any one of the given comparators. The leftmost comparator that the object satisfies is called the relevant comparator.

The equality predicate is satisfied if the two objects share the relevant comparator and are equal to each other with regard to the comparator.

The ordering predicate works as follows: First, relevant comparators of two given objects are picked. If the relevant comparator of the first object is to the left of the relevant comparator of the second, the ordering predicate of the sum comparator is satisfied. If the first one is to the right of the second one, the ordering predicate is unsatisfied. If two objects share the relevant comparator, they are oreder by the ordering predicate of the relevant comparator.

The hash function returns the hash value computed by the relevant comparator of the given object.

Variable: comparator-one

[SRFI-228]{srfi.228} This is a comparator that works as a unit element for the product comparator. It accepts any object and all values are equal; that is, its type predcate and its equality predicate always return #t, its ordering predicate always returns #f, and its hash function always returns 0.

Variable: comparator-zero

[SRFI-228]{srfi.228} This is a comparator that works as a unit element for the sum comparator. Its domain is empty; that is, its type predicate always returns #f, and it is an error to invoke its equality predicate, ordering predicate and hash function.

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