

(use srfi-1)           ; for list-tabulate
(use gauche.generator) ; for grange
(use srfi-42)          ; for list-ec
(use gauche.test)
(use gauche.time)

;; ***** range *****
;; (range end)            : start=0, step=1
;; (range start end)      : step=1
;; (range start end step) :
;;   when step>0
;;     ==> '(start start+step start+step*2 ... end1) : end1<end
;;   when step<0
;;     ==> '(start start+step start+step*2 ... end1) : end1>end
;;   when step=0
;;     ==> '()
(define-macro (define-range-macro name core-logic)
  `(define-syntax ,name
     (syntax-rules ()
       [(_ end)
        (,name 0 end 1)]
       [(_ start end)
        (,name start end 1)]
       [(_ start end step)
        (if (or (= start end)
                (= step 0)
                (and (< start end) (< step 0))
                (and (> start end) (> step 0)))

;; range1 - using cons and reverse
;;  (for inexact numbers, we use multiplication to avoid error accumulation)
(define-range-macro range1
  (if (and (exact? start) (exact? step))
    (let ([op (if (< step 0) > <)])
      (let loop ([r '()] [v start])
        (if (op v end)
          (loop (cons v r) (+ v step))
          (reverse r))))
    (let ([s  (inexact start)]
          [op (if (< step 0) > <)])
      (let loop ([r '()] [v s] [i 1])
        (if (op v end)
          (loop (cons v r) (+ s (* i step)) (+ i 1))
          (reverse r))))))

;; range2 - using iota
(define-range-macro range2
  (iota (ceiling (/ (- end start) step)) start step))

;; range3 - using list-tabulate
(define-range-macro range3
  (list-tabulate (ceiling (/ (- end start) step))
                 (lambda (i) (+ start (* step i)))))

;; range4 - using grange
(define-range-macro range4
  (generator->list (grange start end step)))

;; range5 - using list-ec
;;  (%range5 is used to avoid macro expansion error)
(define (%range5 start end step)
  (list-ec (: v start end step) v))
(define-range-macro range5
  (%range5 start end step))

;; ***** test *****
(define approx=?
  (if (global-variable-bound? 'gauche 'approx=?)
    (with-module gauche approx=?)
    ;; for Gauche v0.9.7
    (^[x y :optional (rel-tol 1e-12) (abs-tol 0)]
      (cond [(eqv? x y) #t]
            [(or (not (finite? x)) (not (finite? y))) #f]
            [else (<= (abs (- x y))
                      (max (* (max (abs x) (abs y)) rel-tol)
(define (test-group-1 name proc check)
  (define (test-name str) (string-append name "-" str))
     (test* ,(test-name "test1")  '(0  1  2  3  4) (,proc 5)        ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test2")  '(0  1  2  3  4) (,proc 0   5)    ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test3")  '(0  1  2  3  4) (,proc 0   5  1) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test4")  '(0 -1 -2 -3 -4) (,proc 0  -5 -1) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test5")  '(0  3  6  9)    (,proc 0  10  3) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test6")  '(0 -3 -6 -9)    (,proc 0 -10 -3) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test7")  '(0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0) (,proc 5.0)           ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test8")  '(0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0) (,proc 0.0  5.0)      ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test9")  '(0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0) (,proc 0.0  5.0  1.0) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test10") '(0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0) (,proc 0.0 -5.0 -1.0) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test11") '(0.0  0.2  0.4  0.6  0.8) (,proc 0.0  1.0  0.2) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test12") '(0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8) (,proc 0.0 -1.0 -0.2) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test13") '() (,proc 10 10  0) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test14") '() (,proc 0  10  0) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test15") '() (,proc 0  10 -1) ,check)
     (test* ,(test-name "test16") '() (,proc 0 -10  1) ,check)
(define-macro (test-group check)
   (fold (^[proc ret] (cons (test-group-1 (x->string proc) proc check) ret))
         '(range1 range2 range3 range4 range5))))
(test-group (^[a b] (list= approx=? a b)))

;; ***** time *****
(define (time-group-1 name proc no n start end step)
  `(print ,name "-time" ,no ": " (time-this ,n (^[] (,proc ,start ,end ,step)))))
(define-macro (time-group no n start end step)
   (fold (^[proc ret] (cons (time-group-1 (x->string proc) proc no n start end step) ret))
         '(range1 range2 range3 range4 range5))
(time-group 1 10000 0 1000 1)
(time-group 2 10000 0.0 100.0 0.1)

range1-time1: #<time-result 10000 times/  1.469 real/  1.719 user/  0.250 sys>
range2-time1: #<time-result 10000 times/  0.859 real/  1.016 user/  0.078 sys>
range3-time1: #<time-result 10000 times/  1.188 real/  1.438 user/  0.063 sys>
range4-time1: #<time-result 10000 times/  1.734 real/  2.032 user/  0.218 sys>
range5-time1: #<time-result 10000 times/  2.071 real/  2.328 user/  0.250 sys>

range1-time2: #<time-result 10000 times/  2.226 real/  2.672 user/  0.188 sys>
range2-time2: #<time-result 10000 times/  1.594 real/  1.812 user/  0.250 sys>
range3-time2: #<time-result 10000 times/  1.863 real/  1.516 user/  0.391 sys>
range4-time2: #<time-result 10000 times/  2.404 real/  2.938 user/  0.343 sys>
range5-time2: #<time-result 10000 times/  2.883 real/  3.281 user/  0.360 sys>

hamayama(2019/07/13 06:09:48 UTC)(2019/07/13 13:27:48 UTC)
(2019/07/14 04:52:18 UTC)

Shiro(2019/07/13 10:25:55 UTC): lrangeは負のステップに対応してます。grangeが対応してないのは見落としっぽい。

gosh> (lrange 10 1 -1) 
(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2)

Shiro(2019/07/14 08:34:23 UTC): あと、Racketがrangeで引数ひとつの時にend指定とみなすのは、 eagerなrangeでendを指定しないのは意味が無いからだと思います。計算が終わらないので。 一方、grangeやlrangeはlazyなので、逆に無限に続く数列の方が使い勝手が良く、Gauche ではそちらをデフォルトにしています。もしGaucheにrangeを入れるとしたら、startとend 両方必須にすると思います。

最終更新 : 2019/07/14 08:37:39 UTC