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11.15 srfi.64 - A Scheme API for test suites

Module: srfi.64

This module defines API to write a portable test suite. In Gauche, it is adapted to work with gauche.test native test framework (see gauche.test - Unit Testing).

If SRFI-64 tests are run during gauche.test the tests becomes a part of the whole gauche.test suite.

The recommended way is to write a test suite in pure srfi-64, then include it from the gauche test script:

(use gauche.test)
(test-start "the tests")
;; portable test
(include "test-suite-in-srfi-64")

;; gauche-specific test, if needed


If test-suite-in-srfi-64.scm is run by itself, it uses SRFI-64’s default reporting system. If it is run within gauche.test script, the results are reported via gauche.test, consolidated with other Gauche test results.

11.15.1 Test runner

In SRFI-64, tests are run with an active test runner which collects test results and emits reports. It allows users to provide custom runners to handle tailored reports suitable to the specific tests.

Test runner object

Record: test-runner


Function: test-runner? obj


Parameter: test-runner-current


Function: test-runner-get


Function: test-runner-simple


Function: test-runner-null


Function: test-runner-factory :optional factory


Running tests with a specified runner

Function: test-apply [runner] specifier … procedure


Macro: test-with-runner runner decl-or-expr …


Latest result properties

A runner holds a single alist to keep the latest result properties. Except the result-kind property, which is set by every basic test procedures, the usage of properties are up to the test runner and/or test writer.

Function: test-result-clear runner


Function: test-result-ref runner pname :optional default


Function: test-result-set! runnre pname value


Function: test-result-remove runner pname


Function: test-result-alist runner


Function: test-result-kind :optional runner


Function: test-passed? :optional runner


Keeping track of test status

Function: test-runner-pass-count runner
Function: test-runner-fail-count runner
Function: test-runner-xpass-count runner
Function: test-runner-xfail-count runner
Function: test-runner-skip-count runner


Function: test-runner-test-name runner


Function: test-runner-group-path runner


Function: test-runner-group-stack runner


Function: test-runner-aux-value runner
Function: test-runner-aux-value! runner value


Function: test-runner-reset runner



Function: test-runner-on-test-begin runner
Function: test-runner-on-test-begin! runner proc


Function: test-runner-on-test-end runner
Function: test-runner-on-test-end! runner proc


Function: test-runner-on-group-begin runner
Function: test-runner-on-group-begin! runner proc


Function: test-runner-on-group-end runner
Function: test-runner-on-group-end! runner proc


Function: test-runner-on-bad-count runner
Function: test-runner-on-bad-count! runner proc


Function: test-runner-on-bad-end-name runner
Function: test-runner-on-bad-end-name! runner proc


Function: test-runner-on-final runner
Function: test-runner-on-final! runner proc


Function: test-on-test-begin-simple runner
Function: test-on-test-end-simple runner
Function: test-on-group-begin-simple runner
Function: test-on-group-end-simple runner
Function: test-on-bad-count-simple runner actual-count expected-count
Function: test-on-bad-end-name-simple runner begin-name end-name


11.15.2 Test API

Test grouping

SRFI-64 tests can be grouped, and groups can be nested.

Function: test-begin suite-name :optional count


Function: test-end :optional suite-name


Function: test-group suite-name body …


Function: test-group-with-cleanup suite-name body … cleanup


Individual tests

Macro: test-assert [test-name] expr


Macro: test-eqv [test-name] expected test-expr
Macro: test-eq [test-name] expected test-expr
Macro: test-equal [test-name] expected test-expr


Macro: test-approximate [test-name] extected test-expr margin


Macro: test-error [[test-name] error-type] test-expr


Function: test-read-eval-string string


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For Gauche 0.9.15Search (procedure/syntax/module):