memo: Scheme:リスト処理
(defun longer (x y) (labels ((compare (x y) (and (consp x) (or (null y) (compare (cdr x) (cdr y)))))) (if (and (listp x) (listp y)) (compare x y) (> (length x) (length y)))))
memo: Smalltalkでも制約指向プログラミングがある。 http://www.sra.co.jp/people/aoki/SmalltalkTextbookJ/textbook33.html
memo: スーパークリエイタの研究はさすがに画期的。 http://www.ipa.go.jp/NBP/14nendo/14mito/creator.html
memo: http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/userblogs/avi/blogView?showComments=true&entry=3240140310
memo: SISC Second Interpreter of Scheme Code http://sisc.sourceforge.net/
memo: あとで読みたい。 Scheme:オブジェクト指向表現
(define match (#/(?<integer>\d+)\.(?<fraction>(\d+)/ "pi=3.14..."))
(define match (#/(?<integer>\d+)\.(?<fraction>\d+)/ "pi=3.14..."))
(2006/06/18 00:07:10 PDT)
0 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 9 0 6 2 0 0 5 3 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 4 8 4 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 9 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 3 1 8 0 0 0
$ ./suudoku.scm probrem ........................ solved. counts of answer=1 1 5 2 9 8 3 6 4 7 6 7 8 1 4 5 3 2 9 4 3 9 7 6 2 1 8 5 3 1 5 8 9 6 2 7 4 8 4 7 2 3 1 9 5 6 9 2 6 4 5 7 8 3 1 2 9 3 6 7 4 5 1 8 7 8 1 5 2 9 4 6 3 5 6 4 3 1 8 7 9 2 ....answer is not any further
#!/usr/bin/env gosh (use srfi-1) (use srfi-43) (use util.combinations) (use util.list) (use gauche.array) (define-constant dim 9) (define-constant 1-9-list (iota dim 1)) (define-constant 0-8-list (iota dim)) (define-constant all-list (cartesian-product `(,0-8-list ,0-8-list))) (define (array-ref-multi G l) (map (lambda (x) (array-ref G (car x) (cadr x))) l)) (define (row-list row) (cartesian-product `((,row) ,0-8-list))) (define (col-list col) (cartesian-product `(,0-8-list (,col)))) (define (region-list row col) (let* ((a0 (* (quotient row 3) 3)) (a1 (+ a0 1)) (a2 (+ a0 2)) (b0 (* (quotient col 3) 3)) (b1 (+ b0 1)) (b2 (+ b0 2))) (cartesian-product `((,a0 ,a1 ,a2) (,b0 ,b1 ,b2))))) (define (get-usable-number-list G row col) (define (get-row-used-number-list G row) (remove! zero? (array-ref-multi G (row-list row)))) (define (get-col-used-number-list G col) (remove! zero? (array-ref-multi G (col-list col)))) (define (get-region-used-number-list G row col) (remove! zero? (array-ref-multi G (region-list row col)))) (define (get-used-number-list G row col) (lset-union = (get-row-used-number-list G row) (get-col-used-number-list G col) (get-region-used-number-list G row col))) (lset-difference = 1-9-list (get-used-number-list G row col))) (define (read-data inp) (apply (cut array (shape 0 dim 0 dim) <...>) (apply append! (map (cut map x->integer <>) (map (cut string-split <> #\space) (port->string-list inp)))))) (define (my-array-print G) (for-each (lambda (x) (apply print (intersperse #\space (array-ref-multi G (row-list x))))) 0-8-list)) (define (single? l) (and (pair? l) (null? (cdr l)))) (define (fixed-num-finder A row col) (define (unique-in-list? a l) (single? (filter (cut eq? a <>) l))) (any (lambda (x) (find (cut unique-in-list? <> x) (array-ref A row col))) (map (lambda (x) (apply append x)) (list (array-ref-multi A (row-list row)) (array-ref-multi A (col-list col)) (array-ref-multi A (region-list row col)))))) (define (usable-number-list-array G) (let1 usable-number-list (map (lambda (x) (let ((row (car x)) (col (cadr x))) (if (zero? (array-ref G row col)) (get-usable-number-list G row col) '()))) all-list) (apply (cut array (shape 0 dim 0 dim) <...>) usable-number-list))) (define (fixed-num-list G) (let1 A (usable-number-list-array G) (filter-map (lambda (x) (let ((row (car x)) (col (cadr x))) (let1 p (fixed-num-finder A row col) (if (eq? p #f) #f (list row col p))))) all-list))) (define (solvable? G) (let1 A (usable-number-list-array G) (null? (filter-map (lambda (x) (let ((row (car x)) (col (cadr x))) (and (= (array-ref G row col) 0) (null? (array-ref A row col))))) all-list)))) (define (back-track-candidates G) (define (array-index pred a) (let1 i (vector-index pred (array->vector a)) (if (eq? i #f) #f (list (quotient i dim) (modulo i dim))))) (let1 A (usable-number-list-array G) (let length-loop ((len 2)) (if (> len dim) (print "wtf?") (let1 x (array-index (lambda (x) (= (length x) len)) A) (if (not (eq? x #f)) (let ((row (car x)) (col (cadr x))) (map (lambda (p) (list row col p)) (array-ref A row col))) (length-loop (+ len 1)))))))) (define (solve G) (define (solve-fork G x) (format #t ".") (flush) (let1 G0 (apply (cut array (shape 0 dim 0 dim) <...>) (array->list G)) (array-set! G0 (car x) (cadr x) (caddr x)) (solve G0))) (cond ((null? (filter zero? (array-ref-multi G all-list))) (if (answer-checker G) (begin (inc! answer-count) (newline) (format #t "solved. counts of answer=~s\n" answer-count) (my-array-print G) (choose)) (choose))) ((not (solvable? G)) (choose)) (else (let1 l (fixed-num-list G) (if (null? l) (solve-fork G (apply choose (back-track-candidates G))) (begin (for-each (lambda (x) (array-set! G (car x) (cadr x) (caddr x))) l) (solve G))))))) (define (answer-checker G) (define (checker G row col) (and (equal? 1-9-list (sort (array-ref-multi G (row-list row)))) (equal? 1-9-list (sort (array-ref-multi G (col-list col)))) (equal? 1-9-list (sort (array-ref-multi G (region-list row col)))))) (null? (filter-map (lambda (x) (not (checker G (car x) (cadr x)))) all-list))) (define answer-count 0) (define fail #f) (define (choose . ls) (if (null? ls) (fail) (let ((fail0 fail)) (call/cc (lambda (cc) (set! fail (lambda () (set! fail fail0) (cc (apply choose (cdr ls))))) (cc (car ls))))))) (define (main args) (if (call/cc (lambda (cc) (set! fail (lambda () (cc #f))) (cc #t))) (solve (call-with-input-file (cadr args) read-data)) (print "answer is not any further")))
(define (array-print mat) (for-each (lambda (r) (let1 row-r (share-array mat (shape (array-start mat 1) (array-end mat 1)) (lambda (k) (values r k))) (print (array->list row-r)))) (iota (array-length mat 0) (array-start mat 0))) (newline))
Schemeに慣れてきて、以前のコードを今ならもっときれいに書けるはずと、改良してみた。2006/06/10 18:35:16 PDT
(define (graph input) (define (input->plist in) (let1 y 0 (port-map (lambda (c) (case c ((#\R) (inc! y) (cons (- y 1) #\/)) ((#\F) (dec! y) (cons y #\\)) ((#\C) (cons y #\_)))) (lambda () (read-char in))))) (define (draw-row y plist) (for-each (lambda (x) (if (= (car x) y) (display (cdr x)) (display #\space))) plist)) (let ((plist (call-with-input-string input input->plist))) (receive (min-y max-y) (apply min&max (map car plist)) (let loop ((y max-y)) (if (< y min-y) 'AA-graph (begin (draw-row y plist) (display #\newline) (loop (- y 1)))))))) (graph "RCRFCRFFCCRFFRRCRRCCFRFRFF")
(define (graph input) (define (input->plist input) (let1 input-p (open-input-string input) (let loop ((plist '()) (y 0)) (let1 c (read-char input-p) (if (eof-object? c) (reverse! plist) (let1 obj '() (case c ((#\R) (set! obj (cons y #\/)) (inc! y)) ((#\F) (set! obj (cons (- y 1) #\\)) (dec! y)) ((#\C) (set! obj (cons y #\_)))) (loop (cons obj plist) y))))))) (define (draw-row y plist) (for-each (lambda (obj) (if (= (car obj) y) (display (cdr obj)) (display #\space))) plist)) (let ((plist (input->plist input))) (receive (min-y max-y) (apply min&max (map car plist)) (let loop ((y max-y)) (if (< y min-y) 'AA-graph (begin (draw-row y plist) (display #\newline) (loop (- y 1))))))))
gosh> (graph "RCRFCRFFCCRFFRRCRRCCFRFRFF") __ / \/\/\ _/\_/\ _/ \ / \__/\ / \/ AA-graph
いつもどおり、tar.gzを展開して、Gauche-glのconfigureを実行すると、 GLUT/glut.hが見つからないと言われる。
$ ./configure checking GL/glx.h usability... yes checking GL/glx.h presence... yes checking for GL/glx.h... yes checking GLUT/glut.h usability... no checking GLUT/glut.h presence... no checking for GLUT/glut.h... no
#yum install freeglut-devel
glut.hが、GL/glut.hにインストールされてしまっているので、GLUT/glut.hは存在しないのだ。 そこで、Gauche-glのconfigure.inを書き換える。69行目、
$ autoconf
$ ./configure checking GL/glx.h usability... yes checking GL/glx.h presence... yes checking for GL/glx.h... yes checking GL/glut.h usability... yes checking GL/glut.h presence... yes checking for GL/glut.h... yes
正常。この後めでたく、make, make install で、インストール完了。
SDL_Surfaceを回転するC言語の関数を、Gaucheから呼び出したくなった。 spigotとgenstubのソースコードが参考になった。
$ gauche-package generate hoge $ cd hoge/ hogelib.stub, hoge.c, hoge.h, hoge.scm を書いて、 $ ./DIST gen $ ./configure $ make # make install
$ ./DIST tgz
C言語の関数を呼び出す方法を調べるにあたって、参考にしたページ Gauche:FFI Gauche:MeCab