tiny-ps.scmという名前でソースを保存し、Gaucheの *load-path* に置きます。
gosh> (use tiny-ps) gosh> (define *ps* (make/tps :bounding-box "0 0 200 200")) gosh> (closed-poly *ps* 0 0 100 200 200 0 0 120 200 120) gosh> (tps-preview *ps*) ; デフォルトでは /usr/bin/gv を使用
(define-module tiny-ps (use srfi-19) (use text.tree) (use gauche.process) (export <tiny-ps> make-tiny-post-script make/tps with-tps moveto lineto newpath stroke closepath setlinewidth setrgbcolor poly closed-poly opened-poly tps-preview tps->string tps-set-bounding-box! tps-set-bb!)) (select-module tiny-ps) (define-class <tiny-ps> () ((stack :init-value '() :accessor ps-stack) (ps-version :init-value "3.0" :init-keyword :ps-version :accessor ps-version) (ps-type :init-value "eps" :init-keyword :ps-type :accessor ps-type) (ps-title :init-value "Tiny PS figure" :init-keyword :title :accessor ps-title) (ps-creator :init-value "Tiny PostScript Library" :getter ps-creator) (ps-creation-date :init-form (date->string (current-date) "~Y/~m/~d ~X") :getter ps-creation-date) (ps-bounding-box :init-value "0 0 100 100" :init-keyword :bounding-box :accessor ps-bounding-box) (ps-preview-command :init-value "/usr/bin/gv" :init-keyword :preview-command :accessor ps-preview-command) )) ;;;; ;;;; not exported ;;;; ;;;; Primitive methods to treat primitive data ;;;; (define-method tps-push ((ps <tiny-ps>) . items) (cond ((null? items) (ps-stack ps)) ((pair? (car items)) (begin (apply tps-push ps (car items)) (apply tps-push ps (cdr items)))) (else (begin (set! (ps-stack ps) (cons (car items) (ps-stack ps))) (apply tps-push ps (cdr items)))))) (define-method tps-pop ((ps <tiny-ps>)) (let* ((stack (ps-stack ps)) (poped (car stack))) (begin (set! (ps-stack ps) (cdr stack)) poped))) (define-method tps-stack->string ((ps <tiny-ps>)) (string-join (reverse (map (lambda (x) (format #f "~a" x)) (ps-stack ps))))) ;;;; ;;;; exported ;;;; ;;;; Primitive methods corresponding to PostScript operator ;;;; (define-syntax ps-operator (syntax-rules () ((_ op) (define-method op ((ps <tiny-ps>)) (tps-push ps (symbol->string (quote op))))) ((_ op x) (define-method op ((ps <tiny-ps>) x) (tps-push ps x (symbol->string (quote op))))) ((_ op x ...) (define-method op ((ps <tiny-ps>) x ...) (tps-push ps x ... (symbol->string (quote op))))))) (define-macro (with-tps ps . ops) (let loop((ret '()) (ops (reverse ops))) (cond ((null? ops) `(begin ,@ret)) (else (loop (let1 op (car ops) (cons (cons (car op) (cons ps (cdr op))) ret)) (cdr ops)))))) (ps-operator moveto x y) (ps-operator lineto x y) (ps-operator newpath) (ps-operator stroke) (ps-operator closepath) (ps-operator setlinewidth linewidth) (ps-operator setrgbcolor r g b) (ps-operator setlinecap type) (ps-operator setlinejoin type) (ps-operator setdash pattern offset) (ps-operator arc center-x center-y radius start-angle end-angle) (ps-operator arcn center-x center-y radius start-angle end-angle) ;;;; ;;;; exported ;;;; ;;;; Methods wrapping primitive PostScript methods ;;;; (define-method private-poly ((tps <tiny-ps>) . points) (begin (newpath tps) (moveto tps (car points) (cadr points)) (let loop((points (cddr points))) (cond ((null? points) #t) (else (let ((x (car points)) (y (cadr points))) (begin (lineto tps x y) (loop (cddr points))))))))) (define-method poly ((tps <tiny-ps>) . points) (begin (apply private-poly tps points) (stroke tps))) (define opened-poly poly) (define-method closed-poly ((tps <tiny-ps>) . points) (begin (apply private-poly tps points) (closepath tps) (stroke tps))) ;;;; ;;;; exported ;;;; ;;;; Utility methods ;;;; (define (make-tiny-post-script . options) (apply make <tiny-ps> options)) (define make/tps make-tiny-post-script) (define-method tps-set-bounding-box! ((ps <tiny-ps>) (str <string>)) (set! (ps-bounding-box ps) str) (ps-bounding-box ps)) (define tps-set-bb! tps-set-bounding-box!) (define-method tps-set-bounding-box! ((ps <tiny-ps>) (x0 <integer>) (y0 <integer>) (x1 <integer>) (y1 <integer>)) (tps-set-bounding-box! ps (format #f "~a ~a ~a ~a" x0 y0 x1 y1))) (define-method tps->string ((ps <tiny-ps>)) (tree->string (list "%!PS-Adobe-" (ps-version ps) #\newline "%%Title: " (ps-title ps) #\newline "%%Creator: " (ps-creator ps) #\newline "%%CreationDate:" (ps-creation-date ps) #\newline "%%BoundingBox: " (ps-bounding-box ps) #\newline "%%Orientation: Landscape" #\newline "%%DocumentFonts: (atend)" #\newline "%%Pages: (atend)" #\newline "%%EndComments" #\newline "/tiny_ps_dict 120 dict def" #\newline "tiny_ps_dict begin gsave" #\newline (tps-stack->string ps) #\newline "stroke end grestore showpage" #\newline "%%Trailer" #\newline))) (define-method tps-preview ((tps <tiny-ps>)) (begin (with-output-to-file (string-append "preview." (ps-type tps)) (lambda () (display (tps->string tps))) :if-exists :overwrite :if-does-not-exist :create) (run-process (ps-preview-command tps) (string-append "preview." (ps-type tps)) :wait #f))) (export-all) (provide "tiny-ps")