東京電力 | 福島第一原発 | 1号機 | 炉心溶融、水素爆発、海水注入 |
2号機 | 炉心溶融、水素爆発?、海水注入、サプレッションプール破損、格納容器破損、電源回復 | ||
3号機 | 炉心溶融、水素爆発、海水注入 | ||
4号機 | 水素爆発?、火災再発生 | ||
5号機 | 冷温停止 | ||
6号機 | 冷温停止 | ||
福島第二原発 | 1号機 | 冷温停止 | |
2号機 | 冷温停止 | ||
3号機 | 冷温停止 | ||
4号機 | 冷温停止 | ||
東北電力 | 女川原発 | 1号機 | 冷温停止 |
2号機 | 起動直後で原子炉温度100℃未満 | ||
3号機 | 冷温停止 | ||
日本原子力発電 | 東海第二原発 | 冷温停止 |
※ 福島第一の4号機は緊急停止した11機には入っていないが火災が発生したので追加した。5,6号機は定期点検中で運転していなかったが、3/21報道で冷温停止したので追加した。
福島の全6機についての詳細な表→ http://www.hattori-ryoichi.gr.jp/blog/
#!/usr/bin/env gosh (use chaton.client) (use gauche.parameter) (use gauche.parseopt) (use gauche.process) (use gauche.threads) (use util.list) (use util.match) (define-class <chaton-config> () ((client :init-keyword :client :accessor client-of :init-value #f) (url :init-keyword :url :accessor url-of :init-value #f) (npath :init-keyword :npath :accessor npath-of :init-value #f) (ipath :init-keyword :ipath :accessor ipath-of :init-value #f))) (define *chaton-config* (make-parameter (make <chaton-config> :client "ChatonRadar" :url "http://practical-scheme.net/chaton/gauche" :npath "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify" :ipath "/Users/yasuyuki/Downloads/chaton-room-gauche.gif"))) (define (send-notify npath ipath title message) (process-output->string (list #?=npath "--image" #?=ipath "-t" #?=title "-m" #?=message))) (define (radar-handler response) (when (pair? response) (let1 content (assoc-ref response 'content) (match content [((name (sec mil) body) ... ) (for-each (cut send-notify (npath-of (*chaton-config*)) (ipath-of (*chaton-config*)) <> <>) name body)]))) #f) (define (show-help progname) (print #`",|progname| [-c conf-file]")) (define (read-config cfile) (let* ((sx (and cfile (call-with-input-file cfile (cut read <>)))) (url (and sx (assoc-ref sx 'url))) (npath (and sx (assoc-ref sx 'npath))) (ipath (and sx (assoc-ref sx 'ipath))) (conf (*chaton-config*))) (when url (set! (url-of conf) url)) (when npath (set! (npath-of conf) npath)) (when ipath (set! (ipath-of conf) ipath)) (*chaton-config* conf))) (define (main args) (let-args (cdr args) ((cfile "c|conf=s" => (cut read-config <>)) (help "h|help" => (cut show-help <>))) (let1 client (chaton-connect (url-of (*chaton-config*)) (client-of (*chaton-config*)) radar-handler) (thread-join! (ref client 'observer-thread)))))
#!/usr/bin/env gosh (use gauche.parameter) (use gauche.parseopt) (use gauche.process) (use rfc.http) (use rfc.uri) (use srfi-27) (use text.tree) (use util.list) (use util.match) (define-class <chaton-config> () ((client :init-keyword :client :accessor client-of :init-value #f) (url :init-keyword :url :accessor url-of :init-value #f) (login :init-keyword :login :accessor login-of :init-value #f) (npath :init-keyword :npath :accessor npath-of :init-value #f) (ipath :init-keyword :ipath :accessor ipath-of :init-value #f))) (define *chaton-config* (make-parameter (make <chaton-config> :client "ChatonRader" :url "http://practical-scheme.net/chaton/gauche" :login "http://practical-scheme.net/chaton/gauche/apilogin" :npath "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify" :ipath "/Users/yasuyuki/Downloads/chaton-room-gauche.gif"))) (define (make-mime alist) (let1 boundary (format "boundary-~a" (number->string (* (random-integer (expt 2 64)) (sys-time) (sys-getpid)) 36)) (values (tree->string `(,(map (lambda (k&v) `("\r\n--",boundary"\r\n" "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"",(car k&v)"\"\r\n\r\n" ,(x->string (cdr k&v)))) alist) "\r\n--",boundary"--\r\n")) boundary))) (define (POST room-url uri params) (receive (host path) (host&path uri) (receive (body boundary) (make-mime params) (receive (status hdrs body) (http-post host path body :mime-version "1.0" :content-type #`"multipart/form-data; boundary=,boundary") (unless (equal? status "200") (cerrf room-url "POST to ~a failed with ~a" uri status)) (safe-parse room-url body))))) (define (host&path uri) (receive (scheme specific) (uri-scheme&specific uri) (receive (host path q f) (uri-decompose-hierarchical specific) (values host path)))) (define (safe-parse room-url text) (guard (e [(<read-error> e) (cerrf room-url "invalid reply from server: ~s" reply)]) ;;(print text) (read-from-string text))) (define (cerrf room-url fmt . args) (apply errorf <chaton-error> :room-url room-url fmt args)) (define-condition-type <chaton-error> <error> (room-url #f)) (define (send-notify config name body) (let ((client (client-of config)) (npath (npath-of config)) (ipath (ipath-of config))) (process-output->string (list npath "-t" name "-m" body)))) (define (fetch comet-uri pos cid) (receive (host path) (host&path comet-uri) (receive (code head body) (http-get host #`",|path|?s=1&t=,(sys-time)&p=,|pos|&c=,|cid|") (let* ((sx (call-with-input-string body (cut read <>))) (pos2 (assoc-ref sx 'pos)) (cid2 (assoc-ref sx 'cid)) (text (assoc-ref sx 'text))) (match text [((name (sec mil) body) ...) (for-each (cut send-notify (*chaton-config*) <> <>) name body)]) (fetch comet-uri pos2 cid2))))) (define (show-help progname) (print #`",|progname| [-c conf-file]")) (define (read-config cfile) (let* ((sx (and cfile (call-with-input-file cfile (cut read <>)))) (url (and sx (assoc-ref sx 'url))) (login (and sx (assoc-ref sx 'login))) (npath (and sx (assoc-ref sx 'npath))) (ipath (and sx (assoc-ref sx 'ipath))) (conf (*chaton-config*))) (when url (set! (url-of conf) url)) (when login (set! (login-of conf) login)) (when npath (set! (npath-of conf) npath)) (when ipath (set! (ipath-of conf) ipath)) (*chaton-config* conf))) (define (main args) (let-args (cdr args) ((cfile "c|conf=s" => (cut read-config <>)) (help "h|help" => (cut show-help <>))) (and-let* ((sx (POST (url-of (*chaton-config*)) (login-of (*chaton-config*)) (list (cons "who" (client-of (*chaton-config*)))))) (post-uri #?=(assoc-ref sx 'post-uri)) (comet-uri #?=(assoc-ref sx 'comet-uri)) (cid (assoc-ref sx 'cid)) (pos (assoc-ref sx 'pos))) (fetch comet-uri pos cid))))
ex. chaton-chaton.conf
((url . "http://practical-scheme.net/chaton/chaton") (login . "http://practical-scheme.net/chaton/chaton/apilogin"))
LL Ring 2006へのネタ出し
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Kahuaプロジェクトでは、IPAの「オープンソフトウエア活用基盤整備事業」の 支援を受けて、アプリケーションサーバフレームワークKahuaを開発しています。
当セミナーでは、kahuaの基盤となるオープンソースのScheme処理系Gaucheと Kahuaについて、Kahuaの基本コンセプトである 「継続ベースの Web アプリケーション」を中心に据えて、 デモと解説をご覧いただきます。
2004年2月13日(金) 13:30〜16:30 (受付開始 13:00)
東京都文京区本駒込 文京グリーンコート 16階 IPA 第三 第四会議室 (地図)
2004年2月12日(木)まで (ただし、定員になり次第締め切ります)
下記の内容を必ずご記入のうえ、 セミナー告知ページの申込フォームで送信するか、 seminar@kahua.orgまでお送りください。
Kahuaプロジェクト info@kahua.org