- XSLT:processor
- There are several implementation written in Java, e.g. saxon, xalan, xt.
- Saxon
- First of all, I'll try saxon with no reason.
- Saxon official page
- HE9.3
- I'll try saxon HE first, because it's free. If it's fine, I would try commercial versions of saxon.
- Install Saxon HE9.3 on MacOSX
;; Download and unzip saxon.
$ unzip saxohe9-3-0-4j.zip
$ mv saxon9he.jar ~/Dropbox/java/lib/
- Check Saxon HE9.3 to work
$ java -cp ./saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -t -qs:'current-date()'
Saxon-HE from Saxonica
Java version 1.6.0_24
Analyzing query from {current-date()}
Analysis time: 192 milliseconds
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>2011-04-08+09:00Execution time: 44ms
Memory used: 9547704
- 6.5.5
- XSLT-process mode in Emacs is only compatible with 6.5.2 of Saxon. So I'd like to install it but now 6.5.5 is only available in 6.5 series.
- Download Saxon6-5-5.zip.
- Unzip it.
- Put the jar files in your lib directory.
- XSLT:Emacs
- XSLT-process is a minor-mode to deal with xslt matters.
- This mode is quite old (Last updated Jan 2003), and it says it only support Saxon 6.5.2. So there is strong possibility that this mode will not work with the current Saxon (HE 9.3.4j).
- It depends on two other packages: elib 1.0 and speedbar.
- Install elib 1.0
- Check whether elib 1.0 was already installed or not.
- Search the symbols using M-x apropos. If you can find symbols with elib- as its prefix, elib must be already installed.
- Make install.
Last modified : 2012/02/02 11:58:05 UTC